Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

Rylie hisses as he gave her a few more bites. She knew her neck was going to be covered in bruises later. She whimpers when he stopped but let her go. The young woman then turns to face him, pushing Wesker down on his back. She crawled on top of him again as she let him enter her once again. Her breath slows down as she focuses on performing for her captain. Her dainty hands placed upon his chest as she began riding him again.
Rylie's pupil dilated as she looked at Wesker, her hips curve and bent as she leans over him. Her tone body almost touches his, but she hovers as her hands finds their way planting beside his head. Soon her hips were slamming down on the base of his length. Deep breaths, she was able to control herself, desperately wanting a reaction from her captain. Her performance for him should be good enough. "Captain..." She spoke breathlessly, leaning forward as their lips barely touch. "Do you feel me around you?"
Rylie purrs, feeling him squeeze her hips as she rode his length. Slow and deep as she brought him further inside of her. They were looking at each other, and she brought her hand to brush his blonde hair. "You always feel amazing inside of me." She whispers, bringing her lips closer as she kisses him deeply and her hips starts to thrust against him faster. Skin slapping and their kisses devour each other fills the air. Moaning deeply as she felt him throb, and her walls convulse in response.
Rylie presses her hands down on his chest as he kisses her back, moaning into his mouth as he kisses her back and squeezes her ass. His tongue invades her mouth, and she sucks on his tongue. Her hips continues to slam down on his base, her pussy squelches as he enters back into her. Telling them she is extremely soaked and dripping of her juices.
The infestification of Rylie's hips slamming on his length had her coming close again and this time she wanted Wesker to come with her. Backing her lips away, she presses her forehead on his head with lustful green eyes. "Wesker...please cum with me...please...I want to cum around you when you cum." She whines, the impending feeling of her second orgasm was coming, a wave rising and she needed Wesker with her.
Wesker pressed his forehead against hers, matching her lustful gaze with his focused stare. As her orgasm loomed over her, every impact shocking her nerve endings, she felt Wesker's cock drumming inside her, pulsating as she knew he was getting closer. Her captain pushed on her, holding her into his lap as he thrusted up into her, starting to finally cum inside of her as she begged for him.
Rylie felt his length throb up inside of her, his cum traveling all just to be released inside her velvet walls. She gasp, as her orgasm took over her and her body shook. Her walls collapsed around him as she screams his name. Her chin lifts up as her orgasm washes over her like a wave. Feeling the warmth and euphoria feeling swallowing hee. Suddenly, she collapses on him, too exhausted to move and breathing heavily to calm down in his neck.
As she collapses on top on him, Wesker put his arms around her around, stroking her back gently with his fingers. "Exhausting yourself already?" He teased gently to her, squeezing her slightly against him. "I may have to put you on more field training courses" he breathed out
Rylie chuckles, wrapping her arms his neck. She dug his nose into the crook of his neck, smelling his natural musk. "When you go through a mind blowing orgasm like the one I went through, it can be exhausting." She spoke, humming as he strokes her back and squeezes her. She returns the squeeze around his neck. "You just laid there and took it like the man you are." She jokes, leaning up to face him. Her skin soft pink from hee afterglow, and her blonde hair fell over her shoulders onto his chest.
"That is true, I did set myself up for that. I guess I tried so hard I really did exhaust myself, but only for you captain. I wanted to make sure you had the best performance." She was surprised to see a smile on his face. Wesker doesn't smile much, but in this rare situation he would for her. "I hope this goes for a good start to the day and the weekend."

A good weekend it was. Rylie and Wesker spent most of the day at her place before he had to head back home to deal with his own errands while Rylie went to go venture for more answers about her past, but again no luck. There was nothing much and Wesker telling her it was just night terrors to her was a bit of a band aid, but eventually it would go away and those nightmares would get worse.

Eventually Monday comes around and Rylie was back at work. Everyone was relieved to see her again and Jill was extremely happy to see her especially. The two women would give each other a hug, then Chris would come over to give her a hug as well. His huge hands place upon her waist and smiles. "It's good to see you again Rylie." He spoke to her.

Rylie would blush red, before backing away from him. Remembering her weekend activities with her captain, she pledged her loyalty to him beyond work levels.

Jill eventually came up to Rylie with a folder, her blue eyes narrow slightly. "I know it's your first day back, but you and me are assigned to investigate a break in at one of the Umbrella's plants outside of the town. We are to report to via radio every 15 minutes on our findings."

She felt sick to her stomach, the nightmares would show the logo of Umbrella. Three men in lab coats, one of them were Wesker. The words echoes in his mind that she was having night terrors, replacing him as the safe barrier due to her strong feelings towards him. "First day back and I'm assigned a mission? I wonder from who." She rolls her eyes, it was definitely Chief Irons. She knew Captain Wesker would choose the person wisely on this mission, but it was her and Jill and for some reason she felt like it was a set up. Almost in a way.
Wesker stepped out if his office as Jill was delivering the news, tilting his head to the side like a waiting panther. "Whats this about a break in?" He said. Irons had gone around him on this? Picking from his team? Wesker felt a sizzle of distaste in his belly. He didn't like other people making decisions without his final say when it came to his Alpha Team.
Jill glances at Wesker when he stepped out, she felt comfortable having him there. He is their leader after all, but having this mission from Chief Irons left a nasty taste in her mouth, she hands him the paperwork about the break in. The location, possible suspects, and the items that was supposedly taken. "Chief Irons spoke about this mission and assigned me and Rylie specifically for this mission. His words were along the lines of, 'quiet, yet stealth like members' should go to this investigation." She shrugs. "I'm not sure Wesker, I feel a lot of foul play on this."

