Game RP A Paradise By Any Other Name (Crow)

"Mm-As far as I'm concerned, You are going to always be at the top of my pyramid!." He said knowing that she was right...His dick would go in that Sharkussy as soon as it landed on the island. But He always would feel his strange connection to Izzy,maybe because it was her as the first? maybe because she seemed to fall right into it along with him? Maybe his weakness for shortstacks and her positive attitude?
"Aw Hon you didn't have to-oh damn" he stopped as Izzy held up the photos of the Doctor in front of him. "I think I'm feeling under the weather" he said with a chuckle before looking at Izzy. "Are you sure you want her in our place?...or is this because you want to watch me fuck?' He teased a bit
He smirked at her as she teased him, his cock was bulging hard from her rubs and attemtions but he lifted her up sitting her on her desk. "I'll be there in a minute" he said as he pulled on her shirt, popping her tots out abd freed one of her breasts. He lulled out his tongue, squeezing on her titty to gush some if her milk onto his tongue. He hummed at the taste and stood up straight. "Alright! I'll go welcome our doctor." He said as he picked up his bag to head out to the beach port.

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