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Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in the pit, and becoming both the seed bed, and first time partner for these younger brutes. Ollette would be lost in a blissful assault upon all her senses. as the four younger beasts were filling her mouth, using her breast, flooding her already stretched and well abused sex. the sensation growing all the more intense by the moment. to the point her feet almost seemed to kick weakly, her fingers able to grasp, or touch the creatures if she wanted. all the while the hot thick seed could be both tasted, and felt rushing down her throat. This camp had become quiet the gold mine for her lewd monster hungering state.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she choked down the thick loads from above, her kicking feet catching on e the spines, curling her toes around the hardened spikes as she was bucking and her insides were milking the brute wildly, her very being battered and weary, yet still her cumdrunk spirit lusted for more. her hips rose up, pushing on the Nido as she started to cum, her mouth popping out the garchomo as she howled in her wild pleasures. the girl went limp as her body was numbed into complete defeat. Her eyes rolled back in her head, his mouth agape as she clutched onto the beast with her legs tighter, feeling its poisonous spines nip into her skin.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she would finally pass out, Olette would come to later, as a young looking lady would be standing over her. having treated Ollette for the poison her body took from the pricks during the pit session. as well as how she had her belly pumped, thus emptying it from all the precious fluid her very core would naturally need to heal herself. however the medical camp tenant did not know this. as such the medical treatment would cause ollette to feel a new kind of heat in her core. one for the poison type specifically, as if needed to absorb it' seed, and poison alike. as such would allow her to develop immunity slowly. for now she could rest, as the medical maiden looked like a dark red headed one eyed variant of a nurse joy.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette's eyes opened up, unsure of when she had blacked out...the aching all over her body making her groan softly as she sat up. Her belly was flat, but she rubbed her palms over it slowly as she felt so empty. "W-what happened-" she mumbled as she tried to shift out of the bed. "What did you do-"
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The red headed nurse would move to sit next to ollette, as she took the young lady's hand. a gentle smile on the one eyed girl's face.

"Do not threat, we got you removed as soon as possible. It is amazing that you endured so much exposure to the venomous barbs of that little Nidorino, and the Nidoran. we had to pump all the fluid out of her, and give your body some antidotes. "

as she said this, unaware of it, however the fact is. she had removed the precious monster seed from Ollette, which meant more damage for the young lady then help, as her body absorbed the seed to heal, and grow more durable, and resilient to toxins, and other risks, thus the more she absorbed the wider variety of monsters she could breed with safely. however something like this was unknown to most, if she had figured it out herself was yet to be revealed.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Where did you-" she flushed slightly. "Where did you put it-" she said trying to hide her disappointment in the fact she got her stomach emptied. Then again, she assumed no women that got in this camp for being an absolute degenerate. "Will I be okay?" She said as she looked up the the nurse, noticing her missing eye and patch.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"AS long as you take care sweety, and give the boys a good show while caring for the beasts, everything will be fine for your stay. besides I pumped and got rid of all that vile fluid for you, so your body can heal nice and strong. " as she said this, almost sounding like a motherly like figure, the nurse had no idea that she had caused more pain for the young lady by doing so. slowing down Olette's adaptation, and self healing which her body had been doing from absorbing the monster seed thus far.

as this went on, she would soon begin to sense something a bit odd, as if a small lust emblem would begin to glow with in her, as it was no longer able to absorb the fluid she had been collecting. thus now it was healing her internally with the side effect of driving Ollette into a heated, and needy state. which would start like a discomfort but if not taken care off could make her feel like a feral beast with in a few hours. unaware that this would also be a side effect of her digital partner having evolved else where and was now tracking her down. the feline champion level monster moving to her location would take some time, however she could tap into it's feral agility, and flexibility if she went into a feral enough state herself, as the unique link for a digital tamer, and her partner went both ways. still thinking her digimon partner was an unknown little pokemon which was missing from her location, or perhaps forgotten for the moment with so many monstrous studs in need of her attentionin this camp field.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette shivered slightly as the nurse called the monster seed she personally collected 'Vile'...no that wasn't the only reason. She felt a strange feeling, something that wasn't wholly unpleasant, but it felt just off. "I-its okay, to leave it in...its safer that way." She said as she hugged herself, the shiver lessening slightly. "The boys can't do something stupid if their nasty little swimmers can't get past a gallon of monster milk." She said as if she simply had some kind of clever idea...rather than just a thing for getting filled by the Beasts about the camp.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Hmm, well I guess that is true, however would you truly feel ok moving around, like a pregnant little penguin, while being abused by so many others?"
