General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

Kasumi was surprised by the hug, setting his phone down on the table. He quickly returned the hug before the other could decide to pull away. "Yeah! I'm surprised, it's only been a few hours since we donated." Perhaps when they donated it was the last hour or something? In any case, it was amazing! "I've never been to a mountain resort so I'm excited! Ahh, it's next weekend! So soon."
"Hot springs!" He was excited, not even thinking of what could possibly go wrong. The other let go and he decided to finish up the dishes. "Oh, right. Same here." He was sure his job would let him go. It was only for a weekend and he hadn't missed a day since starting. "We gotta look up this place after. See what else they have. Actually, do you want to while I finish up? It's the Aragawa Group, and they're the owner of the Inza raffle event. See if anything comes up~" He explained, seeing if Noah could find anything.
H was careful, using an alternate profile and such that wouldn't open up anything suspicious, well. Suspicious as in a tell tmif his true position anyhow. His search for the resort showed a far off mountain resort that seemed quite nice, a remote place with a beautiful forest feature around it, the veiwes had to be breath taking. It was a place of comfort and class offering full c I irse dining, a legendary hot spring, and some truly wonderful looking suites.
Kasumi had joined him at the table after he had begun pulling up the information, saving Noah. "Wow, and we're going to be there?" He was getting increasingly excited, already thinking over what he would pack. It would have to be appropriate for possible hiking. Stuff like this never happened to Kasumi so he was easily excitable. "Aw, I wish we were going now." Just let him call work and tell them, pack, and off they could go!
The tickets had been emailed to Kasumi soon after, the notification on his phone going off to inform him. Kasumi told his job he would be taking a weekend trip away. He no doubt got permission as he had never been on vacation before and definitely deserved it. They both decided to meet up together before heading for the resort. The ride wasn't too long, Kasumi was astonished they were already there. He took in the sights, amazed at the beautiful resort. The forest surrounded them along with the beautiful mountains. They were ushered inside and brought to their highest-rated suite, a traditional Japanese room, luckily with two queen-sized beds. They were given a quick rundown of the activities around the resort and times for certain things before they were left to unpack.

"Ahh, it's so nice!" Kasumi exclaimed. He spotted a balcony and went over to it to open the window, the view even better from their suite.
As Kasumi stepped out on the balcony, he saw the rolling beautiful mountain views, the horizon and mid day forest a billowing lovely forest. A small dotting of the winding rivers that were in hlthe hiking trails deep beyond the easy going resort grounds. Noah set down his bags, moving towards the balcony to stand near Kasumi. "It's pretty right?" He said as he inhaled the fresh, pure mountain air, wind blowing, giving a soft chill to the air.
"Oh, true." He glanced around, spotting some brochures sitting on a table inside the room. He walked back inside and picked one up, seeing it was specifically for hiking around the resort. It gave information about various trails that went all over the resort. "Ah, this has everything we need to know. We can pick a trail!" He said as he looked back through the brochure, finding an ending point. It appeared there was one that gave a beautiful view of the mountain and the resort.
Kasumi loved that, getting a chance to be by the river after all. "Yes! I'll go change." He said, thankfully having bought a few options in case they did end up going hiking. He preferred his dresses and skirts, but pants were fine, too- and sometimes necessary! He picked up his bag and placed it on the bed to go through it. Finding the pants and hoodie, he disappeared into the bathroom to change. The black pants were baggy enough, hiding any evident hints he wasn't a woman. Being there at the resort, he still didn't know what he would do to hide his secret. If they ended up bathing together, Noah would find out.

Until then, he didn't think about it. He stepped out, wearing an aqua-green hoodie. He changed his shoes to ones better suited for hiking. "Okay~! Ready?"
"Mm!" He hummed in approval. He never went on a hike before, but figured he should enjoy himself while on such a trip. "Let's go~!" He said excitedly, taking whatever else he needed before they left the room. The trail started not too far from the suite, giving easy access to hiking anywhere on the resort. "Waah~ It's so pretty already."
Most of the trail was roped off, indicating what was and wasn't the trail they were meant to be on. There were many shrines sitting about, and the wildlife was active. He spotted some deer, excitedly pointing them out to Noah. Some rabbits began to appear, the brochure mentioned they were quite friendly and allowed pets. Kasumi had to crouch down and try petting one, his excitement nearly scaring the poor thing when it let him touch it.

They resumed their hike, the view getting better as they ascended.
"Take it easy on then little ones!" Noah teased as Kasumi left the rabbits behind, he had taken some pictures whole they were messing around. Noah had his own stops in mind, visiting and leaving some offerings at a few of the shrines on the river paths. As the trail shifted gears, getting stopped down hill, they could hear the rivers soft rushing, feel the moisture in the air. From the top of the hills they could see the coveted Riverway.
Kasumi teasingly waved him off, ignoring him as he went on. Feeling the moisture in the air and hearing the water rushing, they knew they were close to the river. When they reached the peak, he could see the beautiful water. "Ahh, it's so pretty. We need to go to the beach one day."

Spotting a bench available for hikers to take a rest, he motioned Noah over so they could sit together for a little to take in the sights.
Getting a chance to sit allowed them to snack and hydrate. He wanted any chance to see the water, anyway. With the beach, he wouldn't be able to wear a cute swimsuit, certain features would give off he wasn't a woman. Maybe he could find something...

Noah took the trail mix out and Kasumi took some for himself, snacking on some nuts and pieces of fruit. "Hopefully~ This would look really nice during a sunset." He pointed out as the thought crossed his mind. "What should we do after the hike?"
Yeah, hot springs! ...Oh

Oh no.

The moment he dreaded had arrived. He knew it would and yet still didn't know how to go about the whole separate gender part. He smiled wide and nodded, "Mm, yeah!" He couldn't go into the women's section and freak them out, nor could he follow Noah into the men's when he thought he was a woman. Could he stall? Wait until everyone was gone before entering either section to wash up before entering the springs. "I think there's a private bath... We could use that one?" So they were together without anyone interrupting. At least that way he didn't have to scare anyone else.
"Mm, I meant the spring~. Both genders can be in it at once. I saw it mentioned somewhere in our information that was emailed to me." He thought it over, recalling the very email with their tickets and other information. He sighed softly, they may as well get it over with. He couldn't exactly keep sitting there all day in some attempt to avoid the springs. He stood to his feet, taking in a deep breath and stretching before letting it out. "Okay! Let's head back for those springs~"
"Oh- that spring- well...yes. They uh can be.." He said flushing slightly. " want to. " He said as he shifted up on his feet and set the snacks away. He walked down the trail with Kasumi, none the wiser to the thoughts underneath the surface. "You okay? Like...with that?"
Kasumi would be crazy to pass up the opportunity to see his prince resting in the hot springs. Even if it may change everything... he wanted to see him. He shrugged, "Why not~?" They made their way back down the trail, all the way back to their suite. Climbing up was always the best, getting to see the beautiful views, but going down was just as amazing.

He gathered everything he needed for his bath and waited for Noah. Once ready, they both headed for the baths, separating at their respective baths. Peeking inside, he found it was empty. It was unusual, but he took that as a chance to wash himself as quickly as he possibly could. With his hair tied up and a towel wrapped around him, he found the private spring before Noah had. Setting his towel to the side, he slipped inside the spring, sighing happily as the hot water surrounded him.

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