General RP Desperate Companionship (Knight_of_None)

Emily appreciated the gentleness, the other probably worried if he did something wrong, she would break. If she were a true robot, he most likely wouldn't know how to care for her. Especially when her creator was gone. Of course, he ended up noticing her body temperature. She had no idea how a robot was supposed to function - if it would be normal. "Riley was... amazing. Really clever." Would that make sense? It would have to do. Her bra was unhooked and removed, her arms moving again to let it slip off of her. The room was warm, yet the slight chill hit her skin, causing her nipples to firm up, hardening. The lacey panties were next, revealing she was shaven - or simply made to be hairless. All that was left were her thigh-highs and shoes.
His hands ever so gently stroked down her body, the feathery touch to hips. "I are capable of adjusting to ambient heat to mimic warmth." He said as he touched his chin. Then he pulled her her panties down, her thigh highs, before unbuckling her shoes. "Sit." He said gently, gesturing ti the bed. Surely if she was a robot, she got the impression that Bel would have worked hard to understand and cherish her design...while utilizing her fir her clearly intended purposes.
Emily gave a nod, agreeing to... whatever that meant. Yeah, sure! That's what she could do! Oh, god, how mad would he be knowing this was all a trick? Surely, surely he would figure it out... Very, very soon. The thought worried her, leaving her slightly tense. However, she kept loose, moving as he required of her, stepping out of her panties when they were pulled down, followed by her thigh-highs, and finally her shoes. Fully naked, it was both familiar and strange at the same time. She had spent plenty of her time nude around Riley, at the same time fully clothed - as his doll should be. After losing Riley, she had been kept clothed, with no reason to undress unless bathing and changing into night clothing to sleep.

This feeling had been missed. It was something special, Emily returning to her role, serving her master. Following the order, she moved over to the bed and sat properly, hands folded neatly in her lap.
Ah! Shit! The realization finally hit her master and the doll couldn't control herself, letting out a hard laugh. She covered her mouth, her small breasts bouncing with each breath and laugh. "Oh, my god. Please, I beg of you. Don't be mad!" She doubled over for a moment, not realizing how badly she needed that. Tears had filled the corners of her eyes, Emily reached a hand up to wipe them away.

"Y-Yeah, yeah. I'm... God, yes, I'm so sorry." It was incredibly unbecoming of a doll! She soon started to calm down, her hand still over her mouth, trying to hide her smile.
She shook her head, feeling bad, but she was in such a good mood suddenly. After being so depressed for a while after losing Riley, she felt alive again. "No, no, not at all. Please. This is what I'm here for. Master... Riley gave me to you." She already knew how the confusion came to be. "He called me his doll, didn't he? In your letter." She motioned over to her dress they had removed, before motioning to the porcelain dolls on display. "That is what he's made me. His porcelain doll."

It was already a given, still, she enjoyed explaining it, and getting to reminisce. "A robot... Clever." She giggled. Ah, what a memory they had created together. He didn't appear too mad, the blush grazing his cheeks were too cute.

"We can start over." She suggested, giving a half bow, her arm extending. "I am Emily Hope. Your... Human porcelain doll." She had to, another giggle escaping at the slight adjustment to her phrasing. "As I'm sure Master Riley had stated in his letter, I am now yours. To serve and please you." A slight flush grazed her own cheeks at her explanation. "And... whatever else he put in it. I honestly don't know."
"He entrusted you to that I would have a doll of my own." He said as he approached her, his pinkness lessening as he considered the letter. "His wording...implied that you were a sex doll." He said clearing his throat. "But I suppose...technically that is part of what I can do with you" He said thoughtfully...his hands reached forward, but shook faintly, clearly now that he saw her as...human, his anticipation and thoughts were different.
Emily gave a nod, smiling gently. "Oh, god," she grinned then. Riley was such a dirty pervert. "His wording is funny, but... Mm, exactly. I am... whatever you want me to be." She nodded again, finding confidence as she spoke. It was true. Riley had made her as he wanted her to be. Now that he was gone, given to someone completely new and... for the most part, pretty different, Bel would have other ideas and feelings. He was different, despite holding the same feelings for dolls. Not much would change for Emily, for the most part.

