Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Daisy took it with a soft joyful squeal after placing their items down, hugging it to her chest before stuffing it into her pocket "Thank you!" She cooed to him, whilst Shade stepped away to let the next person in line get their items "You ever get tired of that?" She asked, looking sideways at him whilst they walked for their chosen film.
Shade hummed as they went, nodding along to his words "That's fair... I guess it's different for different people, huh?" She asked, even as they finally got into the film, looking along to find their seats. Shade lay back in hers, looking up at the screen as the film began to play, adverts rolling then the feature itself taking over.
"Why? Wondering if I'm hiding feelings on it?" He asked as they settled in, putting the popcorn between them, the Mon reclining the seat as the ads rolled, the feature was simple, known as The Hills have Mon, less of a supernatural flick, and more of a blood thirsty killer flick.
"Just... curious, that's all." She shrugged, before she was slowly dragged into the film, the plot grabbing her rapt attention... well, until the first big scare happened and she physically started, her eyes widening as she yelped, grabbing for his hand as if the murderer on screen was about to leap out at them. For someone who'd claimed they weren't easily scared, she sure did react a lot...
As she jumped, grabbing on hus hand, Azure held on....tight, flinching at the jumps himself, but was trying his best not to make a scene himself. He flushed as he hung onto her, strategically shifting his hand up to pull her closer. "I thought you were unspookable?" He whispered, giving a weak laugh. His heart was hammering in his chest.
She shot him a glare, but before she could respond to his words another scare occurred, making jump and yelp again. The screams from other in the screening room did help to make it less awkward, but the poor 'Unspookable' Umbreon had her heart in her mouth, even as she failed to notice his strategic movement of his hand, making her lean over the armrests towards him. And the next scare would catch them both out, as her other hand moved to embrace him in her panic, needing to hold something tightly to reassure herself the film wasn't real.
She would have laughed at his yelp, but she was too busy trying to hide her own noise of fear as the Mon on screen was born to the ground and ripped apart by the feralised Lycanroc that was the main 'star' of the flick. However, that would be the final murder, as a loud boom would signal a gunshot, and a silver bullet lancing into the beasts heart, followed by the sad mourning of the dead... and the final shot, of the Lycanrocs unburied corpse twitching as it reanimated... Then the Credits rolled, and the lights came up "... Fuck... That was... terrifying..." Shade mumbled, still holding onto him as the rest of the watchers filtered out of the screen.
Shade gave a shrug "Maybe its something to do with everyone seeing us as cute and cuddly... Some of us feel a need to rebel against it." She huffed, before taking another drink from her glass. When he said about not having to put up a front, she looked downwards, clearly still feeling awkward "I... I know... But I said... I'm meant to be a dark type... We're not meant to get scared..."

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