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Sci-Fi RP A Father's Sacrifice (Lord Sesshomaru)

Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As he went rigid, his arm flailing weakly fir the box, clawing at it as he was forced to feel something far too big force it'sway into his insides. He muffled a scream into his captor, the flesh mask pumping its goo inti his throat. He gurgle slime and his eyes flickered as the horror started to manipulate his mind. The humans mind was fragile, more so than the female and her father. It was easy to take up and shatter, and weave back together to force this lesser being to see the horror and its master as the gods they were. The suckling tendril was starting to feel the mortal pump its human seed into it maw, starting to invade deeper into its mind and feeling its sweet emotiona and sense of being to feed upon.


Misha moved from Sasha's arms, starting to sit in the shower , on the small bench inside, holding herself up by the gripping bar with one hand. "Okay....just blast me-"
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Alright sweety, Were gonna blast your body over with cold water first, then we will wash you up with hot water. make this as quick as we can so please endure. "
as she spoke and grabbing much needed supplies, such as the foaming soap, and even some rough looking sponges. all the more, the quick wash would become quiet the ordeal before ether of them knew it. as it would start off like minor cramps in her belly.

the cold water would begin the process slowly, however more then that, it would be easily dismissible, yet once the got the young misha covered in all the soap, the warm water would be the trigger to suddenly cause the eggs to begin to hatch with in her. growing quickly, as it would seem these horrors could expand with in her with in minutes, despite it actually taking longer it would feel this way.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha doubler over slightly as the warm water touched her skin, the cramps growing from minor enough to ignore to much more pressuring. Her belly started to swelling up as she felt the eggs hatching within her body hitting the shower wall as she clutched her belly. She cried out in pain and panic, her eyes burning and tears starting to run. "Fuck-oh god-wgats happening to meh-!" She screamed as she slid off the bench.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as this began, Sasha would not hesitate, to grab a towel, wrapping it around Misha's now wet and exposed body, rushing her to the medical lab. as she looked on, apologizing for causing this, as her eyes showed a kind of panic and care. however it was an unknown event which now misha was enduring. However before they got to the room for the scans, the pain would fully subside. yet now her belly would be bulging as if she was several months pregnant. as two of the eggs had successfully expanded and began to hatch with in her. yet not fully hatching as of yet.

as Sasha got to the lab, she would look to one of the medical assistants, demanding he go get the old man and quickly, before she called for the medical boss, Tiana to come in here, and help her with figuring out how to help Misha. however the fact remained, the young lady had no clue what they were in for, but knew it would be something dangerous. as Sasha did all she could do in order to Comfort misha as the assistant, Tim was sent to get her father.

else where.

the janitor was now fully converted, as he was in the lab with the old man. however his mind was now seeing this father as a priest like figure one which had given the horror, or it's god the tributes of this man and misha. revealing to him, how the creature saw this human as the first and head of it's growing following. however it's own influence or radiance like aura had infected the man as he watched the video a few times now of how it assaulted his daughter, as well as having watched it convert this man, and even pulling him out of the cell untouched by the horror at this point.

he would be in his lab, helping the new and first cult follower, or slave of the horror, to clean up, and calm down enough to pass as a proper man. unaware by calming and helping him would also end up helping the beast to reach out for more victims, which it could use his flesh as a extension of it's own. thus using him to fuck and infect others, be it male or female. all the while, the kind of infection for the father's mind was different then this poor soul.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
The lab aid turned cultist was mostly catatonic while his priest wiping him down, save for the near unyieldingelection. He only sat perfectly still, save slfor faint whispers of praise and worship upon its new gods and their head priest. Once he was properly shaken into reality...with some mild pressure from his priest, he seemed to be able to do millennial tasks, abd focus upon what he was instructed now that he was away from his God however he seemed ever so anxious to complete his task, to spread the gifts of his masters. Not even necessarily through himself, for his devotion was to the whims of his great minds, all of the violations and consumption of viable mates, had little difference in his thoughts. His eyes gleamed faintly as he looked to the holy priest, sensing something was already connecting to the Great Ones knowledge, sensing something was happening.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the now converted janitor was fully cleaned up, and given fresh clothing, the lab master would smirk, as his one eye momentarily had a faint purple almost flame like glow in it. as he would place a hand on the man's shoulder.

