Fantasy RP Aethel’s Amorous Adventures

Raal walked towards her as she was hit with wave after wave if pleasure. "Heh, two in from me, one from Raal!" Oz teased.

"Oi- you got in after me!" Raal said as his brother pulled out of her. The Twins looked down at her together, they were sweating, but clearly they were gauging her limits a bit stilll.
On her way up for the Mill, she saw someone walking the paths from the town center, carrying crates it seemed, a bit more of her attention and she could see it was one of the priests from the church, a younger convert, his head shaved and yet he still looked quite appealing. He was handing crates from some trader's carts, likely from her father, some charitable donation perhaps. The priest took brief notice of her but turned away, just as quickly, heading into the church with another crate.
Aethel watched him, knowing she’d been a main example in his sermon last Sunday. She was intrigued more than bothered by that, but it still annoyed her and she wondered if there was a way she could get even. An idea occered to her and a roguish light lit in her eyes. She turned her steps toward the priest. Before she reached him, the light of mischief had given way to an uncertain and almost sorrowful look.
The young man looked over his shoulder as sge approached him. "Ah Aethel. What brings you to the church?" He said simply. The head priest was a much more dour and sober type, he held the main mass. But this one? He preached with vigor and fire, he wasn't contemptuous, but she knew he held people to a very high standard.
“I… I’m not a virgin like I should be.” She paused as if it was a great revelation. “I have had intercourse with a man. It was festival time, and I was young…” she proceeded to tell how she lost her maiden hood. She was free with the details, but kept it hesitant enough that she would hopefully seem sincere. When she finished, she fell silent
The priest was there as she stepped in, lighting fresh incense before the statues of the angelic figure know as The Goddess Soluna, the maker of humans. He clapped his hands before it , bowing once then Twice as he finished his rituals. He stood up, looking over his shoulder at her. "Aethel." He said simply. He was known as Father Codras.
"Ah. I see." He said as he noticed the change in her appearance. " The same as last night, child, meet me in the confessional, I will take your burdens for the Goddess," Codras said, taking up an incense candle and holding it out to her. It was about 7 inches long with a rounded tip, the wick a spiraling thread. "You left before you had to do your 20 Seals of the Goddess last night in penance." He said matter of factly, his expression neutral, if not a bit softer now that she returned a second time. After a confession, a priest would offer a penance, to give the confessing soul a way to strengthen their resolve in the future to prevent such a thing from happening again.
She nodded, taking the candle and moving silently toward the confessional box. Once inside, she tried to judge if or how much he could see her from the other side of the screen. It was mostly dark, but there was just enough light that he might be able to see her face if it was close. She wasn't sure. She took her position and, once he had arrived, the began again. She didn't jump to the next one in chronological order, instead selecting the best tale she could think of. This story was from a time when she had a little more experience and it was the first time she had really seduced a man with reason to resist. It was a story Father Codras would have known, unless he was new to the village, because it had ended very publicly. The local blacksmith had been a middle aged man who she found amazingly attractive. Besides, his wife was a bit of a bitch, so she had decided to see what she could do. She described in detail how she had bumped into him a couple of times as he left the tavern. Little looks and comments had done their work and had resulted in a month long flurry of liaisons. Behind the forge on a slow day, in the forest just off a busy trail, behind the wood shed just outside the tavern, she described the most interesting of the affairs one after the other, again going into just the right details to make them sound as attractive as possible without simply bragging about her exploits. She leaned in close to the screen, pretty sure that if he was looking, he would just be able to see her mouth moving and catch a glimpse of the outline of her face.
As she spoke, opening up on yet another one if her exploits he watching abd listened to her,. Once she had completed such a tale, he nodded to himself. "I see, you have stepped between the bonds of a marriage. " He said though he had somewhat less of a awkward pause, perhaps because the story was atleast something he could work with. "Many. Times. Is your soul unburdened?" He said as he folded his hands, looking to her through the screen.

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