Fantasy RP Aethel’s Amorous Adventures

Oz lifted her higher as she helped, Oz went first thrust straight inside of her without batting ab eye, abd Lowered her at the same time, letting Raal push to fill her from behind. Both of them moved at the same time, she hardly had to shake her hips, whenever one moved, the other would rock back into her, bouncing and working her back and forth. They definitely weren't kidding about sharing women. Raal smacked Aethela ass now that she was in position, locked between rthem, he didn't need both hands to hold her in place. He spanking was only joined by his mouth again , both of the brothers sharing their lewd kisses with her, Raal using his free hand to return her head between them.
Aethel hardly had to lift a finger, perhaps for the first time in a long time. They knew what they wanted, and didn't slow down woth it. Oz shifted hid stance, broading it as Raal picked up gis pace. Oz leaned Aethel against his brothers chest, who held her close as they both started to jack Hanmer against her, Oz has her chest to his mercy, latching on woth his hungry moth sucking on them intensely, and biting on her tits.
Raal btlrough him mouth to her neck, biting on her sift skin, not holding back. They would mark her skin with hickies if they continued on like this. At her praise, the two brothers drummed with excitement. "We aim to please yeah? Told you we knew how to have fun." Oz said as he pulled his mouth from her chest momentarily, only ti jump back on her.
Raal kissed her again, the bothers starting to lift her up so she could disengage from the sandwich she was in. But as she broke the kiss, Oz turned her head to him, kissing her himself. Both brothers played with her tongue, still rubbing her body. Feeling her up. If she wanted to catch a break or cut the fun short. She would probably have to tell then quickly to keep from getting swept in for a round 2.
"Us?" Raal said tilting his head. Oz reached over and slapped his brother on the back of the head. "Ow!" Raal hissed.

"Idiot, that's not what she meant." Oz said shaking his head. "She's asking what we like in a woman yeah?" He said looking over to Aethel. "I look first for personality." Oz said nodding.

"Ample, bouncing personality?" Raal said smirking.

"Yes, the biggest bouncing personality I can see!" Oz said fist pumping with a grin. Clearly he was joking around...partly. "Hehe. Honestly now though. We look for fun and freedom, the higher it goes the more we just have to have a taste." Oz said.

"And she has to look so good we fight over her who tries to catch that taste. Because Mom said why argue when you can share." Raal added
"Your personality is lovely, nice and bouncy indeed" Raal said giving her an okay sign and a wink. "Hm, fantasies to fulfill? Together?" Oz said thinking a moment.

"Well I don't think you got a twin, I would have noticed." Raal said chuckling to himself. "Well there's the town center idea." Oz said looking at his brother. "Ah yeaaaah town square, right on that big tree, everyone just walking by while we just have at it." His brother nodded along
Raal leaned forward, walking up to Aethel, but rather than pulling her up, he pushed her onto her back, swooping upon her just as Oz had. His knees pushed her legs apart , driving himself inside of her sex quickly. "Mm-Oz got a good start!" He grunted as Oz walked around to her, he cupped her head gently a moment...then she saw his cock pushing for her mouth. "I'm owed a bit more still too!" He teased.
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She squealed as she was suddenly pushed backward, laughing at her own surprise. Her legs drifted apart easily and she groaned as he suddenly thrust into her. She was still wet and oozing from the first round, so he would meet no resistance as he thrust inside. She w smiled up at Oz as he cradled her head. When she saw his member sliding forward, she opened her mouth for it to slide in.
Oz pushed himself into her waiting mouth, his hands moving to busy themselves, teasing her breasts as his brother sucked on them. She could tell the difference, Raal clearly had more attraction to her breasts than he let on, sucking on them intensely like he was trying to milk her by force. Oz helped him along, his hips thrust, pushing inti the back of her throat, though with a touch of caution just in case she gagged.
As she primed herself, giving him the go away, Oz drove himself forwards, thrusting down her throat. She knew he wasn't like Luis, who pressed her limits, but he still enjoyed the new warm place to bury himself. He handled her hair, gripping it a bit tighter in his hand as he took more of the lead, both brothers already back to using her with all their force.
As she embraced the brothers, Oz picked up the intensity, thrusting Hardee and faster at her signals. Perhaps to push her, Perhaps because he was willing to take her word on it. Raal upped his pace too, yet again they used eachother skillfully, balancing each end for the benefitfac from her breas between them all. Raal pulled her breasts, slapping on the bouncing mounds a bit.

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