Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"We make regular clothing as well," Watts said adjusting his suit jacket, he opened it, showing the inner designs of soft silk and patterned clouds. He laid a finger on the inside, a crackle of electricity jumped through it, but the energy coursed up and dispersed through it. "Delson, said that you lost yours in an unfortunate...accident. So something tear-resistant may be in order?" Watts said as he buttoned his jacket back up. Escar opened the trunk's top, starting to set up a small workstation. "Ah. are you...ahem, decent?" Watts said as he noticed how she hadn't moved much even to stand.
"Mhm. Tear Resistant." Mary confirmed, before flushing a little when they asked about her being decent "Yeah, No... I... Well, everything was quite tight, so... I decided to take it all off, for comforts sake." She told him, biting her lip a little "I... There's clothes in the drawers, but... well, you both came straight in, so I didn't have a chance to redress."
Mary sighed, before looking at the pair and shaking her head "No, it's... it's fine. Honestly, I think I'd rather not try and shove my way back into those clothes... they'll probably just rip off anyway. And it'd probably just cause issues with measurements anyway, right?" She lifted the covers off herself and swung her legs out to stand up "Let's just... Let's just get this over with quickly, okay? You are both professionals, after all." She finished, waiting for the pairs reaction and hoping she hadn't misjudged the situation.
(XD Mary: suddenly spit roasted)

As she stood up, revealing herself, Watts's eyes didn't waver away as he nodded along, Escar....well he glanced down briefly, but he looked up. "Hm. Very well." Watts said as he pulled out a measuring ribbon. "We'll have to measure may feel a bit intimate, but we are indeed, professionals," Watts added as his brother did the same and a note pad.
(Watts: "We are professionals."
Escar: Accidentally Shocks Mary so she's paralyzed face down on the floor "Oops... :sneaky:)

Mary nodded to Watts' words, watching the pair walk across and raising her arms so they'd have easy access to her body for the measurements they needed to take "Alright, then let's get on with it."
(XD Watts: Our discount program zip 100 percent free if you let us have a good time-)

"I'll do the bust." Watts said, more to his brother than her, moving over and started to begin to wind the ribbon around her breasts, his brother kneeling to start to measure her arms. They stood on both sides of her, Watts behind her, Escar in front of her her. The Ribbon was cool to her firey skin, as it touched around her, it tingled faintly over her with passive electrical currents. "Hm. would you like us to make your undergarments as well?" Watts said.
(Delson: "How did you get them to give you those for free?"
Mary: "I'm really persuasive?")

Mary breathed out softly as Watts wound the ribbon around her chest, before nodding to him "That sounds like a good idea..." She replied to him, even as she noticed the way her nipples had gone stiff from the tingling electrical currents coming from the cool ribbons against her skin, even as she looked at Escars face, to see where his attentions were...
(XD All her clothes make her look like a Taiminin character)

"We have some test cups." Watts said as he let go, the ribbon staying on her as the electricity kept it together while he wrote out the measurement. Escar was measuring her arms, her collar, but she saw his eyes wandering over her bare body now and then. Was he considering clothing? checking her out? Both? Would Boon be upset of they did?
(Boon: "It's not that I mind them spitroasting you, I mind that they got the first try in your mouth and ass")

Mary nodded to Watts, turning her head to him and pretending she hadn't seen Escar checking her out whilst she did "Okay, so what sort of battle suit would you recommend?" She asked the Plusle, even as she lowered her arms and turning slightly to better see him.
(XD Boon: You can get fucked by others but you must ask me first. If its a hole I haven't used, I get it first.)

"Hm. You're an active battle team, I probably would go for a standardized Team design, a simple combat weave, for tears, cuts, and rips to be minimized, but naturally, it would be lightweight and maneuverable. It wouldn't be armored, for sportsmanship, but it would be about to have pockets for items. It likely would be made to show off your prowess and muscle.., hm. I will need to make a zipper so it can let the ahem, girls breathe if need be," He said nodding. Escar hummed. "Could do snap buttons, easy to pop off, easy to put on" His brother said. could they scent Boon on her still?..then again she was wrapped up with Boon rather often.
Mary nodded to Watts' words as he spoke, before immediately speaking up almost before Escar finished speaking "No. A Zip will do fine, thank you." She told them, before then taking a breath and humming softly to herself, pretending that Boon's scent wasn't all over her "So, showing off muscle? I'd hope it would be reasonably elastic?" She asked, knowing it would be rather tight around her form and would need to be elasticated to be able to let her move easily.
"Ofcourse! These will be made to last, even against evolution." Escar said raising a brow to Watts as she changed the subject so quickly. "We also could make a leotard variant, a much like a one piece for humans." He raised as he knelt in front of her, starting to measure her waistline, his breath faintly tickling on her thighs.
"You two are the experts." She replied to his suggestion, even as she tensed up a little at his breath onto her thighs "You mentioned Test Cups?" She asked Watts, wanting to distract herself from Escar's position infront of her, knowing the Plusle had her trapped from behind anyway, even if the pair were 'professionals'.
"Ah-Yes. Apologies." Watts said as he picked the ribbon off of her breasts, the electricity flaring and tingling a bit more as he took the charge back into his body. He walked to the trunk, pulling out a few test bras each a size up from the last. They were an elastic-like fabric, with plastic hooks, he unpacked them from plastic bags, likely able to throw them away without much cost. His brother fixed te ribbon together, and another tingling surge ran over her, though it was a bit more intense than Watts's , it didn't hurt...quite the opposite really.
Mary shivered a little as Watts charge passed back into him, before taking a breath and moving so her chest was easily accessible to the pair. Of course, when Escar affixed the ribbon she gave a soft breath, the tingle coursing through her making her bite her lip and shiver "Mmmph..." She mumbled as it passed through her, before taking another, deeper breath and waiting for the test Bra so they could tell her what size her teats were now... They were easily D's at this point, possibly even DD.
(XD Delson starts feeding her Defense Nutrients and they keep puffing up)

