General RP Desperate Companionship (Knight_of_None)

Emily Hope: a gentle 23-year-old English woman. Her life changed forever the night her college roommates forced her to go clubbing. Strange men had kidnapped them and brought them to an auction to be sold. A man, a total creep in the girl's eyes, had bought Emily. Riley Fowler was a true older gentleman, something Emily learned rather quickly. She fought him, hit him, tried to escape - failing at every turn. He was kind and patient, letting her release her pent-up anger and frustrations, her anxiety - any and every emotion that ran through the poor girl. He mercilessly used her body, filling her with immense pleasure - turning her anger into bliss. He was otherwise firm and strict, teaching her the ways of being a true submissive.

Through Riley, Emily learned of her hidden kinks, her limits, and her desire to submit - to be a slave. To serve and please her master, something she found she loved to do over anything else in life. In turn, he spoiled her rotten, dressing the young English girl as a little porcelain Victorian doll. They swapped between eras, from Victorian to Edwardian - truly, whatever fitted their current moods. She quickly grew out of her shell, opening up and dressing in more revealing outfits, teasing her master. From skimpy Japanese schoolgirl outfits to tiny bikinis.

They trusted one another, Riley allowing Emily more freedom. She was allowed to finish college. She could wander about town and the city whenever she wanted without Riley’s or a servant’s supervision. He was able to track down her friends, both women were also sold at the auction and bought by kind men. They were able to see each other whenever they wanted, reveling in their new lavish lifestyles, each woman thrilled exactly where they were in their lives.

It had been a year of fun and much happiness before terrible news struck them. Riley found himself to be sick; a terminal illness. Throughout his visits to many auctions and BDSM parties, he met a certain young man to whom he gave much guidance over owning his very own slave. Out of all of the people he had met, Bel was the only one he felt he could trust to take over ownership and care for his little living doll, Emily. With that decided, he contacted his lawyer, modified his will, and left Emily in Bel's ownership.

Right before his death, he entrusted his most loyal servant to send the letter to Bel, delivered sometime after his death. He may have tweaked the wording here and there in the letter, leaving Bel to believe he was receiving a sex doll, rather than his very much alive slave.

It had been about a month since Emily had lost Riley. She stayed in the mansion for a little longer, roaming the quiet halls save for the bustling about of the servants keeping the mansion clean. It grew to be too much for her. It was too depressing not having her beloved master around anymore, Emily eventually removed her collar. When she felt she had mourned long enough, she told a maid she was ready to go. As it was Christmas, they figured it would be a quiet, peaceful transfer.

They dressed her up in one of her favorite dresses, beautifully colored in dark red and black. She wore lacy black thigh-highs with cute little black platform heels. Underneath she wore a matching bra and panty set, matching the color theme of her dress. The bra hugged her b-cup breasts nicely, a perfect fit. With a little bit of makeup applied, thanks to her maid's assistance, her lips were painted a pretty dark red to match her dress. She had some black eyeliner applied, creating a subtle cat eye. With a little bit of eyeshadow and blush, she was ready to go. To... leave.

A small sigh left her lips as she sat on the edge of her bed, watching the maids quickly pack up some of her things. It wasn't everything she owned, both the servants and Emily figuring she could leave with her necessities and some outfits, the rest to be sent away later. She just... wanted to get out of there. The longer she stayed, the more upset she became.

With three suitcases filled, they were packed up in the trunk of the limo. Outside, Emily stared up at the mansion, figuring for the last time. Not wanting to shed any tears and ruin her makeup for her new... master, she quickly turned to enter the limo. With that, they were gone.

Riley had been hesitant to mention to Emily she would be getting a new master, knowing the whole situation was already quite upsetting for her. Yet, it would be even worse for a submissive to suddenly lose their dominant. Not wanting to leave her worried and panicked, Riley finally had to tell her, a week before he left her. It was luckily enough time, with Riley's help, for the idea to settle in her. In the end, Riley trusted Bel.

With the reminder that she could have lost Riley at any point, she would eventually have to move on and find another. Riley filled her head with ideas of pleasing someone new, completely with Riley's full permission and acceptance. With newfound confidence and determination, Emily was ready.

