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General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Local Time:
11:46 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin swallows and looks away for a moment, “I mean. . . The press will eventually find out about us. One way or another, so what if we just told them? Or made a public appearance about it? Staged something? That way we can control what they do and don’t know.”
Local Time:
9:46 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Even though things looked peaceful on the outside while Derek slept, inside his mind was a different story. His dreams were still plagued with images of Kalin kissing that other male at the bar along with his dark fears taking control. Derek's dreams turned into nightmares as he envisioned Kalin bringing the male back into his home and down into the basement, allowing the other male to fuck him in the same way that Derek would. He could even hear Kalin saying that the other male was better than him and that Kalin loved the other instead of Derek.

It had been a few hours since he had fallen asleep when Derek shoots up from the bed gasping and covered in sweat. Frantically, Derek looks around the room for Kalin until he saw the other sleeping peacefully in the bed next to him. Derek sighed and held his head in his hands for a moment. These dreams had been reoccurring ever since that day and nothing was working to help get rid of them. Derek quietly crawls out of bed and walks out to the back patio again. He needed fresh air to help him calm down and to hopefully stop himself from sweating.
Local Time:
11:46 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin grumbles softly in his sleep as Derek’s sudden movements, curling into himself when the other leaves the bed. It doesn’t take Kalin long to wake and sit up, rubbing his eyes. He slides his hand across the bed to where Derek should be. . . He frowns and looks towards the bathroom and huffs softly. He slides from the bed, pulling on Derek’s discarded shirt again and walking from the bedroom.

His quiet steps led him to the kitchen and then the gym. Not seeing Derek in either room, he starts making his way to the patio, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
Local Time:
9:46 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Not hearing Kalin walk up behind him, Derek remains leaning against a support post with his arms crossed while looking up at the moon. His mind was still racing with the memories of his dream. He couldn't understand why he kept seeing those images. He could feel a few tears welling up in his eyes as he sniffles softly and sighs.
Local Time:
9:46 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek exhales shakily and closes his eyes. "It involves you....and the guy from the bar. I keep seeing you and him kissing and then it just....gets worse from there." Derek shudders and closes his eyes tighter as the images circle around in his head again of the other guy fucking Kalin in his basement.
Local Time:
11:46 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin frowns and then presses his palm gently to Derek’s face before reaching up and cupping the other’s face between both hands, “I will never willingly touch someone else, or let them touch me as long as we are together. I’m yours, Derek, and no one can change that.” He slides one of his hands into the other’s hair, brushing it from his face and gently scratching at Derek’s scalp.
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