Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She gasped as he spoke, turning to face him with a red flush over her face "What're you doing?" She asked, taking a step backwards when he closed the door behind himself "I just... I just wanted to see if things still fit, nothing else!" before his words sank in "Hey! Don't call my ass fat!" She growled a little, even as he'd be able to see the faint traces of the rest of Boon's body writing across her front.
"It's not...fat. It's...defensively padded now." he said waving his hands. "Now when Boon sees this, good luck with whatever he says." He said as he kept his eyes averted to the side. "I was just seeing if yiu were asleep yet because I wanted to ask you something." He said as he pushed off the door, starting to approach her, looking to her slowly. "You said you want to keep up with did you mean that?"
As he stopped in front of her, the trainer inspected her, looking her in the eyes a moment. "Keeping up what? His cock? His interest? Am I paying for a little mon mating ceremony?" He said raising his brow as she covered herself up. "What?" Think I'm gonna start playing with you again?" He said as he grabbed the leash, giving it a little pull.
She opened her mouth to reply before yelping as he tugged the leash and dragged her forwards, making her stumble and fall to her hands and knees infront of him "N... Not entirely... I want to keep up with Boon... In every way I can... strength... speed, everything" She told Delson, looking up at him as she started to stand back up.
He raised his brow further. " are so competitive that while you guys are fucking like Bunneary-you want to stay on his level...what to be worthy? " He said as she looked up to him, Delson rolled the leash in his hand easily, drawing her up closer abd closer on her knees as he stood iver her. Just like before when she momentarily was his toy as well.
"Mary!" Delson groaned out as he shook his head at her desperate attempt to lie to him. "Don't tell me he's just forcing you to take it raw over and over! You shouldn't just let him do that to you!" He said sighing. Ofcourse he didn't know the truth, that as much as Boon has been busting one burning how load into her anlfter another, she wasn't particularly doing it out of his brute force.
(XD Mary: Oh noooo Boon is so bad, how dare he let me leg lock and vice grip-)

"I'll have to buy you guys protection if you can't control that." He said folding his arms. "knowing Boon, I should have bought them anyway, but you'll have to make sure he uses them from now on, you can't fight if you get pregnant' He muttered as he pulled out his ohine. 'Shit do they even have good fire proof condoms-' he thought
Mary nodded slowly, still mildly shocked that Delson hadn't realised it was Her actions that caused the issues, but then her memory arose "Uh, can't you get pills? To... do the same thing?" She asked, even as he'd find special condoms made for fire types out of special silicone. Unfortunately, they were rather pricy...
"They would be faster." He said as he examined the prices, not that money would truly be a hurdle, but on top of that would be delivery costs and availability. After all, he had a continent spanning adventure to run. "The pills are easier to get to than speciality protection. " He said as he swiped. They probably were more suited to pokephiles anyhow. "We can set you a prescription. " He said. Ofcourse that was if Mary would even take them in the first place.
"Yeah, that's... probably the smartest idea." She replied softly, even as her mind weighed it. If she behaved and took the pills, she wouldn't get pregnant... but if she didn't, the odds of Delson keeping her around were significantly shorter. She bit her lip again, before slowly gesturing to the door of the room "Can... Can you go now, so I can get some sleep?" She asked, still dressed in the overly tight slave outfit after all.
She nodded as he left, before moving to sit on her bed, debating if she should remove the outfit or not... on the one hand, it was pretty uncomfortable and she didn't fancy sleeping in it... on the other, if Boon came in... well, she did want to see his reaction to it's new stretched out appearance over her larger breasts and fat ass.
As she batted the option around, she also knew she could try to slink in to see Boon herself anytime. Or draw him into her room. Whether he would show up or not in the night depended on how well she had emptied her master and mate. Even if she didn't see him that night...she could always reveal her little outfit later.
She hummed softly to herself, before giving a quiet call of "Boonie" to see what would happen. If he heard and came for her, she was more than willing, but if not she'd remove her outfit and sleep for the night. She planned to give it a few minutes before accepting he wasn't coming for her again that night anyway...
He grabbed her chin as she looked up at him, angling her head up. "So yes, I would say your little suit makes your ass and breasts look fat, whoreish, and perverse. Like your body truly is on the inside." He said as he pet her. "Is this what you want? To be my little slave puppy? to get led around so everyone knows who owns you and who is breeding you? It would be quite the honor." He said with that wild grin.

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