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Your Blood...It's Intoxicating (Brit)

Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She stayed still as he cleaned her off, and then shifted back to her human, stretching out slightly and placing a hand on her stomach. “I wonder if Naomi will be pregnant around the same time as I..” she spoke more to herself than anything else.

Naomi hadn’t found out, but yes, she was pregnant around the same time as her sister, except she was carrying triplets and didn’t know quite yet.

(Fixed! Naomi has the triplets, Sophia has Carrack. Back on track. We had been rp’ing Sophia and Maladict before this post I made, I am the one who typed the wrong names lol)
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Maladict smiled, kissing Sophia once she'd shifted "Mmm... Perhaps she will. But for now..." He moved down and squeezed one of her breasts, wondering if she'd developed enough to lactate...

Kazimir was gently playing with Naomi's breasts, sat upon his throne as he worried her nipples with his sharp teeth, drawing little drips of blood to suckle from "Mmm... I can't wait until you finally swell with my children... And then these melons swell with Milk" He teased her, knowing she was just as impatient for that to occur.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(hey you up for a new rp idea? I have a few going with newcomers atm and I was thinking of an au for one of them, that you may like)

Maladict would hear her moan out softly from his teasing and she blushed a little, "H-hey..I don't have milk just yet!" she squeaked out, but knew Mala, and he would probably spell her to do so..

Naomi moaned from Kazimir's teasing and she leaned into his touch, giggling softly from his words, "What, impatient are we?" although she was just as impatient as he was.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(I'm kinda... brain melted ATM. Maybe later)

Mala laughed softly, before doing exactly what she thought he would "Oh? And how about now, my sweet?" He teased her as he began to drink the milk that slipped forth.

Kazimir nodded to her words "Oh, desperately my darling. As I know you are too... But then, we cannot rush these things... You will have my children when you have them, and not a moment before."
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Lol it's okay, I understand)

Sophia couldn't help but moan as Maladict spelled her, blushing a little. "T-That's not fair," she moaned again, but didn't seem to be angry at him.

Naomi blushed further, and then she asked, "I'm assuming you will be breeding me night and day then?" but she already knew the answer.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mala laughed as she moaned about it being unfair "Oh? And when have I ever been fair, my pet?" He teased her more, his teeth worrying her nipple and eventually drawing blood to mix with her milk.

Kazimir tilted his head and nodded to her words "Oh, of course..." He replied, before leaning in and biting her neck, starting to drink her blood before gasping and pausing "Wh... Wha... You... Taste different..."
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
"I-I guess you have..have a point," he would hear her moan out, leaning forwards for him to have easier access.

Naomi blushed from the bite, and even more so from his words.. "Then..I must be with child," she spoke, wondering if her wolf form would show her pregnant belly- or if it was too soon..
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she leant forward he grinned, reaching down to rub her slit as well "Mmm... Good girl... Moan more..."

Kaz nodded slowly, gently picking her up and holding her close "My sweet mate... My perfect mate..." He murmured into her ear "I knew this day would come... But now it's here I..." He stuttered and grasped for the words, before looking into her eyes "You... are so perfect for me..."
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“An-anything for you..!” She cried out happily, Sophia a blushing and wet mess for Maladict.

Naomi grinned from ear to ear from his words, thankful that he was just as happy and excited as she was. Naomi leaned forward and kissed him, “I can only hope that our children will be just as handsome as their father,” she murmured out in a soft tease, wondering how he’d take it.

(They get three mini Kazimirs XD)
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mala grinned as she cried out, feeling her dripping slit and moving his head down to start licking it clean.

Kazimir smiled as she spoke, nodding his head "Only if they share your kindness and inner beauty." He replied to her with a smirk, wanting to make her blush with his compliments.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia cried out more for him, the feeling of his tongue on her slit made her hips move a little- bucking up against his mouth every now and then, clearly enjoying herself.

Naomi blinked and gave a soft mumble, "I- well..you don't have tos say it like that.." she spoke shyly in return, her cheeks stained pink once more.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mala grinned as she cried out for him, his tongue diving deeper inside her body as she bucked around "Good girl... Fill my mouth with your sweetness..." He murmured into her.

Kazimir grinned wider as she blushed and mumbled "Oh? But it's truthful my darling... And when it comes to you, I love to tell the truth and make you blush..." He teased.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He didn't have to tell her twice. And she did just that, enjoying every movement from his tongue- her sweetness spraying out for him- nearly drenching his face in her cum.

Naomi's blush deepened further, the feeling of his words made her warm from the inside. "Oh you jest..truly..do you love me that much?" she asked a bit shyly.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she squirted over his face he laughed, pulling away and wiping himself clean of her juices, making her lap it up "There we go, drink..." He told her, before letting her lie back and rest, if she wanted.

Kazimir nodded to her words, leaning in and nibbling her neck gently "Of course, my darling... You are my perfect mate, and I will always love you, as much as you will always be mine..."
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She panted and did as he thought she would. "A-Ah..Mala...that was wonderful," she breathed out to him with a blush on her face.

She smiled a little from that and leaned into his embrace more. Naomi was just happy to be here with him.

