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Fantasy RP A Lycan's Love (Sesshoumaru)

Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa grunted and clutched her bleeding side with her hand. Panting hard, she was trying to stay focused. She had to lose those vampires that were on her trail, and the only thing she could think of in this moment was escaping in to the forest. There in the forest she was familiar with, was the lycan camp that had made an alliance with her witch coven. Vanessa knew the son of the alpha, as she and him had become close over time and she knew she could count on him to help her. At least, she hoped.

Unfortunately she had been turned around and lost as her current wound had worsened. Although being a semi advanced magic user, still she was no match for vampires on her own yet. They had attacked her suddenly and she was not prepared, but she had gotten away just in time too.

She felt like her head was spinning, and underneath her the snow glistened red as her blood spilled forward. She soon collapsed, her body laying there in the cold. She could only hope that her friend would find her, and rescue her from the vampires that were nearing her vulnerable state. They knew magic laced blood was far tastier than any normal mortals..

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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
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As the world would seem to slowly Black out around the witch, Vanessa. Things would begin to quickly look hopeless, However things were not all lost. as her world would fade out from blood loss, and exhaustion. The cold snow now painted with the crimson Hue of her mana enriched plasma. the scent of blood would be tracked quickly by Vampires with ease, However these would not be the only creatures to pick up such a scent. As a figure moved silently through the forest, the snow faintly crunching between the skillful and stealthy movements.

Some time later in a damp, and dark cave. one which had what could only be described as fur pelt flooring set up inside of it all. As the white, and brown wolf sat their, by a small bon fire. Vanessa would fine her body mostly stripped, and bandaged up. her clothing hung in the cave to dry by the fire, as the warm blanket made from fur wrapped around her now bandaged frame. the beast would growl softly, as he turned to look at her. the young alpha, could not safely get her back to the camp, thus he had to find a safe spot to camp out. his right shoulder, injured, showing their had been a scuffle over her. however the young looking witch would know well this beast had a claim on her, or so he said, despite their being no truth to this, if nothing else. it was just hot air from a horny pup back when they first got close.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Ahem, let’s try this again)

Vanessa woke and winced as she felt the bandages around her chest. She firstly worried about what had happened but then saw her longtime friend. The son of the alpha… she breathed out his name softly, noting his injury. “A-Are you alright?” She asked, wanting to make sure he was, even if she was physically weakened.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Sitting their, the beast man would smile, almost as if trying to not be intimidating. however with Vanessa, Bel would seem more like an over protective pup, then the beast he should be. being the next alpha in line to his old man. the bestial stud was injured, yet his wound was only flesh level. as he smirked.

" Nothing to worry about, a good few hours, and this kind of wound will be all better. but more importantly, how did you get into such a situation V?" asking this to the witch. ,the bestial warrior seemed to have his tail swaying
in a kind of excitement. most likely, due to them being alone right now, yet nether of them in any condition to do much, other then talk, perhaps if they felt a bit risky, some cuddling by the fire, when the time to slumber hit them both. yet the fact remained
the peace would be short lived, yet could be enjoyed while it lasted for the duo in this little cave.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“They attacked me,” she tells him, shivering lightly and moving towards him, falling into his fluffy exterior. “They knew my magical blood could give them extreme power-“ her voice was muffled. “And plus I was outside of my coven for the time being..” she continued but let his scent wrap around her. She was definitely close to him, more close than she should have been to be honest. As Bel’s father looked down upon inter species relationships..
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The two of them alone in this den, the larger, fluffy male would gingerly wrap his arms around her. Holding the smaller witch close to his powerful warm frame. even to the point, it could be seen as a lover holder one another in a protective embrace if one didn't know any better. the beast moved to gently rest his chin on her head, as he spoke in an oddly gentle growl.

