Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Cleaning her up for a short while, the enjoyable sensation of the fire type's tongue along her sensitive flesh. before Ollette knew it, the beast would be done, but leaving her body tingly and needing more attention. however before she could do or say much. the young lady would find the massive paw, forcing juicy berries, and some herbs into her mouth. to force her to eat some of it.

this could be seen as the beast trying to make sure she ate, and had strength for more, unaware of how this mixture would effect her already lewd, and monster loving mind. as if trying to make her mind broken, via drug influence, even if it would only work like this after so much had been consumed, and only for a short burst once enough was in her system, as the beast still did not fully fathom this woman would be the one to rock it's horny world in the coming hours.
While she was about to reach out and start feeling around about the fire type to find out if she was working with a bigger male, the Typhlosion jammed its claws of berries and herbs into her face, forcing the meal into her mouth and crushing them up on her face. Perhaps the only time a male (monster or otherwise) had ever endeavored to be polite enough to feed her (something that wasn't a meat rod or spunk) before they had fun with her. Ollette worked her jaws, munching and swallowing the meal up. "Mm-trying to butter me up huh? think you got to work hard on the first date?" she panted as she wiped the juice off her face with the back of her hand.
easily misunderstanding the actual desired effect of this action, the beast would lick her cheeks gently, and give her some warm soft nuzzles, before repeating the process, until she had four healthy paws worth in her. thus making quiet a large meal for a tiny woman like Ollette. however the effectiveness of the mix would begin to be felt. her mind a bit fuzzy, her body heated even more then normal. However little did the fire type know, where a normal woman would become a heated, and ripe, albeit willing doll for breeding, he was slowly letting this young lady's wild breeding instincts to come out, with out the restraints of her mind. it would be a day or two before the special meals took full effect, even if each time would only last for a short while.

as this went on, each time she ate, and got some loving, Ollette would begin to pick up the sight and scent of this beast's impressive manhood. not as large as Beefy, but a unique shape, and thickness. more then that, showing that it's attempt to butter her up was also turning it on, as if caring for a partner was a turn on for this beast, or perhaps this one was just an odd ball?
Ollette moaned as she patted her stomach and let the monster clean her up. "No more- imma little thing baby! I don't need that much!" She said, then felt her head feeling funny, everything getting fuzzy as she tilted her head , nuzzling the soft creatures fur, the feeling making her feel just so comfy and warm that she couldn't stop petting it. She was hugging on his a bitter, giggling ti herself as she was too high to think.. then she sniffed something sweaty, musky underneath her, she mouth pooling with drool slowly as she looked at its erection. Dinner and an election! Best kidnapping ever! Her eyes lit up as she reached down and grabbed on, starting to stroke on its cock, lowering her head to start slurping and locking on it almost instantly. Probably something the beast wasn't expecting so easily on the first round of drugging.
as she did this, the beast would do something a bit more unexpected, as it pulled away. only to flip Ollette over, so it could move over her. and thus fuck her throat, while eating her out. the large rough tongue, moving to lap at and tease her womanly entrance. it would be unexpected, however the fact remained, now Ollette was in a den, this powerful fully evolved fire type having fed her a meal, of berries and herbs. leaving her think it was to take care of the young lady. as she was now being fed a nice meaty dessert, while being eaten out herself. the odd shape, and length of the cock like a mix of a barbed, ridged reptilian cock, while small feline barbs just around the under side of the bulbous tip, to hook and scrape. the ridged shape, and plating like design of the warm shaft, while the shape of form of it, was almost horse like just much smaller, compared to an equine cock. a true mix which could hit differently, however unlike before. with the way her mind was now. it would seem to slowly let the image of Beefy fade from her mind the more she indulged with this beast. but a small puppy like monster would appear in her mind. softly cheering her on, and telling her to remain strong, for it will grow with her every experience. unaware if this was actual communication or perhaps her lewd mind cheering her on to do such things with out remorse.
As she was flipped, feeling the monster ramming it's strangely shaped cock down her throat, making her muffledcmoans vibrate out around it as she focused on adjusting expoloring it with her mouth, her tongue. Her legs shifted apart as the beast nuzzle its way between her thighs, it's tongue making her squeal and her sex gush. Her body squirming with excitement as she bobbed her head warmly, her hands petting against it as she began to hallucinate, seeing flickers of Salamon before her eyes, encouraging her. She had to admit, guzzling and sucking her way through this monster camp, she still missed her team of studs and buddies. While she was gaining experience, knowledge...and a few extreme kinks, she had a worry lingering if her boys were okay
Her mind struggling to think of her other boys left back at the camp, and her little odd ball monster which was some where else. however her mind becoming much more clouded, and distracted, for very soon she would feel the thick, long and wicked fire type cock in her maw swell and throb. her body preparing to take a thicker, and stronger load then she had experienced from most partners with the exception of salamon, and the nidoKing, mr. Beefy.

