Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"Hey, I..." She started to reply before his grip on her hips shut her up, feeling his groin pressed into her ass "I... That is not, I just looked over because you turned on the shower, that's all!" She told him, a hand up to try and push him away from her "It's hardly my fault you didn't dress me so it looks like this!"
He smirked. "What? You thought I'd solo the whole way? I'm a physical specimen, but I'm not at my peak...yet. when I'm fully evolved, I'll be the one to crush them all...but on the way, I'll have the rest ilof you for when I need a break from carrying." He said as he stepped in behind her. "And then...well..maybe I'll talk to Delson about Evolving you. Right now I'm thing Vaperoen." He teased
She listened to him and began to lather herself in shower gel, nodding to his words and then hearing him saying he'd talk about getting her to evolve "Vaporeon? What, just cause I'm in the shower? Hah. Very funny." She made a point of faking her laughter, even as a smirk crossed her face "Although it would give me the type advantage... Maybe that should be what you pick, even if Azure already covers that."
"Nope, I've heard some things about Vaperoens, but I'm not sure if they are myths or not. I heard once you start one up, they are absolutely primal" he said as he grab the soap frim her ro lather himself. "But I'm not sure, you seem to di that on yiur own...abd we do have Azure, he's a chunky bastard but he's not completely useless."
(XD she is just strapped down eje she's unleashed from her valley, and is unleashed like a berserker because the battle is keeping her from her hourly sloppy head sessions that Boon needs)

"Fire, Ice, Grass, Dark, Fairy, Electric, Psychic." He said as she lathers himself up but pulls her against his chest, his body rubbing against her back. "Heh realistically I suppose, we should prepare for the gaps in our team. Though two types would mean less carrying for the other member."
He hummed as she moved her ass. Rubbing up on him, his cock hardening more and more on her cheeks. 'I don't know, I don't see the gap clearly yet" he grunted. "Mm, We also have potential to use TMs abd HMs to make...unexpected changes in techniques." He said as she grunted against her n return. "Mmm, yu sure we can't give Azure a break?" He teased as he grabbed her breass, squeezing on them a bit as he started nipping in her neck
He chuckles to himself. " I'm mostly joking, but i think it's the idea that by that time, you'll be all mine for good." He said in her ear,s his other hand moving down her body, starting to stoke her pussy. "We'll be two champions, at the peak of our power, and we'd only have unlimited potential between us."
He chuckled again. "Well that is the goal of life, to carry on our strength to the next generations. But I would say your potential that you would get to have that desire you have deep inside of you met...after all, you are the one that said you wanted me." He said as he pushed his fingers inside. "If you want to be mine, wouldn't giving out a new generation of powerful eggs be a worthy thing of us both?"
He smirked as he nibbled on her neck, his hand moving down to stroke her clit, his other hand pushing its fingers deeper. "I'll breed you, nonstop when I become a champion, you'll never be empty." He said as he leaned kn her, pressing her against there tiles of the wall. "You'll be carrying an egg every chance we get"
Her moans got louder as he pushed deeper into her slit, the rubbing of her clit making her wetter, her breasts squished up against the tiles as his groin once again pressed itself against her ass "I... I hope my eggs will hatch into strong children for you... and... that I'm strong enough to deserve them from you!"
(XD Boons Children: born lifting)

Boon hummed as he moved his hips, his cock sliding down, pushing on her slit, rubbing on her teasingly as his finger edges her. He pulled his fingers out of her thrusting up into her. "When you evolve, you will be- and then-" he grunts as he started thrusting up into her, his cock running deep into. "I will fill you, until your belly bloats!"

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