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Fantasy RP A Little Goblin in the Big City (Lord Sesshoumaru)

Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As Virginia stood to the back of the fray, watching the giant warrior butcher any that would wander inti their path abd menace them, Virginia felt strange. Her skin was flush and warm, her body jolted faintly with feelings that she didn't often have. The Goblin couldn't help but watch the physical domination before her abd feel something ripple down her body ,. She trailed behind, scooping up materials, trying not to fall behind or alway the new tingling feeling in her belly that was was seeping into her legs slow her down. Was she ill? Was she struck by rapid Dungeon Madness? She tried to shake ot off as she approached the formless creature, pulling put her crossbow ans she neared it suspiciously. But then a thought entered her head, a alien voice inside her that were raw Goblin instincts. 'Make the stud smash it in front of you-" yhe thought whispered, making the Goblin flush darker, something warm rolled between her legs, excitement at the idea making her womanly pheromones heat up.
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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as her natural pheromones began to heat up, the goblin's sweet and inviting sent was soon picked up by the usually harmless creature. as it expanded itself suddenly and fully covered the little goblin, so only her hands and feet, as well as her nose, and top of her head stuck out of it's gooey embrace. she would feel how it gagged her, while slowly seeping under her armaments. the soft warm gel like fluid touching her in ways, the innocent little tart never did to herself. it would be quiet the embarrassment, to have to be rescued from the weakest of monsters, however as this thing began to play with her. the core soon made itself visible. however the core was tours her lower half, as this, thing would form a gel like cock using it's core to produce it's very own variant of sperm. instead of usual seed, it generate a smaller chunk of it's core which would shoot off into the victim and fertilize the maiden to make her develop a larger slime equal to the size of a natural off spring their body could produce, if it was successful in this attempt. as it was, there were a few choices to get out of this mess, but all of them would be equally embarrassing for her firs job, if her body didn't submit to this thing being able to fill her desires, with minimal pain, compared to a natural partner.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the slime leapt on her, Virginia screamed out instantly, we'll she tried before she got a mouthful of the oozes tendrils ti gag her. She tried ti struggle as she felt it rushing inti her armor, her body perking up and warming as it was handled. Her nipples rose under her armor, her face flushing a blue green color while Goblin blood. She tried to roll, to struggle, pressing her legs together as she felt something moving and the panic began to set in. Sher hand clasped on her crossbow, waving it around, trying in vain to get the giant to look back to see her.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Struggling as much as she could, it would seem like the little goblin was doomed, as she felt how the gel creature began to dissolve parts of her leather armor, however worse was the sensation as it began to slowly invade her pussy and ass. yet when her eyes would close, and the tiny one would seem to fall prey to this normally harmless, lvl 1 horny ball of gel. a massive hand would reach through it. and pinch the core. crushing it, and turning the slime into a simple pile of thick water all over her. as he would then pull out a small towel, and move to aid the little goblin up to her feet, and dry her off.

"Sorry , I never expected you to be captured by a harmless little slime. Should have warned ya, just pinch the core next time, and you would have won instantly. of course moving your limbs in, is like swimming in oil. "

as he spoke in a gentle tone the giant, did not realize this had awakened the natural instinct and desire in the goblin to find a strong playmate and breed with. even Virginia would not know what this new desire and sensation in her would be. However the fact remained, after this close call, she would now know, even the harmless critters can have tricks to watch out for. However little did she know, that now with her body ripe for the taking, her so called friend from her Inn, and bar job would soon find the chance to make his move to kidnap, and enjoy his little drinking partner and tart.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Virginia was hunched over, coughing up ooze, spitting jelly out of her mouth as she tried to scoop the remains off her. To the giant, it would seem like she was shaking with fresh nerves and feear...but her knees were only quivering because her body felt like she had been caressed by a please demon. "I-im-ha- okay-" she mumbled out as she stood up, her armor slightly weakened, bur her maids apron and head dress was seeming unharmed by the ooze, specially treated for flame and solvents. She looked up at the giant, still shivering, her skin glistening. "I-i hear ooze gel is good for the skin-" she half joked, as she felt her arousal rolling down her leg, making her legs snap tight together as she straightened, trying not to hyperventilate as she stared up at the giant. His simple kill made her body go crazy, perhaps because she had no sense of battle or danger, or because it was to save her...but she wanted to climb Bel, and her instincts called for her to wrap her legs around his head. Bel's lips were moving....but Virginia was too busy fighting her own mind to listen.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As this went on for a bit, not fully comprehending what was going on. the massive giant knelt down next to her. as he moved to gently patting her head as he spoke.
" Do not worry, that did no real damage, any thing dangerous will not be allowed to hurt you. I will ensure your safety my little friend. "

saying this in a gentle and protective tone. the giant would soon stand up asking her to be careful as he would need to move on ahead, and begin slaying more beasts.
however unknown to ether of them, that once he was far enough away, the rogue could make his move, and snatch up the little goblina with out hesitation. unaware how her own
needs had been awakened.

