Game RP A Paradise By Any Other Name (Crow)

"No-not you know the Doctor we hired? I met her nurse, a nice shapely looking rabbit, had an ass like a dump truck that you want to sunk your teeth into." Lock started shifting around to check on the meal she had on. "So I started testing abd prodding, seeing what they were about. And they are into me. I know it but they don't say it, so I have to work on them to make them wriggle. I get them to go to the Nooklings to get a swimsuit and we...have it out in the dressing stall....but. turns out as I'm getting some sloppy head and I decide to stuff this bunny real good....a uh...present, pops out of their undies when I drag them. " He said flipping the meat. "Its a boy rabbit! And then as I'm shocked....he throws it back on me like I'm a fucking dildo! Just rams his ass right down on it!"
"Well It did...for a while, I never did it with a guy. I tried to get out of it but...I ended up fucking him...twice. Second Time he trick one of the poor Nooklings into fucking him. I didn't have the heart to tell the little guy the truth you know?" He said huffing a sigh. "So now he's on the massage service, but he better be the only thing with a penis on this island other than me and the Nook family."

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