once her belly would find itself filled, and slightly bulging, the beast would finally pull out of her maw, and drag Ollette to the near by bedding in it's den. before moving to curl around her, and snuggle for a rest. for the young lady would find herself now being held close as if she was a comfort pillow for this beast. as it planned to force feed her some more come the next morning, and perhaps take things a bit further, unless she decides to slip out of the den once it was asleep.
Ollette was warm insides and full, glazed from thevfun and drugs that were heating up her body. Her eyes were glazed and dim as the fire type pulled out of her mouth making her feel like she was over stuffed. She yawned sleepily as she was dragged away into the sleeping chambers, the pair cuddling up. Little it the beast know that all its 'force' wasn't so unwanted, she yawned again as the warmth inside was soothing her body and she was slumped asleep before she could even dream of scampering off.
A much needed, peaceful and oddly enjoyably unexpected night passed. as Ollette would soon come to, her early morning would be greeted by the sensation of a rough tongue tickling her cheek, as the beast was still curled around her. his warmth comforting her body. However the young lady would find the beast would move to force feed her, then drag her off to the stream for a morning wash, before romping her bones once more. yet for now the morning would start gentle, and enjoyable enough until she was up, and ripe for the abuse to begin for the day.
Olette yawned as she woke up, though she'd wake the beast with her hands at first, stroking it's morning woof and drooling on its prick to tease its needle length. As it would wriggle out of her grip, she'd raise a brow, wondering why it was so particular about feeding her before letting her fap its balls dry atleast once. She'd however yet again assume ut was some sore of servitude as it would trot up to force the meal down her throat again.
As she ate the mix of herbs, and berries, slowly her mind would forget more and more of her prior experiences, her body growing hotter, and needier. the plan of this beast, would be much more obvious if it was a normal trainer, or woman for that matter. but in this case, it only caused her natural desires to be felt all the stronger. for once she was well fed, and cared for so to speak. the beast would then move to begin to clean her with it's tongue, and gentle scraping of claws. yet as it did this, the beast would become more vulnerable for her to return the favor as she desired in the den for the moment. as it stopped her from giving it the morning treatment prior to the meal, now she could help herself, or perhaps become a bit more dominant to the fire type.
As the beast leaned in, trying to clean her face whole the heated feel coursed down in-between her legs.Her womanhood lighting up like a raring Pikachu, sizzling with hungers. Olette didn't have it in her to be patient or relax as the rough tongue scrapped her face. She grabbed the Typhlosion by the head, opening her mouth wide to devour its tongue, making out with the monster while she up and rolled it over in a Bestival frenzy of her own. She was already holding its Arma, straddling it blindly, her hips gyrating and working, trying to blindly drilop her honey pot on its hot rod.
(quick boop for our aunt Kristine's story nyaa )

Taking control, the beast would release a sudden yelp, but not a bad one. as it's claws were held down by Ollette, her small, frame showing off incredible strength, as she gave into her over whelming desire. feeling the hot thick magma rod penetrate deep into her. as she began to bounce, the beast's tongue lolled out, easy target for Ollette to lean in, and suck into her mouth as to kiss the beast. the powerful fire type becoming nothing more then her personal and enjoyable toy. as the two did not realize yet, how the berries, and herbs were not really needed. as the beast would continue this to make sure she would become loyal and needy of it, even more then any human should, which was not hard to achieve with this specific beauty. however as she gave into the desire, rocking the fully evolved fire type's world. the unique sensation of how warm it's heated body was like using a pulsating, and heat radiating toy with in her depths. giving a new kind of warmth to each bounce, and gyration, as if trying to slowly cook her love tunnel on the lowest setting possible for a heat rod.
As Olette dropped herself onto the hot rod, her body feeling steam rippling underneath her, she moaned out like an animal, her hips rising and dropping hard from the start. Her tongue wrestled with the surprised Pokémon, bouncing on it and rolling her hips. Her body was feeling strange, well, her lust wasn't any lower but she felt so much better. Her womanhood gushing out already, fire leaping up through her in every impact.
Giving into the growing desires, and heat with in her core. Ollette would not know it as of yet, however the mixture of special berries, and herbs being force fed to her would eventually end up allowing the young lady to be knocked up. as well as blanking her mind to only be their for this beast, and it's needs, or at least if it went as one would expect. Now with the impressive rode bulging out her fine little belly, each time Ollette bounced upon it. her own movements mimicking the sensation as if the beast was trying to rearrange her guts out of lustful movement.