Watts came up to her helping her into the first few, but her new size clearly dwarfed the garments, practically resting on top, or boosting them higher. "Hm. On to the Ds." He said as he slipped it on, it fit slightly better but she could still tell it was off. The other issue was dealing with the Plusle and Minun, every time they touched something their currents would pass through her, and the ribbon would feel just a little bit better. And the bra's would feel like they were carrying it too. "DD?" He mumbled as he put the next size up on her and tightened the hooks. "How does that one feel?" He said as he looked down at her chest. "It clasped easily enough"
At first Mary was dealing with the constant static charge fine, but the more the pairs hands brushed against her and increased it, the harder it got for her to cope, but even so she continued to stay quiet "T... That one feels fine. It's not too tight or loose." She told him, before she felt that static tingle on her nipples again and gave a whimper "I... Can... Can you stop, with the shocks?!" She managed to get out, even as the pair would either realise what was happening, or realise they'd been rumbled with their actions... And with the way her voice sounded, she didn't seem too upset about it, more... frustrated.
"Hm? Shocks?" Escar said but snapped his fingers. "Ah-Watts. Did we ground ourselves before this meeting?"

"Oh blast-We didn't!" Watts said as he looked at his bracelet. "Have we been causing you pain? We will reduce your bill for the discomfort-" He said gently as he looked around. "We built up a charge today, we haven't had a chance to channel it before the meeting, you must be taking on the excess electricity."

While Watts tried to explain, Escar tried to pull the ribbon off her. "Normally this never happens."
"N... Not pain." She managed to get out, before Escar's attempt to pull the ribbon off her sent a much higher charge through her, drawing an audible moan from her lips "Ahn~! S... Stop!" She instructed, but at this point... her legs were wobbling, and she fell to the ground with a clatter as the charge finally pushed her over the edge.
Escar caught her before she fully collapsed, the Electricity instantly jumping into the next conduit it could to escape its prison. 'I- got- oh no-" he mumbled as he almost hand her naked body pressed against his, the charge giving her a full body experience from top to bottom. It was like she accidentally found herself sitting on a vibrator and it was too good a time. "Ms.Mary-" Watts said stepping forward to try to pull her off, but that only made the charge become a loop, passing between one point to another at high speed. She felt all of Escar, the Minun was so hard frim being close to her.
Mary gave a yelp as she was suddenly pressed into Escar’s body, her eyes widening in shock, but before she could make any attempt to remove him the static charge hit her like a truck, drawing an unwanted moan from her lips, right into the minuns ear. By the time Watts got to her she was dripping wet already, the additional charge only making her moan more aggressively.
As she hung on, getting shocked and the static coursing between them, Watts tried to drag her back, as the energy coursed up to her mind, only zapping her pleasure centers and cranking up her needs for more of it. Escar felt her getting wet against him, his hips moving and pushing instinctively, fapushing her backwards so she was sandwiched between them. Watts was up for her as well, the two Mon were hard and ready, lasting for her, in silence.
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Mary writhed around as the pair pinned her between them, her moans audible to the silent twins before she took a deep breath and let the heat she was feeling inside out, immediately flaring up and forcing the pair off her, incase they got burnt. She panted heavily as she fell to her knees, her chest rising and falling "Fucking... Professionals, yeah?" She muttered angrily, waiting for a response.
Escar sat up as her flames and heat died down, but as their sales pitch said, their clothes hadn't even singed much. He adjusted his glasses as Watts stood. "We are professionals-" Watts said as he bowed his head to her. "But in this case- we came to your audience quickly- knowing the client, we were so eager, our precautions- we did not take them-" Escar aided as he did the same. "We would never force a client to anything-"
Mary took another few breaths before responding, looking directly at Escar "Really? Didn't feel that way..." She glared angrily at his midriff to punctuate her point, before standing back up and crossing her arms "Now... Do you have all the measurements you needed?" She nearly growled, even as that heat flared up a little more... Hoo boy, she was properly pissed now.
Mary's eye twitched as Escar told her to calm down, but when Watts stepped between them she took yet another deep breath to try and calm herself down "Fine. Just... Fine." The rooms temperature lowered as she brought her anger back under control, her attention on Watts now "Let's just get this over with, before someone else does something we'll all regret."

(This is when Escar decides to deliberately make all the designs skimpy AF in revenge)
(XD I mean...she can make as many suits as she wants, she might need them for...private training lessons)

Escar adjusts his suit, sliding the jack off and rolling up his sleeves. He walked to the workstation, taking out two bracelets. Snapping one around his wrist and tossing other to his brother who did the same. "Now. " Watts rubbed his hands together, and then held it over Mary's sheets briefly. "It seems we are properly grounded. No more...ahem...unexpected feedback, shall occur. Do you have any ideas in mind for your clothing? A preference? A number you would like produced?"

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