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Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Soft, green eyes were staring out the window of the cab on the way to the Raccoon City Police Station and Rylie could only sigh heavily for another long day in the office. The clouds were low and gray, the cab would rattle in the wind as it made its stop in front of the police station. Her mind was just as gray as the sky, the mix colors of the gray and white would turn into the darkest gray in spots. Another night of rest missed again. Ever since she met Albert Wesker in the forest of the Arklay Mountains, she began having nightmares and memories would find their way to crawl to the surface in a rather painful way. The agonizing hole that was in her chest was unforgiving at times and only when those memories would dare to come back and haunt her.

Once she was out of her deep thoughts, Rylie paid for the cab and hops out of the cab. The cab then took off, leaving her alone in her morning routine. Making her way up the stairs without a second too late, she hugs herself close as the wind began to pick up hoping to save herself from flying away. The days felt repetitive and never ending to her the last few months, but seeing Captain Wesker brings a warm feeling to her chest as she always looks forward to seeing him. A few times they shared a close moment, but it wouldn't go any further than that almost as if he truly knew her. Her green eyes perk up once she was inside the main lobby of the police station, the foot traffic of the officers were quick to make to their place of duty or grabbing a cup of coffee. It was a typical Wednesday morning for them all, just seemingly to get to nowhere as the day began. She continued to her way up the stairs, to the left past the men's shower and locker room on her before making another left turn. Just a few steps down the rather huge hall and she could see her office 'S.T.A.R.S. Special Tactics and Rescue Services' on the door to her left. Opening the door, she first spots her team was standing, and from what she observes they were casually talking. It was going to be another long, busy day...

Jill looks up to see Rylie walking into the office, the click of the door behind her as it was closed. She walks over to Rylie, tenderly grasping her slightly hunched shoulder. "Hey, you look a little glum this morning Rylie. Everything okay?"

The young blonde gave her a side glance before focusing on her desk, seeing Chris was focusing on a report and the rest of Bravo team was playing cards to help pass time. "Yeah, just had another nightmare is all, but I'm okay. Thanks for asking Jill."

Frown lines formed on Jill's face, a clear paint of concern form on her face. "Rylie, this is the fifth time you've been having nightmares. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

She simply shook her head before a tired smile found it's way to her lips, dismay to her friend's concern look. "I'll be fine Jill seriously. I'm sure I can get some rest tonight."

Leaving Jill standing there helpless, Rylie makes her way to her seat and sits down to see a note from Rebecca. She opens it to see it saying, 'I know about you and your crush on Captain Wesker. Better be careful girlie! Don't want him to get upset over little feelings and you get hurt and in trouble for it! Your secret is safe with me as always! ; ) - Rebecca.' Rylie eyes shot up in fear only to see Rebecca looking over her shoulder from her team playing cards, a little mischief grin could be seen on her lips before facing away. Her shoulders slump slightly, this time in slight panic, Rebecca was the only person who knew about her crush on their captain. It wasn't Rylie's fault, there was something mysterious, yet alluring about Captain Wesker. Her memories show him present yet missing pieces were still yet to be found, but why? She wanted to know so bad if it wasn't a headache beginning to form on her forehead again.
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rylie's growing headache was the least of her worries as the team was in the midst of goofing off for the morning, the doors opened again, and some of the noise died down a moment. The silence was belief as Barry s voice came up with a grunt, the older man leaning around in his chair no doubt. "Hey Wesker!" She heard him pipe up with the rest of the team giving a scattered wave of greetings to the captain as he made his way to his desk. The tall, lean man crossed the room with only a simple "Good Morning" to ease along his lips. Riley saw the object of her affections pass her desk like the graceful angel he was. His uniform immaculate, his sunglasses protecting his eyes from the world, but Rylie swore she felt the briefest of glances in her direction. In one hand Slbert was carrying a cup of coffee, in the other was a small briefcase, probably holding case files from previous operations, or day to day reports for the chief. Albert looked to Chris as he ventured along the room , Bravo Team starting to relax again. the two men regarding eachother wordlessly for a moment.

"Morning Wesker." The young man said from his desk as the captain paused near his doorway. "Chris." Wesker said almost stiffly as a mannequin given the breath of life. "Nothing big happening yet, guess we're scaring all the bad guys away." Chris joked. Wesker gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. "Keep up the good work then." Wesker said dryly as he stepped into his office to sit down at his computer.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Rubbing the pain away hoping it would help, Rylie would soon hear from her teammates giving their respectful greeting to their captain that just arrived to join them. The pain became a distant memory as she glances to see Wesker heading towards his personal office. Her green, doe eyes watches as he passes by her desk, with a calm and collect sense of aura around him as it would almost instantly make her headache go away. To her, he is the perfect man and she still owes him when he saved her from the animal attack in the forest a few months back. When he passed by, she saw a glimpse of her reflection in his sunglasses for a brief moment before moving forward towards his office. Turning in her chair, she then spots Chris speaking to him, making a abrupt stop at his doorway. Hearing the small exchange, Rylie could only giggle at Wesker's slightly dull comment, then Chris would raise his hands like he did something wrong before focusing on his computer to finish his reports. The young blonde could tell Chris does try his best to be on the good side of Wesker, but only she knows her captain really don't like Chris. For other reasons he didn't explain to her. It didn't bother her too much just as long as everyone got along just fine.

