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Fantasy RP A Lycan's Love (Sesshoumaru)

Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now violating the magical maiden under the beast. his soft warm fur covered body against her delicate flesh. the sensation of his rough tongue moving to lap along her sensitive skin.

carefully moving to grasp Vanessa, as Ber would make sure her body was positioned for the most pleasuring experience he could ensure for them to share.
As his wicked member ruined her formerly innocent depths, claiming this witch as his own for now, and forever in his bestial mind. a growling tone would be heard by the witch, as the beast laid
his claim, and began to slowly get rougher with her.

"If this gets to be to much, make sure to say so. I am going to claim you completely. if you can handle it in one go, we will take all the time we need. "
growling this, as his wicked spear moved deep, before shifting from slower dep strikes, to shallow rapid thrusts. allowing his fluffy body and warm sack to smack into her smooth silken skin.
as the two did this, Vanessa's mind would get glimpses of a side or form of her partner which even he did not know himself. a human form, as he had always been ether a massive four legged wolf, or a well built
monster of a anthro wolf. As if with them becoming one, her own mana and mind would be able to see parts of her partner even he did not know, however these images would be hard to keep visible with the sensation
being forced upon her body of pain, and pleasure, twisting together with in her core. as the pain would slowly subside, and give way to more, and more primal pleasure of the carnal indulgence.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa gasped out at how large Ber felt. And at his words, she glanced at him the best she could and nodded, “Of course..I’ll say something,” she promised mid moan, closing her eyes as the pleasure began to fill her entire being- the glimpse she saw of a human form of his..perhaps she would get to explore both sides eventually, but it was definitely his beast form that was taking her for his mate.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now holding the witch in his paws, the massive fluffy, yet soft form of this feral beast taking her. Filling Vanessa with out concern, or so it seemed. with how his wicked pink rocket dug deep into her depths.
Bulging, and disforming her belly just enough got the outline of it's impressive rod to be felt, and possibly seen. however the motion was slow at first, as if being as gentle as possible, only to move at a steadily increasing rate, and

as this would begin to go on, the riled up stud now moving to fully claim the one woman he saw as his, and wanted only for himself regardless of the difference in species, or roles. this witch would be the mother of his littler if the wolfman
could help it. even if it was not possible at first, yet the grasping claws moving along her frame, to find the most sensitive spots, all the while, wanting to hug her frame into his, to allow deeper, more impactful joining of their lewd, yet loving merging of bodies.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa continued to moan out happily in response to Ber’s actions, knowing that the way he was filling her- was distending her stomach out with each thrust. “B-Ber..!” She cried out his name, her moans echoing throughout the air in response to his thrusts. She wanted his litter, no matter what- she didn’t care that there was a difference in species…she wanted to be entirely his.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the act of passion between the two forbidden lovers, and secret friends grew. the pleasure flooding the witch would seem to cause an unexpected pleasuring, and almost magical side effect. as if her body was accepting all of this beast, causing the mana to flush though her heated system. Vanessa would be unaware of it, as it would happen in the heat of passion. as they made love, and her body dug out, being forcefully shaped into the ideal sheathe for this monstrous rod, which was finding her core it's home.

the one claw pressing it's palm of a pad into hers, moving to inter lock fingers, as the other moved to play with her body gingerly, as to avoid any unwanted injuries from it's sharp claws. the maw moving tours her lips, offering an impending kiss, However once her body was fully heated, and charged up. the kiss would allow her mind to see the human form of the beast, as if his human form was making love to her, despite the warm soft fur rubbing against her silken smooth, yet delicate flesh.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gasped out as pleasure overwhelmed her- and then at the sight of his human form....she was confused at first, but nevertheless continued to enjoy what he was giving her...his monstrous red rod would then feel her depths squeeze out around him, signifying that she was very close to releasing an orgasm.