"So tell me, it has been some time sense we had last seen each other. are you always going to be that cute little reckless girl? or Does your big bad wolf, have to worry about his little witch being taken away again?"
saying this in such a tone, it would be both curious, and playful. however the fact remained, this was something that was not to be allowed, however it was, two opposing races being so close to one another. and more so alone.
as the fire crackled, and the warmth radiated in the small cave den upon them.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a small laugh at his words, making herself comfortable in his embrace. “I can handle things on my own!” She protested, giving a soft sigh. “But it is nice to see you again,” she admits, looking up at him. She knew that there was a man beneath all of that fur, but even so, his form right now was…enticing and somehow she only wished to know more of him. Was that truly such a crime?
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Chuckling softly, the beast held the witch close. as he sniffed her softly, licking at Vanessa in a manor which was as gentle as it was ticklish, his rough tongue gently lapping along the should, and neck on the one side which was near the injury.

" we are to be alone for this moon. So we have much time. we can talk, rest. you tell what you want. "
as he spoke, as if struggling to get his thoughts out. it was soon becoming clear that this young stud of an alpha in training was struggling against some of his own stronger instincts and desires.
the fact he could control himself, was quiet the impressive thing, more then that. the fact these urges seemed to grow stronger from the scent of this witch, which should be found disgusting if what most lycans say was to be
true, or at least believed. yet as he held this witch, her body, and scent were like a truly fine wine to his senses.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa listened to him as he spoke and then she all of a sudden seemed shy. “Have..have you taken a mate yet?” She asked out of the blue, but knew he was meant to, as was his duty to keeping the pack populated with his bloodline if he was to become his father’s successor. Surely there were suitable females for him to lay into..but the one he really wanted was herself and she hadn’t the slightest clue.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Chuckling a bit at the question, the feral sounding beast man would speak in a softer tone then prior. as he moved to gently lick at Vanessa's shoulder before speaking.

"Taken no, One I want is not lycan, but not important right now. "
saying this, the way he spoke, the bestial savior of this witch was straight up revealing that the one he wanted as a mate was her, with out directly saying it was her, due to how he had no
interest in the women or girls of his clan or village. despite the need to have a proper mate as the next alpha, for the sake of the blood line. However more then that, the young witch would find
in due time, more so if they remained this close. it would become harder, and harder for her close friend, and protective savior to keep himself in check. as his bestial body could not hide his needs
or desires, as hard as he might want to. yet the primary concern was for the witch's safety for right now, despite how her scent was beginning to excite him, and more then that, the feel of her soft elegant skin, despite the injuries.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She listened to him and bit her lip lightly, the feeling of his tongue on her injured shoulder.. “Ber..” she spoke the nickname she had chosen for him. “Who is this, the one who is not of your kind that you desire…” she trailed off, leaning her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now enjoying the sensation of being held, and her head against the soft warm fur of his chest. hearing the heart beat of this bestial stud. The beast would move to suddenly pull Vanessa away from his body so their eyes could meet, when he would answer her.
"Who is the only one that has always been their, and will always be here? who is the one I will always seek out when in need ?"

saying this, he was sounding oddly excited, and nervous, as his tail began to echo as it batted against the ground, much like when he was an excitable pup. However after saying this, he would pull her back against his frame. despite this short bit of forceful movement. he was still gentle enough to avoid harming the witch, with her injuries. However he would hold her close once more, asking if she knew who he meant, or if he had to spell it out. It was clear that even now, he didn't like to fully admit his feelings opening but, he didn't deny them ether. Despite when around Venessa, the witch, this wolf man was always so straight forward, strong, and known for his violent reactions. taking after his old man, the current alpha. he was seen as an Ideal alpha when he came of age for the position. However his greatest flaw was also what made this beast such a unique stud. one which Vanessa knew all to well, his feelings, and how he could become so easily attached to one he values. thus far the only one who had been his so called weakness, was this woman in his claws right now, and one he would trade the world for.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
When he pulled her back suddenly, she searched his face as he spoke. The words she heard made her cheeks flush ever so lightly.

And then as he pulled her back, she closed her eyes. “Ber…as much as I would love nothing more than to always be with you…my coven—“ she trailed off, a frown crossing her face. He knew how strict her coven was, especially with other relationships that were not directly human.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Once I'm strong enough, We can run away, and find a way to prove ourselves. perhaps bring back the skull of something dangerous, and valuable to both our clans?"
as he spoke up, showing that this beast had given it some thought in the past, and even more recently. The fact remained, anything which could be so dangerous that it even could
force an alliance between the alpha pack, and the coven could be said as suicidal. More then that what could be alive, let alone in this area that could be such a task or trophy.

