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Sci-Fi RP A Father's Sacrifice (Lord Sesshomaru)

Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Name:Misha Handerson
Natural Gender: Female
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Booty Sacrifice Appearance:
Screenshot 2024-01-25 7.43.28 PM.png
, blonde, gray eyes, lustful, long hair, sidelocks, glasses, scientist, cute, so s-1114171896.png

Age: 21


Misha woke up to the beep of her alarm on her clock, the sky still dark and yet starless, it wasn't even touching on dawn yet. But that was the schedule of the Eldritch Research Team, they learned the patterns of the most dangerous, and unpredictible creatures from the extraplanar rifts. No one knew more of them than her Father, she would follow his orders, trust him with her life. She collected her tablet after she got ready for her day. She put on her glasses and tied back her hair, not wanting to leave anything to chance. Today she woould be helping her father with researching live subjects, and she didn't want them to have anything to grab or drag her with if their was a containment breach. She stepped out of her room, walking to her fathers room, tapping at the door. "Father-Are you awake?" Misha said , waiting a moment, listening for movement.


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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Bel Handerson

Age: 49

Natural Gender:

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Opening the door, as the older man was a mess as usual. he would suddenly pull his daughter into his room, hugging her, and snuggling her into his frame. as if she was a small child still. Despite being a grown woman now, to this man she was going to be his baby girl now and always. as he would do his playful ritual tours her, if she liked it or not.

once this was done, Bel would smile gently looking into his little angel's eyes.
"So then, we ready for the big day? Today we got a few lesser horrors to study, Think your up for the study? if it's to much you can always sit back in the security room and watch your old man doing it. "
as he spoke up like this, teasing her verbally, however the real fact remained. due to the safety protocols, only one individual was allowed in the containment room at a time, while at least one person had to remain in the security chamber to supervise the study, and be prepared for emergency lock down in case of the worse possible scenario. yet this was his way of life, thus the idea of something going wrong would never cross his mind.

However due to their unique relationship, Misha's old man was known through out the facility as the old man with a daughter complex, as he was over protective of misha despite her being a grown woman at this point in her life.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha adjusted her glasses, smoothing the black shirt she wore underneath her coat afterwards. "Thats against protocol father, we are aware these creatures react much stronger to males. I can handle it." She said huffing as she looked at his clothing. Despite the differences in their ages, Misha dressed very prim and proper, careful to always be clean."Did you get a lab worthy coat this time!" She barbed playfully
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Chuckling as she spoke like this, he would smirk, as he spoke to Misha.
"Of course ma, I got what you need. " saying this in a playfully sarcastic tone.
the older man would move to open his closet, allowing his daughter to go through the closet,
so she could pick out the one she wanted him to ware, even more so if she wanted one of his special and unique coats for herself.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
She huffed at her father. He was brilliant and yet so immature some times. She struded into his room, taking up one of his simple and basic white coats and holding it out to him. "Just keep it on, you are a certified head of the lab, you must look the part!" She chided and she adjusted her glassed with a finger tip. "Did you remember to notify the security team aleast!"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh come now, I might not seem like it, but have some faith, all protocols for today are done and ready. "
as he spoke, it was no lie, to say that this man was terrifying when he got serious, however unknown to most was
this child like side which his daughter dealt with so often. yet now he had the coat she chose slipped on. as her old man
opened the door, and gestured for her to lead on.

"seriously, are you alright for today's assignment, I mean it is your first time up close with one of these creatures, caged or not, you can't let your guard down. "
as he spoke suddenly very serious, and even hinting tours wanting her to back out, Little did Misha know, her father was looking forward to her solo assignment this
day, in more ways then she could ever want to know or believe.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I know father, I'll be careful I won't let anything sneak up on me." She said shaking her head as he tried to cincince her to back out. "You've taught me yourself, all we can do now...is set ourselves into the experiment and trust the process." She said as she pulled uo her tablet to access the labs test files to begin her research.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he stopped for a moment and spoke a rare but serious tone, his one hand moving to pat the top of misha's head.

