Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Half out of it, the red head would move to grasp olletee's head, and pull her more into the tender region. her legs weakling moving to lock around the young lady's head, as if trying to sit criss cross style with her head trapped in the center of this position. all the more, panting weakly, her half lid eyes flutted, as she weakly moaned in a cute tone.

"Come now, mama need's some rest. Clean her up before our next round. Don't want the boys to ruin our fun again right."

as she said this, revealing to the horny Ollette, just like herself, this red head had laid with the men, but not by choice, for she seemed to choose the monsters over the actual men. Yet more then just that, the more she enjoyed this. The stronger her more feral instincts seemed to grow, making Ollette more and more like a predator, then even she realized. Yet as this went on, the tangrowth would cautiously begin to move it's vine like tendrils all around Ollette feeling her, and seeing how far she would allow it to explore, and play. while the largest of the three young zoraora's would move to run it's paws along her frame. these two having had their fun with their red head mistress, now took an interest in Ollette, wanting to have some fun with her now, while she was eating out the nurse.
As the nurse caged her head with her thighs, Olette flushed faintly to herself, nearly thinking that the nurse was going to ward her away. The trainer rolled her tongue inti her slit faster, suckling on her lower lip . While she felt the tendrils probing over her, Olette lifted herself, wiring her legs slightly as she balanced on her knees to let the curious monsters touch on her body. She mewled softly inti tye Nurses tender region, her hand reaching out to start stroking the Zoaoras cock , giving a slow sway of her body, shaking her ass and arching her back as it's paws rubbed over her.
It was not long before the winded nurse gave into her own desires. her fingers sliding through Ollette's hair, and pulling on it, as she forced the young lady to dig deeper into her monster stained twat. all the more, the feline's barbed cock growing thicker, and harder with each stroke of Ollette's hand along it's impressive shaft. which added only to the sensation of the claws gingerly scraping along her flesh, and sensitive spots where they could, only to add to the sensation of how the tendrils coiled, kneaded, messaged, and teased her body, legs, tender entrance, rear, pussy, and nipples. if not for her mouth being occupied, it would most likely try for some tongue loving as well.
Odette moaned ass the tentacles could and explored her shapley form the feelers allowing it to twickle against her tender pusst. Her legs shifted further apart, twitching and moaning softly into the nurse. Her pressure making the trainer flush more while her tongue was shoved deeper to steal the monster cream inside her, . Her grip on the monsters prick tightened, playing around the barns to caress up the undersides of his cmshak to the tip with her thumb, stoking its greedy last, as she glanced to it, her other hand letting go of the nurse to stroke her pusst and play with herself needily.
As the fun began to grow more and more exciting for Ollette, she would soon begin to hear the sound of the men outside the little barn like den. However if she were to hide out of view when they reached the pen, they would only drag the nurse off, however if they saw her, then she would be dragged off as well. However if she tried to hide the nurse as well as herself, then it would become a slight issue, for the sound of the men. they were looking for the nurse for the nightly check up, which was just another way of saying they planned to use the woman against her will.

as this was going on, it would be harder to keep her mind occupied on the potential risk heading her way, due to the sensation of how the tangrowth was exploring her, the sensation of the hot throbbing rods in her soft delicate palms. as well as the sensation of how she touched herself, and the taste of this woman before her, and more importantly the monster seed she was stealing from the nurse.
As the voices were heard, Odette muffled a groan as she knew that obe of them would have to bite the bullet of entertaining the men in the camp. She wriggled and squirmed her her mouth against the nurses wet folds, pulling her head back briefly as she tried fir the life oglf her to focus. But as she was getting handled by the tangling tentacles, she flushed darker, starting to string the beast in her hand faster. "Who-should go-" she whispered
as she whispered this, the beast's did not seem to care, for all they cared about at the moment was the satisfaction of their own needs. However the smallest of the electrical cat's which was finally recovering from being fucked into exhaustion. this would would begin to growl and hiss, as it's body sparked. Now it would begin to paint an odd picture for Ollete, the two older ones which were now playing with her, did not seem to care which of the girls they played with. However the two younger ones, despite how she rocked their world, did not want to let the men get the nurse, choosing the red head over ollette. it was both admirable, and cute, however the fact remained. now she was forced to make up her own mind. as the monsters were obviously not in agreement to ether action. however the men would obviously hurt the monsters if they stood in their way of having fun with ether of the women they spotted in this barn.
Odette noticed the oddly indifferent elder monsters were still quite invested into feeling her up, rather than mate guarding their nurse. She however didn't have the time to ponder it, knowing the men were getting closer to the barn. While she hated letting them touch her on a visceral level, between her tastes and the way they would no doubt just do as they pleased with her, she also wasn't sure if she could just throw the nurse out of the barn. Atheist she couldn't just do so, and feel good about herself. Though getting mobbed by monster cocks would salve that guilt for a while.