However as this was said, the beast would seem to mumble a bit, as he wished he had done this sooner.
before letting on to exactly what he was referring to, Vanessa would soon find herself position in his embrace, a bit awkwardly. as the beast move to try and give her
an oddly enjoyable, albeit awkward kiss, due to the shape of his bestial maw, and her lips. yet the fact remained. the feelings were true, and this seemed to be both a great chance, and
horrible situation for them both. the chance to let their feelings out, and grow dangerously closer, but also a risk as if this was discovered, even just the act of the beast protecting her could
get them both in dangerous trouble in the future.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Time still passing, but would feel as if the moment in time was lost to their minds. The beast holding the witch in his powerful embrace. as the kiss broke and their lips had met once now.

the beast would hear how she questioned his name, only to speak up in a soft almost cute whimpering tone of a voice.
" We have family's. responsibilities, but we can have each other. what you think? Make our own hidden Den away from the rest. A life outside the pack?"
saying this, as if wanting them to make a small home away from both their convent, and pack, however this would mean they would return to said group during the day, but
return to hidden home at nights. The idea of it would be insane, however the desire behind it was very true, and oddly desirable, despite how wrong it was.

Yet if nothing else, the powerful young lady known as Vanessa would be the one able to push this even further, or try to slow it down, as the bestial stud before her obviously
was holding himself back, if for no other reason, her condition.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
At the suggestion, she shook her head. “Ber I can’t- it’s..too risky,” Vanessa spoke, biting her lip yet again in thought. Now what? They were heated in this moment..but she knew she wouldn’t get another chance like this again. “Ber..can..will you…” she began out shyly, wondering how to word her next sentence.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she began to ask this, in such a cute and shy tone. the bestial stud before her would suddenly do something a bit unexpected. as he would move to grasp Vanessa by the hips. pulling her into a bit more of an interesting position
against his very frame. his claws moving to gently wrap around her after which the witch would feel how he was moving to gently, and oddly enjoyably run his nails against her skin in a gentle teas.

as he did this, the slight change in position would allow her body to feel his, in a bit more of an exposed manor, yet he would not force her to endure anything, but more so was slowly beginning to tease, and hold her in a more leading
yet playful manor. wanting to see how far she would let the beast go, or if she was going to ask him to do something else, not pushing to hard, but more so wanting to tease her desires out of the witch herself.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
At the sudden movements, and the peculiar position she was now in..her cheeks were definitely flushed. As his claws dragged along her skin, she shivered lightly.

Not out of fear, no, but of pleasure. “Ber..” she began his nickname on her tongue, giving him a certain glance that would hold all of her pent up desire for him.. “if what I think you are planning…just know, when I shed my virgin blood- I will be soul bonded to you for the rest of my life,” even though she had been through several, with the power of the magic held within her.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Hmm, bound you say, not bad sounding. "
saying this, as if on cure of hearing her comment, or warning. the bestial stud would suddenly move to force the witch onto her back, while trying to be gentle enough to avoid any pain at all.
at which point he would move to start licking her. aiming to Tease his desired witch, and eventually get to her tender region with his thick, rough tongue. his powerful claws gingerly moving along her skin. however
Vanessa would be able to stop the beast at any time if she truly wanted to. as her wolf man savior was always more animalistic with desires, and instincts, then most playmates, but having impressive control for his species.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa gave a soft gasp of surprise when he forced her to move onto her back- and then another, louder-breathier gasp could be heard when she felt his rough tongue laying in between her legs. She arched her back lightly, her hand reaching out and touching on his head gently. "A-Ah- Ber, be--Be gentle..!" she had to remind him, before he got too carried away. But, she was in no way asking him to stop. In fact, her body encouraged him- the arousal he would scent would soon cloud his mind with nothing more than desire for his witch.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing her words, the mighty beast before Vanessa would seem to grow more excited. as he moved to suddenly grasp one of the witch's legs. moving to position her one leg to the side, and the other onto his shoulder. the rough tongue moving along her inner leg. the way it tickled, and assaulted Venessa's tender flesh. the warmth being felt. as it inched tours her womanly slit. the wicked yet playful beast being as gentle, as it was aggressive. the one claw moving now to reach up tours her hand, if she took it, to interlock fingers with her. as the other claw gingerly slide down the leg which it had positioned onto it's shoulder. scraping her sensitive flesh, as it playfully worked tours the injured witch's healthy bust. all the while, it's rough tongue was working tours her most sensitive spot, to give this woman a time to enjoy and remember, even in her current condition.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa let out a soft gasp as he grabbed her legs, moving her into a position she wasn't familiar with. But again, she wasn't complaining in the slightest. The feeling of his rough tongue inching closer towards her virgin slit.. When he moved his claw up to grasp her hand, she took it, moaning and shivering in pleasure as the other one trailed her flesh, going over where her breast was..and the scent of her only filled his senses further, wanting nothing more than to be entirely his.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with his young witch ensnared in the brute's clutches. his gentle and aggressive assault upon her would only begin to heat up. It would not take long before the powerful maw pressed down between her legs. the snout on her fleshy, the teeth
against her tender flesh. as the tongue now digging deep into Vanessa's tender depths. the way she would feel the rough appendage wiggling about as it dug into her depths. the sensation of how it suckled on her flesh, and naughty bits.
the claw now teasing her one bosom, as the other held her, palm to palm with inter locked fingers.

