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A Ruined World, An Experiment's New Life ( Yukio Boreas )

Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this the pink busty woman would place a hand on her hip, as she turned to see the wolf pup. with a wicked smirk. she would move to look tours her sister, and this boy.
"Oh is that so. Perhaps we can make a kind of deal then. you think your strong enough to stick with us, and fend off the wave tonight? if you can keep my idiot sister safe, and I will have no issues giving you the key to our safe room. "
saying this, the massive pink hair would reveal the key, pulling out from between her bust, only to wait for an answer. thinking this would be a good way to see, if the one her naïve sister had taken a liking to was worth the trouble or not.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the pup agreed, the massive white hair would rush past him. unlocking the door, then pulling Yuk by the paw into the room. as her big sister watched intently. despite how the big sister was smaller then the little sister. the pink rabbit was far more dangerous. any one could tell at a glance. yet Tildia smirked, as she would move to make sure Yuk got all his things that was needed. before suddenly kissing him on the lips, with a gentle peck.

"Once we make it through this incursion, I expect our fun to go for another round. Unless my cute little pup doesn't think he can handle all this woman?" saying this playfully. it was still obvious that Yuk failed to even get this hair to feel a sense of proper pleasure. however it would seem the wolf's looks won her over, and she wanted to train him into her ideal play mate.

as this would be going on in the room now. The pink hair would shout for them to hurry up. the horde would soon be rising, as the moon would fill the sky. they didn't have much time to play. However little did the pink hair warn ether her sister, or the wolf pup. but the red moon horde was more dangerous then usual ones. due to how they had the mutated undead which could breed with the living to make what was known as the demons of the day. Male or female, the undead could use any partner to create such monstrous abominations. however this would not change the fact they needed to kill the horde around this safe house, as to prevent them from moving tours the town in the distance. and as such the three of them in this little strong hold were a front line defense, as well as living bait.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Seeing this, the massive white hair would smile, as she hopped in place a bit.
"Can't wait to see you in action. let's go and wait for the moon rise together. Sis can join us once the fun begins. "
as she said, this Yuk would see the massive rabbit maiden equipping nothing more then a pair of brass knuckles on each paw. as she smiled.
acting as if this was just an ordinary day at a amusement park, which showed these sisters did this for a living. however if that was the case it would leave
the wolf to wonder what kind of mad women, or monsters did he get himself mixed with now, even if the lay was a great fuck for a first timer like himself.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Watching this the rabbit girl would hop about, knocking in skulls, as she enjoyed the show. however as this was going on. Yuk would soon find himself surrounded by several undead.
male, female, and even futa alike. swarming tours the sword wielding wolf stud., little did he know, that this was part of the fun the sister's spoke of. as now the undead had a new
target to go after besides them. if managing to get hold of yuk, he would be introduced to a pleasure filled world of unwanted attention, until the rabbits come to his aid. however the night was
young, and it would seem his anger, and energy was at an all time high while the girls moved with a more steady and controlled pace.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Watching the white wolf rush into the horde like a mad lad. the two ladies looked on with wicked smiles. their eyes almost seemed to be glinting with excitement.

as the fiends fell one by one. Yuk would soon find himself getting stripped little by little. as the claws, and hands grasping at him. despite wiping them out, were tearing chunks of his clothing
and armor off. However the real threat would become known once the young stud was all exposed. as his scent would excite the female's, and futa mutants of the undead horde. these ones, with glowing pink
eyes would become much more aggressive, and agile tours their new target.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The show went on for quiet some time, as the twin rabbits for the first time the knew, did not need to do much more then protect themselves.

However as things continued like this. Yuki would soon find himself fully stripped down, with his weapon in hand, and panting. as the numbers around him fell, the scent of death, both burning and freezing filling the air.
however it would be with this last wave, of the blood moon, where the wolf pup would find several female undead, which were fresh ones. meaning their bodies still warm, soft, and more then that. as they were fresh, they had full
mobility, and access to all the skills they posessed in their lives. making them classified as red alert threats. able to still use what ever skills they had, due to being fresh. but their minds were gone now. as they would rush tours the male stud
before them. with bleeding eyes, reaching out. wanting to try and capture this stud for forced breeding.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Shouting out, and letting loose with his rifle, Yuki would begin to take down the highly advanced mutant undead. each head shot would take one down, however as the ammo ran low. the two rabbit girls just watched and chuckled. as the wolf stud was slowly getting surrounded. having only so much ammo, and now in the nude, with his weapon on the tree. it was becoming quiet the show. The sisters had taken to some high ground themselves, as the looked on. cheering for the stud to win, to take down the enemies, and they would reward him well. however these cheers, and offers did little to make the scene any better for Yuki, who would soon have a rifle in hand, which would be no better then a blunt object once the last shot was fired. taking down at least half of the stronger undead after him.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
See this, the massive white rabbit was hopping up and down, as she waved, and shouted at Yuki. cheering him on, and saying if he could get this done on his own, she would have a reward, and if he is impressive maybe her sis would have one as well for him.
as she shouted this, the busty pink one slapped her albino sibling while visibly blushing, and telling her sister to shut up.

as this goofy little scene played out, the exhausting confrontation continued, having struck down another group. the horde was slowly shrinking down, and even showing only the strongest of the undead and mutants left.
however to the horror of the powerful elemental wolf stud. a few charred beasts still stood. injured, and smoking, but not dead like the bulk of the horde struck by the skill. It would seem like this was becoming a hopeless battle.
however the light at the end of the tunnel would soon become visible. as the horde was slowly shrinking down with all the hard work being done to kill off this invading wave.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Feb 4, 2023
… *I huffed heavily as I shrunk back down , growling as steam flushed out my bosy , enveloping the floor in a thick smoke , it was strangely cold , grinning as I “dissappered” into the smoke , jumping out in random patterns to strike the mutants ,due to the freezing temperature it even caused a few to freeze in place*
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
It was becoming more, and more of a show, as Yuki went to town, showing off his skills, and exhausting his body. the sisters were clapping, and whistling. as if he was a showman, or if this was a kind
of strip show with how they acted. perhaps due to how, this fight went on. even with his skills being used, his body action, and motions. Little by Little Yuki was being revealed, with chunks of his armor, and clothing
getting torn off or destroyed. even though this was not the time to be concern with such things.

once the show or more so fight would finally seem to be over, the girls would both be clapping, and asking what was next on his agenda, with such flashy skills, and movements. the massive, and intimidating white hair,
being a monster in size, and build compared to her tiny, big sister at her side. who licked her lips. the massive white rabbit was the one which had the most interest in this wolf stud. but her big sister was more on the business,
and scheming end. thinking of how they could use Yuki, but how they would need to ether pay him, or reward him for his work, while the more innocent, and playful larger one just wanted some more fun.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now landing roughly on the ground, exposed for all the eyes to see. the young wolf man yuki would soon find the rabbit sisters moving up to him. as the larger white hair, the more playful and innocent one of the duo excitedly, lifted the smaller stud up. carrying him, as she nipped his lips playfully while blushing a bit.

" you are truly something handsome. I can't wait for you to recover, and we can share some fun later to celebrate your win. "
her older, yet smaller sister would smirk, remaining quiet, as she eyed the duo. before turning to walk tours a near by pile of dust, and corpses. as if to collect something from them, or
at least investigate something for her own secretive desires.
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