as she asked this, the red headed, one eyed nurse did not disagree, but instead seemed to think this was a creative way to use these men's sick desires against them. as she would move to gently place a hand on Olette's head, as she smiled and spoke softly.

"for now you can rest up, and remain here, I am sure the boss will not need to make you work the pits until your stronger again. and between the two of us, I say the monsters in those pits are much more enjoyable lovers then these brutes which run the camp. " as she said this, turning to walk out, revealing to Olette that this nurse had been tainted by monster seed herself, however unlike Olette she was not built for it, which showed. as her body had signs of scarring and slow healing, which were partially hidden by the outfit she wore. however unlike her, Olette's body could fully heal, and practically reset her condition as long as she absorbed monster seed.

once she would be left alone, it would allow Ollete to choose to ether take this chance to rest, come up with some kind of plans for her own actions, or even if she felt brave enough sneak out, and try to find some larger stud to sate her growing desire, preferably something as potent as Mr. beefy in the pit she was removed from?
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette shuddered as the nurse spoke about waddling about like a pregnant empoleon, the shiver running down between her legs slowly and settling. The idea made her pussy moisten almost instantly. Ofcourse she would be happy like that, that was her most content way to live! The nurse touched her head, snapping her wandering mind from the happy thoughts that were oddly...more stirring than usual. As the nurse agreed with her, she flushed darker as she marveled st her scars. "You've been treated well" she mumbled as she began to notice more, the marks that she could pick outt from her recent pit adventures. "They liked you so much they marked you" she longed to herself, letting a bit more of her true self slip through, feeling this woman might be a kindred spirit, a sister to covet monster cock with. As the nurse left her to mend, Olette would bite her lip as the heat between her legs only seemed to worsen, her lips swelling , tingling. "Whats wrong girl?" She whispered as she opened her legs, touching herself only the nearly buck upwards from the slight stimulation. "Ha~fuck~" she hissed as she striked her slit softly, knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop now that she star r Ed, hoping that she could finish herself....but tge more shge worked, the hotter it felt, the fire spreading through her, making her temperature rise. "Oh-oh no- hngg-nedd- more-" she whlhimpefed out in defeat as she flopped on the bed, sweating from her effort. She'd shift out to climb to a crawl, low to the ground to slink frim the medical tent. She wouldn't be long.. she just needed a little bit! One round! She'd be back in the bed like nothing happened!
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now giving into her newly forming instincts, and the growing heat to drive her. the Crawl slowly turned more into a feral like movement on all fours. her body soon positioned as if she was a feral predator, her ass a bit higher then her back, her head low, and eyes soon able to almost laser focus on any movement near her. however if she did not pick the right target, any bush could lead her to ether a group of humans, or some wild life studs or camp site giant studs. giving her a one out of 4 chance to get what she wanted, and two of the potential targets to crawl into view of would put her into view of the riled up men. however if she dared to follow the tracks of her nurse. risking getting caught, she might discover the nurse's own personal stable, which housed a few exotic playmates as well.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she took the low, cat like stance, not even noticing her posture was much more flexible and the ease of her stalking crawl. Her urges nagged on, making her hips swaying, shaking her ass in the air as she began to sneak after the nurses trail, curious what she had to offer, and if she could sneak a little taste herself.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving in such a manor, Olette would be able to follow the Red headed nurse to a large, and rather beat up, but well secured Pen. One which she pulled a key out of her braw to unlock the front door. however as soon as she managed to open it, what looked like several different kind of appendages would suddenly grasp her, causing the all lady to get yanked in with a gasp and a giggle. as the doors would come close on their own. leaving an escaped shoe on the ground as proof that she had been outside the door.


