Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

Jill winces slightly as everyone was snug close to one another in the elevator. Looking over to the panel, she presses '20'. The lift doors would close, entrapping them together for the moment as it made its ascend to the 20th floor of the building. The woman could only hope Chris can hold his tongue like he is doing now, but the silence was becoming extremely awkward as the light for each floor passes by.

Chris sneers at Wesker's comment, it still bothers him for asking Barry to take the stairs. He was annoyed and having Jill beside him was comforting in the slightest, but he kept his eyes forward. Refusing to look at anyone, especially Wesker. Moving to cross his arms, he lets out a sigh then widened his stance.

Barry blinks, glancing between Wesker and Chris. Both men were facing forward, stiff as a stick. He wanted to try and lighten the mood because right now him and Jill could feel the tension filling the air. Almost becoming impossible to take a breath. "....Man uh...crazy weather huh?" Trying to start small talk to make this ride a little less awkward.

The only woman grits her teeth, it seemed no one took the bait. Everyone was still quiet as the elevator was now half way up the building. God please make this elevator ride a less awkward... Jill appreciated Barry trying, but it only made things worse. She glances over to him who rubs the back of his neck to try to recover on the failed attempt on starting a failed conversation. Reaching up, she grabs his shoulder their eyes meet and she could only smile weakly.

When the elevator finally made it to the 20th floor, the ding was like freedom to them all. Jill was the first to leave the elevator, her boots hit the floor as she leads the men through the halls of the building before making it to a door. Turning around, she saw the men staggering behind, trying to recompose themselves from the awkwardness they all endured. Chris looks like he was going to punch someone and she knew who that was. Barry eyes were a little widened, as if he was finally free from the hell he had to face.

Jill grips the bouquet stems again, breathing softly as they all approach her. Looking into their eyes, they were ready to move on. Giving a subtle nod, she then faces the door and knocks on it three times awaiting Rylie to answer.

Rylie was watching a action movie, again with the volume turn down low. Snuggling into her blanket, she was getting ready to call it a night here in a few hours to get some rest and find more answers tomorrow. It was quiet, the city lights beaming through the open view window with the clouds low. The forecast wasn't calling for rain, but just clouds and wind. It was always overcast in Raccoon City, but Rylie didn't mind it. As long as she is able to see the skyline of the city, that's all that matters. Suddenly she heard a knock on a door, with a raise brow she grabs her silky green robe, throwing it over her shoulder as her barefoot patter across the spacious apartment to her front door.

Opening the door, she was greeted by Jill first, who was holding her favorite flowers and the men behind her. Her eyes widened in shock, seeing that her team came to visit her after a few days of being away. Rylie felt her heart soar, and beat quickly when she glances at Wesker, who didn't look very pleased in the slightest. Hopefully it wasn't because he came to see her. "'s really good see you all."

Jill smiles as Chris and Barry nods. "Of course, we had to come check on you make sure you were okay."

"Of course!" Rylie laughs slightly before opening the door more to let them in. "Please come in, I don't want my neighbors thinking I'm getting arrested for something..." She spoke lowly, grasping her arm to hide her prominent breast under her robe.

As the team came inside, they were introduced to all green sheer curtains and black curtains. The flowers that Jill was holding were basically almost everywhere to be seen in her home. Along side pictures of her and her parents. Jill was the first to come in and gave the flowers to Rylie.

"They came from Kathy Rylie, she wishes you to get well and I wish I could stay longer but the girls have a dance practice I can't miss or Kathy told me I would sleep on the couch. I think she meant it this time." Barry spoke as him and Wesker were the last to come inside, closing the door behind them.

Rylie green orbs were filled with happiness as she held the flowers close to her. "Thank you so much, and I am feeling much better. Please take a seat on the couch, unfortunately my kitchen set is only for two people." She waves her arm to the living room, greeted by the skyline in the back. "And it's fine Barry, I completely understand. The thought counts. It really does." She said, walking past Wesker before giving him a soft gaze then a smile. She was very happy to see him. She then continues her journey to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.

Chris was thrown away on how pretty the view was, his jaw dropped as he came closer to the window. "Rylie, when Jill said you have the best view of the city. Words don't do justice, this is amazing."
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Wesker glanced at Barry as he left the apartment, giving a slight nod to him, about as good a goodbye most got. Unless they were injured or Riley any way. Wesker folded his arms behind his back, walking around the alarm like he was a renter, examining her conditions was a swift yet critical eye. "Is the rent high here?" He asked over his shoulder as he examined her pictures
Rylie came back in the living room after setting the flowers down in a vase filled with water and looks at Wesker. He was observing her pictures of her, her parents, and the Green Cymbidium Orchids. She blinks momentarily, thinking of what he said before she laughs softly. She could tell he was curious on why she was laughing and smile formed on her lips. "My parents own this place, so the rent isn't really high for me."