( if he lures her, knocks her out, and snatches, or gag, and drag her off is up to you, feel free to initiate our kidnapping nyaa :D )
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022

As the giant patted her head, Virginia nearly felt her knees give out underneath her, just barely holding up at his comforts. As he turned away, Virginia took a small step, whimpering ti herself aa she fekt wet and sticky between her thighs. An itch running through her. She opened her mouth, about to say that she would be right along while he cleared around the bend fir any more monsters, but something snapped around her mouth, a chemical scent filling her nose, her mouth. It hardly would take a few seconds before the Goblin felt woozy...but another part of her tingles with sick anticipation. 'A male wants his meat' was the twisted instinctive though as sher eyes rolled back and she went slack.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Some time began to pass, as Virginia would finally come to. finding herself in a small room with a treasure chest. all her belongings missing, as she was in the nude, except for the apron. however more then that. a figure stood in the corner of the room, hidden by the shadow. as the room had no apparent doors, or windows. like a solid walled prison. as she had been brought into this room.

as the figure soon showed himself, appearing to be a naked, rogue with nothing but his cape, and hood on. as he would kneel down. looking tours Virginia.
"So we meet here after all little one. So they caught you to huh? "
as he spoke up sounding like a victim himself, however this was to hopefully see Virginia drop her guard and come closer to him, thinking he could play on their so called relationship from the bar interactions. However if things did not go as he wanted, the man would move to take her by force if need be. as this little trap was set up, all her belongings locked in the chest in the center of the room. however his own belongings, were a question in themselves.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Virginia groaned as she came to, dizzy and yet, thankfully to her unprepared mind, whatever crazed voice and strange feelings that had held her hostage had worked its way back out if hmsysrem...then she felt the breeze, the chill in the room despite the lack of exits. She yelped as sge heard the rogues voice, trying foolishly to curl up and hide herself in embarrassment. It didn't do much unfortunately with her overdelveloped assets. "Cyril?" She said in shock as she focused in him, see him properly frim the dark now...then she noticed he was practically as nude as sge wwa, and sge quickly looked away. "Uh-wgat happened- where is Bel- how did you get....where ever this is-" she said as she realized that she had no ways put, and no idea where they were. Was this a dungeon trap? Did bandits take up inside?
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"If I had to guess, we most likely fell into some kind of dungeon trap, All I remember is a bright light, and the odd sensation of some kind of chemical, what about you lil tart?"
as he moved tours her, not even hiding his body. however before long kneeling down before her. placing a hand gently on her head, as he looked with a smile on his face.

"Do not worry to much, we will figure out how to get out of here. If anything, I assume that chest holds all our belongings. as their seems to be nothing else in this room with us. "
as he spoke, telling her this, trying to make it seem more like the both of them fell prey to some kind of warp trap, however the truth was much simpler, he trapper her here, and wanted to have a bit of mental fun before physical.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
She leaned herself into his comforting hands. "I remember....something grabbing me, and chemicals-" sge Saud chewing her lip as sge instantly felt a little funny again. She remembered the scandalous sensation that filled her brain as sge was apparently falling into the trap. "And then nothing-" she said as she she glanced away from Cyril, his naked form making her squirm. "The trap stile our clothing...but not all of it?" She said as she started to stand up, her apron just barely contained the unrestrained Goblin, her tits weighing down the pristine white protective garment, her thick supple thighs clapping faintly together now that everything was on display, her curvy form. "Is the chest, locked?" She said as she wandered towards it, shuffling closer.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her leaning tours the locked chest, The little goblin would soon feel her so called friend, Cyril approaching from behind. as he looked tours her, now ripe and vulnerably exposed back side. Before the tiny Goblin knew it, she would find the weight of the man pressing her down against the chest. her massive busty breast pressing against the hard wood, as her head slightly over it. before Virginia knew what was happening, she would feel her flower plucked. as the man pushed himself into her with out warning, and with out hesitation. as he began to take her right their with out remorse.

