Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Geode gasped as the water pulse struck him, launching him back to his trainers side and leaving him there. He struggled to get up once, then twice, before merely lying there “Aw, Geode Hun… you poor thing, c’mon here” his Trainer murmured, pulling him back into a hug that pressed his head between her breasts “It’s alright, just rest… you did good.”

The next girl stepped up, throwing out a female Lileep “Welp, I reckon it’s our turn Ives.” She grinned, before shouting “Razor Leaf!”
"Aw dude that's so lu-" Azure's grumbles were cut off as a Razor leaf whizzed by his head. Unfortunately he had little opportunity to avoid the rest if the volley as they slashed onto him and he covered his face. He sunk to a knee, starting to stand up again, but stumbled and fell over. "Azure!" Delson yelled out!

"He lasted longer than I thought." Boon admitted as he started to step onto the battlefield. He started to pull his comrade off the ground, dragging him over to Delsons side. "I'll handle this." Boon stated, before Delson could even try to argue, he jumped onto the field already transforming into his Mon Form. He burst forward without even a command, swinging out a wild set of double kicks at the Lileep.
Boon shifted, twisting to dodged the vine whip and jumping towards his opponent again. He yelled with ferocity, bearing down with another Stone shattering kick. "Boon! Focus!" Delson called as his Combusken rampaged with his brute force tactics.

Delson muttered a curse under his breath, pulling out his other pokeballs to release the others.
Boon growled as his kicks catered into the stone floor, punching holes in it like it was a layer of Styrofoam. "You'll just keep running huh!" Boon said as his body sizzles and his muscles rippled using Bulk Up in his frustration. "When I get my hands on you, you'll regret wasting my time!" He said
The Lileep returned his angry raging with a smirk, even as he’d see her body swelling in return as she used Bulk Up in return “Whats that, little chicken? You wanna get your hands all over me?” She teased him more, continuing to dance across the arena, sniping back with rock throws when she thought she could get away with it “You’ll have ta be better than that to get my goods, Sugar”
Boon's rage only burned hotter and hotter as she teased him, but with his fury and pride, his maneuverability wasn't hindered as she tried to keep her dissertation. The tumbling stones fell around him, but Boon wove his way through them, jumping and dodging between them deftly. As a rick beard over him, his fist snapped out, smashing it apart with Rock Smash. "Well see how well you can hold up then!" Boon said as he swung at her again.
Delson raised an eyebrow at the mon. "I can't tell if she's goating him tactically or if she wants it." He muttered to.himself as he looked at the opposition. "She's putting on alot of heft!"

Boon threw up his arms, her razor leaf sizzling as they hit the air around him, the impact lessened as he leapt in the air and slammed his head into her chest with a full flipping force, using his head with rock smash.
“Gotcha hun.” She taunted as he slammed into her, his strength increases not enough to counter her defensive gains as the vines wrapped tightly around him “Sorry sugah, but this is a battle, else I’d let you stay.” She picked him up and flung him away, amongst a group of rocks that would strike both during the throw and as he landed.
(XD pfft she's just like "oh no we are bound together" *lays on him* "guess ill have to smother you till victory!")

Boon flexed out of the vibe bindings, his body bulking up more and more, his muscles rippling and thickening, the heat shimmer on him now distorting the air. "I'll smash you!" He snapped as he shoved his way out of the rock pile. Ofcourse given her teasing, and taunting, Boon meant with his fists, but she probably could get a good hate fuck at the end of this match. He pulled out a berry, chomping it up.
Boon saw the rocks coming, the berry he swallowed giving him some more energy back as he threw himself into action again. His dexterity was reduced by his hot-headed assault earlier, but he managed to keep himself on the move. The Rock Slide rolled before him, but his rage sharpened his instincts. His legs carried him with all their force. His claws bit into them, hauling him up as he left through the gaps he could see between them. Luckily his Bulk Up had heightened his strength, he could push her defenses harder. Boon rolled forward, launching himself on his powerful legs. Combusken were no joke on there feet, and with one as hungry for a fight as Boon, he was clearly nor going to give up. He whirled in the air, angling his feet as ge started unloading a savage set of kicks.
Boon flipped against her, catching his breath as he laid on top of her. "Ha...Told ya- I'd smash you." He said as he climbed off her. "Thanks for cushioning my fall!" He said as he looked down on her.

Delson heaved a sigh of relief. "Last match up." He said as he let Circe and Mary out of the their balls.
"Boon!" Delson yelled out. The Combusken looking up at the larger foe, towering head and shoulders over him. Boon looked back at Delson. "What!" He yelled as indignant as ever. Delson heaved something into the battlefield, Boon catching it. A Potion.

Boon looked up to the Tyranitar, and poured the potion over his chest and wounds. They stung and sizzles, reacting to the medication to stimulate vitality. "Ah...Sorry Big boy. I really lose only when I turn my back to anyone else." Boon said shrugging as he tossed the potion aside.
As the Earthquake went off, Boon thrown about bu the disrupted earth like a Torchic, He tucked himself up asuch as possible, razor sharp stone slashing around him, cutting into him. Boon hit the ground. Bloodied, battered, his hand touched fhe render up earth, pain coursing through him. The Tyranatar saw him start to actually try to push himself back up, coughing, weak, enduring it seemed for a moment. But Boon fought for pride, for himself, as far as it could take him, ego alone could not spur his body to resist its weariness. Before he could raise up to his feet fully, he collapsed again.

"Boon!" Delson this time moved of his own, moving into the arena field to collect his champion in the making.
Mary bit her lip, looking up at the giant Rock ‘Mon before she took a deep breath and stepped forwards, eliciting a rumbling laugh from the Tyrant “Your joking, right? You? The Cheer Squad?”

The Lileep winked back, holding up a finger and indicating for him to wait. After all, they couldn’t just rut infront of everyone.

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