Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"She begs for it every day! May as well see if she can stand it!" He grunts as he clutched her wrists, pulling her up so she was hanging off of his hips, ramming up into her from his stance. He squeezed her tighter, the grip of her sex making him thrust faster, the heat and steam hissing between them. "She wants to be bred and evolve to be my little egg catcher"
The higher and louder sge screamed, Boon started to peck and nip ar her neck, bouncing her against him , her warmth matching his. As she began to gush and squirt,, pushing fresh steam uo into the air as it sizzles oof of his skin. Boon hekd onto her hands, drawing her around to let her look at their little audience. He walked with her with every pound, pushing her up against one of their new friends.
She squirmed a little more as he pressed her into the Umbreon, who gave a gasp and shied away at the heat Mary was putting off, the cloud of steam starting to obscure the pair, whilst Mary started to reach her limits, her squirting drawing to a close as she started to slump down "Mmm... Fuck... Me..." She managed to gasp out.

(Totally not planning on having his cum act like a Fire stone... No, Not one bit)
(Hey, what better source of elemental essence?)

She gurgled a little as he let her down, her tongue pressing against his teeth when he nibbled her lips and her pussy suddenly clenching tightly around him, even as he'd finally reach the point of dumping his load inside her. And when he did... He'd see her start to glow, feeling her body changing in his hands and around his length as she Evolved atop him, into a Flareon, her muscles swelling up as her height increased and her hair shifted to a soft, warm orange. Her chest and rear also swelled, but not as much as her muscles had, and when she opened her eyes... She was full of energy again and looking straight down at Boon "Hey Hot stuff... Up for another round?"
(XD Boon: Plus Ultra Erect)

"Heh-You know me."He said as he met her eyes, the burning heat of lust between them made steamy embers puff between them. "I'll keep fucking until you drop, Fluffy." He said as he held her up, his hands moving to grab onto her enhanced assets, enjoying the feel. "Guess We'll have two fire types after all...happy with that?"
Mary planted her hands onto his shoulders as she saw the look in his eyes, giving a soft moan when he ran his hands over her new ass-ets before licking her lips "Well, I don't think Delson has a choice... He just has two fire types now." She told Boon, before she started to shift her hips up and down atop him, wanting him to moan.
She pressed her hips down harder into him as their lips met in a kiss "That's it... God, your so hot..." She moaned into him as he'd feel her tail wagging against his grip on her ass, and when she broke the kiss and pulled back he'd watch her breasts bouncing up and down right in his eyeline "Harder, Boonie!" She teased with his name, knowing what it'd inspire.
Boon growled as she teased him. "I hate that name!" He said as he turned and pushed her back up against the wall, his pace only increasing and slamming his cock into her harder, his han grabbing on her tail as he started to thrust into her, his power legs using double kick to up the pressure. "Even from this good looking body of yours!"
"I knooooooow!" She yelped as he shifted their position and pinned her to the wall, her breasts squashed nearly flat by the force he was using "But it feels so fucking good when you get pissed off!" She moaned out to him, even as he'd feel her body getting tighter to match his increase in force from the double kicks, whilst he'd realise that she'd used helping hand whilst calling him Boonie, to also increase his force.
He grabbed her hair, pulling it a bit as he pounded her up against the wall, pressing her cheek inti it while he slapped her on the ass harshly , his enhanced strength making her new muscles jiggle whether they wanted it or not. "In any form-ha- your just a bitch trying to get a good fuck hm- ?" He teases as hecpulled her hair again his feathers and hair glowing with heat tremors.
She gave a short growl as he tugged her hair, but when he spanked her it returned into a moan of pleasure, even as she gave a nod, her muscles jiggling and shaking whilst he continued to pound her silly "Fu-Fuck... This... feels so... good..." She managed to moan out, before another growl slipped past her lips when he began to pull her hair again, her own heat rising to match his, the air shimmering around them.

As she brought him over, toppling him over onto his back, he smirked at her as she bounced on top of him. "Just because yiu evovle, doesn't mean you're That much harder!" He mocked back as his hips thrusted up into hers, slamming inti her as his hand moved and grabbed on her bouncing breasts.
As she hugged his head, she felt him biting on her breasts, his arms wrapping around her waist and his hand pulled on her tail. "Mm-!" As she contracted around him suddenly, she felt his member throbbing inside her, but his stubbornness had him still, holding his seed from her still , pure wrestled and rolled around with her, his bites and kiss putting pressure on her breasts.
(XD Volcano erupts from their combined tension)

As she reached around and battled him, the tighter she squeezed, the harder he throbbed inside of her, their bodies scorching hot and their chemistry swirling about them. "Mm-ngh-hiw about we make a messy little tie-your- on the edge!" He panted as he pulled his head from her teats
She smirked as he spoke, removing her finger from his rear and sitting up to meet him as he leant away, looking around at the girls in the room. The only one still vaguely there was the Leafeon, who had a massive blush on her face "Fuck, you two are hot..." She glanced around at the other girls "Too hot for them, anyhow... Guess you two will be heading off now?" She asked, even as she scribbled down a phone number "Don't forget to take this, so we can hook up later... Well, if you want..."
"But you can't take the heat...or are you looking to make an exception?" Boon said smirking as he took her number as he put an arm around Mary, his hands still exploring her curves.

(XD I just imagine the friendship meter between Boon and Mary just skyrockets because they can't stop boinking but Delson is just like "...are you two actually working together now?")
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She rolled her eyes a little, watching him feel up his Flareon's new curves "It's not for me, really. But even if she's a little hotter than I'd like, I'll still be entertained..." She smirked, blowing Mary a kiss as the pair of Fire types would realise... Mary's clothes would not fit her anymore.

("So... You fucked her so hard she became a Flareon, but you are actually willing to put in some teamwork... Eh, I'll allow it.")
Boon watched Mary trying to squeeze her shirt on, occasionally encouraging her to keep trying, totally not for tye sake of admiring her body. "Mm, I think this is....a minor problem. We'll have to get you some new suits...some tight ones no doubt. Guess I should prepare my size up too if I hit Blaziken..."
Mary grunted and growled as she struggled into her clothes, before turning to face Boon when she'd finally managed it "Yeah... Because this isn't tight enough..." She muttered under her breath, knowing the way it was squeezing her curves would be something he'd be very interested in. She then piped up and asked "Shall we head back to Delson's place?"

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