"Remember do not speak to other's about this, until the time is right. we much do much more studies on how to properly explain this to all. "
saying this in a strange way, yet in the now warped mind of the temporary assistant, it would sound as if he was given a mission, which was warped in his mind to find victims which could accept the new meaning to their life and the eldritch lords. however it would be taken as a mission for him to find willing victims or volunteers to lead to the horror as much as he was prior, but it would need to be done when no one but the one he now saw as the holy priest was their to supervise.

as this was going on, the janitor would be excuse shortly before Sasha would get ahold of him via communicator in a panic, as she was rushing the pain stricken Misha to the medical scanner, and healing bay. rushing to get her into a medical pod to scan, and prevent anything else from happening. as Misha was no longer in pain, but in the smaller yet oddly stronger woman's arms, looking as if she was pregnant at this point, to the point of being almost ready to pop at any moment. it would not be long before she would see the nurse, and doc coming into view with shocked looks on their faces. giving her a chance to speak if she desired to do so, or leaving it to sasha to explain they needed to scan, and find out what was going on, inside of misha.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Yes- yes ofcourse-" he practically praised with heavy breath, eager to serve and be of use to his priest and oh so wise Gods. The lowly aide stepped aside as Sasha came in on the communications to divulge the information on Misha. Misha pained voice could be heard on the other side of the radio. "Not-much time- something insude- it's growing! It hurts- so much!" Sge tried to force out,, the doctors were able to push her to be flat, abd keep her still to try to get the scanner ready ab. "Cut it out- whatever it is!' She rasped desperately
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the men soon got her held down, and scanned Misha, the look of horror across their face. all the while Sasha would soon notice the father rushing to the lab, however more then that. she would see how he was carrying a strange medical case in his one hand. shouting out for Misha, saying papa was on his way, just hang in their. rushing with out concern, it was almost a sweet sight, if one did not realize what was going on, and how dangerous it really was.

as this was going on, it would not be long before the doctor was already preparing for an emergency surgery to try and cut Misha's belly open to remove this alien like life form, however before his scalpel could cut her, the old man got through the door, stopping the process, as he rushed over to his girl. pulling out a special medical kit, which she knew was more dangerous then surgery but also more effective with such situations.

"Hold on baby girl, papa is hear, everything will be fine. just try to stay still. "
as he spoke quickly preparing the shot, not letting her argue against it if she wanted to or not. but with the sedative in her system, Misha would not remain conscious for much longer, however she would feel the prick in her neck even if she tried to argue or stop him. as it would be quiet the experience.

Once the injection, and a period of being out cold would pass.

Misha would find herself coming to in the medical room, however to her horror, the lovely woman's body would feel oddly different. lighter, yet oddly stronger, exhausted yet energetic. a mixture of sensations which would be unnatural for her. however if she looked her bust was two to three times smaller then they should have been. her clit having begun to enlarge. it would not be much longer before her body shifted to a seductive fem boy form. yet the things inside of her were gone now, unknown to her, or her old man, having fused into her inner flesh, and becoming apart of her being. as such this side effect was manifesting, as her father was out cold beside her, holding one of misha's hands.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha looked down, whimpering as she stirred awake, looking down to her flattened belly...straight down. She gasped, her voice a few octaves deeper as she touched her now shrunken chest. They were pectoral now. Her hands squeezed on the muscle, firm yet her body tingles sensitively. She chewed her lip. 'Okay...the treatment required me...to simply have a double mastectomy..' She thought, though the idea stung her, perhaps the infection reached parts of her body she didn't realize. She groaned as she shifted her legs, feeling something strange between them, aching from her legs pressing together.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
finally coming to from the sound and sensation of movement, the old man smiled, as he saw his lil girl stirring.

