Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Boons eyes flared woth frustration as she spoke to him, but he folded his arms. "Bastard thinks that he's got the experience to control me? We'll see when we battle today." He grunts as he glared at the Eevee. It was intense, like sge had insulted him herself by doing what he told her. "If he fails me, he'll regret it." He growled as he steamed the room a bit. "Do you think he's the one calling the shots?' He said
As she lowered her head, she felt a weight in her back, his feet propped up on top of her like she was a stool. "Thats better, maybe this is better for you. " He said smirking a little. Was he testing her? Pressing her buttons? Or was he simply enjoying her submissions to him. Then again. Boon had more than one cheerleader now, a champion like him wouldn't be beyond using them both. Would she have to prove herself to be the top toy?
As she moved to place her feet on him, his hands moved grabbing her ankles and lurching her, twisting her ti the side to drag her back down and pull himself up over her. But as he reared back to put her back in her place, the door opened up. "Alright Boon let's guys need some time to yourselves?" Delson said as he stood in the doorway, folding his arms.
Delson shot Boon a look but they walked out of the hotel together, venturing to the gym, crossing through the streets as they came to the gyms doors. He looked at Boon. "Ready?" He said to his Champion.

Boon folded his arms. "Who am I fighting?" He said, surprisingly serious as he looked at the doors. "Rock Mon mostly I heard the leader might have a really tough one" Delson said, Boon sniffing with tension. "I like a challenge." The Combusken said reaching for the door. "I can always bring out Azure don't have to Solo this." He reminded.

"I do what I wanr!" Boon snapped as he shoved the doors open, walking into the gym.
On the other side of the doors, Boon would find a trio of ladies awaiting him, the only difference between them being the height of the central one. Triplets, each equipped with an attractive face, long brown hair and small teats. The central girl spoke first, her voice a sweet drawl “So. Your the next challenger then, huh? Ain’t too smart bringin a fire chicken to fight rock types.” Her sisters chuckled, even as one stepped forwards “Don’t cha worry sis, I’ll send ‘em back to nurse joy nice an quick” she smirked, already throwing a ball to release a Dwebble who Delson could’ve almost mistaken for female.
"The fuck she just call me!" Boon seared,but Delson grabbed his shoulder. "Save your temper. That's not even the big guns." He warned, but Boon actually listened, pulling away to stand by. Delson threw out the next ball on his belt, his Maril released from the ball, Azure. He landed on his feet, almost looking shocked. "I'm already up!" He said as his body shifted into its Mon form, its springy tail forming and blue fur fluffing . "Against...Her?" He said squinting at the Dwebble.
The Dwebble glared back, and in a very masculine voice replied “Oh, you done fucked up now, beach ball.” But he didn’t move until his trainer spoke “Alrighty, Geode, hit ‘em with a rock slide!” And with terrifying speed the Dwebble launched forwards, a seeming avalanche threatening Azure.
(XD I just imagined a Trap with the voice of like Mark Clark Duncan)

"Whoa listen man, I'm just say- OH SHIT" Azure jumped to the side, rolling as the attack clipped them, managing to avoid the brunt of it. "Azure! Stop goofing around with the femboy! Water Gun them!" Delson said. Azure sat up, and rearing back a bit before unleashing a torrent of water at the Dwebble.
"Ay ay ay! I don't like scratch play without a drink first!" Azure said as he dodges backwards, Geode's slashes keeping him moving. "Azure use Roll out!"

Azure started to roll forward, his mass, his body turtling up as he spun almost like a he was a rolling engine. The Maril thrusted forward, trying to run into his opponent.

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