Vanessa held onto his paw, moaning out and crying his name in pleasure, the forbidden union of them was all too solidified now, and she was not even thinking of said consequences....she was too lost in the pleasure of it all.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
It would last quiet some time, the make shift den starting to smell more and more like sex, the sound of their copulation filling the air. the way their bodies merged, like they were ideal size, and shape for one another. the pleasure flooding Vanessa's core, as the increasingly thick base of the wolf cock. the knot was forming, as it was slowly starting to push itself into her womanly entrance. the knot would lock them together for quiet some time, as it would take some time to fully unload, and unsheathe from his new lover, and mate.

as the kiss broke, the gentle growling of the beast man was almost like a purr if that was possible.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the once flat belly of the cute Vanessa being bulged to a unique sight. as the size, and bulk of the knot could be seen to some degree, and more so felt. as her bestial lover moved to wrap his arms
firmly around her frame, his soft warm fur against her silken, welcoming flesh. his long dagger like claws gingerly scraping along her tender flesh. all the while the beast moved to force the one woman it wanted as
its one and only mate into a deep kiss. it would be while the bestial stud's tongue invaded her mouth, and danced around Vanessa's own tongue her body would begin to feel the over whelming growth of heat, and pressure into her core.
as her body was not meant to endure the amount a werewolf could produce, but with this, their would be no turning back.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the two bound, the bestial lover, Ber, would hold Vanessa in a more intimate embrace, as his body began, and pushed every drop of it's warm love batter into her depths.
once the kiss broke, pressing his forehead to hers. the beast would speak in a low, yet soft growling tone.

"We are now one, we are mates, No one else will ever be mate. "
saying this, the beast would hold her, and keep Vanessa close, forcing her body to endure the acceptance of every drop it had to offer, even if her more human body was not meant to endure
such a hefty load naturally.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now laying their, bonded, and knotted. Vanessa would be unable to pull away even if she wanted to. as the massive wolf had moved her into a more comfortable position. his strong yet soft fuzzy arms moving to wrap around her frame.
his wicked, hot throbbing blade sheathed deep with in her core. as the knot had been large enough to cause a small amount of pain until her body could adjust to it.

his tongue gently lapping at her neck, and shoulder. having claimed and marked this witch, the mighty beast would growl in an oddly gentle tone.
"My woman, my mate from now on. No care if pack likes it or not. I will not share my cute little witch. "
saying this in a playful tone, referring to the old stories of how witches were the predator for wolfs, and how they would have to share any captured witch with the clan, however
this woman was his and his alone. yet the playful way he said this, and acted tours her, also showed just how loving this forbidden partner really was, despite the bestial nature of his massive frame against her.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Of course, his knot was massive, and she began to get used to it as he held her close. She closed her eyes at his words and smiled softly. "Good, I don't want to be shared," she stated out, clearly content on her situation and obviously couldn't wait to be mated again and again whenever she got the chance.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with Vanessa held close, the witch could feel the powerful arms around her tiny frame, well tiny in comparison to the beast which had just bred her.
hearing her comment, the wicked thing would move to gently nuzzle and tease her a bit more. all the while growling softly into her ear.

"Once knot is small, Big bad wolf will ruin his little witch, make so no one can ever fill or please her in big wolf's place. "
playfully growling this to her, Ber would be using a little nick name, he had heard her use in the past about him, however the fact remained. Vanessa was now claimed, and marked.
more then that, even her magical aura would never be the same, as it would now forever have the trace of bestial mana mixed with her natural mana, as just any who could sense or see
the flow of one's natural od would be able to tell instantly of her forbidden love here. yet it could be hidden with some prep, rituals, or even custom made charms. for now the night would still be a long one.
as Vanessa would feel her tiny belly, now looking to slowly bulge, as some of the excess would begin to escape, as her partner's size slowly shrunk. yet once he was small enough to move with in her.
this would be the chance for Vanessa to have her own fun with her now lover, and life long mate, if she felt the desire, or could just pull apart and enjoy a soft warm cuddle into a deep sleep, let alone many other
things which could come to her mind, as magic allowed for a kind of freedom other species would never know naturally.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Once hearing his words, she couldn't help but blush more at the very fact that he would 'ruin' her. She bit her lip softly, and then came to a resolve, she definitely wouldn't mind that happening, as she had no desire to be another's.

As his knot came down, and the excess of his semen seeped out of her, she could feel herself become very wet- sticky even, knowing that his mark there remained in between her legs. "Ber.." she began in almost a whine, how she would love to be submissive to him again and again.. "You left..." she started, meaning his member had left her, and clearly she was dissatisfied, wanting him to breed her once again.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
With an almost evil smile on the wolfman's face. he would move to take a strong hold of his lovely little witch and mate. before suddenly repositioning her to sit in his lap. so that his wicked member rubbed against her ripe, well abused entrance. rubbing each time he moved under her a bit. allowing Vanessa's back to rest against his other worldly soft fur, as his large powerful paw like hands reached round, to grasp her breast. fondling and playing with her. as he began to lick along the crook of his mate's neck. before softly growling his words to her.

