Fantasy RP Blood Treaty (Firestarter)

Misty brought Nianna a dark silver form-fitting dress, the lace on the dress trailed up from the bottom of her leg and stopped just before it showed anything. She put her hair in a tight bun with a simple black and silver headpiece. She nodded towards Misty and smiled, "Thank you Misty." She said as Misty walked out of the room and waited for Nianna to get dressed.

Carlotta paced back and forth in the throne room while she waited for Nianna. She has slipped into her black and red dress that she had received as a gift for her birthday the month prior, hoping to see of Nianna would like hiw it looked on her. She had only ever wore modest dresses before, buy now she wanted to see if Nianna would like the look of her pale skin being displayed by the revealing design.
"My family merely asks for peace and to let this situation be left in the past and never discussed again after everything is settled." Carlotta looked down sadly for a moment before speaking again. "They also just want the return of my dead brother's body. We were told that your father has kept him as pay back for the war."

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