Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

"He will be relinquished of his duties and someone will take his place. This is unacceptable, but I'm happy you managed to get your team back safely. I have informed Jill Valentine and Rylie Cosgrove they have the rest of the day off to relax and focus before tomorrow." He told him, watching Weskee waving off two regular officers. "Do keep up the good work Captain Wesker. I'm counting on you." He grabs his shoulder before walking away from him.

Rylie watches the commissioner walk away from Wesker, ignoring the glances from Chris and Jill. She watches her captain stand there in the admist of the people. Her arms fall to her side before glancing at the two. Eyes were still tired and she just wanted to go home. She then turns back to Wesker, walking over to him. "What did he say? Did you tell him about Chief Irons?"
"Irons will pay for his little betrayal." Wesker said nodding as he turned to Rylie. He took off his sunglasses, pinching the bring off his nose. "Are you alright? need me to take you home?" He said as he opened his eyes and looked at her. Still she could see his vulnerabilities, he wasn't just asking as her captain and commanding officer.
Rylie was a bit sad to see him his vulnerable side, he was worried about her. It was just more than being her captain. She was his partner, probably his love. She wasn't sure about that, but she felt the vibes from him he was worried. His glass blue-eyes stared into her. The offer he made, she couldn't refuse. "Yes I'm fine, I just want to go home Wesker. Please...take me home." She says, her voice trembles as the shock goes away.

She walks closer to him, wanting him to lead the way to the car that the officers came in. Go back, get in his car and go home and stay there for the rest of the day. Rylie needed space, and having Wesker there helped, but she knew he had to go back to work eventually. Which would leave her to her protruding thoughts. What she didn't know, Wesker was devising a plan to erase those past memories, but not him.
Rylie walked into her apartment first when Wesker closed the door behind them. She stood there, back facing him for a few moments before turning on her heels and dashes up to him. Pinning him to her front door as she buried herself in his bullet proof chest.

Her body shivered and shook as she tried to contain her emotions. Dainty hands grips the straps on his back, shaking her head no. "Don't leave me alone Wesker..." She sobs softly, her nose dug into his vest. "Those night terrors are getting worse...and and I can't control then." She hiccups, her blonde bangs soaked in her tears.
Rylie manages to control her tears as he whispers to her, his fingers stroking her back in comfort. Turning her head, she places her cheek on his chest. Hearing his heartbeat again and the vibrations of his chest. Purring softly, she opens her green eyes and sighs softly. She was still in her uniform and so was he. "Thank you..." She whispers back. "I'm sorry captain Wesker I really am. I don't want to distract you from your work."

The rookie then leans up to look at him, his eyes covered by his smokey lenses. She purrs softly again, going on her tip toes as she kisses his nose.
Rylie nods, closing her eyes when his lips touched her forehead. The touch of his leather hands held her small leather hands, the gentle warmth from them causes her to smile softly. "If you want to, you can go back to file that report my love. I'll be fine here."

She tilts her head slightly before walking away from him. Going up to her bathroom to rinse away the stress from her body and skin and make it all drain down the drain.
Chris was back at the office with Barry, going over the reports on what just happened. He looks up to see Wesker walking in briskly. "Wesker, the files are ready for your view and signature so we can push it up to the processing center." He told him, handing him the folder that had all the files.

Rylie was laying on the couch in her comfy clothes. A big t shirt with booty green shorts. A green blanket cascades over her tone body as she watches TV. A soft sigh escapes her lips.

There were black suit officers in front of Irons door, awaiting for Captain Wesker to come by and seize the man who betrayed Umbrella.
Chris nods and before he stepped off, he leaned close to Wesker, hoping Barry didnt hear him. "There are men here in suits waiting at Irons office. I'm not sure what is going on, but whoever the commissioner caller came quickly."

The men wore black suits indeed, and sunglasses. The typical high officers only for Umbrella. They received a call from commissioner that Irons almost gave information to a enemy facility. The chief is soon to be a new subject for a new experiment.
"Must be Federal. I'll check in with them, you can take the rest of the night " he said shaking his head. Tactical or not, they would be going through the evaluation for involved shootings. Wesker turned to go mean with the suits in question, knowing Irons's fate was long sealed
As Wesker approached the four men in suits, one of them meets Wesker in the middle. "We recently received from commissioner Frost that Irons is now a liability. In order of Spencer, Irons is now a volunteer for the new t virus. We are informed to extract him immediately."

They all had white gloves on, different from Wesker's black leather gloves.

Irons was oblivious to what was going on outside his door. He didn't know his betrayal to Umbrella would cause him to be a new subject, sealing his fate to the ulimate death.
Irons looked up quickly as his door opened, seeing Wesker come in then four suits flank behind him. Fear filled his eyes, he knew this wasn't good. "Wesker, heh...whatever this may be, please let Spencer know there was miscommunication, a misunderstanding! I can make things right!" He said quickly, looking side to side he was surrounded by the suits.

"Dr. Spencer exact words for your betrayal, 'thank you for volunteering yourself Irons, you'll be the perfect choice for the new virus thanks to Dr. Wesker and Dr. Birkins.'" The lead man said, watching his men grabbing Irons by the arms and pulls him out of his chair.

