Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Boon held up Mary as she wobbled in his arms, bracing her as he nipped and kissed on her neck a bit. "Oh-hey, you okay?" He said as he held into her, keeping her tucked against him, pulling out of the Jolteon, but much ti the Vaporeons tragic gate, last in line, seeing this stud break down her sisters one by one with his cock, his attention was on his own Eevee first.
He chuckles a little m. "Maybe we can get an electric type for some three ways if you like getting zapped'he teased as the Vaporeon whined out fir attention, the Combusken reached out abd spanked her on the ass roughly. "I'll be right with you, Don't worry-whoa-" he said pulling his hand up as he felt just how wet she was. "She's got a ocean down there" he said playfully as he pulled Mary over, keeping hee close as he lifted her up to set her on the Vaporeons back, rubbing his blazing hot member on the Vaporeons slit curiously.
Mary blushed a faint red as he suggested finding an Electric type for a three-way, before turning to watch as Boon rubbed his member against the Vaporeon, a sizzling sound coming as his hot length began to press into her dripping folds, the sound making Mary's blush deepen as she sat atop the Vappy's back, watching Boon get ready to fuck the water type.
"Damn! I can't even tease it in!" He said smirking as he thrusted inti her, his cock lemming deep inside, hilting himself against her. His tip pushed againstbher womb, her wet, desperate depths made it easy for him, Making thrusts slamming against her swiftly, his heat boiling the water type steadily as his heat was rising up, his eyes fixing on Mary as he brought g ht out a hand, rubbing his Eevee on the slit as he leaned in and started to kisse her again.
Boon smirked inti her lips as she moaned against them, he pressed it deepening it as he slid his tongue into her mouth and started to use his power lower body to thrust harder, using Double Kick to piston himself all the harder and rubbing on her clit faster as his body bounded against hers.
Boon pulled back his kisses, biting and pecking on her skin playfully up to her ear. "How does it feel? To watch me fuck my way through all these Eevultions and still nit get one taste of my cock? He teased as she felt him rutting her kinfolk harder and harder, using more power to dominate the curb bitch below her. Had Boon been holding in his strength on Mary? Was her body not powerful enough in his eyes to take him fucking her like she was some feral hole he wanted to leave a litter of eggs with.
Mary whined and writhed underneath him as she teased him "It... Feels so... hot..." She whined, even as her mind ran that possibility through it, the idea that she wasn't tough enough to take him at full power, unlike the Eeveelutions he'd plowed his way through, forcing her to watch him fuck them over and over without so much as giving her a spank until now.
"Oh?it is? Are you some kind of cuckold? You like watching me rut my way though your kind? Wishing it was you?" He teased as he grabbed her tits, pressing his claws into jer lightly, scratching her gentkyb even as her Eevultion was squirming up a storm and her juices were making steam on her males skin. His bodybwas overwhelming with heat now, fully fired up as he was cutting loose.
She gave another moan as he grabbed her small breasts, his claws digging in and making her warmer "N-No! It... It's because it... it's a promise... of what you'll do to me later!" She squealed, even as the Vaporeon had reached well beyond her limits, squirting hard over him in a great hissing cloud of steam, his burning heat making Mary sweat as he kept her pinned.
"Mm- you're right, I'll use you with all my real strength!" He said smirking as the Vaporeon bottomed out under the pressure the steam jetting between them only tinged with the raw scent of sex. Boon dug inti her, his tip pressingvinti her womb again as he started to cum inside her next, forcing his boiling heat directly into her core before starting to pull of it her...and he laid his cum covered cock on Mary's belly, sticky from its constant use and mixe of favors.
Mary stared up at him as he made that promise, flushing red at the smirk he gave "I.. Uh... I can do this..." She murmured to herself, even as his thick length bounced off her belly, leaving a patch of cum right above her womb "I can do this... So... Fuck me, Boon... Fuck me like you always wanted! Like the Breedable slut I am!"
She gulped as he spoke of her handling his true force, feeling his hot length brushing against her was enough to draw a moan from her lips as she thought up a reply "An... Anything... you want..." She told him, spreading her legs and getting ready to take him, even as he'd see the audience of the other girls watching him.
As she slurred and spread her legs further, Boon sragged her towards him, his strength slamming her folds around his burning hot rod. His grip was tight on her, his body shifting into his full Mon state as he pulled her up and startedto slame her back down on his hips, he moved her with strengthand fervor that even when he had pinned and took her roughly, seemed to be on a different level. HIs full strength, especially with Bulk Up, he was bouncing and using her like a flesh light, only gaining soeed by the second and his ckas scratched her lightly as he barehis top lanced deep inside her, striking her egg baker and pounding it like he was going to scramble her up. "Don't worry Mary, I'll make you scream as much as you want!"
Mary's voice got louder as his burning length began to pound deep inside her body, her wet hole sizzling with each deep thrust even as Boon would be vaguely aware of the other girls watching and masturbating to the sight of him fucking Mary so roughly "Arceus, you really do want her to have your egg..." The Leafeon spoke out loud, even as Mary would feel an odd, warm tingling spreading from her slit as her body went tighter around his bulking up form, his tip deep inside her womb as he fucked her silly, to his hearts content, hearing her moaning cries of pleasure echoing around the room.

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