"You know, you will always be my baby girl, so of course, trained, experienced, none of this will keep me from worrying, but if your sure, this where we part. I shall head up
to the security chamber, and you head on into the chamber. "

as he spoke with a somber and serious tone. this would be his daughter's last chance to back out and trade places with him, however despite this, their
would be no hiding the obvious pride in her father's expression with how she had grown to be such an ideal lab assistant, and wonderful scientist in her own right.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Father-It's just a routine test. I've taken care to watch your recordings and studied closely. I will be careful." She assured again as he tried for the last time. "If anything happens, I know you'll be there to guide me." She said starting to walk for the chamber, casting him a confident smile.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she entered the door, the room would hiss, as it sterilized the maiden's body in the small segmented chamber connecting the two rooms. as the intercom was quiet. the sounds of the mechanical camera's moving to zoom in onto the cage. as the creature was like a mass of biomass in the cage. slumbering as it's bubbly flesh would hide the countless horrors it could unleash. lacking any eyes, it was like a ball of flesh, teeth, and tendrils. however Little did Misha know, she would soon discover the truth of this lesser eldritch creature. being known as the horror scout was not due to how it looked, but it's true purpose when invading other realms, which was to seek out fertile and healthy females.

As she would enter the room, the slumbering mass in the cage would seem not to notice the visitor at first, however as she would draw closer, the thing would begin to stir, as it reacted oddly compared to all the video's she studied. as if the creature was curious about Misha, or would even react in an unexpectedly timid, and gentle manor tours her, versus how it was always so aggressive tours the men which had come prior. something to take note of indeed.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha stepped into the lab space, pulling pulling her tablet and activating it gentky with her fingerprint as she approached the cell for the horror. The environment was sheer metal, built to keep the horrors from breaching or sliding through any cracks, the observation window was a pane of thick durable glass to ideally give her a chance to make for the door. She sighed to herself faintly, knowing to relax herself before she had any nerves appear.

But the creature did not seem violent or as temperamental as it had in the recordings. So her theory was correct. It had a violent reaction towards males. She started to make a not of it as she approached the glass wall, staying behind the designated safety zone. "Okay. This is Misha Henderson, investigating the nature of subject 652." She began as she turned on her audio diary, pacing along the path. "Subject appears to be much more Docile in the presence of a female...perhaps it is aware that Male's are the warrior sex of humanity...."
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
once she was close enough to the glass, it would appear as if the creature was trying to gently reach out and touch her. as it's oddly soft, and moist tendril squelched against the glass. normally it had been hardened like a hook and seen trying to pierce the bulk door when males were around. with how this seemed to play out, almost as if Misha would be able to safely make physical contact with this creature with how it was acting. even if it was only through a small door port at first. it would be quiet the amazing advancement if she could touch, and interact with the terror in such a manor. however little did she know, this creature would be like a playful pup to her at first. wanting to get it's prey close enough to fully ensnare her when it finally showed it's true nature.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Subject is...attempting to make contact it seems." She said as it touched the glass, rubbing up against it with a tendril. She stepped slightly over the line as she considered it. "I will release the bait into the cell to see if it's hostility is reduced." She said as she tapped her tablet to access the cells systems, letting the monitor system start to push out the live bait they kept for their...guest.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the bait was released, the thing did not seem interested at all. showing the lack of the usual veracity it was known for. however still trying to make an odd gentle press into the glass.
as it seemed desperate to make contact. as the bait seemed to move further from the creature, however it was known once this thing grew hungry the bait would be consumed with out remorse.

as this was going on, an unseen vapor was building up in the chamber. one which would be undetectable by all the current devices, however if she slid open the small part of the door or if she remained in place long enough. the odd faintly scented hormone like mist would actually escape into the chamber she was in. infecting Misha with a slowly growing heat in her body, and desire to make contact, which could be seen as her own scientific desire coming over her better judgement at first.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Subject seems to be...fixated, but not openly hostile. Now that it is feed, perhaps I can get a closer look..." She said as she rubbed her chin gently and walked over to the Doorway, drawn in to keep her Investigation going. She was wasn't aware of the chemicals and hormones it was emitting, the desire to approach creeping over her subtly. She approached the bulkhead and started to unlock it slowly.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
the instant the bulking door began to hiss open, once enough space existed. to misha's surprise, the tendrils were quick to snare, and secure her, yet no harm. as all that could get to her were the appendages. as they coiled through her fingers, up her arms. some of them moving to gently caress her cheeks, and face. tickling the young maiden, and giving her body quiet the enticing sensation of gentle interactions.