"What? Your parents still charge you rent? That's bogus..." Chris said loudly before getting elbowed by Jill, a glare from the woman shut him up instantly and he grins only nervously at the angry woman before him.

Jill shook her head, glancing at the two blondes from across the spacious apartment. "That's nice of your parents that they trust you with this place Rylie. It's really nice and for them to charge you less is even better." She smiles brightly at Rylie.

"Yes," Rylie pauses before looking at her remaining friends that stayed with her. "Please make yourselves at home, you can take a seat at the couch. Besides, I have missed you guys and it's good to talk to someone."

Everyone took a seat, other than Wesker and Rylie looks at Jill and Chris as they explained about events at work the last couple of days. It has been quiet for the most part which was good and the young blonde nods. She then hops in her spot on the couch as she eyes the reports on her living room table, reaching over to grab them and held them close to her chest. "Captain Wesker, I managed to fix all the reports for you. They are right here. From the oldest case to the newest case. I um...I hope this helps out a lot." She said, as she was getting up and heading over to him with the files in her hands. She looks at him with her big doe eyes and parted lips.

She was so grateful to have a handsome, young captain like Wesker. His slick back hair always looked professionally done, his shades hides his eyes, but she could see from the light emitting from the city line his blue eyes would peer from the dark lenses. In that moment, she felt like it was only them two in her apartment. Jill and Chris disappeared from her view, but she knew they were still there. Though she didn't care. Not in the slightest. "It's really good to see you again especially Captain Wesker..."
"Ah, yes, you've done me a great deal with this Riley." With a subtle nod, he gently put a hand on the stack as he held her gaze. "You have my thanks for lifting this from my thoughts. Ans It pleases me to see you are doing well again." He said with an equally subtle flicker of a smile. He moved to pull over a chair, sitting down slowly. He sat down, folding his hands, ever the visage of professionalism. "Please tell me that you haven't been hard at work all this time?"
Jill and Chris glance at each other, wondering what was going on between Wesker and Rylie. Then Jill only smirks at Chris which left him confused before Wesker then takes a seat the single chair by the couch and Rylie made her way back to her spot on the couch.

"I haven't I promise Captain Wesker. If I notice I was thinking too hard or trying too hard, I would back away from it and approach it later on the day or the next day." Rylie explains as she situates the green blanket over her legs, making herself comfortable even more.

"About to say, I'm sure his instructions that you don't work so hard Rylie." Jill interjects respectfully, but the young blonde narrows her brows at her.

"I know what I am doing Jill. I don't need you constantly on my back." Rylie shook her head, sighing softly as she glances out to the skyline.

It was a awkward few minutes before Chris abruptly gets up from his spot which catches everyone's attention. "I'm need to go ahead and get going. I promise Claire I would meet her out of town."

Jill raises a brow, getting up with him. She is his ride and Captain Wesker brought his own vehicle to Rylie's place. She then glances at Rylie who looked slightly annoyed. "I'm sorry Rylie, but I hope to see you on Monday." She said.

Rylie nods, a faint weak smiles reaches her lips. "See you two on Monday."