"Hot Damn, Don't worry little Tart, it might hurt at first, but it will feel great very soon, and with this act we will be able to gain our freedom, and return to the outside world, safe and sound. albeit a bit roughed up. "
as he said this, making it sound like this lewd task was the key to their escape, and unlocking the chest. as it was all a lie, just to rape her, but he made it sound this way, as if to make the little one except his assault, unaware how the innocent goblin was now being awakened to something much darker, and more enjoyably wicked. the natural breeding desire, and instinct in her. however unlike this little rogue now dominating her. the mind of the little green vixen would return to the giant, who was seeking her out right now. the growing desire to devour the mighty warrior, while this man could be seen as an appetizer once her mind snapped.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As Virginia was forced over the chrsy, feeling something sudden drive into her, a pinch of pain shot through her as the Rogue violated her purity. She gasped out on pain as she grabbed onto the edge of the chest, her short legs kicking. But against a human, she had no chance,. Her body was already numbing the pain away before he even got in his fourth good thrust, the natural breeding instincts of all Goblin kind began working their way through her mind. Afterall, Might was the only thing a Goblin required to subjugate them, violating a female was practically a habit of evolution in the caste. Virginia's voice got higher. Her yelps of pain shifting into moans as the Rogue felt her soft body surrendering rather easily and her sex began to squeeze and ripple around her. Her mouth opened wider as a delirious pleasure soaked her senses, her hips bucking about a bit, trying to rough the Rogue up yo get more force out his thrusts and feel his hips clap on her plump jiggly backside. "Ngh-hurry-" she hissed out through her teeth. Tart wanted more, while her own voice was muffled by generations of horrific Goblinoid servitude.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
feeling how her body moved against him, and hearing her words, the rogue would move to grasp her head, pulling Virginia into each thrust. his balls slapping into her plump little green ass. as he got as deep as he could. more then just that, her body would feel how he pulled her into each thrust, combined with her own increased in movements.

as this continued, the chest began to faintly glow along the cracks of the chest. as the fluids of the bestial, and feral rutting began to make a mess. more then that, the rogue was giving into the desires he held onto for so long. causing a mix of blood and sexual fluid to trickle down the tiny maiden's inner legs.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Tart's tingue lulled out as tge Rigue grabbed her head, her pig tails easy handle bars to rut into her with. Her breathing was already heavy and hot, her cheeks jiggling ad the human slapped against them, her breasts thumping against the wooden as sher juices leaked faster and faster, the Rogues pricks stirring hee up inside, feeling how it milked him so readily. "Ahn-Cyril-comme on-gimme nore- I want it all. Don't be so soft!" The Goblin lusted, her toes curling, biting inti his thighs with smooth manicured nails. "Fuck me up-you pathetic humie-" she growled out, not even recognizing her own words anymore as she slung the slur at her rapist.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Giving into the pleasure more and more, as her body was being ravaged, and dominated, her feet dangling at this point, unable to touch the floor, as her body was up against the chest. her breast pressed against the hard wood. as her head was pulled back, each thrust inching ever closer to the needed release. as the little goblin could feel the swelling cock of this man with in her tight, tiny depths. preparing to burst his load deep into her, however as this continued, their would soon be the sound of movement outside, one of the walls. as the voice would soon be heard, that of the dragon slayer. a real man, which her instincts would want even more then this humie, as she called him. However would the little tart of a vixen suddenly put on a show of needing rescued, to lure the larger stud to her location, or would she just continue to give into this lesser man now violating her.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As her ears, once used only to listen to the whispers of patrons for rumblings of refills and food orders from across a crowded tavern, perked to listening off for movements nearby, sge squirmed out with her feet, kicking faintly and hooking at the rogues thighs. Her attention was split, Goblin mating practices she had only genetic knowledge of on display, listening for bigger deadlier monsters and males while this current suitor was trying to drill his influences into her insides. His intent. His needs and Greed would seep into her mind if he came inside of her, almost molding her into a perfect tool for his selfish, vile needs to satisfy himself. Ofcourse it only would be temporary, a Goblin female was only vulnerable to such slavish impulses as long as they were getting filled with cream. At least until they were knocked up. Then their serving nature would lock them in until something came along and killed their mate, and mounted the Goblin to pound out the silly idea they were actually serving a true master.