Standing upon the door, suitcases by her side, the maid knocked on the grand door of the mansion, her new home. With a gentle kiss upon Emily's head, she bid her farewells and left. Nervously, Emily waited, hands folded neatly in front of her.
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The Mansion door creaked faintly slowly o pulling back as a tall man stood over her, he was thin, dressed clean and proper, a black pin stripped suite with a golden chain that connected from a vest pock, to something within it. His hair was jet black, and his skin was smooth and pale. But she knew he was a servant, a butler by the way her carried himself. "Ah...are you the young" He said with a slow smile, welcoming as he stepped aside for her to enter. He had a deep voice but he spoke softly. "The Master is in his quarters...would you like to wait for him here? "
Emily stood tall, alert as the large door opened. Inside a man towered over her, his demeanor suggesting he was a servant. She bowed, showing her usual sign of respect for those who helped them. "Yes. I'm Emily Hope," she said as she stood straight up once more. "Yes, please." She spoke politely as she grabbed her luggage and entered the grand manor. Reddish-brown eyes widened upon the elegant interior of her new home. Well, perhaps. There was always a chance her new master wouldn't want her and toss her right back out the door. She swallowed hard as she found a seat not too far from the door. She sat with her legs together and slanted, her hands placed neatly upon her lap. A proper pose for a proper doll. Emily didn't know the funny way Riley described her in his letter to her new owner. She had no idea the man sitting in his room was expecting a doll and not a living person.
"Of course, Wait there." The Butler said as he turned and walked up the main stairs putting his hands behind his back as he vanished from view. The Manison's opening hall had large paintings on the walls, mostly abstracts and occasional fine portraits of perhaps ancestor's past. Each one was distinguished, dressed, and poised for control and ruling as princes of their time. Was her Master to be the same? Some powerful, strict ruler that would keep her pampered and trained?


The Butler approached the young lord's door, knocking on it gently a moment for a brief pause. "Master Bel-" He said as he heard something shuffling, quite frantically really in the room. "Ah! uh. Yes-Thane?" Bel answered quickly as he was closing his laptop, pulling up his pants. For a man in his mid-twenties, he moved like he was far younger and about to be caught by his parents. Thane waited a moment longer. "Enter-!" Bel said shaking his head as the butler pushed the door open gently. "You have a gift sir, from Master Riley. The gift." His Butler said simply, bowing his head to his lord of the house. Bel was a tad shorter than Thane and thin, his hair was short and white, and his body was cloaked in a fine robe that hid away a pair of white pajamas that was patterned with pink hearts. He was far flung from the regal, powerful men that once led his family, but perhaps that was what Riley liked of him, he was a softer young man, one that would do with learning to hold a firm hand now and then, but he also had a compassionate nature to ease the heart of a ailing woman. "That gift?!" Bel said starting to pick up his slippers and put them on. "Yes, my lord. Go and see, you will enjoy it!" Thane assured letting Bel rush by him. Thane curled a slight smile as he walked into his master's room to tidy up. 'Perhaps responsibility will do him good.'

Bel walked down the stairs quickly, smoothing his hands through his white, silk-like hair, stopping as he saw Emily. He approached the 'doll' slowly, looking her over. "Hah! Riley, you got me a good one...cute." He said as he leaned over admiring her clothes. He grabbed her dress's skirt, starting to raise it up to look underneath. "Damn, she almost looks real..."
Emily tipped her head to the butler as he left. With a short moment to herself, she looked around the foyer from her seat. She had to wonder if her new owner would be much the same as those depicted in the paintings lining the walls. Royalty or some other high status in society. Riley was a powerful man, it would only make sense for him to choose a new master much like himself. Yet, the man could be kind. He could be gentle and sweet.

Short locks of white were the first thing Emily saw coming down the stairs. The color hinted at the male's age, though getting a better look at him as he got closer, he appeared to be much closer to her own. Could it be dyed? Somehow, in some strange way, natural? No, no, definitely dyed.

Her internal monologue was cut short as the robed male got much closer, Emily stiffening up some as she straightened her back. Proper. She had to be like a proper porcelain doll, sitting straight and still. A small, nervous smile caressed her painted lips. "H-Hello...!" She started, gasping as her skirt was lifted. Her hands raised in surprise, allowing the male to get a look at where her thigh-highs ended and a view of her black and red panties. She flushed, a small giggle escaping her. A good one? Almost looks real...