The wolf had her one leg resting on it's shoulder, as the other was free to be moved as the witch desired. giving her a rare chance to use her legs to pull her lover into more of an action, or tease him with some playful resistance, if she so desired.
as no one knew this wicked beast better then Vanessa herself. However this would lead into much, much more of a heated night for the injured witch, and her feral lover.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The sensation that wrapped around her very being, the feeling of her lover pleasuring her in such a way..she couldn’t help but give out sweet moans for his ears to hear. And with the free leg, she decided to bring her lover closer to her depths, only wanting to feel more of him.

But she panted and squirmed against his tongue, feeling something build up inside of her and then as it released..it sprayed across Ber’s maw, the warm, milky liquid evident of his love’s first climax. She had cried out when she came, arching her back and letting her mouth open wide- his nickname escaping on her breath, showing him she was truly enjoying herself.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the fun continued to grow more and more heated, Vanessa would begin to feel how her bestial partner would finally start to pull away from her tender womanly entrance. after having coaxed her into a pleasuring orgasmic release. However the witch might not realize it as of yet, although her savior was now moving to slide his claws gently along her legs, scraping her tender flesh, before finally moving to take hold of her legs, as it freed her hand from the grasp of the one hand. so he could position the witch into a much more comfortable position, as he was preparing to work up her body slowly. before wanting to Roll Vanessa into what could only be considered a kind of Breeding press. however if she felt any real pain or discomfort, Ber would change how he was doing things. his instincts demanded he took her with out remorse, and bred his desired woman into submission, however his more gentle, and caring side, which only Vanessa knew, allowed this fluff ball to be much more of a lover then a simple mate of muscle and fur.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa couldn’t help but shiver more in anticipation of what he was doing, and the moment he twisted her frame into what she knew to be a breeding form- she let out a small gasp of surprise. She knew though it was going to lead to this eventually…but, somehow she still was surprised to at he had wanted her for a very long time, as much as she had wanted him.

“Ber-“ she began, glancing at him, “You..you’re certain you want me to be your mate?” She wasn’t stopping him, she was just wanting confirmation, knowing how the rules were but..screw the rules, she wanted him and only him. She just wanted to make sure he truly wanted the same. For she loved him, and she couldn’t wait to be bred by him.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing her soft, shaking words, the beast seemed to growl softly, as he reassured the witch, their was no one better suited, and he could not find any one as delicious as this witch.
despite his choice of words, being a bit more on the barbaric side, the meanings were obvious, and heart felt. as the beast would begin to move, and slowly start the process of taking vanessa.

giving the witch little time to try and stop him, or to position herself to better accept this large gift which was about to ruin her for any future males to even dare, and touch. however at the same time
she would be the first for her fluff ball of a savior as well.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa let out a soft moan of discomfort at first, the large girth stretching out her virgin folds- grimacing when he easily broke her hymen and shed her purity blood. But, her depths opened up and accepted him quite easily, due to his previous actions of licking her and lubricating her quite well.
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