Olette drew herself up, starting to pull back from the nurse slowly. Of course the nurse could just as easily betray her to the men, Olette was younger, fresher,more...durable, surely than the gentler nurses needs.
Managing to slowly get herself out of sight, however this caused the two older beasts to follow her into the dark corner of the pen. while the red head was out cold, and the two younger studs soon moving back to guard their nurse, and trainer. growling and hissing as the three men soon came in. all of which took notice of the two beasts, as one of them called out the nido king, who knocked the smaller felines aside painfully. as it even hit them with a poison needle to keep them down. before grasping the nurse in it's powerful and massive claw. before carrying her to the order of the men, as they would have it carry her out to their fire pit. as the rest of the young men awaited some fun for the night.
As Mr beefy strode in, The girl chewed her lip harder, knowing the woman would suffer, as her monsters were laid out by the Nidoling, she gave out a faint gasp. The monsters keener doubt would know her voice, that it's proper tool was there. Odette wondered if she could command release the nurse. She started to shift out of the shadows while the beast was turning yo lumber out. Age almost felt a bit jealous seeing the nurse man handled sway like that. "B-beefy-" she hissed out, briefly.
Hearing her words, as the beast began to carry the nurse out of the pen, It's ears would suddenly flick a few times, before she would feel the way Beefy moved his tail, to rub against Ollette, as the bulking tip struck gently right between her thighs. however it kept moving. this only revealed one thing to the young lady. this massive beast did hear her, but was not tainted enough by her to give into her demands completely. but was tainted enough by her, to want to keep ollette from being noticed by the human males. thus revealing that it would be back for her later, if it had the chance, or she could sneak out, and try to find the beast when the men were busy with the red head for their own amusement later. for it would not be long before the pen would be left with the two older beasts still in their, the two young studs left unconscious on the ground, and the door to the pen left ajar. thus she could watch as the men, and the nidoking carried the one eyed nurse tours the center camp fire for the show to begin.
As Olette saw the beast leered at her, she claimed up and froze, her pussy warming a but more, as she couldn't help but feel the memory of its girth trying to break her in. As it flicked it tail up, brushing her slit, the sickness gliding the scaly plates, her knees wobbled as she felt weaker, foolish. Why would she sacrifice her opportunity, someone had to care for these beasts , and if she was caught too...she wouldn't be able either. As the poison giant turned away, Odette felt her knees give out, buckling onto them again.
Now she could see the brute shrinking down as moved further and further away until no longer in view. more then that, Ollette would find her knees weak, her legs giving out, and her womanly entrance moist, and throbbing in need. her very core almost seemed to shout for her to charge out their and take that giant brute, yet even the giant poison type kept her hidden, while leaving her a message with how he teased her with his tail. This would be a sure sign, that knowing she was in this pen, the brute would return for some fun. giving Ollette some time to call over the two older pokemon which were watching her, and the red head being taken. the tangrowth, and the zaroara. however these two older ones would need to be sated, and would gladly assault Ollette once she called to them.
As the older beasts were distracted, Ollette hissed to herself as sher hands reached between her legs, rubbing her dripping sex, moaning out as she felt the heat in her spiking already. She leered at the other monsters, whistling sharply. "Here-come here- she'll be fine-" she said as she shuffled in closer, drawn by her hungers towards the beasts. The buxom trainer injected herself between the two older zaroara and the Tangrowth.
Now getting herself in between these two older beast's, it would not be long with the aid of her scent growing from her own action. that soon enough she would feel how the tangrowth's vines moved like snakes around her limbs. seeking the most sensitive spots of her flesh. aiming for her clit, nips, holes, and more importantly the way they would tightly squeeze her bosoms, and play with her fingers, and toes as well. the bestial plant type would move to enjoy exploring and teasing her.