"Oh how are you feeling sweet pea? papa had to use our special medical syrum, so do not worry the side effects are temporary, but you are all better now. "
as he spoke up telling her this, Misha would remember the medicine she helped her father make, and test in the past. specially made to deal with eldritch influence, however all those subjects had gone through sex changes, which pushed their mental limits. yet he had used it on her? how come her mind was still so intact then? was it true, did this really happen, and how would her body feel, yet more so how long till she could revert to normal.

as these thoughts would invade her mind for a moment. the fact remained, her old man used something so valuable to help her with out considering how much trouble he could be in for doing such a thing with out permission from their contract supervisors.


Mean while. . .

the Janitor which was now influenced, would be moving tours the kitchen to try and find a fellow co worker to join him to clean the danger room. as it was not uncommon to seek a partner for such tasks, however the real reason was to find another victim, or more so volunteer to become one with the horror, which was playing the role of the lord, or at least apostle of the unknown lord for the cult which was slowly coming to form in this twisted reality.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Father...'She rasped, knowing that his words only confirmed her reality. "You-you didn't steal the serum just to use it on me.-" she said closing her eyes, shaking her head slightly. "Our superiors had to have signed off on it-" she said as she pulled herself up slowly. Well. Despite her current predicaments. She shivered as she closed her legs again under the sheets, the feeling of her newly grown outside parts were only more pronounced as whe adjusted herself. "The...th...the organisms that were inside me-what happened? Did we take them out for testing?"


The Janitor controlled himself to keep his compose, to keep his thoughts and new fervor inside. The influences if the horrors made such simple things feel so forgiven. His thoughts were no longer his own, nor his will, he was the hand of the gods to be guided. As his eyes bounced around the kitchens, they fell on a worker that was on break. He approached them slowly. "We need some help in the danger room, for the cleaning service."
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"No, we had to eliminate them quickly, I use the emergency drug, Rules, and regulations be damned. your my one and only lil girl. I know it will be strange, as a male for a short while, but please bare with the discomfort. "
as he said this, the fact he realized what was happening to her, however as they were both up now, the older man wrapped his arms around misha pulling her into a deep, and intimate hug. pulling her frame into his own. the parental warmth felt would be a comforting one, despite how misha was an adult at this point. after the short hug he would look into Misha's eyes.

"once your up for it, we can go to the gym, and run some minor tests, to make sure no major negative effects have fallen your body from this how does that sound?"
asking this of her, having no idea, how he had messed up. for instead of eliminating the unknown off springs, they were now fused into Misha, as a part of her being. thus making her body even more unique, however more then that, as a male state her frame would become hot, and bothered by both male and female scents and touches, however this would carry over to the female state. as her father's hug would be the first sensation of this unwanted side effect to her frame.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Misha shivered as her father hugged on her closely. Her head nsrly starting to swim and feel fuzzy as he held on her new male form. "Later." She mumbled as she felt flush, starting to push out of his arms, touching her face. "I-i think I just need to rest-now-" she said as her new, soft yet masculine face colored pink. "I don't feel well still .."
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"very well, I will leave you under the care of sasha, but if anything comes up your you just want to talk, give me a call, papa will come rushing instantly "
as he said this, moving to lean in after words, as he kissed misha's forehead. it would be upon this gentle peck on her forehead, that the influence of the horror which had infected him would spread to her mind in a faint manor. as if a small shadowy whisp would slip from his lips and into her ear. small enough no one would notice. however it would have a different kind of influence on a male body then a female. as a victim female would become a willing victim to incubate, and a male would become a willing host for contaminated seed. However in misha's unique case, it would become like she would grow a hunger to watch other's get used by the beast, much like her father. under the guise of studies, and experimentation to learn and make the perfect weapon against the horrors.

as this all happened with in moments. he would pull away and leave a small private flip phone with his number on it as speed dial one for her. standing up to look over to Sasha.
"I am counting on you, keep my baby girl safe, and ensure she is well cared for, I will return once I am done with the lab work for the day. I will fix all of us a proper meal, instead of the usual cafeteria rations how does that sound hmm? " saying this, and promising to fix Misha's favorite meal tonight. he would soon leave the two alone in the room.