the powerful albeit small claws with soft felt like fur on them would reach up, aiming to grasp her breast, as the long tongue would reach for her, once the beast could reach any part of her to taste and lick.
Olette leaned her body back, arching as she slammed herself faster on the overgrown rod, her breasts heavy in the monsters claws. She would give his babies plenty of milk, her young heathly body perfect to breed over and over, much more compatible that the nurse. Her slit was tightening, squeezing tighter and tighter, while its burning tongue lapped at her body.
It would not be long before Ollette found herself being filled by the beast's hot healthy cream. even enough to slightly bulge out her belly enough to look like a small baby bump already. normally her body would absorb all the seed, and use it to heal and enhance her special body. yet now with this, the berries, and herbs being force fed to her, slowly changing her mind to only desiring to bear this beast, some kin. more then that all the desires and faces of those she bonded with, knew, or wanted to see, and do things with would slowly vanish from her mind. being replaced with the obedient desire in the next few days.

as the beast gave her the first load it could offer, Ollette would find this Typhlosion able to out last most of her prior partners with ease, however now she was in more control, her impressively large mama milkers being squeezed, and toyed with only added to the pleasure of the rough warm tongue assaulting her any where it could. however once the beast was done with this romp, she would find it dragging her, or carrying her depending on how she moved in it's arms to the stream for a proper washing, before another meal. but for now she was the meal so to speak.
As its cream filled her, Olettes body writhed abd rolled her hips as the heat inside her made her moan loudly. She let the monster lap on her chest, her breasts squishing on its muzzle as she couldn't help but embrace the beast tightly, her slit milking around its sgaft intensely. The natural urge she always had, to be used and filled surged in her, already tied so deeply into her core, her longing to be a Pokémon so that she would be able to be bred. She had no idea what was to come, thar her meals would solve hurler a brief cost.
As the beast soon hit yet another powerful and enjoyable hot burst of a release. slowly Ollette's belly began to expand a bit and misshapen in order to accommodate the load. however as this happened, the beast was still hard, and if she stopped moving, the typhlosion would move her with it's own claws. thus the precious seed would begin to escape with each powerful impact of her body to it's own. more then that, the fact remained, that this would be two of three loads, meaning she would endure this powerful for one more round, before it was sated, Yet would she be sated, or just a bit tired out due to her body adapting to the new diet, and treatment? as she had yet to get dragged, or carried to the near by river for the morning wash up, once it's post breakfast warm up of a fuck fest was done. Perhaps if Ollette had enough strength in her, the beast would begin to show her where it hunted and foraged, for her mind was already beginning to be altered by the berries, and herbs, if she realized it or not. due to how natural this would seem to feel at this point, made all the quicker due to her own unique desires, and how her body was built for just this kind of thing.
As the beasts loads surged inside her, the typhlosion saw her stretching belly sagging, it's fiery loads radiating heat out of her. But she didn't slow down at all, in fact her pleasure and the mind altering herbs made her hips bounce harsher, grabbing onto the beasts claws as if holding its paws for intimacy. She wanted more, needed more, to fuck the monsters loads out of its sack until it had to buck her off rather than the other way around. Her hungers were escalating, focusing solely upon her mate when she was meant to be shared.
It would seem like only a few lustful moments passed, however it was actual hours of non stop, and enjoyably lewd abuse the two shared. as the mighty fire type finally ended up having to force Ollette off of it's frame. the thick hot cock slipping from her moist, tight entrance with an audible Pop. which was made worse with the sensation of her precious load dribbling out after words. however once she was on the ground and free of it's member. the beast would move to grasp her, and drag the sexually high maiden from the den. as it would soon become visible, as it was dragging her, and the bulging belly tours the near by river. as it planned to wash it's plaything off, before moving to enjoy her some more. albeit, not the way Ollette might think. as the beast seemed to be planning to simply snuggle against her, and enjoy her company under the large tree next to the river this evening. however this could easily lead into something more, be it her exploring for the familiar beast which would be visible in the distancer while being washed up. or simply trying to enjoy her bestial lord of this den, as her mind and body were falling prey to it's special mix of berries and herbs.