"Oh we not done yet, that was but the first round. You are not fully ruined yet, no other will ever be able to properly fill, or sate you, once my mate has become my personal sheath. "
saying this in a wicked yet playful manor, all vanessa would have to do is tell him to stop in a serious tone, however at this rate. the two were apparently getting into more of a big bad wolf and his little prey role, instead of lovers, and mates which they were now. However the fact would not change. this bestial partner would take on the world, let alone his own clan for this woman, unaware but assuming she would do the same for him.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He would hear her gasp out as he moved her, soon moaning as his member once yet rubbed against her swollen entrance. At his words she shivered lightly, biting her lip and leaning into his embrace, loving his touch and how he felt against her body.

“W-Will you ruin me further?” She knew that answer already and even so, she was enjoying this playfulness between them, and clearly her scent told him she wished to be bred again.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing this, before Vanessa could do much to respond, her question not even finished yet, the beast filled her once more. this time lifting and dropping his witch, as his claws held her around the belly.
using vanessa like his personal flesh light, however due to how he moved to lift and drop her. this caused the witch's breast to suddenly lose the attention they had prior to this act. Unless she started moving on her
own, he would concentrate on lifting and dropping her on his lap.

moving to lick, and tease the neck of his mate. growling softly. " Oh this is gonna be a long and very pleasing night, after all, you still have two more holes I need to ruin once were done with this one. "
saying this in a playfully evil tone. promising to ruin his mate for any future males permanently, and in every way possible. however it was a playful threat, as Vanessa could easily use her magic to have some fun with him
if she wanted to do so.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gasped out and blushed heavily from him suddenly moving her on top of his member, the feeling of it once more was incredible. She began to pant and started to move the best she could on herself, shoving his thick wolfen cock back into her abused slit. At his words, she only moaned at the thought and began moving more and faster on top of him.. “Why say you’ll ruin me? You know I’m completely yours…I don’t want another to touch me!” She cried out, clearly cumming on his length, the size and sheer girth of him easily rubbing against her g spot, sending waves of pleasure across her body.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
with a wicked smirk, the wolf man of a beast would lean in to lick his mate from neck to cheek. before growling softly.
"Simple, once ruined, it will become more then just a simple desire for one, but an addiction to be enjoyed, and to enjoy. I will awaken the beast with on my mate. "
saying this, as it would reveal how female's were broken in with his species. used, and abused until they awoken a more primal, and feral lust for their mates alone. however
if he was going to force her body through so much pleasure, perhaps once this was done, Vanessa would need to or perhaps choose to do something with ber of her own accord,
something more along the lines of ether humans or even witches, choice of ritual with their chosen lover's, or as ber calls it mate.

each time her tiny frame was lifted and dropped made a ripple of pleasure, and a lewd yet moist impact which echoed in their little love nest of a cave.
the speed slowly building up, as her own hands were free to move, and interact as she saw fit at this point in time. all the while, the flat belly of this seductive maiden of magic would grow a small
bulge in the shape of the thickening rod, spearing deep into her core. as it invaded, and assaulted all the right spots with in her depths.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Her hands grabbed Ber's fur, and in her mind she knew she would perform a ritual of her own, to keep Ber as her mate, as a witch she knew what ritual she'd have to perform and it would have to be under a blood moon. The more he moved her, Vanessa cried out in pleasure again and again, obviously enjoying herself- the wetness in between her legs proved that.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
It would not be much longer before the tiny witch would feel her lover knotting her once again. as his thicker load would begin to flood, filling her hot, inner vice like depths.
the heated sensation would truly be one to enjoy, all the while, the witch was being claimed, and over filled once more by her mate, and oldest companion.

"you feel great, perfect mate, perfect lover. make sure never share. "
as he spoke in soft growling tones, the beast's words might be broken, but at the same time were possessive yet oddly passionate. as her mind would be able to feel and see
images of the human form which even Ber did not know he possessed with in the bestial form he had always been in. However unknown to ether of them, upon Vanessa's ritual to be done.
the truth of Ber's secret would be revealed to them both. something only his parents knew.