It was quiet as everyone went back to their original task, playing games or working on reports. Suddenly everyone's attention was towards the ceiling as they could hear the crackle of thunder above them followed by thousands of droplets hitting the roof like they were under a waterfall. Rylie felt at ease, the soothing sound of rain and thunder above her brought peace in her life, but only momentarily because good things don't last forever. Unfortunately the headache found it's way back to her like a bad habit not wanting to go away. Her soft fingers would rub her forehead, grumbling softly. Then someone placed a bottle of medicine on her desk, her chin raises slightly to see Rebecca crossing her arms and shaking her head playfully.

"Rylie, has anyone told you you're prone to getting headaches? This is like the third time this week you've been getting them."

The girl in question shrugs, before popping two tablets in her mouth and swigs down a glass of water before wiping the remnants of the liquid off her soft lips.

"I'll live. I swear you and Jill are like a mom to me. What did I do to deserve such treatment like a child?"

"You're a rookie still Rylie, and we care about you. Well someone around here as to care." Jill interjects from where Chris was sitting, a small wave with a simple grin.

"We are requesting assistances from S.T.A.R.S., we have a robbery in progress at a local pharmacy store. Subjects are armed and dangerous. Hostages are inside as we speak and we need assistance over."

Rebecca rushes over to the comms table, picking up the radio as she looks back at her team.

"This is Rebecca Chambers from S.T.A.R.S. bravo team. Bravo team will intercept and respond to assistance. ETA 10 minutes. Out." Putting down the radio, she could hear her team were getting ready to immobilize out and hearing one of them complaining about the weather.

"We might need to take the truck for this one. Flying in the helicopter would be dangerous in this weather." Brad mentions.

"Then we shall take the truck. Let's go Bravo team" Rebecca would stop before heading out with her team and looks at Rylie would a little grin before proceeding out and closes the door behind her.

Rylie blinks, shaking her head slightly as she was confused on what the look from her was all about. "What the hell?" She asked quietly before sighing heavily and finishes her report for Wesker. Printing out the documents, she would then head over to Captain Wesker's office and knock politely before heading in.

"Rylie, one day just walk in there without knocking. I'm sure Captain Wesker wouldn't mind his 'favorite rookie' disturbing his work." Jill would tease from the sidelines, receiving annoyed daggers from Rylie and laughs as Chris would shake his head and chuckle. Rylie could have swore her teammates were placing her in a trap. One she couldn't escape from. She knows Wesker, he doesn't like it when someone disturbs him and his work and she was upmost confused. She wasn't his favorite rookie...was she? It would seem so since the entire S.T.A.R.S. team would tease her the name.
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker leaned back in his chair, reading readouts and scans from his lab sources, experiments, and examples of Virus Strains running their tests. He started to type out his thoughts on the latest T-Virus strain that would help him in case things with STARS finally went south. It was still unnamed, but Wesker preferred it that way, he intended it to be only for him for the moment. Someone knocked at his door and he heard his team throwing around their banter. Rylie. He straightened his posture, listening to her open his door as he settled his heart rate with a measured breath.

Wesker tapped at his computer's keyboard but as she approached he paused his next press with practiced precision. "Rylie." He said simply as he went back to typing for a moment, a few presses of the keys and then he sent whatever the message was. "You seem flustered." He noted as he held out a hand. "Did something happen or have you been suffering another migraine?" He asked with a subtle lean forward. His expression was still ice cold, and neutral but she could feel that professionalism was guarding some degree of interest in her wellbeing.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Waiting a few minutes, Rylie opens the door, spotting Wesker focused on his computer, typing away probably at a report or fixing one since some of her members couldn't write to save their lives for a simple report. Her chest was beginning to drum hard of her own heart when she was in close proximity of him, his presences alone stills the poor girl in a trance, but she remained focused or tried to at least. It was difficult for her to focus with all the feelings, and the headache that was still lingering on her forehead.

Rylie halts at the front of his desk when he acknowledges her, holding the folder filled with paper in her hands like they were clasping together. Patiently waiting for the older gentleman to finish his previous task before she arrived, she understands the heavy toll of one job he holds something her teammates didn't quite realize. "Captain." She says with a gentle tone, like the wind blowing through the trees. A surprise blink when he held out his big hand when he made a quick note of her facial expression, Wesker could clearly see Rylie's slight tinted red from Jill's playful banter and being there in his office alone with him did not make it better. Embarrassment was beginning to rise along with her nerves, trying to fight all of that with a headache that would continue to ravage her head like a pounding hammer. It was definitely not her day. "Well...I guess I could say Jill is up to her jokes again about being your 'favorite rookie'. Everyone calls me that and I'm sure it's all in a good laugh," She pauses, handing him the folder. Her fingers would lightly brush against his as she pulls away, nerves fray on the slight feeling. Clearing her throat, she would then rubs her hands together, trying to savor his touch like it was vanishing in thin air. "And I do have another migraine, but Rebecca gave me some medicine not too long ago to fight it. It's nothing to worry about. I promise Captain Wesker." His expression could freeze her warm insides if he could; however, she couldn't shake the feeling he does care about her in the slightest. Something he is very good at hiding and she was the only one to experience this. No one else on the team would.

