General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

Noah was circling around the private springs -doing laps as he had to figure out where he was going...and work up the nerve. He walked up the pathway eventually, huffing to steel himself as he strided up for the springs. He was wrapped in his robes, stepping up to the ealdge abd shifting it off,disrobing to slowly move into the waters as the mist and heat framed around him.
Kasumi was enjoying himself in his moment of privacy, leaning against the edge of the spring. Hearing someone enter his space, he quickly sank into the water, hiding his flat chest. The steam luckily hid many details, but he didn't want to take any chances! He peered over, spotting Noah's familiar larger frame. "Ahh, welcome~!" He greeted him with a grin and a wave of his arm. "It feels so good in here~" He kept to his side, swallowing hard, rather nervous.
He sunk into his side slowly, the taller, broader young man couldn't hide himself as well. The warmth of the sping already eatchimg and relaxing his leg muscles. His joints. The smoothed stones at the back edges letting him rest again them. "You gkt in first...I almost was hoping I'd beat you here." He said flushing a little. The water really did feel nice, making him stretch out slowly.
As Kasumi selected in close, the two close enough to touch, Noah seemed to be working up his nerve a bit faster. His body thrilling gently, his heart racing and belly filling with tingling nerves. The prince turned to his maid, his head shifting forward calmly, leaning slowly to steal a kiss.
Kasumi noted the sudden closeness, Noah leaning in for a kiss. He followed suit, leaning up as well, their lips barely touching when Kasumi heard rustling behind them. He felt something touch his shoulder, just barely, making him shriek in surprise and stand. His body was fully out of the water, turning to grab his towel to cover himself. Unfortunately, Noah had gotten a very good sight of a very flat chest and a lot more down below. He backed away, realizing it was just a cute little capybara popping out of the bush behind them. The towel didn't do much to cover himself, Kasumi quickly realized and he looked at Noah nervously. It would be useless to run now. He still could, but he would eventually have to face Noah later. "I, ah..." He didn't know what to say.
Noah's eyes were wide on Kasumi, staring, staring at him....through him. The thousand yard stare on hus face as he was trying to process it all. A fast chest, that was fine, it was merely a twist of cruel fate for a woman to be born flat. And he could get used to playing with just the nipples in the bedroom. But the truth was hanging....quite literally in front of his face. The taller male touched his face, rubbing it. "You....are..." He mumbled out, his voice trembling slightly as speaking the reality on pushed the point deeper into his psyche. "I...we- you-....i'm...?" He couldn't finish the questions, couldn't gather them all up to even begin!
Kasumi studied his face, watching him for his reaction. He didn't seem angry, more so... confused? Surprised? "I'm.... yeah. I'm sorry I tricked you." He started, nodding slowly. "Then again... the cafe is run by men." He decided to reveal. Ah, was Noah questioning himself? That was a better reaction, though he could still turn angry. The capybara slipped into the water, swimming between them to reach the other side, further away from them. It lightened the mood, just a little, and Kasumi decided to take a risk and move a little closer to Noah. "Are you mad?" He asked softly, figuring he could just ask to assess the situation.
As Kasumi neared, Noah shifted back, pulling away as the capybara swam about, nibbling on some bushes another other side. The soft crushing and rustling making Noah look away. "Stay there." He said swiftly, as if Kasumi's proximity was venomous. "Just-" He grabbed his head now , ruffling his wet slicked down hair. The Cafe- was all men-?! Those were men! How?! Well obviously how-

He pulled himself up, standing up now. "You've been just pretending to be a girl- yiu been...." his face burned. "We've have no business doing what you did that well.-"
Kasumi froze, becoming nervous. God... Was he really in trouble? He glanced toward the doors back inside, taking in how he would bolt for them if need be. He held the towel close, gripping at it, considering running now-- huh? "That well?" Those words stuck in his mind, surprised at Noah's shock over how well he performed. "You think--" he paused, his mind still reeling over that. "Do you want to see what else a man can do well~?" He asked, definitely testing his luck. If he was angry, Kasumi knew exactly where the door was.
Noah blinked at the question Kasumi trying his luck, or just floating the idea at him to just show him what men can do? He shivered visibly, a chill passing over him in the cozy heat. "No!" He barked instantly, then flinched. "Well-...I don't- I don't know." He said sighing as he was simply spiraling in his confusion
Fuck- he stepped back, pausing as Noah seemed to reconsider. Maybe he shouldn't push. Or... maybe that was just what Noah needed? A little push, to help him figure things out. "We can go at your own pace." He spoke up after a short moment of thought. "Men, women... What does it matter? You enjoyed yourself when you thought you were with a woman. Not too much has changed." Well, sort of!
"Everything has changed!" He said pointing at the towel. "That's not a little difference for me." The media storm, his family might not have political issues around it, but it certainly would make buzz. The storm that would jump on his life and throw it all over Japan. HIs debut to the just the city of Tokyo would put eyes on them. Romantically, physically,politically-

Noah shifted and paved in the water, his agitation curling in his chest. "Why-didnt you tell me you were a guy." He asked. "Did you think- I knew?'
Kasumi flinched as his voice grew. Sure, sure, he had a dick. So what! Noah wasn't thrilled and he didn't want to voice such a thought. "I-I mean... yeah? I thought you knew at first..." Yet why continue to hide such a thing? Why didn't he tell him? "The cafe is known to be run by guys..." But that didn't mean everyone knew. "I don't know... I mean, no one has to know. I can still be your maid." He didn't think Noah was all that concerned about the whole maid thing.

