Game RP A Paradise By Any Other Name (Crow)

"Thats not a no." He said simply as she walked away from him, but he followed closely. The Nooklings shop had been upgraded a bit, they built up a bit of an expansion. The walls sturdy white Stone, with a wood sign, etched with the shops name. A nice oning of orange cloth shaded the front. Timmy and Tommy turned to the door as it opened. "Hello!" They said in near unison
Timmy smiled as Tommy was...frozen. "Right! Right this way!" Timmy said turning...then nudged his brother. "This way!" Tommy chirped spinning around to move around the shop with his brother. A rack of swimsuits were in the corner, some modest, some simple one peice suits, others....quite skimpy indeed.
Tommy blinked as he was addressed. "W-well if you don't need much up top...maybe something like this?" He said as he walked to a sheer black shirt, and a bikini combo, a Tankini. Tho top half had a strategic solid black strip, one to cover the breasts, or lack there of, and cling sweetly. The bottoms were very sexy, it would cover up the front, cupping close to the skin and likely practically vanish between her voluminous ass cheeks.
As she moved into the changing room, starting to change inti the suit behind the curtain, she saw a small handle sticking out of the wall, it was odd, like some kind of spot to hang up clothes but kinda lower. For her it probably was nearly mouth level, but anyone taller....maybe waist heigt?
As she wiggled the bar. The handle peeked loose, showing her another changing room.and saw Lock in there, pulling his trunks down as he was in the middle of changing as well. His full body on display, his raw physique etched and beautiful....her eyes falling on his bristling erection, a real jaw stretcher girth and powerful looking.
Lock came out of the changing room with a pair of tight trunks, white, and some what thin, it hugged his muscles nicely, his sweat had started to making the fabric translucent. And much to Jenny’s notice, she could basically see everything Lock had to work with like it was practically already out akl over again. "Jenny hiw are these?" He asked

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