A gentle sigh, Rylie glances over the paperwork on his desk. Clearly it wasn't her work, but someone messed up on a report a few days back that he has been redoing. Frowning, he was going to work himself to death. "Oh, Bravo Team had to out for a call on a hostage situation. I feel bad for them because this storm just seems to get worse." She noted right as the thunder clasped over them and the rain would continue to beat down on the station like wave washing over them. The roaring thunder would shake the station and the power of the wind could be heard against the walls.

It also reminded Rylie that Wesker doesn't know about her nightmares and her memories coming back in flashes with him and two other mysterious men present which is the sole cause for her painful migraines. She hasn't told him and she really wanted to ask him. Yet afraid to seem like a madwoman, Rylie kept to herself, a little conflicted on what to do. Then she turns halfway towards the office door and glances out briefly before peering back to him. "I believe Chris is almost done with his report. I can take a look over it before he hands it to you if that is okay Captain?" Seemingly trying to add a extra hand to help him, just trying to make it easier on him. She too cares about his wellbeing, even if he won't admit it to her.
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker gave a slight twitch, another faint signal to Rylie as she spoke to him. "They shouldn't say such silly things, ill inform them that they arre making you...uncomfortable." He said as he straightened her papers with his finger tips. "As for the other papers...I suppose it would do some good to have them given a second look before I must change them myself. Good initiative Rylie." He complimented as he adjusted his glasses. As long as she remained useful, and didn't relapse woth her mental blocks...perhaps he could bring her into the fold, make a case that sge would benefit from a line of testing. Wesker blinked his thought away., tge raging storm picked at the building like a spoiled child in a candy store. It wanted whatever it could see in sight. "Will you be open to examining further reports for me in the future?"
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Rylie raises her chin slightly as she heard the raging storm pick up, it felt so peaceful to her, to ease her thoughts away. To ease those nightmares away temporarily. Hopefully tonight the storms wouldn't pass so soon, her beautiful view of the city from her apartment gives her skyline view as well. A storm like this will likely wash those nightmares away for the meantime. Lowering her glance to him, she bites her bottom lip. "That doesn't make me uncomfortable Captain, it is light teasing, but sometimes I do think it is true." Those darn glasses of his, she can't see the true color of his eyes, only he can see hers. Green, emerald like eyes, like the meadows when spring finally arrives. Luscious green, soft to lay in and stay there for hours as the winds brush over. Her eyes perk up when he asked if she could assistance him further with reports, plump lips turn into a soft smile before she nods. "Of course, anything to help you out Captain. You won't have to worry about editing anything else. I'll make sure it is all perfect just for you." That warm fuzzy feeling was coming back when he complimented her and asking for her assistance. This was a good day so far. Captain Wesker really does trust her with this, but the nagging feeling from the back of her head still bothered. It wasn't the migraine anymore, it was a bad feeling. Something telling her that he isn't who he claims to be. Looking into his shades, she could see her reflection. If she looked more clearly, she could see his eyes were focused on her. A gentle shade of blue hiding behind those black lenses of his. "If you allow me to help you this far Captain, I would be considered your 'favorite rookie'." A gentle tease escapes her lips, deep down she was afraid she was pushing her luck with him. He isn't known for jokes or jovial conversation because of his dull, cold yet calm demeanor. As of lately, his interest in her well being as been slightly spotted, but not enough to say for certain though it is there whether her or Wesker admits it or not.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I suppose that you are approaching the position with a good deal of zeal." He said simply. "I will have to keep my options open, perhaps Barry or Chris can finally get it together." He added with a faint twitch to the corners of mouth as she stared into her reflections upon his glasses. His eyes zeroed in on hers, like a laser upon her soul.

He listened to the beating of rain and and warring lightning. "You have been working hard, it hasn't been unseen by me." He said folding his hands over his desk. "Perhaps that's what's begun this teasing.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Rylie smiles when he didn't chide her, normally he would, but he didn't. He would just stare at her though, she couldn't help but feel his eyes on her. He wouldn't lose contact either, he would just sit there. As she looks closer, she felt her heart starting to beat hard again and her headache was finally going away thanks to the medicine. She lowers her chin as a tint of pink would appear on her cheeks. "Perhaps Captain," She pauses, glancing to meet his shaded gaze once more. "I shall leave you alone now." She spoke, leaving him in the office as she closes the door behind her. She stood there momentarily, taking in a deep breath before hearing someone calling over to her and saw Jill with Chris and Barry with them. Walking over to them, she sits down next to Barry as Chris was finishing his report.

"What the heck was that about? You were in there longer than just dropping off a report." Jill tilts her head at her friend, and Rylie could only look away with wide eyes.

"Um...Wesker just needed to talk about the reports. Apparently only you, me, Rebecca, and Brad can write reports. Everyone else is not up to standards according to him." She answers before glancing at her again with a shy expression painted on her face.

A scoff was soon heard not long after Rylie said that and Chris would stop typing before glaring at Rylie. "He really said that? I'm trying for crying out loud, writing was never really my forte anyway! I can't stand Wesker sometimes fuck." He grumbles, focusing back on the report before stopping again. "In fact, he can do this himself if he wants to be an ass about it."

"Actually Chris, I told Captain Wesker I will take a look at all the files before it goes to him. It would make things easier." Rylie interjects calmly, trying to ease the big man before he could get too loud.