As this was going on, the moment that the bestial stud finally began to slow down, it would give the smaller witch a chance to push her partner onto his back if she wanted to
take control, or to just cuddle take in this pleasuring moment in time, for all it was worth.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Vanessa also released her own orgasm once Ber finished, starting to cuddle him after he slowed down and wrapped his arms around her. At his words she smiled softly, "I am forever yours," she spoke, seeing the man behind the beast, wondering if her ritual will bring forth this man she had seen. Of course, she enjoyed his beastial form quite a lot, so seeing him in his human state would be quite different.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Noe laying their together a playful growl would be heard from berserk, as he was still buried deep with his chosen lover and mate.

"Think we might need one more round before dawns arrival, think you can endure?" Playfully asking this as if threatening to take her regardless of the witch's answer. Yet both of them knew if it was to much then the rest would be enough for they had a few rounds already completed. However this first night could be said to be the roughest, as anessa would find her bestial lover living up to his title of a beast in .ore ways then one. Yet if they did another round of flesh pleasuring binding, then the duo would run the risk of morning break, and discovery which berserk did not see as a concern.
Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
( edit / removed : Wrong rp prior post. T_T )

Now with the den well hidden, the magic in place, Vanessa would be at her lover's mercy. feeling how he slowly began to pull out of her with a moist pop. the night would become a much rougher one then expected.
more then that, she would find him taking her back side next. as the beast rolled ontop of his witch. claiming her once more, however the floor of this cave would be marked up from her fingers, and toes, as well as the claws around her. the way
the imprints of bodies would be pressed into the ground. the night would continue, as one position led into another with out remorse. be it expected or unplanned, Vanessa's willingness to accept all her lover wanted, would end up pushing the tiny maiden into a state of blacking out from the over whelming pleasure, and eventual pain mixing with it.

XXXX ( feel free to adjust any response before and after short time skip nyaa. ) XXXXXX

It would become morning once, the events would end. as it was unknown if Vanessa would awaken in the arms of her slumbering mate, while being carried out to the near by stream, or if it would not awaken her until the toes hit
the cold water, as Ber would be out to wash himself, and his lover clean before leaving the cave when the next day came. however the night would be quiet the experience, and only a beginning for the pleasuring relationship which had begun.
as she was bound to her lover via his means, next would be the witch's personal ritual upon the red moon to claim this feral stud as her own, much like how she was his now.
Last edited:
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Lmao you’re fine it happens! I just realized while doing character sheets that I made 3 Cassandras and one of them I handed off to Dream XD )

Vanessa had blacked out for the last few hours, recovering herself and her magic as she was tended to by her lover. Sleeping in the den, and on the warm bed of soft furs, the crackle of fire woke her. She rubbed her eyes and made a noise, noting that the blood moon was soon to rise, this evening..she needed to make preparations. She sat up and looked around, her eyes noting Ber had just left to gather more firewood, so when he returned …

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(New faceclaim)

The blood moon was rising, her eyes intent on her lover as he drew near. Her body was dressed in ritual attire, very little left on the body, decorative necklaces and bracelets adorned her curvy yet petite form- her teardrop shaped breasts also were wearing a chest piece that outlined each breast in a chain of glittering stones and gold.

She smiled at him, and then asked, “Are you ready to be bound to me, for all of my life?”


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Local Time:
7:29 PM
Nov 19, 2022
a wicked, yet enjoyably exciting expression would come across the beast's mighty maw.
as if reacting from experience, and instinct, it would be enough to cause pleasure, and excitement with in the witch's body after all she endured.

however the bestial lover, and mate would move tours her, as he knelt down, after dropping the wood off by the entrance. taking her hand, and gently kissing it before
in a growling yet soft tone.

" You endured my process of claiming, and now it is my turn to be claimed. do as you must for we shall only belong to each other regardless of the tradition. "
as he spoke saying this, giving Vanessa all the permission, and oddly enjoyable thoughts and sensation that she needed. the wolf would move and act as he needed
for this special red moon ritual, unaware that this would cause his body to revert to a human form for a short while once it was done. as it would become a state he could be in only
for short times, but it would be unknown at first how to trigger it.
Local Time:
4:29 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Her body buzzed with excitement, her eyes igniting in a flash of pleasure, something awoken in her.

Vanessa closed her eyes, smiling softly at Ber and spoke in an ancient tongue that he would be able to understand, for their bond allowed him to. “First..you will have to drink from me, bonded by blood underneath this red moon shall bind us together forever, souls to always reunite in the next life and life after..” she held out her wrist to him, taking a dagger brought out of her magic, and slit her wrist, letting her dark blood drip forward. “Once drank, I will continue the ritual,” she promised.
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