They both left, leaving Captain Wesker and Rylie alone in her apartment. The young woman stares at Wesker as he stares at her. Her eyes widens as she glances away with red on her face. "Captain, do you want anything to drink? Water perhaps?" She ask, rubbing the silky robe for comfort, gradually meeting his black gaze.
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"Do you think I'm so dull I would like water in the company of my teammates?" He said as his sunglasses stared her down, his hand reached up and he slipped off his glasses. No use of them indoors. "If you have something stronger, I'm sure it will suffice." He said as he folded the glasses.
Rylie face reddens as a tomato when he took off his glasses, finally seeing his damn, blue eyes. They were do pretty to look at it was hard to look away. She felt embarrassed, how dare she offers water to him. "I'm sorry Captain, I wasn't sure. I do have something strong for you actually." She said as she was getting up, jogging to her kitchen to grabs two glasses and then in her cabinet was bourbon and coconut rum. She poured the bourbon over rocks as long with her coconut rum. Moving back to the living where Wesker was alone and she hands him the glass of bourbon while she held her coconut rum. "I'm sure that alone is strong. Was it a bad week Captain Wesker? To request something this strong?" She tilts her head as the TV softly plays in the background. Taking a sip of her rum, she felt the alcohol burn in her system. It has been a while since she has had any alcohol.
"A bad week, no. I can deal with those. Even Chris being...Chris." Wesker said as he took the glass , holding it in one hand. "The city slept enough in your absence, but it only makes me...aware of office morale." He said said as he drew up the glass to sip gently, tasting the liqour,, it's strong bite. It wouldn't effect him however, not as easily as most with his steady treatments from Umbrella to prepare for his role. "I feel...the team is a deal.more tightly wound without you around..or perhaps they believe I am, so it makes them so."
Rylie raises a brow as he brought up the last part. "They believe you are...not yourself when I'm not around?" She ask, taking another sip of her rum. Grimacing at the burning feeling down her throat, tilting her head and shivers as she was soon relieved. She couldn't believe that her presences made that much of a impact. "I don't know if I can find that true Captain Wesker. I'm not that important or special. I'm just a ordinary person just doing my job. " She knew that was a lie. She was a test subject of Umbrella. Her visions show she was experimented on by them and he was there. Her past still a mystery she needed to solve. Her green orbs wander to his blue eyes. Pretty blue. Like the ocean. She sighs, getting lost in them.
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Rylie looks away blushing, her blonde bangs hang covering her eyes from him. "It would be..." Her voice trails off, putting the glass down on the table. "Um Captain Wesker...when I explained to Jill about helping you with the reports, she mentioned that you don't let people help you, but you let me and she says that you like me..." She explains in a meek voice.
"She's toying with you, I'm sure. My trust in you has nothing do with something like desire." He said shaking his head. "You work best with the reports, and I took notice" he said sipping his drink. "I value, and reward skill, it just so happens that you are most dedicated rookie in his team." H, his eyes scanned her briefly as she wouldn't meet his eyes, watch like he was curious of her words. "Jill simply likes to play mat h maker "
Rylie was beginning to feel different from the alcohol in her system. Straight coconut rum would push her limit and she began to feel light, but happy. Noticing Wesker's glass was empty, she slowly stood on her feet and reaches out to his glass. "Let's me refill your cup." Her voice was soft, but slightly slurry. She was able to comprehend a sentence still. Successfully refilling their drinks, the young woman made her way back to Wesker only to spill the drink all over his uniform. "I'm so sorry let me clean that!"

