(remember we were going to do a master x slave thing anyways? XD I offered to do the master part? Especially it was due to another werewolf pack lol. But we could have werewolf pirates.)
(Oh yeah. Lmao. Guess Werewolf pirates kidnapping a ‘Totally unwilling’ vampire girl for fun is where our story is gong then XD. We doing it here, or elsewhere?)
(yeah! and perhaps we could do a whole mix of the coven x Carrack's pack or something, more modernized? Perhaps they came to the coven due to deforestation..?)
Willow yawned as she sat on the dockside, her loose floral clothes and long skirt flapping in the breeze. She’d been there for a while, enjoying the sight of the ships sailing around, the tall masts and colourful flags drawing her eyes. Of course, such a pretty young woman sat alone and...
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