When Rylie turns to face Jill, she saw the smirk on her lips again and this time it was widened. "He really does like you Rylie. I have never seen the captain so...open to someone actually allowing them to help. You must have a touch or something on him, but I can say he really likes you." She teases, only receiving a heavy blush from Rylie in return and Barry laughes.

"All in good time rookie! You could be our saving grace when he gets in his dull moments like he was earlier this morning."
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Rylie may have the touch alright)

Wesker walked to his door, his steps light and steady, the lean man listening a moment to the sounds of his team talking. Chris shifting about, but Rylie defending him. He stepped backand closed it quietly, walking back to his computer to continue his work. Adjusting reports, tying up loose ends that needed silencing for the laboratory and Umbrella.

He drew up a hard disk sliding it into his computer to establish its link to the system. If one thing he wouldn't regret when the time was right, It would be the amount of paper shuffling he had to handle. But he had to maintain appearances, and a silent city...save the large events, was a good city.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
(XD I figure you find that funny! XD)

After Chris was done with the reports, Rylie would look over and scan for any errors that were present in the report. Her green eyes focused, relentless on the task at hand. She wanted this to be perfect for Captain Wesker so he wouldn't have to work so hard. He entrusted her on so much and she refused to let him down. Anything she would do, it will be for him. It was obvious where her loyalty lies and it was with her captain. She hoped he could see that, she would do anything for him even if it meant to get her hands dirty.

Sometime later, the rest of her team headed out to the break room while she remained in place at her desk. Rereading the report one more time, she hums silently as the rain continue to fall, thunder rumbling softly like a gentle lullaby. It would put her to sleep if it could. Excitement began to rise to the thought of going home tonight and sleep during the storm. It seems she only gets peaceful sleep from her nightmares with a storm raging over her. Mother nature could wash away any nonsense if she could, but Rylie wished it was permanent.


The voice sounded so loud that it made Rylie stop and look around. The office was quiet for the most part along with the storm. Confusion was beginning to form, not knowing where that sound came from. She shakes a bit, trying to get rid of the uneasy feeling and focus on finalizing the report for Wesker.

"Please stop!"

Pushing the chair away as she stood up abruptly, looking around again as that voice was louder than before. It sounded innocent and like a child, everything around her was swallowing in darkness, even consuming the sanity of her own mind. The lack of sleep, the pounding migraine soon returned with the unbearable pain in her chest. Her face clenches in pain as tears would soon fall, her own knees couldn't support the weight of her own body and drops to her hands. Heavy breaths escapes her lips as she looks up to see a young girl standing in front of her, fear would fill her soul as she was staring at her younger self.

"Please tell them to stop...it hurts..."

Her younger self cries, hot tears running down her cheeks. Screaming loudly as if she was suffering from the most unforgettable pain ever and soon she felt it too. She was utterly confused on who she was talking about? Tell who to stop? Rylie couldn't answer as she screams loudly in the darkness. So much pain, so much hatred that was supposedly forgotten...

Jill would return from the break room sooner than the guys. She would get annoy with their conversations about stupid things, it was a wonder how Barry's wife was able to handle that. There was no way she could. The storm continued it's destruction overhead as Jill makes her way back, a calming hum would sooth her nerves. Not that the storm bothered her, she was ready to call it a week and get started with her weekend. Once inside the shared office amongst her team, Jill couldn't move anymore. She stood there, observing the young blonde that stayed behind shivering like she was freezing with her head hung low. Her eyes were closed, arms hugging herself as if she was trying to keep everything from falling apart. "Rylie?" She calls for her, walking over to her frightened friend.

She was careful to put a hand on her shoulder to try and snap her out of what was going on. "Rylie, hey, I'm right here."

Kneeling down in by her side, Jill tried desperately to get Rylie's attention. "Rylie? What's wrong? Talk to me girlie."

No answer, fear was starting to eat her alive unsure what Rylie was suffering from, she got on her feet before briskly making her way over to her Captain's office and burst in without even knocking. She didn't care if she would get yelled at by him, Rylie's well being was more important than her punishment. Unsure what to do since Rebecca was not there. "Captain! Captain Wesker there is something wrong with Rylie...she isn't answering me!"
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Jill bursts in and Wesker shoots her. "...Oh no")

Wesker nearly began to break his usual calm demeanor to break Jill down for bursting into his office so abruptly, but as she explain he was up and on his feet again, moving with purpose to the scene of the incident. Unresponsive? Was she in some sort of coma? was she unconscious? or worse. Was she remembering the truth of her situation? Wesker had to be sure, He wouldn't want to black bag this girl, she was too useful, and he worked hard to convince Spencer to agree to this little mind-erasing experiment to see her free. As he cut around the corner, he moved towards Rylie, reaching out to examine her pulse with two fingers at her jugular. " Jill, bring me a trauma blanket." He said, tho even Jill could sense the edge of tension in his voice, No captain was ever happy to see a subordinate suffering. " Rylie can you hear me?" Wesker asked
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
(XD LOL Do not disturb Wesker at all! XD)
Jill watches as her captain came to his feet quickly and rushes out of the office towards Rylie, watching him as he places his fingers on her pulse. It must not be good if he requested a trauma blanket. She dashes away towards the medical office without a second thought down the hall from them to grab a blanket. The sound of thunder roared over her as she made her way back, almost like the sound of starting a race towards the finishing line. She had to be quick for Rylie, she needed them more than ever at this point. Was it the migraines that caused it to be this way?