once gone sasha would move to look over Misha, with wide eyes, still unable to believe he did such a dangerous thing, not dangerous for misha, but for his career with out even a second thought. after all it was always that old man which said how children could always be replaced with a proper partner, yet here he was showing the gentle, and weak side. the human side of the one known through out the facility as the only thing worse then the eldritch horrors they studied. she would now look at the young still lady looking man in the bed. as Misha made quiet the beautiful young fem boy in a state like this. licking her lips for a moment, before she would look to Misha.

"shall we go back to my room, we can set you up in the room, and ensure no visitors that way hmm?
asking this, she would easily carry misha again, if she did not feel up to walking, however nether of them knew at this point, that once the wicked father got back to his lab, he would find 6 more infected followers, all dressed, and properly cleaning and preparing the lab, and horror's unlocked door. it did not leave the room. however the youngest maiden of the group would speak for the creature. as her body had apparently perished, and it infected her with a kind of new life, or second life. thus it could communicate through her directly. Able to shift it's face to look like any male or female it wanted, grow or retract tendrils. however it could not change the body gender, or the appearance of the assets on it.

( care to be our nightmare's apostle / father's secret new playmate, and master mind? )
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Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Don't!" Misha yelped instantly as she shifted away from Sasha a little. Her body still was sensitive, her sense of touch and smell too keen for a human. The sheets rubbing her skin, the warmth and tickle of one's breath, she was aware of it all. "I can walk-so...its okay-" sge said as she tried to shift up to climb out of the bed slowly, her feet that were somehow able to touch the floor when she was her proper self dangled Slightly over it now. "Oh lovely. I'm not even a tall boy." She huffed as she started to push to stand up slowly.


The reborn woman had a quiet way about her, merely standing still, like a statue or a wax figure while the others cleaned around her. The acolytes bustled around their lords chosen speaker, her eyes dead and cool like a reptiles. As the scientist approached the cell, she focused on him, her head twisting in a way that no human truly would have the ability to...save for extra joints. "You return."
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he entered the room, jumping for a moment as he saw how the head was twisted, almost like some kind of own neck to an extent. chuckling softly for a moment.
"I see, looks like some one was busy, so who is it I am speaking with, is this specimen 13? or perhaps one of the older ones deeper in our cells?"
asking this, with an expected tone, the older man smirked, as he moved to take a few rags, and tools from one of the cult infected. scolding the one young man about miss handling his daughter's tools. then looked to some of the younger women, and ordered them to carefully mop around the chemical closet, as to not shuffle or mess up the collection. before looking back to the janitor dismissing the original one. taking control of them like a natural leader, however he did not seem to bothered by the doll like maiden in the room now.

" well then, tell me, what is it you desire this time? as it is not the first time your kind has tried to expand, if I agree with the desires, I can help you, or I can seal you. "
as he spoke, revealing that this horror was not the first, yet unlike the humans it invaded prior, he was open minded to it, as long as it agreed to his own demands, however it would be this doll's body which would become an ideal side kick, and more until his daughter took it's place at his side, even if he did not know it as of yet.


"Oh come now, you can move better then that, or do you need a piggy back ride hmm?"
speaking in a playful tone, as she poked fun at Misha, saying how she always wanted a cute little brother to play with. and tease. even if it's only temporary, this would be fun. however it was also this bond which made Sasha such an ideal, and protective friend to Misha, in this whole god forsaken place. yet nether of them knew the horrors which her father was apart of, and thanks to the drug, the horror would be able to sense her male essence, as one which needed to be used, fed, and abused to increase the influence quicker. however it would come in time, as Misha was the one reason the eldritch's never could gain full control over her father. as he had her as his leash, she was the true key to their revival upon this world.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I am not the 13th." The entity said, the creature that was using their walking human suit turned slowly. Rotating it's body to follow its human contact. It examined him, watching him take up control of the lesser species around it. "I have no need for this puppet. It broke once, but it's shell at least is useful for your...verbal requirements." It said indifferently.