The only thing that would carve through these feelings of pleasure, was the soft sound of Bels voice. Though it didn't make her thrilled she was saved. Her thrill came because he was clearly a powerful stud, and if anyone would be pounding her into putty, it should be him. Her glazed eyes focused, her hands grabbed on the steel edges of the chest. "Ngh-BEL-HA~HA~ TRAPPED~" Tart barked out, her voice a tad different, all class and careful human speech was dragged low, dipped into desperation and pleasure. Perhaps Cyril would get lucky if he was quick enough to atleast bust into the Goblin before her partner could pick up the trail.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she spoke, the sound of the walls being struck began to grow louder, and more violent. However as this happened, the little goblin felt how her rogue lifted her, his one hand wrapped around her belly, and under her massive tits. the other grasping one of her arms, as he began to fuck even harder, and faster. pulling her body up against his own, as he began to move back against another wall. planning to break and make this little goblin his fuck toy, unaware that his fate was sealed, even if he managed to nut in her. as Bel would not take this sight kindly. for the wall began to crack, as Virginia could feel the man swelling and pulsating with in her. it would be close, however she would get what her tiny body desired if not from this man, then the giant she was about to witness come busting into her prison.

( feel free to have her filled, and claimed, to force Bel to kill the rogue, or to have her break free, from the rogue when Bel breaks into the room in. erm excitement? I leave the choice to you wink wink. )
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the walls shook and buckled, Tart wasn't properly sure what was going to make her nur faster, Cyril's manhandled to and roughness, or the display in front of her. "Come-Quickly!" She panted out as Cyril felt his swelling, aching organ getting wrapped tighter into ever glwelxoming Goblin pusssy. The muscles fellezing, her voice getting higher as he felt his prize starting to squirter around him while he felt the heat of pleasures overwelhm him. As the Roguylue start to nut and send the Goblin into a mind Fogg as the thick messy human nut tapped her womb, t. She watched in a daze as Bel managed to rip through the wall. Cyril however, was in the midst of getting off, his need to withdraw from the Goblin was stalled out almost instantly. Trying to pry her away was somehow much harder than going in as an ungodly grip strangled his trouser snake in the hottest sensation, his little fuck pocket had begin addicting herself to him, the carnal influence of his flounders for the ultimate plaything made her pussy as forceful as a constrictor serpent.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the arm smashing through the wall, tearing chunks off, to reveal the massive armored man. his eyes glowing with rage, as he saw the tiny Vixen being used like a pocket pussy before his eyes. gritting his teeth the massive man would begin to break into the room all the more, as he shouted for the rogue to let the little one go, and move away from her. Unaware how the goblin traits had fully kicked in, thus her lustful state would demand the fluid and dick of the one who took her. however it would be once she would speak or act, to reveal this, that the rogue's fate would become sealed. as he struggled to try and pull her off, only for her body to suck him back in. every little bit he managed to pull out only got devoured again. as his hot man seed spewed into her depths more and more.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Rogue pulled her up, only to get practically dragged back in with the frenzied lust matched by the much larger, hornier Orc and Oni women, Bel saw only what he would believe. This disgusting bandit was violating the young woman he swore he would have guarded. Sk bold and perverse that he wouldn't even drew himself out of her insides to face his death with dignity. Tart's gushing nectar hissed along the floor as Bel came crashing out of the wall, her gorilla grips guts sucking up man milk greedily. Her fave was awash with growing madness an and excitement. "Bel!BEL! Ngh~Help!" She managed to beg, though it wasn't for safety. The human felt her greedy Goblin insides squeezing, throbbing eagerly on their own, getting only more messy around him with crazed mating instincts. Even as Cyril found his cock sucked limp and dry o, her hole was massaging it as of hedging bets that the scoundrel trash could escape and continue brainwashing her into a sex toy.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
with in the next several moments everything happened to quickly. for the rogue was soon pressed into the wall, with an incredibly painful tear. the little goblin was now free of his meat. however dripping from his man seed, down her inner thighs. the massive brute held the little human by his throat. pinning him hard against the wall, however as this was happening, Cyrile would pull out a small bomb from his emergency storage. a small spell which housed a hand full of items in a different dimension. as it exploded. everything went white for a few moments as the sound of ringing filled the goblin little ears.

