Fantasy RP Aethel’s Amorous Adventures

A week passed, then two. Luis saw Aethel a few times around town, and occasionally she even flashed him a smile, but she never gave him any more attention than that. It was hard. She was hoping that, as the saying goes, absence would make the heart grow fonder. It was hard, as the effort did have the opposite effect. She still had occasional flings, sometimes to distract her if she was honest with herself, but her thoughts always went back to Luis.
As she spotted Luis, the Stalwart gaurd ever at his post, though he never approached her or chased her. He would give her a nod when she saw him, or a wave when she smiled. His simple words dangled in her memory. 'Maybe.'

He didn't seem the type to toy with people...but he already assumed her favors had moved to another. If she so wanted him, she could always find him after all.

At the Mill her father had hired in New blood, some farmers sons , twins from the next village looking to take up a trade in exchange for their hands. They were human, a tad stocky from their field working life. They dressed decently, and they were identical save for a ring of opposing ears, the only way she could tell them.apart. They had Amber hair, and light blue eyes...personality wise they were both a tad naive and goofy, always up to some kind of joke if they weren't nose to the grind stone.

As Aethel fought her forlorn feelings, she fel two arms lay on her shoulders. "What are youblooking at Red?" Oz asked

"Yeah Red, what's with the statue out by that gate huh?" Raal asked next, grinning ar her.
Aethel started slightly, having been lost in thought. She recovered quickly. “A girl’s gotta have her secrets.” She turned, flashing Oz a bright grin. Her air or nonchalance toward Luis was getting harder to keep up, and sometimes she felt like she needed to vent it somehow. Her gaze bouncer between Oz and Raal. She liked these two. They were easy to get along with and didn’t tent to take life or themselves too seriously. She liked that about them. “Besides, what were you staring at, hmmm?” Her eyes sparkled impishly. She enjoyed teasing them from time to time, especially as she knew them better.
"Oh me? Well I see two wonders of the world right now!" Oz said with his own sly smile. Neither of them seemed to play games about what they liked. "Aye, and more when you walk away!" Raal said with a bit of hearty laughter. They didn't seem to hide much about themselves either, perhaps more forward than Luis ever was, whether or not it worked, they took the results with the same imp smiles and laughs.
It hadn’t worked for them yet, but it was the type of banter and appreciation that she enjoyed. Aethel laughed, putting on a twirl between them. “Wonder at the fantastical vision before you.” She laughed. A slightly more intense gleam showed in her eyes than usual as she glanced at them, again moving from one to the other. “Well these wonders are taking themselves around to the willow by the mill pond.” She moved off, swinging her hips slightly as she went.
"Funny that! I had the same thought!" Oz said as he moved after her. "Yeah sounds like a nice spot to me!" Raal agreed. It may have not yielded result yet....but they certainly would keep pouring water on this particularly curvy seed. "But uh why are you thinking of going there?" Oz quesioned.
"Well Red if you want some fun and relaxation, shouldn't you have only the best company hm?" Raal jumped in, the pair flanking her as they yet again put an arm around her each. "Raal and I can keep unwanted eyes away." Oz boasted. They certainly weren't...Luis in physical shape. They were fit Ofcourse, perhaps they could do some scrapping if it cane down too it. Woukd they win every fight....ehhh.
“And you’d say that would be you I suppose?” She gave them both a mock appraising look. “Hmmm… you’ll do I guess.” She grinned, in case they were taking her too seriously.

A moment later, they were walking under the shade of the massive willow she had referred to earlier. It was down in a little hollow where there was a bit of privacy. Nearby, a little brook gurgled cheerily into the millpond. The wooden creek of the mill wheel echoed faintly across the water. She stopped. It was one of her favorite spots.
"Damn Raal she called you an oaf! I don't know where the other is though." Oz said smirking as his brother flipped him off. "She was calling you the oaf!" Raal said .

"Oh but we can help you relax just as easy im sure too Red, we are more an eye candy!" Oz said with a grin as he leaned forward.
“Oh? Prove it.” She grinned and stepped close to Oz, her hand moving to his leg and sliding up and over to explore what he had to offer. Her experienced touch was just firm enough to arouse without risking crushing anything tender. “Mmmmm… looks like you might be capable…” she grinned up at him, then flashed a glance over at Raal. “Are you two identical that way too?”
Raal stood up as she inspected his twin brother. "Oh we are completely identical." Raal said without hesitation or shame. He brought himself up against her , pushing up against her from behind for her to check for herself. They would eat up her feelings for a while, distract her from herself and the feelings Luis brought up. For how long after she was done, nobody truly would know but her.
As Zhe backed herself against Raal, his hands were fearless,, grabbing on her ass and holding her hips as she worked them. She felt him, hard already, and as she dropped in front of Oz, drawing his pants down tonsee him up close, he was just tye same. Oz was, nice and and comfortable to work with, as she was getting invested in her fun, he reached down and cupped the back of her head, guiding her head forward to his tip. Raal was already pulling out his own, bringing himself up on the other side if her so she could compare them. They had lied. Slightly. They were similar and size and shape, but they curved in different directions, perhaps because Oz was Left handed and Raal used his right.
She shrugged and went for Oz. Her tongue slid across his tip, moving quickly to slide his cock into her mouth. She started sucking evenly, rocking her head back and forth slightly as if she was trying to suck his soul out through his cock. Occasionally, her eyes flicked over to Raal, as if teasing him for what was coming to him soon. Her hands free, she start s to toy with the lacings keeping her bosom covered.
Raal huffed as Ox closed his eyes, putting his hands on Aethels head, wrapping his finger through her hair as she put her skills to the test. As she looked to Raal, he eyed her hungrily, clearly jealous his brother was enjoying her mouth. He walked around her, his hands touching her waist, then started pulling the laces of her pants to undo them.
Oz grunted briefly but didn't have long before shecclammed him back up. He stroked her head. It also probably reminded her a little of Luis, but the feeling was a bit off. It felt less like appreciation and more incase she got distracted. Raal pulled her top away, then drew down her pants, her under undergarments along with then. He tossed them aside as he started to get down behind her, grabbing her tots and grinding already against her sex.
Oz blinked as she pulled away. "Oi-what!" He said as she stood up, grabbing her hips. "You just can't leave a guy all high and stuff yeah? Got to finish that hm?" He said but Raal grabbed hervbreasts a gain. "Ah- now now, no hogging, she's got more than one place!" Raal reminded as the brother caged her in, Raal weighting her bust and squeezing her breasts, bouncing them in his hands. Oz held her hips, smirking as he went in for a kiss of up front and without any care.
As shevkissedveach brother, she felt it again, Luis's words his little gestures. 'I'm not worthy' he had said to her, despite how welcome he has been. How he cherished such a simple token. Kissing Raal and Oz, they each knew what they were doing, they were deep, steamy, using their lips to feed the fires of passion. Raal opened his mouth. His tongue snaking to pry hers open with the ease of a practiced rogue. She felt her get hitched upwards, Oz had her by her thighs, Raal moved his hands, supporting her by her buttocks no. He was parting them. She felt the brother aligning themselves to her holes,

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