"Let me go damnit! I am the chief!!!" Irons demands angrily before glaring at Wesker and lunges for him, but was stopped by the men. "Fuck you Wesker! I hope you die! I hope you rot in hell!" He growls angrily.
"I warned you Irons. You weren't as smart you believed. You could never betray the company without backlash. Hm...enjoy your new position " wesker said not even flinching at the man's words or lunge. "I do hope you are more useful to us in the testing grounds than you were as a police chief"
"No! Let me go! I'll pay anything! Fuck!" Irons yells, fighting against the hold of the suits. The police station was eerily quiet, no one would hear his cries for plead or help. His yells echoed throughout the station and Wesker wasn't too far behind.

Outside they push Irons into the back of the car, cuffing him to where he wouldn't be able to escape. "Fuck you Wesker! Fuck you!!!" His last words were silenced when the door closed on him.

The lead man in the suit turned to Wesker, taking off his white gloves before putting on leather gloves again. "He will be ready for testing later on tonight Dr. Wesker. We will inform Dr. Birkin on the way for the new testing subject. We hope you have a good night Dr. Wesker." He said to the captain calmly, despite of the raging man inside the car before opening the door to the passenger seat. The car then drives off from the station, leaving Wesker alone in the dark, breezy night.

Rylie was sleeping on the couch, before another memory came in. This time she was able to see it clearly. She saw Wesker when he was much younger...

Rylie was scared, laying down on a cold stretcher. The second injections were in and she felt her small body adjusting to the serum. Hot tears still fresh down her cheeks, blood shot green eyes covered with messy blonde bangs. She sniffles, closing her eyes momentarily before feeling a cold leather hand gripping her arm. Opening her eyes, she saw a young man with sunglasses look down on her.

"Sorry, orders are orders. Time to go back to your cell little one..."

"No please...I don't want to go back, I want to leave. I don't want to stay..." She began to cry, shaking her head.

"It will be okay, I promise little dear heart..."
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As the door shut on the car, Wesker turned to keep walking to his own, true to his word abd his satisfaction, he would return to Riley. He didn't smile, or smirk, holding his victory almost carefully to his heart. He didn't need to share it, or hold it it would go in a place for such pleasant memories.
"Dr. Wesker, when will the pain be over? When will it finally stop?"

"It will stop soon, there is one more injection. Then you will be put to testing."

"I want you to do the last one, you're more gentle than that mean man..."

Rylie wakes up to her door opening and closing. A tired sigh leaves as she stretches, leaning up from the couch to see Wesker walking in with a bag of clothes and body care supplies. Rubbing her eyes, she then straightens up her hair. "Wesker?" Her voice was groggy. "How did everything go? Is everything okay?" She asks, stretching her arms over her head, her perky breast nipples showing under her shirt
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"Seems that's the plan, I signed my reports, and the commissioner seemed prepared to toss him when it started to sound like an inside game. We can't have chiefs betraying the force after all" Wesker said as he laid back slightly, showing a bit more openness to her. He was clearly exhausted...with good reason of course.
Rylie was shocked to hear that the commissioner got rid of Irons quickly, but she was relieved he wouldn't come back to work and someone better would take his place. She watches him lean back on her couch, and the tiredness and stress was on his face. The young woman moves to straddle him, her big t shirt conceals her tone body as her green booty shorts provide no barrier between her core and his length. Wrapping her arms around his neck as she leans in. "I'm glad it's taken care of, I feel safe, but you always kept me feeling safe Captain." She whispers, running her fingers through his hair. "I think that deserved recognition don't you think?"
Wesker feels her body pressing on his, her embrace pulling them closer together. Her captain reached up, a gloved hand stroking her back. Beneath his glasses, his eyes were shut, but he seemed to relax as her fingers ran through his hair. "I don't need a medal for protecting my team." He said. For once her usually perceptive captain had actually missed her innuendo, figuring she was trying to snuggle him for the moment.
Rylie chuckles at his statement, shaking her head playfully. "That's not what I meant. What I mean is that you deserve to relax and lay back for a bit. This is me thanking you Captain Wesker." She whispers, tracing his cheeks with the tips of her fingers. She had something in mind to help him relax. "I think you're going to love what I have in store."
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Rylie smirks, she loved how he was curious on her words. No answer, but a simple kiss to his lips. She presses deeper, her tongue slithering past his lips to play with his tongue. The sound of their lips smacking grew louder in her apartment before she finally pulls away. A grin formed on her lips as she leans in to kiss his neck, licking his jugular. Pressing her tongue on his pulse as her hands move down on his vest, undoing the buttons of the straps and unzipping before she pulls away with a soft pop and removes his vest. "I'm sure by now you have a clear idea on what's to come Captain. The question is, do you trust me?" She ask, putting the vest down on the floor next to them.
Wesker looked down at her as sher pulled his vest to the side, laying it out ofvsoght. His eyes fixed on her, the keen perception focusing itself on her. "I suppose you earned thst" he said as he reclined again, looking upon her with the stern majesty of a king. His fingers reached down, tracing her lips with his finger tip. "Proceed!" He said taking his hand away

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