despite how horrifying this thing naturally was, to her, it was like a attention starved pup at this moment in time. unaware that the odd tickling she felt from the tendrils was thousands of tiny feelers injecting more of it's unique hormones directly into her in a gentle display of desired attention and affection. all the while she would soon hear her father's voice over the intercom, asking her to stop this now, and reseal the door. yet it would soon go silent, as she could gesture to continue despite his words. unaware that very soon both Misha, and her father would learn something that both would enjoy and replicate in many ways to come.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha yelped at the tentacle grabbed her, she started to struggle and pull herself away from the grasping tendrils. He fear however bleed away as she felt it tickling at her and caressing her...her father seeing his daughter body swaying on camera, like she was slowly getting weak, perhaps it was poisoning her.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The Intercom soon buzzed alive, as the voice of the father came across, asking if Misha was alright, could she respond.
however as the speaker buzzed alive, the static sound before the voice boomed caused the horror to real back, suddenly releasing Misha.
as if scared by the sounds. giving the young maiden, and lab assistant a strange desire to be closer to this creature, and perhaps a rare thought
that her old man had ruined her progress, if she realized it or not. her body was now itching to be touched more, to interact with this thing, as
it showed only gentle desire to interact with females. would her scientific curiosity win out this time, or would she remain safe before something
could go wrong?
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha blinked as the monster suddenly was forced away from her body, but as she took a brief step towards it, the rest of her reasoning took hold. Why was she being protected? Did this monster trick her in a way a female couldn't see? Was this why it was so docile? Was she being tricked? She forced herself back, moving for the door abd started to push to slam the bulkhead doors shut.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The instant the door was being shut, this was when the beast made a much quicker, and more aggressive move. suddenly feel a strong and tight sensation, followed by the sudden pull. as if her very body was going to be torn in two suddenly. at the last potential moments. she was pulled into the habitat which could not be opened from the inside. which now revealed to her what it wanted. however in it's embrace, the tendrils snaked around her. slipping under Misha's clothing. coiling around her flesh, playfully, and once again causing the over whelming pleasure, and intoxicating sensation, which it had begun to cause prior. however this time she was able to see, and feel things, as her body was dangling a bit. her shoes would fall off, and bounce onto the floor, as each piece of layered clothing would be slowly stripped off, and dropped. until eventually her healthy young body would become fully exposed, as countless smaller tendrils teased every sensitive spot on her tender frame.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
She gasped as she fekt her clothes ripped away, her body instantly feeling the chill of the lab, her body pumped chemicals adrakine and her heart hammered in her chest. The touch was pleasant, feeling over her breasts that was large and ample out of her coar and dress. But she struggled abd squirmed. "Ah- what are youbdoing- unhindered me you -" she said trying desperately to think as much as she could.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
it was not very long before all Misha had left was her under garments. as several slick thicker tendrils moved to rub against her breast, coiling around the base up to the nipples. as another two moved to rub along her puffy slightly protected slight, and plump healthy ass cheek. as the beast began to do this, the slick clear fluid which was coming off the tendrils began to slowly started to melt away the fabric, as well as causing a pleasuring yet tingling sensation at these points. feeling how her hips, arms, and legs were held by tendrils, one could kick, squirm, and struggle as much as one wanted, which would mean very little. has the beast continue to produce a 5 monstrously thick, and bulbous tipped tendril. as it's form would be like something from one of those scyfy eroga novels, as this new one slowly formed before her, thickening and revealing the tip, before it would move tours her delicate yet complaining lips.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
The color in her face paled as she saw the tentacle form. She read enough hentai to know what this monsters planning. And she honestly hoped it would kill her instead. "No! NO! FATHER! HELP! HELP!" She screamed as she retried to twist and fight, her feebly turned her head, trying to keep that monster away, ehe looked at the camera, her voice muddled but still clear denough for him to hear her screaming.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she screamed, it would soon hit Misha's senses. she was in this things terror field, if the research on it was accurate, then time around the beasty was distorted, meaning her sounds and movements would be seen and received at a different rate then what was actually happening directly in the beast. as if the world outside of a radius from this thing's body was slower.