She wanted to reach out and grab his hand, to let him touch her but she held back. She needed to let him come to her when he was ready. She couldn't force things.
He touched her hand lightly. "...I want to take care of you." He said flushing, biting his lip. "May? You've been in the cold, and now this heat, surely you require it." He said pulling her to her feet gently. "Stand still-" he added as he turned away, moving to his desk to take our something, a tub of some kind. Lube? He came close, opening the cap.
Finding the outstretched out reaching for hers, she held it up, allowing him the contact he seemed to want. "I would like that," she reassured, wanting to show her openness. He mentioned the different temperatures she had been in and despite feeling fine, she accepted whatever it was he wanted to give her. She was made to stand and she tilted her head tilted to the side a little, curiously watching him. "What's that?" She asked.
"Body lotion." He said simply. "You skin must always be soft. He said as he pressed the tube, squirming the white cream on his hands first before rubbing them together, to apart applying it on her shoulders, her neck, first, working his way down. "Always at perfect temperature-"
Oh! Lotion. She found herself smiling over his explanation. She felt so cared for, the other ensuring she was exactly as he wanted her. Still learning her new purpose, she was becoming comfortable already. She hummed softly, enjoying the pampering as he spread the warmed lotion over her skin. Truthfully, she had been neglecting herself lately. She was pretty sure this was the first time she was moisturized since losing Riley. Her skin was still pretty soft, though she knew it wouldn't last for much longer. Her body would thank Bel for giving it what it needed.
Bel held her close, his hands confident now, though she could tell that her master wasn't merely doing thos to feel her up nor was it some play. He simply was picking up on her maintenance. Perhaps the nature of yet another doll collector, if not a even more dedicated one. His hands cupped her breasts, rubbing the lotion in, his fingers working it into her, gently bouncing and and rubbing her nipples, even the Arreolas were massaged for consideration. His hands felt down her abdomin, her hips, her pelvis. "Next I shall brush your hair and touch up your make up." He said as the master actually got on his knees, still dutifully rubbing the balm on her, her buttock, her thighs, her skins and calfs, even to her toes.
If free massages were in her future as a doll, Emily suddenly found herself in heaven. Even if he wasn't looking to feel her up, she still received a jolt of pleasure as her breasts and nipples were massaged. She had let out a quiet sigh of pleasure. The touches were quick, just to rub the lotion into her skin, but her untouched body was sensitive and craved more. In due time, she reminded herself. It would be all the better when her new master was more comfortable. She felt spoiled just by the suggestion of simple upkeeping. "I have some things you can use in my suitcase." One of them, anyway. Last she saw they were where she and Bel had first met downstairs. She had her own brush and makeup if he wanted to use them. Ooh, what outfit would he pick for her?
As he massaged her toes, the killed touch, popping stress out of her as if he was a pro. Perhaps he knew. Perhaps he simply was so versed in care and refurbishment. He stood up, walking away briefly to recover ger things and a hair brush, the latter he came vack with was a beautiful antique, a polished dark wood, a cooper wrapped handle, with thin wide splayed pins as bristles to smooth hair and separate it. The back of it had a rounded opal affixed into it with copper filigree.
Emily was impressed with those skilled hands, a small part of her wanting them to explore her more. The other then disappeared and Emily looked back over to the doll display on the wall. How well did he care for them? They looked perfect, untouched, as if they were brand new, though she knew they must have been very old. Her attention returned to her master when he came back with her things, the other holding an ornate brush. A hand came up to her mouth, gasping behind it. "Oh... It's so beautiful."
He smiled. "I understand you perfer the Victorian era....but I hope this French design does not clash. " He said as he stepped to herside, starting to brush her hair slowly, gently, one hand cupping her cheek with his other hand. "...So..." He began glancing at her face. " did it feel- when I was in your mouth?"
She shook her head, "Not at all!" Not when it was this pretty. She wouldn't mind using it - rather, having her master use it on her. As her hair was rather short, ending just above her shoulders, there wasn't too much for him to brush. Still, she would enjoy the treatment while it lasted. There luckily weren't any tangles, allowing the brush to flow smoothly through her dark hair. Her eyes slid closed, simply enjoying the moment, a small smile gracing her lips at the posed question.

As he was quite thick, she had a little bit of trouble. However, she was reluctant to admit that little bit of information. "Pleasant. I've only ever worked on Master Riley, but... I didn't mind it." She opened her eyes then, smiling softly. She didn't have much to compare to, only her former owner.
Emily was given permission then to touch, but only for today~? Curious, she glanced over without moving her head much, allowing the other to brush her hair uninterrupted. When he finished she turned fully to look him over, taking in the form of his body. She had a pretty good view through the robe, the other only wearing boxers underneath. "Where would Master like me to touch?" She asked, figuring she could touch anywhere, but perhaps he had something specific in mind. She had already pleasured him, but if he was interested in that again, she could indulge.
Emily was hesitant, thinking over where she may want to touch. She reached a hand out, the other following quickly after, to rest on the collar of the robe, opening it and letting it fall. She wanted a better view of his body, to really get a chance to see him. There was another little jolt of pleasure that struck her, the other running a finger over her sensitive slit. "Ah! Mm..." She gasped, quickly trying to regain her composure. She wasn't normally like this, but the lack of sex messed with her slightly.
He drew his hand back suddenly. "Ah- are you okay?" He said almost worried he had hurt her somehow in hardly a second of contact. The robe fell away, revealing the thin frame of her master, he wasn't obsessively fit, but clearly he had the very least was eating well and mobile enough. His body was pale, with a small mark on his chest, a faint distortion of darker skin, some sort of birthmark maybe.
Emily could curse him for pulling his hand back, though the sudden concern was too adorable. She smiled, nodding, "I'm fine. It felt good, is all." She reassured, hoping he wouldn't be afraid to touch her again, to please her. It had been so long, that she was afraid of becoming needy. With the robe removed, she was able to see her master's body, Emily determining that he was fine - healthy.
"A little over a month," she explained, right after Riley passed. Her new master resumed playing with her and Emily raised a hand to her mouth, wanting to muffle any more sounds as to not surprise him. She hadn't meant to scare him. "Mn.. It's never been like this, ah~" She gasped softly. "I swear I'm not a virgin." She jested, hoping to keep the mood light.
"Heh, true," she smiled. As he rubbed her a bit harder she reached a hand out and held onto his arm. Soon he held her close, Emily leaning against him for support. She was quite wet as he had started playing with her, his fingers easily slipping inside. "Ahn, Master~" She moaned breathlessly. "Please, don't stop," she pleaded gently.
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