He just didn't get the whole gendered thing, not giving it much thought. But not everyone thought like him. He lowered himself back into the water, looking down.
"You-..." Noah shook his head. "Your did it for yourself." He said as Kasumi lowered himself, but now he was approaching him. "You would have let me stay ignorant as long as you could!" He accused...but his voice didn't rise.. it fell, the princes tone shifting from accusing anger to...heartache. "you wanted me to care for you? And...what you turn around and do something? Surprise me? Hold it over me?"
"W-What? No!" He looked up at him in shock. He shook his head, backing up until he hit the stone edge. "It's not like that, I swear!" He felt a bit panicked, wondering where all of this was coming from, hearing the hurt in his voice. "I would never. Noah, please..." What could he say? He didn't know what was going through Noah's mind. He was partially selfish... finding someone to slightly quell his addiction. He could mess around with any customer out there, yet there was something about Noah that had him clinging onto.
Kasumi tensed as he got closer, touching his shoulders. "It's not like that... I wasn't playing you." Sure, he wanted him. Kasumi found him attractive and he had a terrible addiction. He didn't want to admit to such a thing, though. "Whichever... I-I mean, it's just... It's not like that. I just wanted to be with you." He looked into his eyes, not sensing much anger, but rather sadness. "You're sweet and funny and... I like spending time with you."
Relief set in, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Then... Come back." He gently tugged on his arm, pulling him back toward him. "I can be whatever you want me to be." No, he couldn't do anything about the fact he had a dick. He didn't want to. He wanted to stay just as he was. "We can do whatever you want." Go at his own pace, just as Kasumi said earlier.
Noah looked away as he pulled at him. "I...don't want you to be someone you don't want to be." He said pulling his arm gently away from him. "I don't want to make you something..." He said as that comment trip another line of logic. How controlling would that be? How forceful. His put his robe on. "I'm...going up to the room....I need to think..." He said as he turned away, not giving Kasumi time to rebut him, to tempt him....well. for now.
Whatever to make Noah happy... Kasumi was willing to do as such, yet the other declined. He reluctantly let go of his wrist, letting him leave to do as he needed. Frowning, he sunk further into the water until just his head was exposed. Had he just ruined everything? Fucking... capybara. He glared in its direction, his scowl softening as it looked so damn cute.

Fuckin' hell.

He stayed in the spring for a little longer, letting Noah take however long he needed. Until Kasumi would show up, anyway. He couldn't stay in the hot water for too long, knowing it was pretty unhealthy. Eventually, he got out, thankful they were in the private spring so no one would walk in on him or catch him on his sad walk back to their room. Getting out of the spring, he spotted an extra towel that was dry and used it to dry himself off. He put his robe on and made his way back through the women's baths to gather his belongings and back to their suite.

Inside, he peered in to see where Noah was and what he was doing. Grabbing his bag from his bed he took it with him into the bathroom. He looked through it quickly, spotting a rather cooling outfit as he had just returned from a rather hot bath. A cute, short miko style outfit. The sleeves were long yet the skirt of the dress was rather short. Slipping it on, along with some lacy red boyshort type underwear. He then let his hair down, using a brush from his bag to fix it and make it look nice. He didn't bother with any ribbons for he may have packed for his hair to go with the outfit as he just wanted to relax. Once finished, he brought his bag back out into the room and set it on the floor beside his bed. Still wanting to give Noah space, he just sat on his bed, quietly scrolling through his phone, seeing if he missed anything during their outing that day.
Noah was ...simply laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as the door opened. he didn't even react as he was simply so deep in thought. Heck he was still laying basically in his bathrobe. He had died off abd just, flopped over. While Kasumi moved back and forth, he shifted his head as Kasumi walked from the bathroom finally, but didn't speak yet. While he settled on his own bed, he turned his head back up to the ceiling. " look like a shrine keeper."
Kasumi was amused, the very first thing he had to say to him after everything. "Like a shrine maiden?" He set his phone aside, thinking for a moment before he decided to get up and let him fully see the outfit. He raised his arms, letting him see the long, kimono-like sleeves. "A friend got it for me... from Kyoto." Somewhere he was reluctant to return to. Such a shame, he liked going around and seeing the different temples, shrines, gardens, and such. Kyoto was so pretty...

"I have ribbons for my hair to go with it, too." He added, curious if he was getting Noah's attention with his choice of wear. It was just nice and cooling, perfect for after the bath.
Kasumi perked up a little, noting the curiosity in his voice. "Mm... I do have them. I can put them on." He turned to look at his bag before he moved over to it and bent over. The dress was short enough, just enough to give Noah a peek at his lacy red panty boyshorts. He then crouched down, the nice view disappearing from his view as he rummaged through his bag. "Aha!" He exclaimed happily, quickly lifting, the dress raising from the movement giving him another view as he disappeared into the bathroom for the mirror. He partially tied his hair back and created little space buns to tie with the ribbons with flowers. Satisfied with how it looked, he returned to the room, moving closer to Noah to let him see properly. "Like it~?"

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