RP Mansion

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Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she looked out the windows she felt his hands move, briefly enough to assume he was going ti get handsy again, but he ran his fingers through her hair, starting to pet her. The city was passing by, showing restaurants, gyms (for exercising), some small corner shops, and expensive looking apartments as they weaved through the down town center of the city. As the hotel came back into view, Boon reached around her waist, going as far as to unbickle her seat belt as she felt him peck her gently on the cheek.
Local Time:
7:48 AM
Nov 14, 2022
She blinked as she felt his hands moving across her, expecting them to end up on her curves but being pleasantly surprised when he started to pet her head, the gentle pats making her give a soft noise of appreciation in return as she watched the city go by, all the different buildings they passed giving her a nice view. When the hotel came into view she turned her head back towards him, meaning to speak but pausing with a blush as he unbuckled her belt and placed a kiss onto her cheek "B-Boon?" She asked in surprise, her eyes going wide.
Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"See now you're making it weird!" He groaned as she cuddled up against him. He put his arm around her as she put her head against his chest. "This is why I don't play nice-" he grumbled as the car came to a stop, and he started to untangle himself from her to start to get out if the car
Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Then I'll pet you when you're a good girl." He said winking at her slyly as the doors opened up, Delson was in the midst of a phone call, pacing around. "Unacceptable- You think that my champion team will settle for business class on that ferry? Do you think I will?! You pompous windbag, you can find an executive class or you will find yourself working out of a cardboard box in an alley!...Thats what I thought Angelo. " Delson flicked his phone off as he turned around. "Boon-Whoa!" He said when he saw Mary, not expecting her to come back evolved ofcourse, but...clearly in need of a tailor. "
Local Time:
7:48 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mary gave a little gasp when Boon winked at her, before blinking and watching Delson pace and rant at his phone, wincing in sympathy for the poor guy on the other end when he was threatened with being fired. When Delson turned to them and started to speak, she gave a little flush and moved to cover herself up, suddenly self-conscious of how the tight clothes looked on her.
Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ah- uh....Sorry Mary you...I'll call a designer for your..." Delson said as he held up his hands, subconsciously bring them up in front of his chest in a cupping motion. "Growth....when did this happen? I thought you were going to wait on that?" He said dropping his hands quickly.

"She...uh...found a raw fire stone-" Bion tried to cover. Well Delson was aware Boon was fucking her, but he wasn't particularly willing to bring up the gritty details this time.
Local Time:
7:48 AM
Nov 14, 2022
She twisted and shot him a 'glare' to keep up pretences when he spanked her but she didn't respond, heading into her room and shutting the door behind her. Of course, whether Delson would believe a word of it was entirely unknown... and considering how the pair had been, it was unlikely he'd be fooled.
Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Mary: Harder-I mean stop...noooo.)

Delson raised an eyebrow at Boon and Mary. "Hm...right. just tripped and fell right on a Stone..." he said tapping his chin a moment, but started to walk away from Boon. He wasn't buying it....but he'd let them worry about that. As long as they had their shit together, he'd let them do anything they wanted.
Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she waited around, she saw the door open a pair of Mon stepped into the room, Two males, one in a blue suit, another in a red suit. The one in red had shocking red hair, red wire rim glasses, plus sign shaped earrings. The other had blue hair, a monocle, and a bracelet with a blue streak, a Minus?

"Hello?" The Red one said as he adjusted his glasses.

"We were called for a sudden evolution?" The Blue said, folding his arms behind his back. "We are the brothers, Escar, and Watts!" They said together
Local Time:
2:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Escar, the Red one coughed. "You-you haven't heard of us? Watts, she hasn't heard of our work?"

"Brother, she is an opportunity to work with a highly profitable client, the thing thst matters is he is aware." Watts said as he patted his brothers shoulder. "Now- the Works of Escar and I are high quality Mon battle suits, and attire, built to withstand most attacks with as little damage as possible to the materials. No more fire blasts that require you to find a blanket, no more hyper beam stripping!" Watts began

"We still are working on the Dragon technology, so I recommend keeping a spare if you duel a Dragonite or a Garchomp-" Escar added, as he stepped back to wheel in a trunk. "We can make any look you need, as many as you like as well."
Local Time:
7:48 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Uh... Sorry?" Mary murmured when Escar spoke, before turning her head to Watts as he laid out what they produced "Battle Suits... Huh." She murmured to herself, before nodding to their words more "So Delson wants you to make me a battle suit?" She asked them, watching the trunk to see what exactly they were going to pull out of it. Of course, she was still nude underneath the covers, so at some point she'd have to broach that subject, so she could at least get underwear on... Despite how tight it would be now.
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