"You have given us a morsel but took it away." It said as he pressed for its desires. "This one wants to know why."


Misha warded her prodding fingers with her hand, brushing her away. "Ah-i don't recommend it. This body is a boy now. Who knows what will happen " she said
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, the man placed a hand on the neat suits shoulder. Looking into the woman's eyes. As he cleared his throat and spoke directly to the entity piloting the flesh

"That one is mine, my daughter, my little one. I will not give. If care is given I will share, you were to rough with her. However with how you broke this one I am glad I took her back. "

As he spoke it qoild be something unexpected but the horror would sense a tinge of fear. Not for its life but doe its freedom and loss of all these it now had under it. However with how his words were used perhaps a deal could be structured with this human, this father to get at that tasty morsel once more. But it would need tread carefully with choice of words, or actions.


hearing this, sasha would giggle. As she looked over Misha's new form. Unable to resist. Sasha would begin to tease the young temporary stud before her.

" oh come now we need to see how this body feels right? How often would we get a chance like this hmm ?" Playfully pushing it and teasing not thinking of any real dangers this could involve for the two ladiea.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"This one was not correct in her structure. It's biological failure was not intended. The first morsel had a resilient structure. Much like you do." The being said as it considered its delivery briefly. The woman he gazed into was cold, her face didn't change, a corpse that was carrying another's animus. "I was.." it shifted its head. "...the human word...I suppose is Eager. When the spawn opened my cell, a body structure I sensed was compatible."


Misha flushed. "Sasha, what are you thinking, I don't-understand." She said as shaking her head as they walked together. "This is to save my life, not play around with." She said stiffly.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
" hmm still warm and flexible I noticed. Then tell me is only her mind dead or the body as well? And if the body is, how long can u keep it warm and mimic her persona to keep hidden if your gonna use her. "

As he spoke up asking this, revealing to the creature this man was not against it having some freedom with a meat suit as long as it followed some rules, as well as keeping its true self hidden from those which were not friendly to this odd scenario. However little did the father know he had opened a door for manipulation from.the entity, as it had taken the body of a woman he had a major crush on. More so being uniquely frustrated with his scenario of single father and so many women around him that he could not touch. Yet now this thing had a new body to abuse In so many ways. Thus depending on how it could use and preserve ethe body it had taken. The entity could now had new opportunities.


" oh come now. This is such a rare chance, and we do t know how log it will last for right? Besides we're both actually women so their would be no harm as long as we keep it our own little secret right?'

Giggling as she spoke up, even moving to suddenly rub mishas new impressive little friend. Trying to arouse it enough to get Misha to break enough and agree, but she could not force it.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"This female has nothing left to provide beyond the body. It's spark was smothered by my own presence. The rudimentary organ systems can be manipulated and it's body brought back to warmth." It said as it looked up to him.


Misha yelped out as Sasha started to lift her gown and started to rub on ...well 'her' cock. The sensations of it making the body tingles again, shivering and grabbing at her hands. "I'm not gay-i don't like women!" She said as she shyly pulled back. "You don't-just go grabbing that-"
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"That is not the answer I wanted. can you, the one using this body keep the flesh alive, and replace the personality to blend in? or are you nothing more then a useless bag of flesh not even able to sate a body's need?"
asking this in a more threatening and demanding tone, it would begin to feel as if this entity did not answer correctly it might become lost like so many before it, as countless others could replace it, but now having experienced the bliss of a compatible body. it knew that the rewards out way the once nothingness it accepted as a way of life. yet he would move to grasp the chin of the body's face. looking into the eyes, the fact remained, he looked into the eyes, as a hint of remorse, and sadness could be seen in them, but not enough to hide a more primal beast hiding inside of the mature man. as he communicated with this entity which most humans would be terrified of or worse. however at the same time, he had a compatible body for the influence, and life force of the horror's realm, which explained while his daughter was the perfect female for it's species, like his body was ideal for a male. but unlike any other victim, this man could over whelm the horror with his Ego, due to his experiments on himself to prepare himself to deal with them. as the thing did not know it as of yet, but now his daughter was beginning the same kind of internal adaptation thanks to the side effect of the drug used on her.


giggling, once more, as she heard this, Sasha would lean in, teasing Misha's ear.
"doesn't saying you don't like girls mean you are gay, after all right now you are a man, and one hell of a man might I say. ggrrr. " saying this past part with a cat paw motion of her hand. taking Misha's hand, Sasha would pull her back to the main room and quickly with a smile.

