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Beauties and the Beast (Angelica)

Local Time:
3:13 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"Still though, you are a woman i chose to be my wife. I do not choose anyone to be that position. You spend more time with the others then me? Am i not to your liking my queen?" she asks getting more annoyed. SHe knew that thistle was like this but honestly was just jealous of the fox girl getting more attention then her own husband
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Frowning to these words coming from her husbands mouth understanding she may feel neglected due to being so busy with Briar and now had been distracted with the pretty Vixen Boda brought home. She lets go of Vixen to face Boda "I love you, Boda, you that" reminding her in a gentle tone as she smiles "But you know how the gals depend on me emotionally, I am just trying to help Vixen settle into her new home and position. You see how much of a toll pregnancy and kids takes on Brair. Soon you will have Star pregnant and hopefully Vixen already is" explaining to her. "besides, elf children are very difficult to manage, with your dashing ogre genes they will be running this place and not us" giggling so innocently.
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"we have our girl talks and spend time together as a family while you are busy, we all miss you in our own way though but we share you, is it wrong for you to share us with each other?" questioning Boda as Vixen moves out from under her blanket. She was not feeling good, her ears were flattened in a strange fashion and she had a flushed look on her face "She is just jelly" Vixen teases glancing between them.
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She pouts guessing Boda has never waited so long to marry a maiden she brought home but last night was alot and was sure she was still quite mad about the lil fox running away and injuring a servant. Vixen curls up in her arms with a nods of her head "Okay, I understand" agreeing quietly.
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching her fill up the tub made her eyes widen, it was huge compared to the one she use to bathe within which reminded her she stunk and probably needed a bath anyways. Then she heard the comment making her glance to the side with a shrug "I guess...it is very different here compared to home" admitting quietly
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Slipping into the bath Vixen would let out a sigh, relaxing into the bubbly water that was already lowering her fever "I have" she agrees with a hum. "Maybe call you a murderer and kidnapper of maidens, you kill their fiancée or husband and whisk them away" giggling a little. "But...Star was an omega set to marry some loner, Brair was marrying a King to get out a debt; who held a harem of his own apparently, Tia was a murderous vampire on the loose so you did good with her, I dunno about Thistle" tapping her chin to try and remember.
Local Time:
3:13 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"I of course do my fair share of murdering and other autrocities of course but the part about what i do to kidnspped women is exagerated." she would chcukle before getting into the bath with her "I am surprised you learned all of that after giving them all teh cold shoulder. As for Thistle i will let her tell you one day, it is a sad tale not for me to say"
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She learned it all from Thistle ironically, the females way of trying to get Vixen to open up to them but the fox was reserved and reason watch than chat. Watching Boda join her did have Vixen shift a little to get comfortable "A sad tale uh.." surprised by that fact of someone so caring and cheery. "But honestly I do find it strange you marry these women before you even know who they are other than sheathes for your cock" speaking out of turn a little.
Local Time:
3:13 PM
Nov 16, 2022
The king would begin to laugh heartedly at this final comment "You have a good point there. Why would i take these women and marry them if someone of them cant or wont be bred? Well that is something i will let you discover and decide for yourself since you are now one of those sheathes as you describe it"
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A pout formed as Boda admitted she was one those sheathes now, a bitch to be bred and loved upon by her massive cock "Mmm well Tia can't help it, you should know Vampires can only makes others but reproduce" pointing out before submerging under water. She came came up, her ears and hair quite adorable all wet.
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Vixen would look over to the door as Thistle wandered in, tip toeing almost as she was slittish of Boda currently. So on edge she was. “Looks like your temp went down” smiling toward Vixen as the fox got out. She stands close to Boda giving her the silent offer to dry her odd and wrap her in a towel.
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Standing still she couldn’t help a smile as she was pampered, wrapping the towel around her body after. “Mind picking out an outfit for me?” Requesting of Boda as she follows Thistle to the nurse. Taking a seat in a chair the nurse checked her temperature and felt on her lower abdomen “she has a low grade fever, fluids and rest shall aid. Already seems she is quite healed from yesterday’s adventure” informing everyone. “She’ll be fine to be married today” reassuring the master
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Being examined was not all that fun until Boda came back, her tail tip wagging a little by the looks over her choices though was not certain she could pull off the second one "That one" pointing to the black dress. Even Thistle pouted "Oh but the other choice is so sexy, pretty lil foxy" she giggles
Local Time:
3:13 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would smile expecting that was the choice she would make and hands it to her before looking at the nurse "you can return to your other duties. Thank you for your help. Oh and please take that one back with you. I am sure she has other tasks to handle" she says talking about thistle but not to her
Local Time:
4:13 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The nurse nods her head in respect, glancing toward Thistle uncertain of how the master phrased taking the lady with her but gathered Boda desired to just be with his bride. "yes" snatching Thistle by the arm and escorting her out, the young elf frowning toward Boda with annoyance.

Vixen blinked seeing Thistle be carted off as she was handed her attire "Um...thank you" standing up from her chair, hesitating a few moments before dropping her towel to slip into the dress. A skin tight fit it was, she did a little twirl drawing a laugh out of her "wow this may be the nicest dress I have ever worn" admitting to Boda.
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