General RP Desperate Companionship (Knight_of_None)

Her legs shook lightly as he rubbed his thumb over her clit, his fingers spreading her tightening walls. She gently tugged for him to move forward as she moved to the bed, wanting to keep herself from dropping to her knees. Or, would he enjoy that~? It was forward, the doll urging and attempting to control the situation some. Not her fault he allowed her to touch~. She laid back - if he allowed her to, wanting to fully enjoy her release after so long.
He shifted with her , allowing her to move while her knees still supported her ideas to move around, while she shingles and collapsed into the bed, her new master kept up the work, fingerings her famaster abd faster, his boxers stirring. "Lie still- " He said softly. He was curious if she even had the ability to control her muscles from tensing, to pretend she was just a doll for him and go limp ...well as limp as she could without making faces.
Relief set in as the other didn't punish her for moving them. In fact, he hadn't let up, his thumb stroking and fingers moving, thrusting. Her head tilted back as the pleasure enveloped her, her smaller frame quivering. She then heard the subtle command, rather Emily had taken it as such. She took a deep breath, letting it out as she straightened up, keeping her legs spread, just enough for his hand to continue working at her. She felt incredible, though tried her best to relax. She didn't know just how far his obsession with dolls was, how much he wanted her to stay true to how a doll would behave: lifeless.

Emily was slightly out of practice, though she knew how to tense and keep from tensing her muscles. Her walls twitched around his fingers, something she tried to relax once she felt it. A moan was about to slip out, Emily reminding herself to be still, the other most likely wanting her quiet as well.
He chuckled as she tried to obey, feeling her involuntary tensing, the faint struggle to be completely lifeless. "Ii like....that your strugglinf." Hee whispered to her ear, curious if she would find such a thing sexy. That he wanted to make her crack or climax with as little movement as possible. "Maybe you need something... Bigger-"
The words did set her off, Emily faltering slightly with a quiet gasp. She liked to struggle against whatever restraints were put on her, allowing her master to feel like the predator he was, and her his prey. She felt smaller, weaker, perhaps wetter than before. This was just another thing she would need to practice, to learn to please her new master. He appeared sweet and maybe a little innocent, but Emily was learning. She wanted to know more about him, what made him tick.

Bigger. Oh, she didn't know if she could manage to be lifeless with something larger slamming into it. She held back from answering, knowing not to speak, nor did she nod her head. Still.
As she gave a gentle gasp, his fingers working her, tickling her and sensing her tension, the falter something he could see keenly. Tiny details looking obvious to him. Two fingers sliding deeper, flicking her sensitive clothes, the other hand caressing and playing with her nipples. "You do?" He purred to her, pressing that brief crack she opened up to him. The game was different than merely being lifeless, or letting her master overwhelm her, he wanted to worm her from a doll, to a woman.
A quiet moan escaped from the struggling doll, Emily doing her best to keep her hips still. She wanted to rut against that hand that flicked and rubbed over her clit, that moved even deeper inside of her, brushing against her spot. "Master," she quietly gasped, feeling her release inch closer and closer. She couldn't hold it, just his hand alone felt incredible. It finally hit her then, her hips shuddering, a hand flying up to muffle her cry.
Her release hit her hard, soaking his fingers. She lay there, panting hard, nodding. "Mm... Much better. Thank you." She soon calmed down and looked toward him, seeing his hardness. "Would Master like to play more?" She asked, sitting up and hesitantly reaching a hand down and groping him through his pants. It was a risk to touch without permission, but she couldn't leave him like that. If not, he could pamper her some more. She would hand the brush back to him to fix her messy hair and hadn't he said something about makeup~?
The master gave a soft hum, pushing and pressing on her nipples, his grasp tigh and and tweaking on on her. He leaned her on her back, pushing up and straddling over her, rested the thick rod between her small breasts, pressing them around his hard on to thrust between them.
Emily let out a small, content sigh as her small breasts were used to give her new master pleasure. Anytime the head came up to her lips, she let her tongue swipe out to lick and lap at the tip. However she could add pleasure. As that cock slid between her breasts, she could almost imagine it inside of her, Emily starting to crave it. She wanted to experience it.
Emily had luckily had him in her mouth when he came. His seed filled her mouth once more, the doll happily swallowing it down. She was feeling good with him playing with her breasts, but she wasn't sure how he could do in one session or a day. She wouldn't push, not after she had her release as well earlier. Any seed she missed had landed on her neck, some dripping to her chest. "Was that good?" She asked with a little smile. Her breasts weren't all that big so she wasn't sure just how enjoyable it was for him, though he did end up cumming. She just hoped she was able to please him.
Emily nodded and climbed off the bed. She figured she didn't need a full on shower unless Bel had other plans for her. Once inside the bathroom, she grabbed a towel and cleaned herself off in the sink, using the mirror to see if she missed anything. Thinking she was once more presentable, she returned to the room. "Mm, I... I hope you're pleased with me. I know Master Riley's letter must have come as quite a surprise." How much was Bel expecting? "I'm not an actual doll or anything, but..." She quietly trailed off, looking toward the display on the wall. She hoped he was still happy and didn't mind having her around.
Bel smiled at her as she came in, listening to her speak. "Well, he knew I had my penchant for dolls...we shares that I suppose. That might have been why he sent you to me...his favorite doll." He said as he folded his hands on his lap. "While you aren't a perverse sex robot, you can my living doll." He said nodding gently to her. He was nothing like the regal, wise mem before him...but he postured himself, straightung. His benevolence shining over her.
Emily smiled warmly, comforted by those words- the reminder that she was once someone's one and only. She moved closer, joining him in the bed again. She knelt in front of him, sitting on her legs, closer to the edge of the bed. "Well..." She teased lightly. Perverse sex robot... Part of that was true! "As long as you accept me." Flaws and all, as she certainly wasn't a sex robot. As his living doll? "I'd be very happy."

"Where will I be staying?" She then asked, curious. She would have to grab her suitcases and bring them to wherever she would stay from then on.

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