Game RP A Paradise By Any Other Name (Crow)

Lock sat down next to Uzzy, cuddling up to her as they found the remote and got comfortable. He turned on the TV, starting to track down something fun to watch, and they spent their night together.


The weeks came and went, Izzy's burgeoning belly and her body finally hitting the full term. She gave birth to their pups in the middle of a warm night with the help if the new doctors staff. Lock didn't leave her side the whole way, sitting by for support, single-mindedly much to the bunny nurse's disappointment, but they were whipped by into business by the sharks barks. While she recovered, Lock took care of her while he had time, taking extended hours from his schedule to mind her needs...all of her needs. Once she was healthy enough, abd she was given the green light that she could do more than give Lock her backside, or demand practically to blow him while she laid in bed, they went for it, spending a whole week locked up together. As he had promised her.

Lock climbed out of back on the 8th day, yawning to himself, knowing that he would have to really get back to work now. He walked to the new bathroom they had, built by his hands, abd some materials from the Nooklings. The walls were tiled and colored softly blue abd the floor tiles small dark blue and red, with a large wooden spring tub for him to relax in.
Lock scowled slightly as she turned around, knowing he had to do this,and annoyed that he could still find his cock hardening looking her at all. Atleast it was from behind. Not that it would matter to her. She felt his hands grab onto her hips as he moved up, his fingers starting to rub in her pussy as he angled higher, starting to push inti her ass rather than into her pussy.
Lock blinked at her sudden change of heart, but shrugged at her. "I'm not looking for a private cum dumpster. But I'll test your resolve with my...Horse cock as you put it." He said as as he started to pour the lube on her ass, then rubbed it inti her, pushing and using it on his fingers to slide them into her to loosen her up.

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