Rylie glances at Wesker as well, her green eyes studies his form as he looks at the paperwork Jill gave him. She was picking at her leather gloves when he came closer to them and Chris. No one felt comfortable about this and she didn't like Chief Irons at all. The aura of the man gave her shivers and she could tell Wesker was extremely displeased with this. Going behind his back to assign his two female teammates on this mission without his consent. "Captain Wesker, is there anyway you can talk Chief Irons on sending more of us instead of me and Jill? I don't feel comfortable with this..."
"The chief is a cagey bastard, I can try to talk to him, but I'm guessing he's already made up his mind. " Wesker said as he read through the file, his usual stern, cool expression hardened with silent anger. He put the records back into Jill's hands. "An investigation of a break in and he wants it quiet, we are a Tactical Team not detectives."
Jill took back the file, crossing her arms with narrowed eyes. "He wants us to leave as soon as possible. The facility is about 35 minutes from here, and it is kind of isolated. I guess you suspect that from Umbrella who needs to be away from people knowing they are the pharmaceutical company of all time." She quotes, moving her lips to the side as she was unimpressed.

Rylie lowers her eyes. "What happens if it was a tactical break in and Chief needs it to be quiet since it is a Umbrella facility? He would need the media to stay away from it, but it makes sense. We are not detectives." She says, looking down at her leather gloves. Her eyes eventually meet Captain Wesker's sunglasses gaze. She knew he would try, but Irons is a stubborn man.

"We will keep you up to date and informed every 10 minutes Captain Wesker," Jill steps up to the blonde man, her arms still crossed. "If we go silent after 10 minutes, then you know this more than just a break in. I dont trust Irons at all. I know you don't Wesker."

Nervousness fills Rylie's belly, and she was beginning to get sick. She knew Jill was able to take care of her own and watch them both, that she knew, but Rylie could not shake the feeling that this is a set up of some kind. Something to get her and Jill separated. Maybe just maybe, Irons is trying to take something from them that only S.T.A.R.S. is allowed to have or know.

The young rookie looks at Jill before glancing back at her captain. "We will be okay Captain and like Jill said. We will reach out every so often and let you know how are we doing just for reassurance."
"Don't get yourself hurt, work together, and if it feels off, you pull out for reinforcements. I will not be subverted by that pig!" Wesker said as he folded his arms, his temper only truly revealing itself at the last word, snapping at the word briefly. "Chris will be on that radio, I will be taking a peice out of Irons, even if it isn't going to get you out of this."
Both ladies nod and they walk away, but Rylie stops a few steps before looking back at Wesker. Her bangs sway in the light breeze before stopping, green eyes stare into him. If Wesker knew any better, he could see she was pleading him to try. The young rookie knew this wasn't going to be good at all.

40 minutes later

Jill and Rylie arrives at the facility and it was halted due to the break in. Deserted, almost abandoned looking it had both of the girls on edge. Pistols were drawn before Jill spoke into her mic. "Jill to HQ, we have arrived at the place of interest. Me and Rylie are entering now, time is 0735. We will contact again at 0745."

"Jill this is Chris, I hear you loud and clear. Hear from you in 10 minutes. Out."

She would then glance at Rylie, who looked like she was going to puke on the spot. It must have been her nerves. Putting a gloved hand on Rylie's shoulders, a gentle squeeze to get the rookie back. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We got this." She smiles.

Rylie only nods, a nervous smile in return. Then both of them enters the dark facility. Looking around with their flashlights to investigate what really happened.
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Wesker strode through the police department, cutting through the maze like structure with the razor sharp precision the lean man constantly worked toward. His steps were fast, no matter how much he measured them. His hand rapped at The door of the police chief sharply, one would think he was looking to throw a punch the second it opened.
Irons was peeling a apple, looking over the case files from a heinous murder that took place days ago, he sighs heavily, flipping over the pages before hearing his door open. He looks up to see the Captain of Alpha team walk in, who looked extremely upset. He already knew why. "Ah Captain Wesker, I'm glad you came by to say hello. How are the ladies doing on their mission? I hope everything is going smooth so far." he says with a sinister grin.

The ladies reported to Chris just 10 after, letting him know everything is quiet so far and dark. Jill continues to look around as Rylie got a little curious on some of the medicine Umbrella was so called creating. Her curious eyes lead her to a couple of files on a table, going over the pictures to see different formulas and somehow they looked familiar to her. Almost too familiar.

Jill was still looking around, oblivious that Rylie was rummaging through the files and pictures behind her, only to see what was stolen and to see if the potential suspects were still nearby. " doesn't look like nothing was taken. I fucking knew this was a set up of some sort."

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