"we might not want to have that kind of fun, but we have some time off for once. we can enjoy some movies, and other things we might not get freedom like this again for some time. " saying this excitedly, she could not hide her devious idea, but at least the two were close enough that Misha knew sasha was no real threat, however Sasha would not notice the odd looks the two of them got, as they moved past several infected, now turned cult members noticed the two and looked at them silently, watching heading off, as if mentally telling the horror what they were seeing with out needing to say anything or be close to it. as the horror would need to give them the order to collect the girls, well the young lad and girl if it could do so with out the risk of it's current high priest so to speak replacing it.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"If you continue to press with such impatience, you will never learn, human. Strength of your Ego or not." The being shrugging him away. "Watch. And perhaps you will find yourself able to recognize something." It said as the cold flesh stepped back, starting to to crack from within, something writhing within the flesh, sliding about as the body seemed to go slack on its feet, standing only by some horrific rigormortis. The spine twisted and her upper body rolled back upwards slowly, to an upright position. The skin was regaining color and life, the eyes focusing and seeming to truly be able to fix upon the face rather than mimic the discussion. "Wasn't I what you wanted, Doctor?" The monster said with a teasing smile, the flat, deathly tone ot once had much more like thst of a human.


"I'M-just. No fondling." She hissed flushing harder as Sasha teased her. "And no weird stuff-" she mumbled as she followed her.

The cultists felt their masters eyes looking through their minds, guided by their vision, they would feel their masters focus on the boy that accompanied Sasha.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
placing the hand on the back of his neck, cracking it, the old man would smirk seeing this and hearing it.
"Well your not her, but I guess you will make a fine right hand woman, if you can keep the body ripe, and remain living, even if your the one controlling it. so specimen, do you have a name or preferred title to be known. in public we will continue to know you as shayla, or do you wish to completely take her name as your own now?"

as he smirked, enjoying this sight, the tall petite woman before him was indeed an all appealing idea. However now asking this, the creature had quiet the opportunity before it. to become this human's right hand, he could help it expand, and grow in ways never originally thought of, and most likely in ways even this man had no idea about. yet it would also slowly gain access to his daughter, as it was now split with it's dealing with this simple human, and the reveal of the young compatible male it's minions had spotted so to speak.


once they got into the room, Sasha did something a bit unexpected, as she suddenly lifted Misha's small frame up and tossed her playfully onto the over sized sofa in the small room. before rushing past her excitedly. practically drooling like some crazed fan girl. before pulling out all kinds of outfits which were not meant for any male body to wear, and tossing them to her.

"no touchy, but I can't miss this chance, I need cute pics of this cute man before me. what you say Misha, I will so owe you one for this. "
saying this excitedly, however unlike the few which knew this, any one in the future would most likely think this was an unknown male doing this, as long as her little horror or secret of becoming a male for a short while did not get out. yet at the same time something about the look in sasha's eye would tell Misha if she crossed this line, it would be but the beginning of the night for them.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Your species cares so much for naming..." The entity said shaking its head, folding its arms. "Seeker. That will do." The puppeteer said as it considered things after a few moments.


Misha flushed as Sasha flung out the feminine clothing on the couch, the femboy sitting up on their knees. "Sasha-Im starting to think you're trying to actually put the moves on me-"
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well then Seeker, that will make things easier for us, so then, join me for a proper talk, we can figure out our best course of action next . "
as he spoke up, treating this thing like it was shayla, as it now sounded, looked, and moved like the woman it was now possessing the form of. the hormones, scent, and action now changing slightly, even if the man himself did not notice. finally playing into the hands of this creature. all the while, the collected puppets it controlled did their work around the facility masking what they were now, however the corrupted ones had a new target, as they would jut need to wait for the young man to exposed himself to be snatched, or the girl he was with to use as bait, which ever presented itself first.

