General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Derek felt a small vein in his neck pulse at Kalin's words. He just plowed him for an hour and he was toying with his head?

"Well I'll admit, she has one extra hole that I'd be able to use. You only have two. Plus. I bet she has something beautiful hiding under that bra." Derek said with a devious grin.

If Kalin wanted to piss Derek off to ensure some serious punishment once they arrive at Derek's home, he was certainly going down the right path.
Kalin huffed, “If she’d even let you peg her ass. She’s either lesbian or vanilla. I can tell just by looking at her.” Kalin had figured out, after coming to terms with his own sexuality, how to pick out straight or homosexual people. Granted he wasn’t always right, sometimes they were right and just vanilla. But 90% of the time, he’d learned himself to be right.

”So, she might just on;y let you use two of her holes. And we all know my dick is better than her breasts. She’s barely got a rack on her. Just cake.” He smirks slightly and looks back into his tea, “So I’m the better companion than she is, I’ve got dick and I’d let you use whatever hole you wanted Without a peep of protest.”

(I don’t know if I should feel back for the waitress-)
Derek leaned forward amd narrowed his eyes with a devious smile, "Mmmmm be careful with what you say little know me at work and one of my more...tame...fuck sessions, but you haven't seen a thing from me." Derek could feel himself growing in his pants as he thought of all the different ways he was going to teach Kalin who he really was behind closed doors.

"You are right about one thing. You won't be making a single sound or protest once I have you to myself." Derek's breathing was heavy but calm. He was ragingly turned on by the feisty brat he had as an assistant, even causing his shoulder muscles to flex and pull at his shirt.

(Haha Ikr!)
Kalin’s gaze caught onto his boss’s shoulders and he bit down on his lower lip ever so slightly. “Mm. . . I can handle and take a lot, so throw at me whatever you think you can do and we’ll see.” Kalin hadn’t met a guy who could eep Kalin off his feet for longer than a day, but he would have to see with Derek, maybe he could be satisfied for a longer period for just a half hour. . .

His gaze went to Derek’s face and his lips tugged into a smirk, “But looks like you’ll have to wait, won’t you?” He giggles softly and pulls his phone out, taking all his attention from the other male and putting it onto the small divice.
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A deep growl rumbled from Derek's chest as he thought about all the different positions he was going to put Kalin in along with all the different techniques he was going to use. If Kalin had ever paid attention to the previous girls that Derek was with, he would've seen some obvious markings that were left behind on them. "Oh you'll be regretting those words my little assistant, and then you'll be begging for mercy."

Derek leaned back in his chair and started drumming his fingers on top of the table with one hand while finishing his glass of scotch. There was a reason the press wanted to get to Derek's home, and it wasn't just because of his success with the company. "Now I suggest you out your phone down. It's rude to be on your phone at the table." His voice was stern and held an alpha like command to it.
Kalin hadn’t cared much for the woman paraded around with Derek, usually being much more focused on his work or the man himself to pay attention. He did remember one of them though, a sweet tempered girl who had almost always stopped by Kalin’s desk to say hi and drop off a few candies. She was one of the few whom he’d thought mIshtar actually be into his boss for genuine reasons rather than money.

He did remember a few marks on her, but she hadn’t seemed hurt so he’d discardded it, but now. . . He huffs a soft laugh and shakes his head slightly, his red locks falling into his face, ”Sorry, but I have more important people in my life than you.” He doesn’t even look up from the screen, thumbs tapping away as he replies to texts from his family.
Derek rolled his eyes and continued to drum his fingers on the table with a sly smirk on his face. Kalin had become very bold with how he spoke and it surprised Derek. Normally, his assistant was very polite, never daring to talk back. This was only making things a lot more fun for Derek. He never really had fun with those who were too submissive. Brats were more his style anyway.

"You certainly have a mouth on you all of the sudden. Don't tell me you've been hiding this side of you the entire time." Derek said as he looked at Kalin from the side of his eye.
Kalin takes long moments to reply to Derek, still typing away. After about three minuets, he sets the phone down, “Um, no, not really. I just have a professional side and a non professional side.“ He shrugs slightly.

He tilts his head slightly, “What, like it a little bit too much? Finding it harder to control yourself?” He purrs softly, smirking at the other man.
"Oh you'll see just how much control I have after lunch little one." Derek flexed his muscles instinctively, wanting to rip the young male out of his chair and do all kinds of things to him. Derek let out a low growl again as he thought about all the sounds Kalin would make later on.

"What I want to know now is just what kind of things you like to do behind closed doors. You've made it obvious you use toys, but I wonder what else you do."
Derek couldn't help but let put a deep, husky laugh. Rather Kalin was still innocent somehow, or he was just playing coy. Either way, Derek found it very exciting.

