Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"Mm. That's what you want?" He said tilting his head at her. He chuckled, giving a slight shake of his head. "I hoped at some point or another. You would have found ...something else in your time. But I suppose I should have expected it." He said as he pushed the door open for her. "I'll take you. "
"What will you get." He said as he walked ahead of her. "Peace? Power? Competition?" He questioned as they stepped onti the streets, they'd both be getting looks now, Boon more so than her, fans stopping him to try to get photos or just trying to show adoration. Boon was actually...polite to them, and not in a egotistical frenzy, soaking it up for his self. Even going out of his way to also introduce Thorn to them if they realized they were walking together
Thorn shrugged as he spoke "Honestly... I just wanted to see your face when you lost. But now... I don't see much point. I wanted to beat the smug asshole who threw me away. Not... this." She gestured at him, even as he began to speak to his fans "I saw kids dressed up as you, I saw all the action figures... Dreadful likeness, by the way, and I just assumed you hadn't changed."
"Oh yeah. Those figures are actually from a little TV show loosely based on my battles. It's set before I evolved." He said with a humble smile. "I don't know much more on it, but I've heard people enjoy it...I'm guessing they made me more likeable that I really was." He added as he turned away from a fan after posing with them for a picture.
"We wouldn't be sprinting persay. I just have a faster way...I would have to carry you though." He corrected. But as he turned, a camera flashed in his face. He jumped slightly, as he noticed it wasn't a phone, or some fan, but a growing line up of paparazzi. "Boon! Boon! Look here!- we have a question- look-" the small groan began squabbling as he sighed as started to step around them. In the past he would gave probably would have ggone hrough them. The buffet if camera and video lens angled at him...then in Thorn. "Is this a new partner Boon? Are they going to help you take card of Kobi!"
Thorn rolled her eyes as he suggested carrying her, before giving an angry curse at the procession of flashing cameras, hiding her face from the paparazzi "... If it gets us away from these assholes, then fine." She replied to him, completely ignoring the constant questions about her being his new partner, even as she did exactly what he used to, shoving her way through the group.
As she pushed through the group, the camera kept flashing. "Is she going to-" a question was in the midst if being lobbed at them again, but she felt herself lifted scooped up sudden. A rush of wind whistling around them, voices that were questioning them turning into soft calls...then nothing. They were in the air? Flying? Boon didn't have wings. Right.a Blaziken's legs were so string that a single bound could reach up to 30 stories high! Boon's feet touched atop a billboard, kicking off and jumping again effortlessly between the taller buildings and rooftops. Some populated, some now. But he seemed to know where he was going. "You've gotten gruffer." He said glancing at her. "You learn that in your training?"
"What the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" She yelled as he scooped her up and then leapt into the air, the rushing wind snatching her voice and the questions as she grabbed him, her arms locking around him in her panic, her eyes widening "Warning next time!" She yelled, before calming down slightly as he kept control of their movements, her heartbeat slowing down as the adrenaline subsided "N... Not exactly... I just realised I don't have patience for idiots"
"You said to do it." He said simply . And those people were talking about Kobi. He wasn't about to stand around a d let that keep going. "But next time, I'll let you know." He agreed as his feet touched down on another building. He gave a nod to her final retort, understanding her sentiment it seemed as he grimaced.

A terrace and garden by the look of the rooftop they were standing on. Bit Boon held onto her, one arm supporting her lover body the other a comfortable resting place for hee back, his shoulder her head rest. "...oh. uh. We're here." He said as he realized they simply were holding eachother now he started to lower her down to bring her ti the earth. The Terrace itself was beautiful, a nice herb garden on one side, with a small patio set , an outdoor couch, a sleek syumner grilling station...but also children's toys were thrown about the place. A chalk drawing of...some kinda long eared figure was along stonework on the ground. Looking ahead was a penthouses glass doors. Had he jumped all the way across into the residential districts?