as this happened, now Ollette could easily move herself as if she was in water or a zero gravity chamber, with the vines to support her. thus allowing her into get into a more playful position if she wanted to have some fun in a more aggressive manor with the electric feline. or she could just give in, and allow the the two to go at their own pace with her, as it was now obvious they had always been much slower, and far more gentle then any prior playmates she enjoyed thus far. showing how well trained they were in love making vs breeding, thanks to the more fragile nurse they normally had taking care of them.
As she was tangled up, slowly feeling the tentacles exploring over her body, touching her sensitive points, she would mean and hold her hands up as she let it curl around her. She leaned forward as she felt secured, letting herself be suspended as she veas hung up in it grip, leaning forward to plat around with the feline prices by hand, stroke and giving gentle smooches to their clocks. Though her scent was different than nurse, the scent of her excitement showing her to be more wild than the nurse, willing to let the monsters treat her like cumrag rather than a woman.
Giving into the desires all the more, as well as how she treated the older, and younger beasts alike. It was not long before one of the younger Zoroara came to her. moving under Ollette, as it moved between her thighs. beginning to lick her slit, and clit with it's rough feline tongue. tickling and teasing her in such a welcoming manor, only added to the sensations given by the tangrowth's embrace. this added to the fun with how another of the felines was being stroked by her hand, as the eldest one moved to smear it's barbed rod along her lips now. the fact they were wanting to assault her even more as each moment passed, only showed how needy these beasts were, and how her scent proved just how willing she was. Yet unknown to Ollette, a wild, or perhaps more so an abandoned beast would begin to pick up on her growing scent. one which had hidden away, and was seeking to steal left overs from the camp site, of multiple types.
As she spread her legs, giving a breathy moan as the youthful Zororoa leapt at the opportunity to lick her out, her feminine scent getting stronger with every rough luck on her sex. She trembled in the vines, giggling slightly st the friction and aggression, feeling more barded cock being rubbed on hee face as as teased it, butting against it playfully and kissing the amped up prick a few times before starting to teach out and grab hold, bring it mouth to the to tip and start to draw UT in to start sucking on it warmly, cradling it's balls to massage on them like it was a prized king
Now getting herself into quiet the poke pile, Ollette was living a lewd, and carnal dream of her body being swarmed and enjoyed by studs of different species. as she worker her magic, little did the young lady know. a strange fire type was now heading tours the back of the pen. as it would narrow it's eyes, and sniff the air. a beast which was abandoned long ago had come back to claim a prize. however the prize it was now seeking would not be the original one it sought but a new one.

as it moved into position to carefully begin to burn it's way into the back wall of the pen, it would go unnoticed until it was to late.
as this was going on it would not be long before the electrical feline cocks found their marks. one in her cunt, another in her mouth and last one being in her palm. all the while the plant type was ravaging her ass, and playing with her breast, nips, and clit. the swarm of playfully aggressive, and recovering partners did not relent. for Ollette would end up being the one to dominate them all at this point. unaware that very soon she would have another massive playmate to kidnap her, and drug her up with berries, and herbs.
As the pile of fur and tentacles swarmed her, a prick in every open orifice that could fit, and tragically onr left on the outside...for the moment, Olette would caress the free cock with all her desire, her lively body allowing her to take up the pack without strain, feeding all her lust constantly back into her markings. As she plunged the free cock into her mouth, forcing herself to guzzle twice of the load shed made sure to sway her body on the vines, using momentum to slide herself perfectly back and forth so that the beasts truly didn't even have to fight for who would take the lead.
Now her bound and dangling body, as if hanging by bondage of tendrils, her body was being filled. her toes, and fingers getting well used, her breast being pulled, and played with. her throat bulging out each time the balls of the partner smacked into her face. all the while her ass would be getting the worse of it, with two thick cock tendrils drilling, spiraling, and piston pumping her back side. creating a strange almost vibration like sensation, with each odd thrust, which only added to the steadily growing vibrations from the mass of feline's purring as they assaulted her flesh.