as she squirmed, struggled, and cried out for help, Slowly a bulbous and monstrously chick tendril began to push up into her tight brown star, as a second one was sliding slightly between her folds. all the while the two tips which flicked her now erect nipples, which were exposed from the melting fabric would feel how the tips began to split open. revealing small needle filled maws with three pinching jaws. as they planned to latch upon the fleshy tip of her plump bosom. all the more, the one pressing against her lips would move to slowly try and force itself into her mouth. as an odd sweet, aphrodisiac like slime was felt against her lips. as it oozed from the oddly pink, and red tipped tendril trying to access her mouth, and throat.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she wad invaded from behind, spreading her once perfectly virgin Anus and forcing it open. Her mouth opened, instantly screaming in pained pleasure, her knees tried to put together to gaurd her other virgin hole, trying to fight as best sge could. As the mouths latched inti her nipples she winced, gasping and moaning, her mouth instantly forced to take in the next tendril into ger mouth, the slime and ooze s see Epping into her throat. Sge gagged, trying to use her teeth, biting down as desperately as she could.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
the instant she bit her teeth upon the tendril, it suddenly thickened, and even grew welts, and barbs which caused the maw of the young misha to suffer. however unknown to the young scientist, these barbs injected more aphrodisiac like venom directly into her. as this began to grow more violent, and aggressively pleasuring. her body began to bound with each anally deep thrust, as the second cock began to form and snake itself into her already occupied ass. more then that, two smaller ones began to snake themselves between Misha's toes. coiling up around her ankle, past the knee. inching tours the upper thighs. as they would plan to pull her legs apart slowly in order to triple penetrate the young beauty. planning to force a semen, and egg implanting appendage into the young lady's womanly entrance, as well as a smaller one which would act like a small maw, and needle to assault her clit.

as all this was going on, her breast, and throat were being ravaged, and suckled at the same time. it would be quiet the experience for one who was once a virgin, now made into a monster's plaything.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Her eyes watered and tears spilled down her face in seconds as sge gagged and muffled in fear, her throat flexing and her head trying to pull away as she coughed abd sputtered helplessly. As the barbs scrapped in her mouth abd her throat she flinched in pain, her her hands trying to grasp the tentacle in vain. 'Got- to get FREEE-FUUUUUUUC-' She thought as she went rigid as the second tentacle forced its way into her once tight, virgin backdoor, forcing it further to its limits. The oain shot through her body, tinged with the pleasure of the aphrodisiacs.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the other worldly horror's drug or more so sexual venom finally taking effect. she would feel how the two bulbous tips both began to rub against Misha's moist, and growingly more eager lower entrance. as the two would move to tease her. threatening to take the maiden's flower at any moment. However the pleasure her body was beginning to feel from the duo, stretching, ravaging and over flowing her back side only grew by the second. as her eyes would soon see what could be described as large bulbous lumps, slowly inching through the tendril, tours the tip in her maw, as it would force her to drink it's potent, monstrous seed. which would have a powerful effect to not just please, and reduce her body to a breeding victim, but enable her to heal while it was using her to ensure, a successful inseminations of it's clutch with out worry.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
'What is that-' sge thought vaguely as the pleasure started to creep over her mind and body little by little, but she knew it was false. She tried to swat at then tentacle as it's load bulged through it, her hand trying to drag it out despite how good it fekt her her brain, how weak it started to make her feel.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she struggled, Misha's dainty hands grasping, and fruitlessly trying to pull the tendril from her mouth. only ended up to slip along the slick gel like coating, as it ended up into a strong stroking, or jerking like action of the tendril. as she could feel the bulges passing her palms, and finger's tight squeeze. as the first one soon hit her lips. causing some short lived miss comfort, as it stretched her jaw, and bulged Misha's throat. pumping the thick almost milk shake like fluid down her throat. as some of it would bubble out and escape her nostril as well. adding a bit of burning sensation to everything else. however with her struggles, and hand motion happening. this caused thicker bulges to slowly form from the base of the fleshy blob, and move tours her mouth as well.

with this going on, tight grasps of her upper thigh, lower calves, feet, and toes as her legs could be seen weakly swinging, and kicking, from the motion her body was being forced to bounce, and endure. all the more her belly began to bulge, and grow heavier. the sensation of seed sloshing about her belly began to grow audible with the size of her belly increasing. However the first tip began to wiggle itself, and spreading her tight womanly entrance. slowly pushing into her, stretching and deflowering the beautiful young lab assistant.
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