Oh. Could it be? If she was correct in her assumption, she felt like playing along. "Why, thank you," she said, tilting her head once more in a bow. Her voice was soft and her accent was evident. He said she was cute~! He wasn't so bad looking, too! "I am Emily Hope." She resumed, flattening her skirt that had bunched up and smoothing the fabric out over her legs. "And you are?" She was going for almost a robotic feel, looking to 'take in' his information before she could proceed. She held back as much as she could from laughing, the young girl having too much fun.
Bel jumped as she spoke, dropping her skirt instantly as he hopped backward. "Wha! How the-..." He muttered to himself as she spoke to him, but her skill at acting for Riley, being the perfect doll for him, carried it. "I-I mean" He stammered, standing upright, straighter, and seeming to be drawing on something mentally, perhaps some lessons in his mind. "I am your new Master, Bel DuCrane." He said moving back up towards her, Emily could see a bulge under her master's robe already, faintly at least. Did he like her so much already?! Well...yes. But he also had been busy earlier. "Are doll Emily?" He said almost completely buying into the act instantly. Riley had only time and money on his hands, creating some live doll, or some crazy sex bot to gift to his young friend would have been an interesting final gift.
Emily tried to hide her giggle behind her smile at his expected reaction. Could it be? Was she actually tricking him into believing she was some sort of pleasure bot?! Heh, pleasure bot. She gave a slow nod, repeating the male's name, "Bel DeCrane," as if 'registering' the information into her... databank? Yeah. Databank. That was the word. Really, it was so she understood who her new owner was, repeating it in hopes she would remember quicker. Her slowly wandering eyes caught sight of the bulge behind his robe. She knew better than to touch without permission, so she kept her hands to herself, once again folded neatly in her lap. Yet, she wasn't going by Riley's rules anymore. She had a whole new set of rules and the such to learn and follow from Bel. Tricking him probably wasn't going to end up going well for Emily. She did enjoy misbehaving, though. She enjoyed some of the punishments Riley had for her.

Doll. That was it. She finally understood everything. Riley always used the word doll for her, as he did, in a way, create her. Often buying her lavish dresses and clothing from a few past eras they both loved. He essentially molded her into his perfect little doll, teaching her how to behave in any given situation. Emily didn't mind it. She loved the clothing and the attention from Riley. Attending rich parties, getting to meet all kinds of people, some in their own group as a few were BDSM related. She never did meet Bel, come to think of it. She had to assume Riley met Bel during those other parties he attended by himself.

"Yes. I am your new living doll." New... wasn't exactly the right word. She was new to Bel, anyway. If the other wanted help with his issue, she would be glad to help. After all, she was his new doll - to use to fulfill any desire of his. Only if he initiated, as Emily didn't know what he liked and disliked. She was nervous, not wanting to accidentally turn off him. Ultimately, she was there for him to use.
Bel swallowed nervously as he looked at her, she could see his eyes wandering all over her already, that bulge under his robe getting more pronounced as she agreed with him, confirming he was his doll. New for him. Was that why her master brought them together? Was Bel into dolls? "I can't believe he got me a doll so good'll do anything I tell you to do? There's no restrictions in your system?" He said as hieyes moved to her hands a. His own twitched faintly as he moved them and he started to play with her skirt. Oh was he looking rush to put it in her? Was her young new master that full of vigor? Or perhaps she simply was that appealing for him. Atleast she knew he wasn't going to turn her away.
Emily's skin turned a light shade of red as she noticed his own eyes wandering over her body. No, they raked over her. Was he really that into her? Already? Relief started to set in, Emily slowly being reassured she would be kept. Still, after he learned of her trick, there was no telling what would happen. She would just have to do her best to please him, her ultimate goal from the start! Her promise to Riley...

She nodded again, her short, black hair bouncing a little as she moved. Heh, oh, this was too good! "Yes. Anything." She didn't stop him from touching her, allowing her hands to be moved to the side. Anytime his hands brushed against her skin, she felt her nerves lighting up. She hadn't been touched in quite a while, her skin unusually sensitive. As the other was younger than Riley, Emily assumed he had much energy. She was almost excited to be taken by someone with such vigor. "Anything you want. Whenever you want." Which was mainly true. Once she and Riley were on better terms after a while, she was able to have a say in whether or not they did something. She used that power rarely, often enjoying what they did. She had to wonder what would happen between her and Bel.
Bek glanced around briefly like his butler or some other Servant was nearby. "Well...maybe you can help me right now!" He said as he parted his robes. Showing her the prominent hard bulge that was tenting inside his pajamas. "I've been aching all morning with you think you know how to make it better?" He said as he chewed his lip slightly. Her first task! So soon-even with how firm and hungry Riley had been, Bel seemed almost more shy and yet almost more eager. Was Emily his first slave perhaps? Had her new master been using his hands alone all this time?
Heh, of course, he wanted something now. It was bound to happen eventually, so Emily wasn't too nervous... Okay, that was a lie. Still, she continued to act in her role of a doll - rather, a robot doll. His robe parted and her eyes fell on the bulge between his legs. She gave herself a second to take in the sight of it, in turn, it seemed as if she was "scanning" over his covered manhood. All morning? On Christmas? She would shake her head and tsk him teasingly, but she held back. "I'd be delighted to help my Master." It gave her shivers finally calling him by such a title. This handsome man, so easy on the eyes, Emily almost hungered for more of him.