finally as things came into view, the rogue was missing, the massive brute on his back, groaning a bit. as his frontal body was exposed. the bomb had blown away a great deal of his armor, and under garments. however more then that, it revealed his powerful draconic heritage. his monstrously thick and long rod on full display. as the tiny now lewd goblin would have the ideal chance to pounce on the man, and make him her new master, as he would need a short bit to fully come to, from the point blank explosion he just tanked.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Tart stood up on her feet, groaning as she felt the rogues seed oozing out of her slit, running between her thighs. But soon as she could focus again, she lost all interest in the emptying feeling inside of her. Her eyes were affixed to the daze Bel, well only one part of him. The Goblin scrambled forwards to the draconic hybrid, leaping onto his chest, her feet pressing onti his biceps, effectively sweeping his arms back to the side to keep him flat on his back. Her hands grabbed the mostly stripped warrior by the balls, something soft and cushy pressed on his stomach, the sensation of her bare breasts rubbing against him as she angled herself. her mouth trying to open up and test the monstrosities tip , and see if she could fit it in her mouth. With the rogue missing, and the real big boss, the strongest chief in the area laying before her, all her instincts pulled her to do one thing. Serve.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as her instincts drove the little tart, Virginia would begin to struggle, as the massive head of the cock stretched her tiny jaw. but with enough slow and steady effort, she would be able to deep throat a good portion of the monster cock. as it was large enough for her to use her mouth, throat, and breast all at once. such a thing would break her tiny twat to say the least. but it was more ideal for a species which could adapt, to be fucked by all sizes, even become as bloated as a balloon with cum and never worry about any lethal damage, due to their incredible breeding adaptability. However this was also something most would never get a chance to test out, yet here was one such little vixen. her instincts about to dive into a meal, and once it was done, becoming a loyal and addicted little fuck doll to this protective giant, but by her own actions, unlike how she was almost ruined, and claimed by Cyrile prior.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As her mouth stretched a bit she giggled drunkenly, her fingers rubbing abd squeezing hiis sack as the Goblin lulled back briefly. She kissed on the girth rod, , sticking out her tongue, the narrows yet long muscle coiling around the head and around the shaft to lub him up a bit first. His taste, his scent, it made her pussy Weezer and wetter, , her instincts swelling in her mind, smothering her refined nature as she plunged herself forward bravely. Musch like a loyal cultists to become a sacrifice, the Goblin had become resolved into the task. She would throat this vein monster....or black out trying. Her tiny jaw parted, her muscles stretching little but little as he filled her mouth, her cheeks bulging out as she started to push he way down.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she struggled, and took the giant member into her mouth and throat. the tiny vixen managing to adapt impressively, as it would not take long before she would get the thick healthy prize her body desired. however if she would get it before she blacked out, or if she would come to, from the pressure filling her belly was the question for in this dungeon's destroyed trap room. the massive draconic man would now be her feast, out cold long enough for the goblin, to gobble him up in multiple ways, as her body demanded.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As sge dragged herself further, the frenzy that possessed her forcing herself further down, the feeling of deprivation that would keep most from trying , was mostly a nagging suggestion in the crazed Goblin instincts. Her throat strained and bulged, her hot mouth and throat making a welcome place of pleasure enveloping as much giant meat as she could. She drew herself back and forth, her tongue wrapping and cradled around the pole as she squeezed his sack, moaning around him hungrily. Her air supply was thinning little by little, trying to replenish as much as she coul.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally getting her reward, their would end up being enough pressure to pop the little slut off the cock, as if her mouth was being pushed off, even with as much as she drank. However leaving the tiny, busty woman to eyeball the massive meat stick, as it glistened from her saliva, and the seed she mostly drank. yet more then that, her body would beg for more, but now experiencing the pressure which was pent up in this stud. would she go for more oral, or another means of fun, for his body would slowly begin to stir, giving Virginia little time to decide, before she would miss out on her next chance for more meat so to speak.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she was shunted off the pressure, she panted for air and as dregs of seed leaked frim her lips and her nose, her belly full but coursed her with more hunger as she shifted around, starting to back herself up , trying to align herself to his tip blindly. While Bel woke up more and more, he'd feel her soft body pressing against his chest, her slit rubbing in his tip, but she was struggling to force it into herself. She felt it bouncing off, making her whine as she tried to lean back, but she was playing a bit dangerously, the shaft tensing and nbemdunv slightly. If t honestly could easily slip backwards and kick straight into the Goblins Anusara, punching straight into a hole that no experience in. It would luckily keep Bel from imprinting hurler brains but she certainly would snap slightly out of her breeding crazed state.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the massive stud began to come to, his hand moving to gently touch the top of her head. as he did not have his senses all together at this moment. however it would be the moment the gentle pressure of his palm touched her tiny head. that his spear suddenly dove into her tight, tiny entrance. impaling the horny little maiden, however unfortunately for them both, both her baby maker, and love tunnel now claimed with out a moment of realization. As it was, every faint movement would make her sexually driven mind go mad with more instinct driven desires. as this mighty stud was now in her, as the perfect manor to claim and imprint upon her once innocent mind.

This would make Virginia the little goblin tart, into this mighty stud's personal slut, and cum balloon to fill, however when he was not around, she would need to learn to be herself. however at this point in time, she was the one ontop, and if she did not move herself, she would discover her new meaty lord planning to remove her from the prize she finally claimed.
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