Dashing back to the S.T.A.R.S. office where Wesker was still with Rylie, she proceeds to wrap the blanket around the shivering girl. Taking a step back as Wesker fits it snuggly around her. Rylie was almost stiff to the touch and it scared Jill greatly. She has never seen anything like this. For someone to go through an attack like this. It was almost as if Rylie was out of touch with everything around her. "We are right here for you Rylie." She spoke, moving to the other side of her and kneels on the floor.

Stuck in a endless loop of screams that echoes around Rylie, only seeing darkness and the apparition of her younger self. Her green eyes dripped more tears down her cheeks, unable to control the overflowing emotions and pain that coursed through her. Her ears felt like they were bleeding trying to cover them to ease the tension as best as she could.

"Rylie, can you here me?"

"We are right here for you Rylie."

Those voices, sounded so calm and gentle to her. Rylie would look up to see the ghost of her younger self slowly dissipate into thin air like she was never there when the outside voices caved in around her. Looking around, she spots a light that shined just for her. On her feet, she makes her way over to the light. Her fingers lace through the ribbons of the light to the main source as she was being pulled in like a moth to flame. "Wesker...Jill..." She whispers their names like a personal mantra, begging to save her from the madness.

As if whispering their names did save her, she felt everything around her being pulled towards the light, even herself. She wasn't scared, she was ready to accept that this was it. The light to everything. The light to the end of her time, but before she was gone, the words echo around her would send shivers down her neck, warning her.

"He isn't who he claims to be..."

The warm feeling surrounds her again, heavy feeling that coats her shoulders and hands pressed against her body. Rylie eyes shot open as her chin shot up, looking around to see everything was normal around her. Without a second thought, the young blonde broke down in tears. That pain in her chest would normally be gone, but it didn't go away. It stayed there, and it felt she was crying for ages from she disappeared in her mind and back into reality no relief from such melancholy. She grips the soothing, heavy blanket tightly as she cried, hot tears rushing down her fluster cheeks. "I-I'm sorry..."

Jill felt relief wash over her when Rylie came to and when she started to cry, her heart sank. Gripping her hand around her knee to try and calm her. "No Rylie don't apologize. You're fine I promise."

Rylie shook her head as her head hung low again, water drip on her pants from her nose. She felt embarrassed this happened. How could she let this incident come to? In front of her friend, in front of her superior who was also her secret crush. She didn't want to be there anymore, she want to run home and stay there. There was so many questions that filled her head, but the one thing that over took those thoughts is the appearance of her own cracked emotional state she was in.
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker watched Rylie break down all of a sudden, Jill jumping in to try to comfort her, but he brought his hand over to lay it on her shoulder. "If you need to take time off, I understand. This job isn't easy." He said prodding her cause for her sudden emotional breakdown. "There are options we can consider if you are feeling sweet up underneath it all" he pressed as he searched the fragility in her face. Ofcourse any treatment she got would be under the grasp of Umbrella and with specialized scientists to monitor her, and report it all to him. He wouldn't ever introduce her to someone not well under their control. He kept his cool exterior, the superior who would step in for his team whenever it was needed.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Rylie began to feel frustrated through her tears. He thought the reason for her breakdown was the job. She shook her head no again as her teeth clenched in annoyance. "It isn't the job..." A harsh whisper escapes like a snake getting ready to strike. His hand on her shoulder did provide some comfort. The warmth of his hand would spread through her body, in effort to bring reassurance to her. "I fell asleep at my computer, I figure closing my eyes for a moment would do me good, but I suppose I'm far more tired than I realized. I haven't slept in three days because of my nightmares." A half face lie and Rylie knew it. The true reason was the visions she saw, and the young blonde didn't understand. She needed answers and Rylie felt she didn't belong there at the moment, wanting to go home and stay there for all eternity, no matter who knocks at her door.

Jill rubs her knee again in attempt to calm her down, her brown eyes gentle like smooth chocolate. "Hey, Captain Wesker can give you time off so you can rest. So this won't happen again and you'll be better when you come back okay?"

She would pause, searching for Rylie's eyes in sense of confirmation, but the blonde didn't meet her eyes. A tired sigh would escape instead, remained motionless in her chair. Her heart sank again, she hated seeing Rylie like this. The young blonde would always be happy and kind to everyone she meets, but this side of her was alien to her and Jill didn't like that. She would then glance at Captain Wesker sternly, determined to help her ailing friend. "Captain Wesker, I wish to take her home. Make sure she is there safely."

Gloved hands emerged from under the blanket and onto Jill's and Captain Wesker's. They would tighten around them like a life line begging not to be let go. This shocked Jill, jumping from Rylie's unexpected touch.

"I'll work on the reports from home," Rylie's managed to say. Voice scratched like she cried for days, but was only merely for a few minutes. "Just don't let me go...please. I want to be a part of this team still."
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I won't see you off this team anytime soon Rylie. You can take your reports...but don't over work yourself." He said as he looked at them both. "And I'll have this incident considered unseen, but I'd like to keep an eye on you when you return." He added as he rose up standing back. He would have to consult Spencer and his doctors to see the potential for her mind wiping to undo itself. If her memories return, she could undo everything they worked for. Wesker adjusted his sunglasses again, a blue eye pereking at her directly for a moment.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
A heavy sigh was the only response Wesker got from Rylie. She knew this was so unlike her, no energy nor any reason to care. She had nothing to give for them right now, but to take the reports she was working on and go home for a couple of days. "I'll take myself home." Her voice was still hoarse before standing on her feet.