Her mind was on anything but the male's other potential slaves he may have had. She had been given a task and was eager to fulfill it to please her owner, that fact never changing despite her break without any orders given. She tentatively reached a hand out, looking to feel for his hidden cock. Her other hand joined this time grabbing his boxer shorts and pulling them down, allowing his cock to spring forth from its confines. "Oh, my," she spoke up, admiring the length and thickness, before she moved, getting down on her knees in front of him. Wrapping slender fingers around his length, she gave a test stroke and leaned her head in to lick along the slit. Wrapping her lips around the head, her tongue swirled and soon came off with a slick pop. She glanced up then, "You're allowed to do as you wish with me, Master." She notified him, letting him know if he wanted to take over and fuck her face and throat, then he absolutely could. With that, she went back down, fully working his cock as she took more of him into her mouth, her hand stroking whatever wasn't inside.
¹Bel flushed as his robot seemed to be assuring him that he had the right to go as wild as he wanted. Ofcourse he could do that- she wasn't a real human. But Riley would know that he was such a shy man despite where they met. He yelped faintly as sge started in on him again. Bel was different than her old master, his member had a bit more length to what Riley had gotten her used to but the real difference was that Bel had more girth, and it actually was uncut as she worked on him stroking and tasting, his hands glreached out slowly, touching her head. But rather than start to force anything on her, or use her face as a flesh light, his fingers played with her hair and pat again her gently, his touch light and comforting. "Mm-this is the best robot ever-mm...I'll make sure to take good care of you." He mumbled warmly. "You'll be my favorite doll-"
The touches to her head sent sparks through her body, all the way to her feet. She shuddered lightly underneath the gentle touches, holding back her giggle at the continued robot mention. My, he was rather different from Riley. Bel was much thicker, Emily having slight difficulty fully fitting him into her smaller mouth. She was always determined to end up pleasing her master, however she could. Her end goal was always an orgasm. She attempted to fill her mouth with his thickness again, moving slowly. Her hand never left his cock, stroking him, playing with the speed to excite him. Her movements were natural, unlike a robot which would be stiffer. She could be a new, advanced model~!