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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the nurse was whisked into the pen, Olette rushed forward towards the pen doors, crouching beside the entrance to peak inside. She wanted to rush in, but her self preservation kicked in, knowing that she needed to know what kind of monster that she was dealing with before she spread her legs for it.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she looked in to see the evolved form of a tengela, a Tangrowth, and the odd electric anthro feline, Zeraora, as the two were enjoying the nurse. as she was abound in the vines. while the feline's thick barbed member stretched, scraped and filled her to a screaming degree, while her mouth, ass were both filled with multiple tendrils, her breast tightly bound, coiled, and teased, as her hands feet, legs, arms, and waist all getting rubbed, and slimed on by the breeding tendrils of this mass of tendrils, and growths, as it revealed all these growing appendages could be used for breeding. it was quiet the show, however if she made even the slightest sound with in the pen, two more of the felines would show themselves from the upper floor, ready to pounce upon her, and pin her down, for now they would be waiting for their turn with the nurse.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette watched the scen unfolding before her very eyes, her body tingling with envy...and other dirty feelings as the nurse was coiled up and getting abused. Her beloved Victreebel certainly could do the same to her, her eyes fell on the exotic electric feline, one she didn't recognize...but she wouldn't mind getting a close reference. She shifted further, slinking into the pen quietly to get a better look at the nurse in action. Her brave sister in arms, letting monster use her for their pleasure, even without the benefits Olette had.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Sneaking in, easily unnoticed for the moment in time, Olette would see the impressive, barbed spear from afar. as it scraped in and pulled out of the woman, who squealed, and moaned with her gagged voice. from several thick cock like tendrils taking turns to over fill her mouth and throat. her eyes wide, with tear stains from the strain, all the more, the way her hands stretched out, her palms grasping and stroking at the very thick tendrils which snaked around her up and into her palms. as smaller ones coiled around her finger, and worked her digits as if trying to jerk them off like tiny cocks. the same could be seen to some degree with how they snaked along her legs, and moved upon the flat of her feet, and between her curling and unfolding toes. her knees and elbows being used for some thick oozing tips as well, all the while the breast albeit smaller then Olette's own, were tightly hugged around the based, as two smaller vines snaked up to assault the erect, and very enlarged nipples. it was quiet the sight, as two thicker spiral, and bulbous vine like tendrils double stuffed her ass, all the while the faint heat of the electric feline could be felt.

the closer she got the more enjoyable the sight would seem, not just for the parties involved by for the audience as well. however it would take one noise, be it a miss step, or even a pleased verbal sound to finally alert the two Zeraora's in the rafters above to pounce upon her. for they were lost watching the show and waiting for their turn with the red headed, one eyed nurse.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She chewed Helen lip as she watched the nurse being used all over, the tangling vibes seeming to be lookin for any surface they could to stroke a nut with. Her hips rose higher as her heart hammered in her chest, watching, her breathing getting heavier as ger body tangled and ached. She let out a faint whinper, not even able to hold it in must despite how she tried. Her pussy felt like it was burning up little by little, no, she fekr hit all over. She was sweating, starting to reach down to play with herself again.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