as this went on, the odd and normally unseen lust mark on her body began to faintly glow hot pink, as the glow grew stronger, the longer this went on. she would discover her body beginning to grow stronger, and needier, as the image of Beefy entered her mind.
As she began to hallucinate, the needs spreading through her, like wildfire under her skin and her body aching, the constant pressure becoming merged with the pleasure she felt in all sides. Her ass getting drilled, she the tension tightening around it, her visions of Mr.Beefy made her only more rabid, thrashing aherself against the felines as if she was yet again in his claws, slamming herself onto them for the shuddering pleasure that bolted through her
As she saw herself being ravaged by Beefy, when in fact she was the one ravaging all those in the pen with her. time would seem to fly, as Ollette would finally begin to come around. her mind returning to normal, to some degree. now with all those around her passed out, the fluids dripping from her, and making her body glisten. the young lady could now sneak off, wash herself off, and seek out mr. beefy if she was careful not to be caught, however if she did or decide to remain in the pen to rest a bit. a new guest was now in the pen, silently moving, hidden from sight. as the beast's eyes looked on at this woman, a sly smirk forming on it's vicious maw. before it would make a move. waiting for the right moment, to snatch this woman up, and drag her off. having been drawn in by the powerful scent of a virile maiden prime for abuse, and having seen her body enduring so many, she was like this beast's ideal playmate.
Ollette groaned as she came to, practically waking from a dream as she lifted herself from the hay in the pen, bots of it stuck in her hair. She rubbed her face, moaning softly as he drew it back, half-cooled cum still stuck to her. She nearly came just smelling and noticing it. God she still wasn't sated. Her honeypot was streaming poke juice, her ass tingling. She walked to a pocket of...splashing herself to clean the hay. And just that. The monster cum was sacred. She started to shuffle out of the pen, to try to locate her horny pink king to offer her body up to be jerked off with. The thought of throwing herself into the claws of the giant monster and getting rearranged from back to front made her bite her lip, twisted thoughts making her body smell sweeter, practically raising a sign for any monster that would sniff her out that she was egg ready.
Moving to care for her own needs, and sate herself for now, The powerful beast which was hidden would soon reveal itself. as the powerful claws moved to suddenly wrap around her. silencing Ollette as one claw was around her face, the other her belly. before Ollette could realize it, she would be getting dragged through a burnt hole hidden behind some hay, through some bushes, getting scratched up, and adding more dirt, and dead plants to cover her exposed body.

it would be an unexpected turn of events, as the powerful fire type made it's move finally, sieging the opportunity, as it would drag this woman back to it's pen. where she would find herself with only specific berries, and herbs available to her. however the beast would be unaware of how willing this woman really was, thus it was a win for both sides in it's own right. yet her naked body now with out any real material even her balls were left with her clothing and bag. however if she could win another beast over, it would not be hard to get a ball back and capture a new playmate.
As she was jumped, feeling claws cover her mouth and hug her waist...she went limp. And not to resist- it was practically second nature to her now, that if a monster was going to drag her away to have its way with her, she may as well save her energy. Perhaps it would think it was from fear. While she was dragged about in the dirt and rolling her through the grass , she saw the burn hole. she was going to get up close and personal with a fire type? she wondered how it would;d feel...would it be too hot to handle inside of her?
( I leave the set up of our abandoned Typhosion's den to you, Back story use to belong to our abused Nurse, was abandoned / chased away for it's own protection, which the beast did not understand. )

As she was dragged off with incredible haste, the sensation grew warmer for Ollette. as her body soon felt the odd sticky sensation of different berries getting smashed against her skin, from the path chosen. unaware that these were some of the unique berries, this beast was planning to try and use to break, and make her it's personal plaything and mate. However the process would have an odd effect on Ollette, as her body was to willing, yet at the same time, tricks which were needed for normal humans would oddly end up having ether a reverse effect or no effect on her, compared to desired effects. at worse it would make her messy, at best the beast would only make her already monstrous labido even harder to sate until some of the effects wore off.
As she was dragged about into the wildness into the nearby den, a rocky cave that was marked with scorsches and scratches to alienate the monsters territ'll. It's stockpiles of food tucked away. Well she thought itvwas food, but it was her *soecial deit plan the beast was going to jam down ther throat. it was fit for a Pokémon, a bit qeluestionable for a naked human..but she would have to worry about catching a cold. As she was dropped in the bowels of the caves, feeling the chill around her as the broken berry juices clung to her, she rolled over, twisting about to hlget a better look at the monster.
Managing to get a better look at the beast which had just kidnapped her from the camp filled with so many monsters in need of her care. the beast was a very impressive specimen of a Typhlosion. as it moved to lean in, it's warm, rough tongue beginning to tickle her as it licked at her flesh. lapping up the berry juice which stained her now, however the beast would move to tickle, and tease her a bit. however little did Ollette know, that once it cleaned her up enough, the beast planned to force her to partake some of her special diet before allowing her to rest for the night.
She giggled out as she felt her kidnapper lapping berry juices off of her...but she leaned back, arching herself off the cave floor. "Giving out baths boy?" She purred as she reached to cup its head and allow it to suck up the sticky juices, tasting her sweat, the juice, the flavors of her labors. "I like that- don't be shy!" She urged

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