She went ahead to clean the spill, towels in hand and she was cleaning the spill on his clothes. She looks up to him with wide eyes. Extremely close to her captain like never before.
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Wesker started to stop her as she started dabbling at him with towels. "Ah Rylie, you don't hav-" he started as she tried to clean him up, but as they looked at eachother, he actually looked away as he started to shift up to his feet. "Hang on...I uh...I can put this in the wash." He said as he ignored his how heart has picked up hits once. The traitors tempo of his body is the presence of a woman that he felt this drawn to. "Its only a shirt." He said as he untucked it and started to take it off. Underneath was a white tee shirt, but it had to be some form of sports wear, it clung fast to his body, showing only more definition of her lean captains body.
Rylie gulps, backing away as he went to his feet giving him his space. His blue shirt would have to get washed, but his white sports shirt rolled off the bourbon. Showing off his impressive physique and muscles. Her body shivers in excitement, under her pj's and robe Wesker could see his rookie was under a lot of pressure and in the good way too. "Captain...please forgive me, are so hot." She admits, her green eyes filled with admiration for him. She bites her bottom lip, reaching out with a small hand as she places it on his chest, feeling the cool fabric underneath. "You always looked good to me." A whisper from her lips as she drops his blue work shirt on the floor, stepping closer to him.
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Wesker's eyes searched hers as she came closer to him, her suddenl admitting had actually managed to catch her captain on the defensive for once in his life. 'She what?' He thought as he watched her come closer, but he swiftly batted that confusion aside. "Well thank you Rylie...your attention is appreciated..." he said as she closed in. He didn't back away, but he also didn't step forward, he reached out a hand and put a hand on her shoulder. "Heh, I think you're drinking a bit above your tolerance.'
Rylie felt his hand grab onto her shoulder, and she remained in place. She had so many things to tell him, but in her mind she knew she couldn't tell him about the visions though she was afraid it may slip. "I...I don't think so," her lips turn into a cute smile, brushing a bang out of her eye. "Captain, you must know I will do anything for you. No matter what you tell me. I...I will get my hands dirty just for you. My loyalty is with you. I really like you and I don't care if you're my need to know that and I have dreams about you...every night. You're...always with me. I hope you...feel the same." She places her hand on his that sat on her shoulder. Opening his leather hand, giving his fingertips pepper like kisses before moving down to his palm, giving it a big kiss as she never left her stare on his blue eyes.
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"Dreams? of me?" He echoed as she gave his fingers her kisses, into his palm. It would have distracted him more if not for her words. Of course, her admission of undying loyalty was going to be well noted, and documented, He would press all the hard for her to be put up for a Strain of virus much as he had. If she would become his agent...he would see she becomes a powerful one. But now all its talk of dreams, they could be a problem...loyal agent or not, if she was remembering that night. She very well could be forcing his hand. His heart rate picked up slightly at the idea of having to undo his goodwill. "Tell me more...of these dreams." He said softly, his thumb pressed to her lips, tracing them gently. It almost spoiled the sensation he felt seconds ago, but if he had to use it....even for a second longer to verify her condition, he had no other choice.
Rylie's lips part, gently sucking the pad of his thumb, hazy still aware she let a little bit slip. The young woman moans lowly, pushing his thumbs away with her plump lips and let's out a low sigh. "I have wet dreams about you...Wesker. When my nightmares are not bothering me, my wet dreams are you. Fantasizing how you entrapment me to a bed, or your desk, or a wall and let you have your way with me." Answering him, a hand found it's way to his muscular chest. The white t-shirt soft and cool against her burning her hand. Rylie knew Wesker plagued her mind, dreams and those nightmares. She was scared at a moment like this it wasn't a good time to talk about why she sees him in her nightmares, but for right now just to have those fantasize thoughts come true.
Rylie's breath began to get heavy, feeling his heart beat drum hard against her hand. Cupping her chin through her bangs as she focuses on him. "I see you stripping me down naked as you stripe yourself down....then I see you enter me inside. Thrusting hard against me as you leave hickeys on my neck, telling me how much of a good girl I am to you." Bringing her hand over his, rubbing his hand with her thumb as her breath was shaking.
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"Ye-yes please captain...I want you." She breathes, feeling his leather hands pulling at her robe and black tank top, the cool leather briefly touches her skin. Her eyes half lidded filled with lust, moving her hand other down to his pants, tugging at the white t-shirt to feel his muscles underneath. Abs rock solid and she felt the beginning of her his v line. The knot in front of her robe tugged against his pull.
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Wesker held her gaze, feeling the hunger inside it all, her hands searching his body. His hand grabbed the knot of her robes, pulling on it to snatch it apart. His hand swept her up from behind, pulling her up and his mouth pressed to her neck , planting kisses and bites along her neck and collar, walking with her to push her against one of the nearest walls.
Rylie felt he grab the knot of he robe and pull it apart, letting it fall to the ground. Only in her black tank top and green cotton pajama pants. Her breast were free under her shirt, nipples beginning to take form from all the teasing and banter in the evening. She gasp as he pulled her against him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Low moans escape her lips when he bites and kisses her exposed neck and collar. Her hand running through his blonde locks. Her back was pressed against the wall as he held her there. She kisses his cheek, lips moving to his earlobe and nibbles on it before giving it a gentle lick.
Wesker tucked his arms underneath her , cupping ass while she licked the shell of his ear. Her captain pressed her body closer, her cotton green pj's pressing to his abdomen, his powerful muscles flexing as he started to rub her against his body. His lips danced lower, kissing around and the open breast line of her tank top. Her young captain squeezed her ass, his breath warming and running down her breast.
Rylie whines lowly in his ear as he squeezes her bubbly butt. She involuntarily rocked her hips against his, feeling the friction between her legs and the growing ache in her pussy. More moans spill from her when his lips traveled down to her breast line. She kisses his blonde head, digging her fingers into his back as his breath tickles her breast. "Wesker..." his name draws out slowly from her parted lips.
Rylie felt his powerful body roll her against him again, his hips grinding friction in her heated core. Leaning her head back as he raises his, she looks at him momentarily before he kissed her. Their lips dance along one another, she barely noticed that he started to pull off her pj's. Slipping her tongue past his teeth, she taste him and plays with his tongue, sucking it in her mouth as his leather fingers graze her skin when her pj's slide down her legs.

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