"This is Delson's place. He should be here."
She immediately slid out of his grip as he started to put her down, hiding the flush she'd felt when she'd realised what their grasp on each other could have looked like as she looked around the patio, seeing the toys and raising an eyebrow, before walking towards the glass doors "Well, we're not going to find him stood around out here." She shrugged, even as the tinted glass would slide aside to reveal...
As she slid the glass door open, she saw the back of a lovely open space kitchen, and dining room, a modernized design for ease of motion. Beyond it all was the the living room, and a TV was going, blaring music and sounds, some kind of game maybe? "Delson?' Boon called out as the pair came in. "Dad?" The voice of kobi called our, the sound freezing as on the couch in front if the TV, was a small Mon, long brown ears perking up as a Eevee looked over. He couldn't have been older than 5? Maybe 6?

"Kobi!" Boon said as the child lit up, smiling and scrambling up and over the back of the coach, up, but stopping short, looking up at Thorn. He waved, that innocent wide smile never leaving. "Hi!" Kobi said as Boon stepped over and picked him up.
Thorn gave a tentative wave in response, even as her mind flicked through all the potential causes of Kobi, from adoption to Boon meeting and settling down. But then… the age of the kid put the identity of his mother squarely on one name she knew. Diamond. The Glaceon who’d left. And the same one he’d not wanted to discuss. She turned to Boon, her look asking the question for her, unwilling to say it aloud infront of the kid.
B9on placed the eevee on his shoulders, the boy playing with his hair. But as he met her eyes, his smile shifted slightly. He obviously wouldn't talk about it right now. "My friend here is looking for your uncle Delsin." He said aa he walked his pup back to the cock. "He's in his office! He said I could try out the game."

Oh he did! Show me how you play in a bit, I need to show Mt friend Thorn the office!" he said matching the bubbly energy. Kobi nodding as he was set back down. Boon gestured Martbto follow him, stepping away after ruffling the boys hair around and tickling him a little. Taking her through one if the side hallways in the penthouse.
She smiled back, before stopping at the door to, she assumed, Delson's office, reaching out towards the handle tentatively, wondering... How would Delson react to seeing her again? After all, she'd been the one to propose walking away. Sure, Boon might've solidified it, but... She shook her head, clearly conflicted about heading inside.
"If you....want to wait." Boon said as he reached out, gently laying his hand on top of hers. But before she could choose to pull away, or to open the door, the door know turned in front of them. "Boon? You out-" the door pulled back, showing Delson, the young trainer had built out some it seemed, looking well, his softer features he used to have were sharpened, making the simple rich boy glitter brighter now. No he was more like a prince perhaps now. His hair was qauffed up, his eyes wide at the stranger that was in his house. He was in silken blue pajamas, in his hands a steaming mug of something chocolate by the scent of it. "...Mary?" He said as hie seemed to recognize her instantly.
"Ma... May-" She was cut off when the door swung open, revealing Delson stood there, similar enough that she recognized him immediately, but different enough to remind her of the time that had passed "Y... Yeah. And... It's Thorn, now." She replied as he spoke, tugging her hand away from Boon's grip "You're looking well."
"Yeah... Figured it made more sense. New name, new identity." She shrugged, raising an eyebrow "You think you look bad? Should've seen us after the fight. I lost an entire Gi because of Mr 'Inferno King' over here." She laughed softly, before he asked about what brought her there "I just figured I'd drop by, see how you were doing. I came to the city to challenge Boon. I saw all the merchandise you guys had on my way in, by the way. They even put Azure on T-Shirts?"
Boon grumbled slightly at the name. "Hmph- that name is still hanging around." Delson chuckled. "You come all this way to fight him and see me. Well.. I'm glad you came." He said smiling, shifting to step out if the doorway and walk into the hall. "Ah- you'd be surprised, those Azure shirts are popular with the 18 to 25 year old female demographic. Apparently he's got a little fan base because they think he's adorable." He said sipping his cup.
“Huh. Eh, I can see it.” She shrugged, even as they started to walk “Still, caught me out. Would’ve thought only Boon would get any Shirts. But I guess people change. Almost had him beat, when he tried to hit me with an overheat.” She laughed to herself, uncaring how Boon would react, before a melancholy feeling struck her, as she started to consider when she’d be moving on.
"Hm. Overheat? " Deksin said tilting his head. "Ah. Right. I understand why you kept that move." He said nodding slightly after he thought on it . "What if he used it to give you some help?" Delson said as he walked into the kitchen setting his cup down in the table in the dining room on the way in. "Boost both odds to pushing all limits?"

Delson opened the fridge to pull out some food.

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