Jill shook her head as she rose to her feet as well. "No Rylie, I'm taking you home. This storm is just horrible right now, it would be best for me to drive you home."

She knew it would be impossible to convince Jill to leave her alone, so Rylie could only agree in a simple nod before glancing at Wesker, her green eyes peering into his sunglasses. The voices in her head screaming at her, but her heart speaks to her differently. Confliction rose to her face, her nose scrunched up to him before putting the blanket down and grabs her things. The papers would go into a folder and her personal belongings were on her shoulder.

Rylie would arrive back at her apartment, filled with Green Cymbidum Orchid, green sheer curtains with black overflow curtains to block out unneeded sunlight. Her bookshelf would be filled with leisure style stories and Virology on the side. The young blonde would then put her reports on the living room table, the paper smacks the ground before throwing her coat to the side as she looks out the window to see the storm still raging over the city. A heavy sigh leaves her alone and this time she could focus.

Jill would return back to the station as Bravo team finally returned from their mission and they heard the news from Chris and Barry that Rylie had to go home early. Everyone approached the woman, raising up her hands to stop them in their tracks. "She is safe at home now. I made sure she was there from the storm. Wesker told her to stay home for a few days so she can catch back up on needed sleep and recover from her emotional breakdown."

"Do you know exactly what triggered it Jill?" Chris asked, heavy concern lacing his voice and questioned woman could only shake her head.

"No, she was already gone when I came back. No one knows for sure, but she is safe and she is resting. So in a few days time, she will be back with us." She said with a small smile.

Rylie still felt like she was missing something from those visions, only her smaller self appear and the flashbacks only gave her a glimpse of a laboratory and Wesker with two other mysterious men to the side. It kept bothering her like a annoying fly, the only way to stop it was to put it down and she felt like she was losing her mind. Feeling lost and alone, she couldn't dare to ask Wesker or even tell him that he appears in her memories. Afraid he would call her a madwoman and strange because of her silly crush on him. It hurt her heart to think that way, but Wesker has shown concern for her in the past that he would never do for anyone else, but just her. He would be stern and dry with everyone, but when it came to her. It would be less threatening and somewhat open to her. He has trust her this far, why would he stop now? Taking a seat at her couch, she would then sift through the reports. Looking to see and how she could improve them for Captain Wesker. Even with these nightmares, she admits to herself she still has feelings for the mysterious captain.

Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker stepped put of his office, hearing the return of Bravo Team. "Jill." He said sharply, though she could sense less a threatening edge and more of an authoritative tone. "Its my duty to inform the teams , not yours." He said looking between her and Rebecca. "...at any rate. Rylie will take a few days off, before I consider her even near threads to return."
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Jill snaps her attention to the authoritative voice from behind and saw Captain Wesker emerged from his office when the thunder roared. It would send a shiver down her spine that her captain has shown such a intimidating side even if he wasn't being harsh. She lowers her chin and nods. "Sorry Captain..." hearing him say that it would be a few days to consider. That means next week Rylie would be back. She glances at him again before walking back to her desk and finish her shift without her best friend. Without Rylie, the day was boring.

Friday rolls around and Rylie managed to finish fixing the files for her captain. She felt confident that everything was perfect and that Wesker didn't have to worry about anything else but to file them away or contact Irons about the files. With all her chores done, work is finished, and she managed to rest without a nightmarish night. She was able to tackle the day and find answers.

Even though Rylie knew she needed to stay home, the young woman just felt the urge to find answers. The nerve of asking Captain Wesker still bothered her. She didn't want to be weird to him. What happens if he can spot the silly crush she has on him? What happens if he thinks she is crazy and does kick her off the team? Many thoughts consumed her as she was dressed and heading downstairs to head out.

Flagging down a cab, Rylie informed the driver to take her to the old orphanage just outside of the city. She needed to retrace her steps or try to at least. The next stop she would make is the Arklay mountains, but that would have to be another time.

Jill heads over to Rylie's apartment, unaware that she left her home. She would knock on the door a few times. Actually being patient before realizing she wasn't answering and it concerns her. She would then try paging her, and with no luck she left. Rylie is an adult, but she was supposed to stay home.

Arriving at the office minutes later, she dashes over to Chris and the man could see she was concerned and worried. "Jill, what's wrong?"

She looks around, not wanting to make a scene before whispering, "I went by Rylie's home, she isn't there and I'm worried. I tried paging her and that didn't work either. She is supposed to be home resting."

Chris raised up his hands to her to try and calm his friend. "Easy Jill, she probably needed fresh air. Give it a couple of hours before checking on her again."

Jill knew Chris was right. She probably needed some time off and away from her apartment. Sitting next to him, she would turn on her computer to try and steer her focus away from Rylie and try to work.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker looked up as he saw Jill come into the office, moving to Chris's desk. He lurked in his office, but as he examined Jill's body language, he knew something was up. He pushed himself out of his chair and walked to the door, opening it as Jill sat at her computer. "Jill. I need you in here for a moment." He said before walking back for his desk.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Looking over her shoulder when Jill heard her name, she saw her captain peeking from the side, requesting her presences before retreating back in his office. She was curious, but if it had something to do with Rylie she had to play it off. The woman didn't want Wesker to be suspicious about Rylie.

