Better left Unseen.

(XD Christopher: My lady I can't read.)

As she hid her letter, the paper filled with her secrets, her longings for the commoners affections and sweet whispers, She heard someone approaching in the hall. The steps light and click clacked almost pointedly, her mother coming to try to get details of her suitor no doubt. But before Clara had to prepare herself for the barrage, she sawxher mother walk by her door, her purposeful stride taking her likely towards her father's study.
(She didn’t think about that. Neither did I lol.)

It is probably fortunate that her mother didn’t look in on her as she was still truth to wipe the guilty look off her face as she passed. The letter hidden away, Clara went back to the window seat, and spent the afternoon trying, and failing, to focus on the book she was reading until the dressing gong sounded and it was time get ready for dinner. Some guests were over. It was just her fathers friends, and it hadn’t involved the whole family yet, but it did mean that dinner would be a formal affair, eating stiffly splitting the group as the men and the women went to separate rooms, then joining the entire party back together again. She didn’t think Cyril was coming over (that was a relief) but she still wasn’t looking forward to the evening.
(XD He probably can get through if she's not too flowery and fancy....or she can sit down in the dark and whisper read it to him)

The kitchen was alive as the gong was struck, it had been before but now the heat was on. The head chef wandered the kitchen line, sampling and swiftly critiquing anything that could be deemed unfit for the guests. Some more harsh than others. Luckily Christopher kept his head down and his hands busy, deserts and breakfasts were his placement, so all he had to do was build up the cake while dinner was set to serve.

Clara saw her father come striding by, a older man, who was pushing well into his mid 50s. His eyes were a cool gray, and his posture was never lax, his hair was black, yet streaked with white as time ticked at his body. He glanced her way briefly, nut carried on to his quarters to change into his dinner finery.
Clara’s maid, Anna, scurried down the hall and into her room. Clara looked at her in the mirror pensively as she did her hair. “Anna, what’s it like being a servant?” She suddenly found herself thinking of them as people much more than she had ever done. “Like… what’s it like to be a kitchen boy, for example. Do they have free time? Where do they live?” The questions kept piling up and spilling out as she spoke.
(XD "Anna, what's it like to have only one home and to make your own breakfast in the morning.")

"Well, They get a moment between preparations, they all have different roles within the kitchen, so some may have more time that others. And...most of them come in from the city, a few stay here to serve around the clock, but they are typically requested by your father." Anna said, wondering a bit as to why the lady was taking such an interest suddenly.
“I see…” she paused. “Who all stays? And is that in the servants quarters on the top floor?” She realizes she should have a reason for asking or else confide fully. She wanted to talk about it… but she didn’t dare. “I just want to know what it’s like for the servants. I’ll inherit the place, after all.”

An only child, Clara stood to inherit quite a fortune, although it was a given that it would go mostly to her husband rather than to her. This rankled her a bit. Depending on the husband, she would be fine with joining their lots together completely. If it was a political match, though, which it certainly would be, she dreaded the loss of control.
"Right, ofcourse." Anna said bowing her head at her justification. Who would she be to question it after all. "Those that stay are Levi, Aaron, Oliver, and Nigel. There is an open bed there, because our dessert chef has left to go to France." Anna said. It was odd to hear, their desserts hadn't seemed any different to their previous quality. "His Sous Chef has taken up quite well."
"A place to see him...perhaps, there are places you can go. The estate is large, there are rooms that aren't used, with passages that only house maids would care to use. And I can keep them away from those spaces. I could help him get there." Anna said seeing her eyes shimmering with such joy. "You will be together." She assured
“Yes. That would be perfect.” Her face lit up excitedly. “When. When would this work?” She thought a minute. “Wait. Tomorrow Father goes to the city for a while. He’ll take a good number of the staff with him. There won’t be many people around here then.” She jumped up and hugged Anna impulsively. “Thank you, Anna. You’re the best maid ever.”
Clara sat back down and let Anna finish doing her hair. A short time later, she was finished and on her wait downstairs where a few guests were gathering for dinner. Her face shone with happiness as she took her seat and she suddenly found that returning conversation with the boring old gentleman beside her was not as difficult as she had been dreading.
As she conversed with the old man, the Servants began to set out the spread, light refreshments to start, with small delicate treats. Her father and mother were smoozing about, keeping conversations with their guests. The maid had slipped into the kitchens while the staff made their rounds to speak ro Christopher who was in the midst of cooling his 3 layer cake, and frosting it.
The evening ticked on. Not having anyone there her age, Clara was not beholden to entertain anyone in particular. She engaged in conversation where she willed and spent a good time listening. She couldn’t help letting her eyes dart to the service entrance every time a footman entered, even if she knew that, as a cook, Christopher wouldn’t be serving the food at this point.
"Are you alright my dear?" One if their guests asked, an older woman who seen her glance to the doors, perhaps a time too many. The footman had yet to bring out the full feast, so she likely was reading her anticipation as impatience. "Daydreaming of the feast to come?" She whispered as she lifted her glass to her lips maintain her airs.
The woman laughs gently. "He must be quite something to behold, I simply must have a taste myself." She said , seeming not to notice her flush.

"Story? There is no story!" He said as he turned to see Anna, the cook raising his hands slightly. "I've only served her breakfast and attended to her today in the gardens"
Anna couldn’t repress a grin at his alarm. “No? Then why does she want to see you? Besides. I’ve noticed your tricks. The extra flowers, the extreme care taken over her breakfast. You take twice as long with hers as with his lordships. Don’t say there’s nothing.” She chucked, the thoroughly enjoying herself. “Don’t worry. It’s safe with me. Now, where can we arrange for you to meet her. Can you stay overnight since the other room is empty?”
Christopher stammered as she pointed out his specific treatment. "I-i merely wish that the young Lady Hedgeworth is treated well." He said, trying not to blush. But as Anna pressed in, his face got redder indeed. "The-the lady may meet me in the store room." He said simply, fumbling with a tin of cream slightly as she asked her final question. "I-I-Stay? Why?" He said shyly
Anna smiled. “We’ll, if I know anything about how these things go, they generally take longer than the people intend them to. It’ll be much easier if you’re not having to come up with an excuse why your leaving for the city in the middle of the night than just to make it to the spare room. Besides. It’s your privilege since the main cooks gone. Why not use it?” Seeing he was hesitating, she added. “Here. Say you have to make some finishing touches on your cake once it cools and that’ll be late at night. Then there’ll be no suspicions. I’ll tell her where she can meet you.”

Seeing the housekeeper enter and wanting to avoid suspicions, she made an end of the conversation, thanked him as if he had done something for her, and moved off to tidy up Clara’s room.
Christopher looked to the housekeeper, turning to his cake and heaving a soft breath. She wanted to see him. He would stay here...He hoped that it would be a fruitful night. He had some time for the cake to cool, and he shifted priorities, taking up some trays to set out with the footmen. As the older woman watched over him, making him feel almost like a mouse being stalked by a cat, he slipped out the door.

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