General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Derek laughs and shakes his head, "Do you really think I wouldn't served cheese knowing that you are here?"

He quickly gets dressed and leads Kalin back out to the dining room. The table was covered in an array of different dishes, all coming from Latin and Hispanic culture along with a special cheese board for Kalin. "Hopefully this will be to everyone's liking. I know nothing is better than a mother's cooking, but I made sure to have my chefs take special care with each dish."
Kalin plops down at the right side of the head of the table, squealing. "Cheese!"

Javi looks up, "Took you two long enough, what'd you do? ¿Mierda?"

Kalin's face flames and he throws his napkin at Javi. "¡Cierra la puta boca!"

Kalin's mother looks offended and swats the back of Javi and Kalin's head, snapping, "¡Idioma!"
Derek sucks in his lips to stifle a laugh before pulling back the seat for Kalin's mother to sit. "Everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for coming and helping me to surprise Kalin with this trip. While you are all here, please feel free to enjoy any of the amenities both inside and outside of the mansion."

Once he is sure everyone else is seated. Derek takes his seat next to Kalin and smiles, "Now, lets dig in."
Kalin grins and lifts his foot into Derek's lap,poking him with his toe, "Can you get me my food?" He asks, wiping at Derek.

Javi snorts, "God. . ."

Kalin's mom swats at Kalin, "Ah, puedes conseguir tu propia comida, Kalin."

Kalin sighs, "Mamá, ¿con qué frecuencia tengo que decírtelo? A Derek le gusta hacer cosas por mí. Es como demuestra que me ama."

Kalin's father leans over and places his hand on his wife's arm, "Al igual que a ti te encanta hacernos tragar comida a todos."

Amaria laughs, tilting her head forward, "Why don't we speak English? Mama, you're better at English than Derek is Spanish."
Derek chuckles softly and nods to Amaria, "Thank you, but please don't feel obligated to do so. If you are more comfortable speaking Spanish, then I welcome it. If anything, I need to get better at my Spanish that way I can connect with Kalin more."

He slowly stands and starts serving a plate for Kalin, making sure to fill the plate with everything he knows Kalin likes before placing it back down in front of him. "Here you are, baby. Just let me know if you want more."
After a moment,Kalin's mom speaks up, "Can I make use of the kitchen tomorrow? I ca show you what traditional meals taste like."

"Maaaa. . ." Kalin groans, "I've cooked for him, like, a billion times."

"And you are not the best at it, baby. Mama will show the uncultured American the real food. No offense to your chefs." She smiles.

Kalin's father laughs softly, "Dear. . . Don't be mean to Kalin."

"But Mama's right,Papa, Kalin is a horrid cook." Amaria smirks.
Amaria sighs, "I had to send them home." She rubs her face, yawning. "They have school this week, so their dad came and picked them up."

Kalin smirks, "Imagine. School. What a bore." He laughs as Amaria throws rice at him. "Love ya!"

"I'll have you know, I'll have a better job than you will with my collage degree!"

Kalin keeps smirking, "I don't need a job, I have Derek. He loves to spoil me, why not let him?"
Derek almost chokes on the wine he was trying to drink and chuckles, "I guess....I really am a lost puppy, as Kalin puts it." He smiles at Kalin before looking at Amaria, "I am sorry that the boys were not able to enjoy more time here, but maybe this will be a good vacation for you. I'm sure that raising children is a lot of work."
Kalin smiles and keeps running his foot over Derek's leg, humming softly.

Amaria narrows her eyes at Derek, and then nods, "Yeah, you look like it."

Javi huffs and then mutters, "And a wolf in the sheets."

Kalin skwaks and shoves his hand into the side of Javi's head, "Shut the hell up!" His face flames, and he stares at his plate.

Esmeralda blinks, looking confused, "What?"

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