As she arrived inside his office, she closed the door behind her. Turning to face him, she crosses her arms over her chest. "Yes Captain Wesker? Is there anything I can help you with?" A nonchalant approach, hopefully he doesn't pry much. Hoping it isn't about Rylie. She will do anything to keep her safe.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"You seemed tense. Is there something I should know?" Wesker said as Jill felt Heer captains critical gaze on her, burning through her like an X Ray machine. She could lie, bur her captain was a very perceptive man, he rarely simply believed what someone said until he took it apart layer by layer. "Did something happen on the way in?'
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Jill felt redness on her cheeks, she was tense when she came in. She couldn't help but feel slightly exposed for pulling a move like that, but she was worried and hoped Chris heard something from Rylie. They were like three peas in a pod, never hiding anything from each other. A heavy sigh escapes from her, she could lie, but her captain was like a lie detector. He knows when they would slip up.

Looking down momentarily, the woman didn't want to throw Rylie under the bus, but maybe Wesker could understand being cooped up in one area one would need fresh air. "I went to go check on Rylie on the way in and she didn't answer her door nor her pager," she pauses, gazing up into his intimidating shades. "However, Chris did mention it has been a couple of days and maybe she went to go get some air or run some errands. It is possible she was probably needing to spread her legs and get some fresh air."

She frowns not a moment later. "Please Captain, don't be angry with her. Rylie probably did need some air. I know you told her to stay home." Her voice was low, pleading for her friend and for his understanding.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker's glasses were dark mirrors reflecting only two small images of Jill back upon ger. Yet she could still feel that scrutiny on her, weighting her words on his lie detector. "I told her not to come in to work. Not to lock herself away. What she chooses to do with her time, I cannot stop her." He said after a nerve wracking few seconds. "We can't expect her to run to us for everything."
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
It was obvious he wasn't pleased with her, Jill could feel his eyes burning into her heavily. Almost as if he was annoyed that she was worried about their coworker. "I understand Captain, but she wasn't doing so well when the incident first happened. I was just concern for her, she really doesn't have anyone to turn to other than us." She explains, also annoyed with him. "I was trying to be a good friend for her. At least someone cares about her..." Her voice trails off before she said something that would get her in trouble.

In her experience with Captain Wesker, he wasn't really the greatest person when it came to emotions. Even though Jill saw that he cared about Rylie, he wouldn't leave her side until she was okay. This was not the right time to be inconsiderate and cold. "I'm not expecting her to run to us for everything, but she needs to know that we are here for her if she needs anything. After work today, me and Chris are going by to spend time with her and talk to make sure she is okay." Swallowing her anger and annoyance, she didn't care if she would pull desk duty, his inconsiderate mood made her upset. Rylie was her friend, she would do anything for her; also, Rylie was probably one of his best workers yet. She maybe his 'favorite rookie', but Jill didn't see that he takes in consideration of her hard work for S.T.A.R.S..
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker's face didn't change at her remark, making himself comfortable by leaning against his desk. "Jill unless you want to spend 3 weeks behind a mountain of paperwork, I want you to remember who gave her the time off and why. I'm not sure if you think thst was for concern or to punish.," he said simply, his hand reahing up to take his sunglasses off slowly. His finger pressed the bridge of his nose, warding away some of the tension that was brewing within. "I'm not saying she's to sit alone either, but she is free to act on her own. We made ourselves more than clear when she was...ill, but we can't force her to bring her problems to us. Just like how you were seemingly going to keep this to yourself. " He said putting his glasses aside.

"I'm certain she's fine, but if your so compelled to watch her, I suppose that I may as well join you." He added
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
He knew all along I was going to keep this to myself... Jill thought to herself. This was becoming a issue which she didn't want, so Jill decides to back down. Seeing he took off his glasses, but his eyes were closed when he pinched the bridge of his nose. No knew the true color of his eyes, only the black shades that veil them from all to see. Her own eyes then closes for moment, feeling the tension rising between them. She gulps, easing a breath. "Rylie doesn't have many friends Wesker. That's why I'm so passionate about being their for her. We are a team, if one of us suffers, we all suffer." She spoke calmly, opening her eyes to see he put his glasses to the side. "We are still going to see her after work before the weekend starts, Barry's wife bought green orchids since they are Rylie's favorite flower." Feeling that they were done with the conversation, Jill takes a step back towards the door before glancing at Wesker. "If you do come with us, let us know. I'm sure Rylie would be very happy to see you among all of us. She admires you the most." She said strongly before leaving his office and closes the door behind her.

Rylie was back home, and she felt lost. The abandoned orphanage didn't have much clues for her. Only ruins and torn up rooms to the insides. Pushing those thoughts to the side to get ready for next week, Rylie organized all the files from the oldest report to the newest. At least six she counted, and the oldest ones were needing to be redone. The newest ones were when her and Wesker decided to double team on the correcting together to make things easier. Her green eyes read the text one last time before closing the folder and looks up to her huge window. The view of Raccoon City before her. She thought of other areas of interest that would spark a memory for her, but nothing came to mind. Maybe it was time to talk to Wesker after all. It scared her a lot.