No longer able to resist, as the show went on, the two fellow electrical felines would soon drop down from above. at ether side of Ollette. as she would quickly find one of the grasping her arms, as it pulled her tours the feline's own body, while the one behind her, moved to grasp her hips, and upper thighs. it was swift, and precise, how she felt the two position her to spit roast her, between them, as well as how they were sending small electrical shocks through her body with how their paw like hands held her. as if naturally hitting her with very weak thunder shocks to cause her senses to become more sensitive, and heighten. however the thick large, barbed cocks would be the new experience for her. they were not the kind made to be used on a human, but the thin long barbs would give a new experience once they scraped along her inner tight flesh, as one would skull fuck her, the other pussy rape her.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Beasts seized her , dropping around the sweet smelling female, they found her complaint as they grab onto her....so much so that her mouth fell open and her legs spread to accept them without even a sound of fear. Afterall. She was here to get filled. Getting filled and electrocuted....well, she wouldn't might a little shock therapy. Her tongue hung on as the current shocked put o her, making her vibrate as theor muscles seized, paralyzed by theor contact 'Eh-?!" She mewled as her eyes flicked up, seeing the meat spear coming in to play.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the combination of the small shocks, her tight ass, and throat getting slammed, well more so her cunt, as her ass cheeks rippled, with each thrust. the sensation of how the barbs dug into her tender inner flesh, like an odd message going in, and a many small pulling hooks when coming out. however they would be sparking with pleasure, which would soon only get better once the two both began to purr. the vibrations from their purring could be felt pushing through her entire body, from both end, as well as the minor shock therapy. if not for her unique abilities from all the pokemon seed she took prior, this could prove far more painful then the pleasuring which was not inflicting upon her. melting Ollette's senses with new kind of abusive pleasure, all the while she could now see the source of some of those scars on the red head's body. as it would match these claws flawlessly, however these wild kittens were kept in this pen for the nurse's personal use, and she had snuck in, and stolen two of her healer's playmates, or perhaps they stole her?
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the felines dug their claws into her, the poor trainer was vibrating abd twitching as the two beads dug their barbs into her, their two ends passing electricity through her at a higher charger than the Pikachu or the Zebrak that used her. Her hair stood on emd slowly as she mewled as moaned, her toes and hand curling unto fists as her muscles teased frim the charge s . As they held her place, scratch and rutted her holes. She was too busy getting off on the sparking shocks to be concerned if she was developing a kink of being inflicted by paralysis...or poisons...or whatever else a monster could do inside her. Her tongue ached, fighting the twitching paralysis to curl and push Uncommon the shadtbthatvwas trying to dominate her throat, giving it extra cushioning to treat her new friend well while it's companion was smacking into her ass cheeks, the sound deep and noisy...her assets clapping noitibly in comparison the her nurse.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Unlike the thinner, and much more petite nurse, well petite in comparison to Ollette, she could be stealing these studs this night, however now she had a sister in arms to help keep the monsters cared for, and the human men, blue balled. for now it would begin, as the first thick load would spew into her, down the young trainer's throat, and up into her womb. the belly expanding slightly from the first dual load. these studs gave incredible pleasure, but unlike the ones prior, they lacked proper experience, which was expected, due to their partner's lack of endurance. now they had a woman who would out last them in this case, and allow their feral needs to be fully sated finally. for as these two were finishing with their loads in her, Ollette's lustful eyes would begin to see the nurse, and her two partners starting to take a break, as the tangrowth's tendrils continued to tease, and feel her body, but no longer was her holes, being abused like they were prior. as the three would lay their. however if this was going on, perhaps, Ollette would be able to lure the plant stud to join her with these two, if she wanted more fun?