(also, when would you like to move from the girls to the triplets and Carrack? We should also incorporate the pack somewhere in here too to follow our original thread.. Perhaps this time though instead of being abandoned, Carrack, when he's old enough wants to join the pack for whatever reason?)
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mala smiled as she panted, seeing her blush and smiling back "My good girl..." He murmured softly "Get some rest."

Kazimir held her there, nuzzling her neck gently "Are you tired, my dear?" he asked softly.

(We could time-skip now. And Perhaps Carrack goes because Mala and Sophia are threatened?)
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Mm maybe but then again it is an AU thread so we don’t need to follow the original plot exactly. Like perhaps Lilia isn’t blind in this one? I’m fine with whatever :3)

Sophia settled in, glad to do so. “Mm..love you..” She trailed off as she began to sleep.

Naomi nodded with a yawn, “I am,” she spoke, unaware that she was carrying triplets. She had no idea what would hold in store for her family to come.

(I wanted to keep things interesting and offer a time skip :3 but we don’t have to time skip and leave these characters yet- T-T I forgot to add Naomi and Sophia in my character threads ! But if I’m retiring them..)
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(Timeskips up to you, really. If you wanna we can, if you wanna stick with Sophia and Naomi we can. Don't mind either way)

Maladict smiled, nuzzling her neck as she drifted off, kissing the mark softly.

Kazimir smiled, pulling her to the bed and laying her down beside him, making sure she was comfortable as she fell asleep.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I already added those characters O-o guess I just forgot lol dummy brain, and I did mention their sons in my inactive character sheet..@-@ this is confusing to keep track.. Mm perhaps a little longer for them then)

It had been some time, and Sophia kept having nightmares. She had woke in the middle of the night crying out about her child- clutching her heavily swollen belly with her hands, panting hard.

Naomi, not surprisingly had swelled up like a tick about to burst- and she had to shift into her wolf form to accommodate her growing size. The doctors had guessed three fetuses inside of her- and they were growing alarmingly fast considering half of their blood had vampire lineage in it. She currently was stretched out on the soft bed, her paws hanging up in the air slightly, her pussy was swollen a little. Her tail had hid this mostly but Kazimir would be able to scent her out easily.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(Won't lie, this is entirely the reason I don't bother to make a character thread XD I've got so many I'd get mixed up)

Maladict had gotten used to it at this point, and was awake almost instantly, holding her close and whispering reassurances into her ear, promising she'd be fine, and their child would be safe.

Kaz sniffed the air as Naomi lay there, a smirk forming across his face as he moved closer "Mmm... Does someone want something?" He asked, gently stroking her belly as he did so, his hand not drifting to her slit just yet.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(To me it's worth it, the pain of it all to make sure I don't re-use a character, but I've had two cassandras on two different threads lol)

And she calmed down, like every other time, squeezing her eyes shut and taking a breath every now and then. She then opened her eyes to look at him. "I know..it's just..the same nightmare again and again.." she tells him next.

Naomi wriggled a little at the stroke of his hand. Her teats were full of milk too, and she glanced up at him. "Mm..you scented me out," she gave him a grin full of her canines. She let her tail fall down to the bed and then she stretched a little. "Mm..do what you want..I just want relief.." she tells him next.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(That is more than fair.)

Maladict nodded to her, still stroking her gently to help her calm down "I know, I know... It won't happen, I promise you..." He murmured softly, before offering his neck "Drink, my pretty... You need the strength."

Kazimir smirked as she spoke, seeing her smile "Oh, it wasn't hard." He told her, before moving to start suckling from her milk filled teats, a slight sigh on his lips "This is much more fun when it's two big ones..." He murmured, just loud enough for her to hear, even as he began to drink from her.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia nodded to Mala, and went to do so, only drinking what she needed. When she was finished she pulled back and looked to him. "Thank you.." she mentioned softly.

She couldn't help but moan at the feeling. "Mm..that may be so..but remember how many I am carrying..." Naomi reminded him softly.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Sophia nodded to him, giving a small sigh and closing her eyes as he laid her back down and kissed her neck. “I just hope the delivery goes by quickly..”

Naomi gave a small sigh, “Okay, I’ll change back..but, if I deliver three pups while in my human form..” she added, wondering how that would go. Soon, she shifted, her stomach swollen significantly, her breasts were filled to the brim- surely something Kazimir would enjoy.
Local Time:
1:58 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mala nodded "I'm sure it will, Sophia..." He promised softly, nuzzling her neck and holding her close again "Trust me, my sweet darling."

Kazimir smirked as he watched her shift "Oh? Well thank you, honey." He murmured, moving close and attaching to her breast, starting to gulp down her milk with a soft moan of his own, wanting to be quick so she could change back as she desired.
Local Time:
5:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She trusted him and seemed to relax more, nuzzling up against him as well. Sophia seemed a bit content and began to drift back off to sleep.

Naomi moaned as Kaz latched on to a swollen nipple of hers, and she went to touch on his head gently, closing her eyes. “T-That feels nice..” she murmured out softly.
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