Every now and then she would glance up, searching her new master's face, looking for the signs he was enjoying himself. Swirling her tongue around the head, she gave a hard suck, before going down, slowly fitting more and more inside.
As Emily gave him a hard sick, her masters body leaned back, moaning out in the sweet pleasure that she brought him, the young masters member pulsing and twitching as pleasure jump down the length if his body and up to his brain. "Ah~ fu-" he mumbled out as his face was full of enjoyment. His hands pampered the 'robot',, patting and holding on tight.
Emily smiled around the cock in her mouth. She loved pleasing her master, so to see him in such pleasure brought her so much joy. To be able to do this for him already. He was already doing something she enjoyed, playing with her hair, even gripping at it. There was so much they would have to go over after! She slowly bobbed her head as she took more inside, lifted, then went back down.
As she pushed herself to keep moving, comforting her new master more and more with her lips, and the seal of her mouth, she start to feel his cum leaking out, his breathing getting shallow and soft, starting to shoot his load into her mouth shortly. He certainly didn't have the endurance of her master...but Bel also didn't have much of a need to practice such restraint to hold back
Emily soon tasted the salty liquid, knowing her master was close. The sweet sounds of his pleasure excited her, the doll wanting to get a taste of her master pleasuring her in return. She would behave until then, until her master would initiate play. More of the liquid filled her mouth, Emily continued her movements and sucking until the other had her stop. She enjoyed milking her master, wanting every last drop out of him and into her. When they reached that point, Emily popped off his cock with a slick pop, smiling gently up at him. "Better?" She asked. She stayed as she was, kneeling there on the floor.
Her master's cock disappeared then, hiding back in his boxers. "Good, good. I'm here to serve you, whenever you need release or simply some company." She explained gently, tilting her head to the side slightly, looking oh so cute. She giggled softly, unsure how long she could pull off the charade. Soon he would figure it out... she hoped, anyway. He couldn't be that clueless...! She soon got up from the floor, a knee shifting to stand. She looked up at the taller male, keeping still in front of him, figuring he would want to check her out fully. It would certainly be ideal, a master learning his new sex doll.
As she stood up, the young master would take her arm gently to lead her up the foyer steps to the upper floor of the estate. "Well, I'm pleased to know I will have some very good company around." He said as he lead her towards his room. "My bitter and servants have been so used to my presence."
Emily felt the other was eager as he grabbed her by the arm and started leading her away. They climbed the stairs, Emily taking in the sights of her new home. "Mm," she hummed in agreement. She looked around where she stood inside the room, the younger doll quite curious. "Is this your room?" She asked. "Heh, we'll have lots of fun together." She could only hope, anyway. Unless the other would grow bored of her... or decide he didn't want her after all. Just because she was given as a gift didn't mean the other had to keep her. She stood there, hands folded in front of her, unsure where she should be.
The room was clearly not the master bedroom of the mansion, and yet it was probably larger than the room her previous master would keep her. It had a large queen sized bed in the corner that was covered in wadded up sheets abd pillows. The floor was hard wood, with a green rug for padding it. Large windows were curtained and sealed, fogging gentlyfrom the trapped heat of the house , gaurding them from the winter chill. The adornments of the room were a clash of high society and class and the makings of her young master, posters, gaming set ups, a pc rig and desk , and...well telling of her future perhaps, she saw a can full of tissues near it, and a doll sitting by the computer monitor. On the wall mounted shelves were porcelain dolls, each of them dressed exquisitely, and clean.
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Looking around the room, Emily paused upon seeing all of the porcelain dolls—just as Riley had made her. She could start to understand why her former master had chosen Bel; he seemed to have an appreciation for them. "Ah... How pretty," she mused as she moved closer to the shelf. She wouldn't touch them, not wanting any of them to break. A small smile caressed her lips, the younger girl feeling comforted. Was she suddenly feeling safe? The little dolls appeared well cared for, clean and neat. Was this how the other would care for her?

"You collect?" She asked, partially turning to look back at Bel.
Bel ran a finger through his snow white hair, the master approaching along with her. "I do, I've always had a deep care for dolls and things..." He said looking to her, though he seemed to tilt his head slightly. "They are fragile yet under the right care, last a life time." He walked about her, his eyes flicking around her. Searching, examining for the moment, a collector admiring yet another antique in his hand.
Oh~. That definitely settled it for Emily, knowing her master went for the doll collector to be her new owner. She recalled Riley telling her the very same thing, her small smile growing as she reminisced. "It's quite impressive." Staying where she was, she glanced toward Bel as he circled her, keeping herself still to be looked over. As he checked her out, she looked over to the desk, admiring the computer setup. Riley's setup was simple, a regular old desktop PC. But this was incredible! Before meeting Riley, she was a casual gamer. It had been quite a while since she picked anything up, her focus on serving and pleasing him, though he did let her indulge.
"Yes," she admitted, pausing before revealing she used to play. A machine admiring another machine... That was fine, right? Her new master could feel goosebumps fill her skin at the featherlike touches to her neck. She turned to face him, amused at his wonder of his new 'machine.' "You may examine me... If you wish." They may as well get it over with. It would end up happening eventually. As the other would dive deeper into his new doll, he would find things were too realistic, spoiling her little trick. Still, the truth needed to come out at some point.

Unless, of course, he would still believe. She was far too curious now to see just how far he believed Riley would go in creating this doll.
"I Know. " He said simply as he lifted his hand up to her back. "But I've got a process before I disrobe a doll." He said as he came closer, examining her skin. "I like to understand how you maintain them." He said , bringing his hand to the back of the dress, touching the zipper.
"Oh~?" She mused in curiosity. She was still, allowing the other to do as he needed. She could feel the warmth from the other, Bel being able to feel the same from her. Would a robot be warm? Would it be concerning? Ah, she had no idea! "Understood," she smiled at the idea, completely agreeing with him. The zipper was located at the back of the red and black dress, right by the back of her neck. When it would be undone and pulled down, her matching bra and panty set could be seen, a similar black and red color with lace. She kept her arms hanging to her sides, moving only when he wanted her to.
He stripped her with care, his hands adjusting her arms gently to slip it off with the softest touch, laying it in his bed . He moved it with a collection tors care, as if the faintest wrinkle would destroy the sanctity of its design. He turned to her half dressed form, undoing her underwear. "'re warm. " He noted
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