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The the first loads gushed into Plettee, her intense heat was cut down...nit that it kept her from squeezing and sucking on both ends with any muscle control she could regain from the constant shocks. Her hands shook, forcing themselves to open slowly to grab the beast by that haunches and pull ot, making it fuck her face harder as she learned in the direction of the other monsters that were winding down on their nurse , giving her a break,. She muffled a moan, hooking a leg around the other felines hip as she tried to wave Eltham over with the other. Afterall...she had another hole to fill.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as this heated up all the more, Ollette had seemed to find herself a new favorite size of a playmate. not as big as Mr. Beefy but much rougher, faster, and the added electrical bonus made it all the more filling as her muscles tightened naturally around them with every spark through her system, plus the incredible pleasure enhancing vibrations from the purring they both released. More then just that, the way her legs could easily lock around the small stud behind her, and her hands grasping and pulling the one in front of her, into her face. Ollette was in a position where she was the helpless, dangling plaything impaled on both ends, but her actions made her appear to be the more aggressive, and dominant partner, as she took control of the pace, and began to show these two studs, what a real experienced monster lover could offer them. as they were used to their nurse, and trainer, who sated them normally. one who was on the end of her limits already. which would leave her two current playmates unsated, but knowing her limit they would let her recover before another round. unlike these two, who could be felt, getting nervous, thinking they were gonna do to much damage to Ollette, despite how she was the one draining them dry at this point.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the monsters seemed to act up, Olettes well attuned holes could almost tell they were a bit skittish inside her. They were having fun...but seemed to be expecting something, slowing a little on both sides. Olette's brow furrowed gently, but she figured the young beasts were simply getting used to a new set of tight holes still. She wrapped her arms around the Beasts hips, lurching her face into its lap harder, practically fucking hee own face, gurgling and drooling . The nurse forced to listen to the most lewd of gulping desperation. A young woman with absolutely no sense of shame in herself, willing to choke down every inch if cock thst beat into her maw as long as the monster that owned it was having its fullest fun. She wasn't merely some girl with a freaky side, she was completely in her true element. Olettes legs dragged in the other, slapping her rump against its pelvis harder and harder, swishing her hips, pushing it to grapple onto her harder, even if it had to use its claws to gain control of the bitch that was going g to milk it. This one was more durable than their sweet nurse, she could take their needs.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the scenario heated up all the quicker, her aggressive, and enjoyable nature over whelming the impressively hunged electro kits now fucking her face, and plump cunt. all the while Ollette's eyes would be able to glance between face smacking into pelvis, the nurse passed out, and being gently handled, and snuggled by her two partners. thus revealing what these two were use to, having to give their partner gentle care, and proper breaks, however these two would find, ollette a beast of a whole knew level. as she would milk both of them dry in no time with her increased aggressive gusto. All the more, she would feel how their cocks suddenly began to throb, swell, and practically triple in size with in her tight welcoming depths. showing off, just how much they had been holding back, from being used to a more fragile, yet loving partner in the one eyed, red head.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As theyvseelled up inside of her, feeling the pulsing expansion of flesh as they ramped up inside if her. Olettes wildness only burned hitter as they grew, revealing all the rough passion they had to work out. Inside her. She was being honored with these young beasts gluttonous needs, to use a pair of holes as they really needed, instead of playing to a weaker partner. Hopefully Olette didn't teach them any bad habits that the nurse couldn't keep up with. Her throat bulged as she nuzzle her face into the felines body, rubbing it's tail as she let the other pump her forward, her voice barely audible now
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally the two studs would suddenly seem to fall, their knees hitting the ground, as the were soon tuckered out. their body's still erect, and fully ripe for Ollette to continue to enjoy. all the while, she had now tired out these two studs which had her dangling between them only moments earlier. however now she could ether help herself and finish up with the milking of these two electrical felines, or she could move onto the two studs which were caring for the one eyed, red headed nurse who they had fucked into an unconscious state. as the two were taking care of her body to hopefully aid her in recovering to continue their romp before one of the men of the camp came around. Unlike Ollette, the natives of this camp knew if the nurse was found, the men would take her from the pokemon and abuse her for failing to do her job with the men, and choosing the monsters instead. However now the red headed nurse had a sister in arms with her passion for monster over men.
Local Time:
1:22 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Once Olette touched the ground, the trainer would open her eyes, seeing that the young beasts were weakened, their spirits raring abd willing, but their bodies struggling ti handle the more advanced p l anything. She pushed back with her hips, bumping the felines behind her inti uts back, and sliding her mouth off the other. S h e stood up slowly, figuring letting the younger mon catch their breath fir a moment would do them good as sge crawled slowly towards the Nurse, grabbing the woman's ankles abd pulling her kegs apart to lap at the monster cum in her pussy. More so for the seed inside than any desire to play with her fellow degenerate monster lover. .but she figured the the mon would perhaps like it , seeing two toys touching. She angled herself cautiously, worming in between the nurse and the elder Kit, gently rubbing on its fluffy balls abd its meat rod.
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