“Oh, my god, I’m teasing, Derek. They’ll love you. Don’t worry. Now come on, let’s go.” He pulls away from the other and gets up, biting down on his lip and taking a few steps towards the door.
"You little brat, you better start running to the car before I catch your ass and punish you for that." Derek laughed as he slowly moved off the bed and got ready to chase Kalin playfully.
Kalin huffs, “I can’t run right now, prick. I’m sore.” He huffs, glaring playfully at Derek. “You can’t seriously punish me every time I tease you! That’s just being an asshat.”
Derek laughed and walked towards Kalin, slapping his ass firmly as he got closer. "I can punish you whenever and however I want, my little minx." Derek winked and brushed his lips over Kalin's, not kissing but teasing the promise of one.
He squeaks, swatting at Derek’s hand, huffing. “Asshole.” He mutters, trying to lean in and kiss Derek’s properly. His hand moves up to grip the other’s arm, his gaze narrowing.
Kalin growls and his hands grip the back of Derek’s neck, “You’re not going to be about to hold that.” He smirks and walks away with a swish of his hips, “You want your mouth all over me, and you can’t help it.”
Derek chuckled deeply as his eyes darkened just a bit. "You forget my will power baby." Derek walked up behind Kalin and whispered into the other's ear, letting his hot breath wash over Kalin's ear and neck. "And just for that little stunt, you're not getting more cock for 2 days after you're no longer sore."
Kalin whines, “Jackass!” He pushes Derek back, “I’ll see you later, I’m going home.” He huffs, walking toward the front door. He’ll walk and call an Uber if he has to. He can, and will, be petty.
Derek quickly walked over and scooped Kalin up in his arms while laughing. "You know I'm just teasing baby. I could never deny you something you want."
"Perfect, because I have a small surprise for you." Derek smiles as he enters the garage and places Kalin within the back seat of the car before climbing in as well.
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