"That's not what I mean Kalin." Derek smirks and leans a little closer while flexing his muscles once again, "I mean what you like to do and have done to you sexually."
Kalin’s gaze stayed on those muscles and he bit down on his lip harder, “Well. . . I’ll leave that for you to figure out if you’re daring enough to try.” He laughs softly, Taking another drink from his tea. He drums his fingers lightly on the table, his nails tapping lightly. INn truth, alien liked a lot of things, but he thought some of them. . . Might not come true with the man before him, simply because of who the man was ad who Kalin was. But he would always try.
Derek was loving the way Kalin reacted to his flexing muscles. Now Derek had something to tease Kalin with whenever he pleased. Those green eyes that belonged to Kalin were going to be glued to Derek whether Kalin liked it or not. "You just keep making this better and better little one."

Derek could see the red marks forming on Kalin's lip from his teeth. It made Derek happy to see just how much Kalin wanted him."Don't bite your lip too hard, otherwise you might bleed."
Kalin looked away, clearing his throat, “How so?” He asked, running his fingers through his hair and then tugging slightly on the ends of his hair.

Kalin looked back a Derek, laughing, “Thanks for the warning, I guess.” He muttered. He looks down at the table, staring into the brown liquid of his tea.
After taking a moment to make sure no one was looking, Derek quickly stood, reached over the table, and grabbed a handful of Kalin's hair at the back of his head, pulling it back so Kalin was forced to look up. "You're making me more primal than I've ever been before, little one."

Derek's eyes were dark and full of lust as he stared down at Kalin, "Now be a good boy for daddy, okay?" H gently grazed his lips against Kalin's before releasing the young male and sitting back down in his chair.
Kalin squeaked, his hand skidding across the table and almost knocking his tea over. He stared up at Derek, the fingers of his free hand curling slightly, “That’s not my fault, now is it? I can’t help the way you’re attracted to me.” He blows out a soft breath and then almost chockes.

”Okay, clarification, I’m not into the whole. . . ‘Daddy’ thing. I find it. . . Mildly disturbing.” He shrugs, “So- please don’t, like, refer to that at the same time as our sex life.”

He does lean in though, kissing Derek quickly before slumping back in his seat with a muttered, “Jackass. . .”
Derek chuckled and pushed his fingers through his hair. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to only have you comfortable and satisfied. Also, I never said it was a problem with how primal you are making me, I just want you to know what your actions are causing." Derek winked and licked his lips, imagine how the rest of Kalin tasted.

"On a slightly serious note, please make sure you tell me everything and anything that you are not comfortable with, Kalin. Nothing is a bigger mood killer than running into an awkward moment from dissatisfaction."
Kalin shrugs, “I don’t have much, pretty much that as I’ve told you. I takes a lot to make me uncomfortable or dissatisfied.” He shrugs slightly.

He looks at Derek, “What about you? What makes you uncomfortable? And please don’t just sit there monotone with a really long list. If it’s a long list, let me read it or something. Because I will space out and miss more than half of it.”
Derek couldn't help but laugh. Kalin never seemed to be someone who would zone out during a conversation, but then again Derek was learning a lot about Kalin. "Don't worry Kalin, the only thing I am confrontable with someone touching what belongs to me." Derek stared at Kalin possessively. Even though nothing was official yet, Derek wasn't going to let Kalin be with anyone else except him.

"I'm not someone who shares, especially his most precious items." Derek's eyes slowly worked their way over Kalin's body, remembering just how slender yet soft the young male's body was.
Kalin blinks once, squirming under Derek’s possessive gaze. “I. . . Um. . . Okay, well, nice to know. . . But I’m not yours, not yet.“ Kalin was lying as he said that, but he was curious for the other’s reaction to the words. Derek was making him squirm and Kalin wanted to see if he could repay the favor. He slid his gaze back up Derek’s body, meeting his gaze and tilting his head to the side slightly.
Derek growled and clenched his fist on the table. Even though Kalin was right, Derek didn't like hearing that Kalin wasn't his yet. "You might not be yet Kalin, but I'll have you begging to be mine." Derek felt his body tense up, wanting to dominate Kalin just for saying those fowl words. A vein was even starting to pop put on the side of his neck as Derek fought against his desire to take Kalin right there in the restaurant.
Kalin sucks on his lower lip, “Derek—“ He whispers, his voice hoarse.

He shifts his hips slightly, rubbing the back of his neck and shaking his head slightly. He swallows, staring at the others before getting up and shaking his head, “I’ll be right back.” He mutters, before turning and rushing away towards the bathroom.
Derek was at a loss for words as Kalin ran off. Did Derek say something to upset him or did Kalin lose control and was running off to get himself back under control? Either way, Derek didn't want to let Kalin think he didn't care.

After about 20 minutes of Kalin being in the bathroom, Derek let the hostess know to go ahead and place the food on the table when it was ready before walking to the bathroom in search of Kalin. "Kalin? Are you alright?"
Derek raised and eyebrow as he looked at Kalin before chuckling pushing his fingers through his hair. "Did I get you that riled up? I only meant to tease you a little."

Derek stepped behind Kalin and kissed the side of his head, "Don't take too long cleaning up, I'm sure the food is already at our table." With that, Derek walked out of the bathroom so he could wait for Kalin at their table.

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