Better left Unseen.

"He will be doing it later tonight, while hopefully he will do as I recommended him and say he will be working on his cake will have to use some servant passages, that will let you cut through to the side of the estate, and you can sneak into the store room." She said patting her hand gently.
His eyes held onto hers, brilliant and blue. "Very well..." he said leaning forward slightly. He began very carefully, starting to tell her something simple of himself. Where he lived in the city, how he normally walked through the lower middle class sections, how he would to her estate early just to be the one to deliver her breakfast. How he'd been arranging her flowers himself so they were always her favorites.
She listened with rapt attention, squeezing his hand at various moments, occasionally interrupting to ask a question. As they talked, the time flitted by. Suddenly, the two were interrupted by Anna speaking loudly outside. “Clara? No ma’am. I haven’t seen her. She’s not in her room? That is strange.” Footsteps approached the door to the storage room where they were.
Christopher stood up suddenly as he heard the voices. "Oh dear, this way." He said as he moved swiftly, taking her around the back end of thevstore house, amongst the crates abd shelves. He pushed a stack Aide, sliding it from the wall and pushing out the hidden passage way. "Through here, return to your room." He whispers
Christopher stood there, touching his cheek as she fled, his heart dancing in his chest. But he snapped out of it as he heard the footsteps. He pushed the passage shut and moved the crates back. No time to dawdle! He rubbed his cheek just in case any make up had stuck to him, walking out to meet the searching voices
The housekeeper and Anna were still in the passage, looking into various rooms as they proceeded towards the storage room. “Let me know if she’s down here. She probably just wondered off, but someone thought they saw her heading toward the servant quarters.” The housekeeper turned toward Christopher. “Youre staying the night? Mind you don’t disturb anyone creeping around and getting lost in the middle of the night.” The housekeeper studied him for a moment. Clara’s wherabouts weren’t an emergency, but someone had thought they had seen her down here, which would have been quite unusual.
Christopher went up to his new room, opening the door to see it seemed like. He started to prepare for bed, sitting on the mattress that was softer than he had in his own home. He stretched as he laid down, touching his cheek with his finger tips. Clara had kissed him...unprompted. 'Take that Cyril' he thought as he closed his eyes.
As the bell rang, much earlier than usual, Chris and the staff looked around to each other a moment. "The lady must have woken up early. Christopher, finish up!" The head cook said.

"I'm almost finished sir!" He assured as he turned the ham cutlets and let them sear for a few more moments. He set them in a plate, along with eggs and helping bowl of slices fruits. He covered them up with a lid and placed it on a tray, beginning to make the trek up to her room.

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