When Jill came back to her desk next to Chris, the man could see she was a little annoyed still when she came out of Wesker's personal office. He frowns. "Uh oh, don't tell me you two had a little argument." He watches her sit down, sighing heavily as she took off her beret before looking at him with tired eyes.

"I guess you could say that. He called my bluff that I wasn't going to tell him about Rylie. It's just we care about her a lot Chris and we are a team. You figure with him being our captain he cares a bit more, I mean...he has even show a bit of a side to Rylie and I seen it Chris," Jill pauses as she types on her keyboard, the screen lights back up to life. "I told him we are going to visit her for a bit after work to check on her and he is invited to come. I mean he seems willing, but I don't know Chris."

Chris only stares at her when she explains to him, feeling the tension between them still lingers from her. It must have been important to them both. "We all care about Rylie Jill, and Wesker has a different way of showing it. I don't like him at all and no way I would ever get along with him, but I can see where he is coming from. She needs to breath Jill and that means we can't always hover over her like you do. You gotta trust that this time off is going to do her good." Mentally rolling his eyes that Wesker seemed on good conscious to come along. The brunette man was bothered that Wesker may came along later which could mean trouble to visit Rylie. He told himself he had to watch his actions and words. Don't want to put Rylie through anymore scenes.

Jill shook her head slightly. "You're right. Let's just...get this done." She will feel better when they see Rylie.

Chris nods, understanding that she is trying to be a good friend, but sometimes giving that person space would be best.

The end of the day came quick for S.T.A.R.S. and it was Bravo's turn to be on call for the weekend. Chris and Jill were packing their things when Barry came back with the bouquet of green cymbidium orchids. Both of them smile slightly to see the pretty green flowers in Barry's hand when the man handed them to Jill. "Kathy told me she got the best and to wish Rylie to be well again. Are you sure this is the right flower Jill?"

The woman nods, grasping the compact stems tightly in her hands firmly. "Yes, when you guys come over to her place, you will see she really likes this kind of flower." She answers.

Chris shrugs. "Alright, well, let's get going. Let's go say hi to Rylie and check on her." He didn't even think about Wesker, not that he really care for his captain to come along or not.

"I can't stay too long, the girls got dancing practice at seven thirty and I'm sure Kathy wants me to come along to watch the girls dance." Barry mentions as everyone is getting ready to leave.
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the team was grouping up little by little, Wesker came out of his office, silent as grim death as the spoke about their plans and what they had to bring. "I do hope that you enjoy the time with your family" Wesker said, suddenly drawing the groups attention to him like he was a ghost making itself known.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Jill nods to Barry, understanding that he couldn't stay long because of family, and all of them knew his girls. Very sweet little girls, both of them would play with either Jill or Rylie when the team gets together for a weekend BBQ. Sudden voice of her captain snaps her attention to him, he wanders out of his office like a ghost. Almost scaring her before gripping the bouquet of the green Orchids. "Captain Wesker! So you are coming along?" She inquires, a soft smile forming on her lips. If he was coming, then Jill was certain Rylie definitely feel the support from her team.

But Chris rolls his eyes as he takes a step forward towards the door. It was evident he wasn't really fond of having Wesker come along, but if it was for a good cause and for Rylie then he accepts it for what it is. "Great...now I have to really behave." He grumbles, his shoulders tense up to the sheer thought of having Wesker around. At work is normal, but anywhere else is too much.

Barry only laughs, trying to ease the mood. Wesker's nonchalant mood and Chris's annoyed stance was starting to fill the office with slight tension. "Everyone, it's the beginning of the weekend. We are off, going to see Rylie. This should be a happy moment as a team! Not dreading in one's presence." Trying to grin, but Jill only shook her head in his attempt to lighten up the mood.

"I'm taking lead," Jill pips up, not waiting for a second for the rest of the guys. The green Orchids sits against her chest, mix of purple and green with her gloves gripping the stems. "I know where she lives. Follow me and we can make this quick."

Watching TV on a low volume, Rylie was comfortable in her cotton green pj pants with a black tank top. Her long, thick blonde hair was down, cascading over her shoulders and bangs framing her face. She didn't wear a bra, but kept her silky green robe close by in case she had any visitors. Sighing softly, she was actually dreading for Monday to come around. This was much needed time off thanks to Captain Wesker ordering her to stay home until next week. Of course she wouldn't abuse it, she knew without her he could probably work himself to death.

Jill along with the guys pull up at Rylie's building. All of them look up to see it was fairly tall like the other buildings. This had Chris facial expression turn questionable before glancing at Jill who was already making her way to the door. "Uh Jill, what floor does Rylie live on?" If this was going to be a long ride up, he was already mentally preparing to stay silent for his own recognizance and for the sake of Rylie's condition.

The woman glances at him, a nervous smile slowly forming on her lips to the three men before her. "She lives on the 20th floor, but she has the best view of the city yet. Trust me, I think you guys are going to love it."

"I'm not sure about the elevator ride though..." Barry mumbles lowly as he follows after Chris, holding the door open for Wesker. The older man knew this was probably going to be a interesting, yet excruciating long ride up to the 20th floor. He was so thrilled...
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Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Do you wish to take the stairs?" Wesker said as he stepped in, the captain standing on the otherside of Barry. Ofcourse now that they were in close quarters, Weskers presence was quite well known. He didn't say a word, but it also made Chris's silence all the more deafening.
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