"oh come now, let's start with some lovely skin tight dresses, and move up to the cuter outfits. "
as she spoke excitedly, it showed how the cross dressing would start with what could be seen as fancy dating clothes, into very lewd night time clothing, as she had her little camera ready as well. all these odd clothing were new and never once owned. meaning she had been saving them for something special. If misha asked, or thought about it, Sasha most likely had planned to try and seduce misha's father, but that had never came to past, despite the age difference, as she was closer to Misha's age.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ofcourse." Seeker said simply as it followed him, sensing the changes in the human quite easily even with its humanoid confines. The creature was capable of patience, even while it had attempted to seed or destroy the prison it was locked within.

"How about you take the body swap serum and you put on the skin tight outfits?" Misha said folding their arms, crawling out of the pile of clothing. "Why do you even have these! This is a place of science!"
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"oh come now, a girl needs to have some fun, or perhaps you want to experience something a bit more unique hmm? after all we could say this is research. "
saying this, Sasha now had all the clothing out, as she began to strip herself and walk tours Misha, playfully, and seductively. causing Misha's new body to react in a way her female mind did not understand. she did not like girls, or feel much tours the idea of girls, yet this body seemed to react on it's own, the erection forming causing a new kind of sensation for her, showing how Sasha was playfully wicked in such a scenario but at least they were in a closed room, with no one able to see or interact with the two at the moment.


Leading the properly used, and handled body tours another room, one which had a table, and several chairs. as the older man would look to the younger possessed body, as he would begin to prepare some drinks, and place them on the table. simple cold ice water but it was something.

"well then, how is it you plan to make use of this body? how can we make sure your growth doesn't go out of control, so we do not have to exterminate your host flesh?"
asking this, his questions were direct, however it also painted a window of interest, as he did indeed help it spread it's influence with the janitor prior, even more then that. it seemed he was looking for a kind of offer to keep the thing obedient enough. however in his inquiry, the single father over looked the most important question, how many of it's abilities could it use in the human body, which did not seem to cross his mind, despite how he saw the body twisted, and damaged become pure, and restored, with the voice, and tone of the innocent maiden which once was the owner.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"You're like a big sister to me-!" She said almost desperately as Sasha saw the body decide that it wasn't opposed to a little brother and sister experimentation. "And-And-" she stammered as she covered the tent that was sticking up under her thin hospital like gown. "You-we-i-" she mumbled as Sasha got closer and closer to her floundering prey. "You'll be-my first!" She admitted suddenly, closing her eyes, as she turtles up in timid terror, hoping that the information woukd bring her friend some pause.


"The body is a means of moving, and understanding your species. And the termination of the host body would be wasteful to you wouldn't it Doctor?" Seeker said as it picked up the water glass. It examined it. Bodily functions were mimicked, certain ones were not needed, the replacement of liquids to the body was one of them. But to maintain the illusion of humanity, Seeker took a sip.
Local Time:
10:48 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she turtles up, Sasha leaned in kissing Misha pbefore laughing laughing. As she winked at her best friend and sister.

" your lucky that your so cute you know that.
I could just eat you all up, but I do need to save something for a real man right?"

Saying this with a wink. Sasha would the. Grab some of the most lewd looking outfits and show them to Misha asking her to try them on as they won't be doing any experimentation with that cute form yet.


" so looks like I will need to teach you the basics of appearing human the. Seeker? Tell me are you able to use the erm body's memories at all. Work wise I mean. " as he said this his own hormones and pheromones would be reacting to this horrors manipulative release In the room. Thus opening the door for a more lewd inter action all the sooner. However once the deed was done it would grant much more influence upon this man, and perhaps make it easier to access the more compatible girl once again.
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