Once the beast had fought off its ravenous mate, the human practically salivating and groping it the entire way to the river as it tried to drag her about. She simply couldn't stop, the heat she was under made her feel possessed by it, every dreg of monster cum leaking out of her making her shiver. Once it git her to the river, she was a little easier to ply, nosing up between her legs a bit now and then made her open them up, abd the beast could splash water on her. The cold water making her yelp and start washing herself.
Now in the water, being washed, as her own body was being thoroughly cleaned. even while Ollette was washing herself, she found the mighty fire type in the water with her, as it licked along her shoulders, cleaning and grooming her in the water. the beast nuzzled into the crook of her neck as it did this. giving quiet the enjoyable sensation, even giving her more attention then one would expect, as if she was truly it's mate. Yet some how her twisted mind would begin to see images of the red head under her monster, not even remembering the name. was it a sick desire to see this thing plowing another, and then showing off how much better she was, thus getting more attention to herself. as if a bestial reward from this stud? or was it something faint in her mind still lingering, which would fade as well with the continuation of her special berry, and herb diet? as this was happening in the river, not far a glimpse of the powerful Nidoking making it's round would be spotted. as the beast was large enough it out sized the typhlosion with out much issue, but would she even notice or care in her current state?
Olette closed her eyes as the beast lapped at her skin to wash her, merely two mates wr, a male take care to preen its woman. She shivered as she had the thoughts of allowing the beast to use other women to prove that her prowess was best. She opened her eyes, unsure as to where such an idea was coming from. Hearing something in the distance, stomping and walking about, she lookedvaround, seeing the Nidoking in the distance. She shivered faintly as an itch passed over her mind, faint, muffled by the attachment she felt for the fire beast. It was strange, she wanted to follow the hulking beast, but she didn't know why.
As the beast finally backed off of Ollete. her body feeling much cleaner, and oddly refreshed. the Typhlosion would seem to be moving out of the water, and flaring up it's flames. as it began to warm the general area around itself, and making a warm area for Ollette to come to shore and dry off once she was ready. Yet now was a chance for her to give into this odd itch, and desire. if nothing else perhaps she could lure the massive poison type closer to her, and her current partner's den. However if she fought this sensation, and desire, only to return to the Typhlosion's side and dry off, Ollette would miss the chance not just to try and figure out this sensation, but to see her partner drag off another woman, for her to help it break.
As she began to move out of the river to the opposing shore. the Typhlosion would begin to growl, and flare it's flames, as if trying to tell Ollette to come back to it's side. However as it did this, the massive pink beast would turn, and catch sight of the tiny woman. However something inside of Ollette would seem to scream for her to help the beast before her, as it had a raging boner, as if getting excited the moment it saw her. However the fact remained, another part of her would be causing the desire to return to the typhlosion, which would leave the tiny human torn between two giant poke studs. as one would surely take her back by force, if she did not return on her own. but could she get the poison type to perhaps give her a good romping before she was taken away by the fire type?
As she approached, the growling making her pause before she got too far...after all, her mate was so close, a good female was only aa safe as it's mates proximity as well as it own prowess. And she had none. She was about to turn but the Nidokings instant erection make her belly tingle. Something racing through her in a split second as the giant cock stood up for her. She touched her cheeks as her heart quickened. A flattered shyness had crept over her. This male clearly cared little for the smell of the typhlosion all over her, as it sensed her powerful charms as well. The typhlosion saw its bitch standing there, trembling before the larger monster...though hee legs were shaking with fear. Her pushy was moistening quickly, heavily, and she didn't have the brain power to question it...all od her attention was sucked away on the pink hark pillar.
now her body and mind seemed to be twisted, one demanding attention from this big bad nidoking, while the other wanted her to rush back to the typhlosion. However more then that, she would soon hear the sound of the fire type starting to make it's way to her side. for it seemed like the beast thought the large pink beast had paralyzed it's mate with the glare, even though this was not the case.

if she began to move towards the king, it would also begin to move towards her, but this would lead into a fight between the two studs, if she remained still, or began to back away. the powerful fire type would take hold of her, and drag Ollette back to the den with out hesitation.
Olette was struggling to move, the swirl of two feelings inside of making her ache...mostly between her legs as she just felt was hotness come up. Her hands covered herself, the typhlosion seeing its woman taking a shy step towards the large best. Had it hypnotized her as well? Trying to use his sex toy without a fight.

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