General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

"Carly and I started dating in high school. She was two yeas younger than me, so we took things slow. I attended her graduation and tried everything I could to show her that I wasn't just after her body." He hugs Kalin a little tighter and takes a deep breath, "On her 19th birthday, Roger helped me to plan a big party for her at his house. Since I was basically living with him, I didn't see a problem with it. While the majority of the guests were some other businessmen that even I knew, we did invite our mutual friends as well. About two thirds into the night, I couldn't find her anywhere, so I started searching the rooms, thinking she might have needed a moment of peace. When I walked into Roger's room...." Derek's muscles flexed and he gritted his teeth for a moment, "She was passed out and tied up while Roger and a couple of his friends were all over her. The sick fucking bastards were recording everything. Even when he saw me, all he could do was laugh and thank me for bringing him his next superstar."
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Derek looks down at Kalin's face and his heart starts to race with worry, "Alright, that's it. I'm taking you home. This isn't normal of you." He quickly lifts Kalin into his arms bridal style and starts walking out. "I don't want to hear you saying that you are fine. You and I are going home and you are going straight to bed."
Once they return home, Derek quickly brings Kalin into the bedroom and strips him of his suit before dressing him in some warm pajamas. As he finished tucking the other into bed, Derek walked back out to the living room and made a call while one of his most trusted bodyguards who followed from them from the party stood by the bedroom door.

"Trenton," Derek snarled at his bodyguard, "I will be back. No one enters or leaves this fucking house except me. Fuck that up, and you'll need a closed casket." With the Derek hops into the car and heads out in search of Roger.
The long night passes by slowly as Derek remains missing from his home. Trenton, being the only other person Derek trusted with his life other than Kalin and his driver, checked on the little red head a couple times. As the sun began to rise, Trenton sighed and checked the time, knowing that Kalin would definitely wake long before Derek would return. "What the fuck do I tell this guy? 'Hey, your boyfriend, my boss, went out to confront the man who drugged you and I watched you all night?' Fuck....Mr. Gatemen, please hurry the fuck up."

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