General RP Desperate Companionship (Knight_of_None)

Emily was quite pleased to be given the option to stay close to Bel. She had been given her own room with Riley but usually found herself in Riley's bed more often than her own. She supposed if Bel wanted his privacy, he wouldn't have given her the option to room with him. She nodded, placing her hands atop Bel's, "I'll stay close... so you can watch over your doll."
Excitement and happiness filled her smaller frame as the realization once again settled in her mind that Bel wouldn't get rid of her. She couldn't help but lean forward and wrap her arms around her new owner's neck. Her small breasts pressed against his chest as she thanked him over and over. She then pulled back to look around the room from her spot on the bed. "In here, yeah?" She asked, reconfirming this was where she would be staying. Were her suitcases still downstairs? "Heh... do you think everyone will mind a naked doll walking around?" She asked with a small laugh, figuring she could just get dressed again. She got off the bed to find her discarded dress on the floor to put it back on.
"Good point~" She mused as she slipped the dress on, liking the sound of what he said. Then, he made another good point, and she was already dressed. "Well~ Then I guess you get to strip your doll again. If you'd like." He said as she climbed back onto the bed, giving him the choice. She knelt beside him, closer this time. It felt wonderful to Emily to have another warm body next to her.
Emily stilled, letting him fix her hair. It wasn't what she expected, but she certainly did enjoy it. She was used to the hypersexual Riley, though she knew she and Bel needed to know each other better. They only just met! Besides, Bel thought he was getting a robot. "I don't mind it. I actually... really like it," she admitted. Getting pampered sometimes did lead to sex, but it wasn't so important. "You can touch me as much as you want. All over~" of course, she had to add.
"Ah... Yeah, for the most part." She admitted with a small, nervous laugh. She wasn't sure why she felt funny admitting to that. She supposed it was only because she barely knew Bel. "Oh? Promiscuous, was he?" She knew and didn't really mind it. There were a few times she felt a little jealous and possessive, but in the end, she lived with him and he owned her - something he loved to remind her of, over and over. "Did you usually join him?" She asked, curious if Bel joined him in clubs... and messed around with others. She leaned just a little closer as he played with her hair, enjoying the feeling.
"Not every time...but I did enjoy myself." He said nodding as he l felt her coming in closer. "I didn't often work with other masters, I found it made for...conflicting neds." He said as he reached with his other hand, the soft touch adjudting her more abd more. "Especially with my...well, you know."
"I've gone with him a few times to let me get out of the house." She knew it may not have sounded good like she was trapped in the mansion. It may have been the case at first when Riley wanted to ensure she had no plans of escaping. "Mm?" Conflicting needs? "What~?" She asked, having a feeling she knew what he was referring to. She almost wanted to tease it out of him.
It wasn't exactly what Emily had in mind, her thoughts elsewhere. "Mm..." she hummed lightly. "Ah, I suppose not." She was supposed to be happy to go along with whatever pace her owner wanted to go at. She had no right to urge or push. "Slower is ideal for you." She said with a nod in understanding. "Too slow, I presume?" She asked as he mentioned it was rather concerning to some.
So his interest in dolls did go beyond those up on the shelf. It made sense, Bel playing with others to get a feel and learn what he enjoyed. She could feel him pulling the zipper down, Emily letting him do as he pleased. "I can imagine that could be frustrating." For both sides, of course. "You want to... cherish your doll. Get to know her, learn her body," she mused aloud. That honestly didn't sound so bad, but if someone was needy, it would probably be torture. She enjoyed being pampered, so Emily wouldn't have too much of an issue. "I don't mind going at your pace. You can do whatever you want with your doll." She said with a sweet smile, letting him remove her dress once more.
She nodded as she listened to him speak, understanding him more and more, little by little. "So you get a chance to appreciate all the nooks and crannies, mm?" She mused, lifting her hands to let him slip the garment off, letting it land somewhere. She laughed softly, "Oho, yes. I think I'm better than Barbie in that sense." She teased lightly, commenting on that one song. "'Undress me everywhere.' And, mmm... 'I can beg on my knees,' isn't it?" She grinned softly, letting him have a nice feel of her small, soft breasts. "Although, I do have quite the selection of outfits..." She giggled softly.
"Heh, I promise that's part of the song." She said with a little laugh, almost tempted to find her phone to show him. She grinned slyly, a finger pressing to her lips. "Mm!" She hummed in approval, thrilled he was excited by the prospect of dressing her up. "I'll be your own little dress up doll." She promised as she leaned in. Her suitcases suddenly appeared, a servant bringing them up to the room, and she leaned back. "Ah! Perfect." She waited until he was finished, figuring the sight of a naked young woman was awkward to the male. Perhaps she was quite eager to show off the various outfits she had packed away to her new owner but she couldn't help herself. "Do you want to see?" She asked, ready to get off the bed to open the cases up and show him.
She wasn't stopped from getting up to grab her suitcases. "Mm, yes. I assure you... I have plenty more than what's in these cases." She had more back at Riley's. She bent over for a moment, giving Bel a nice view from behind, as she grabbed her cases and dragged them over to the bed. She began opening them and pulling some dresses out to lay over the edge of the bed. They ranged from pretty Victorian and Edwardian day dresses to even some gothic and sweet lolita pieces. She blushed lightly as she realized her former maid had slipped some rather skimpy cosplays in the mix. "Ah... Well, I suppose we have these, too." A wide selection for her new owner to go through, plus what she owned back at Riley's.
Bel shifted uo on the edge of the bed, starting to crawl down ti her side. "Oh my my- Riley made you wear all of these?" He said as he looked at the dresses first...clearly based with his naturally care for such finery. His fingers examining the quality and make...then he noticing the ones she just set out. "Oh! These are quite...fitting. hm. I don't know...where to begin...." He said as his eyes fell so the shimmery blue kimono, seeming ti be fixed on it.
Emily couldn't hide her grin, excitement filled her seeing Bel take such an interest in the clothing she pulled out. She felt better taking them out, not wanting the poor outfits to be so squished together in the cases. "For the most part, yes." On one hand, she was made to wear them, on the other she came to love them and wanted more. "I may have forgotten I even owned these." She said with a small nervous laugh. She then noticed the one Bel eyed, the pretty blue kimono. "Even though the dress is short... I really do like that one." She spoke up, tilting her head to the side some. "Do you want me to wear it?" Just to give him a visual of what it looked like on her.
Emily picked up the short kimono and held it up over herself. The sleeves were long enough, much like a regular kimono. The hem was just quite short. Her grin softened, comforted by the notion of playing dress up with her new owner. Much like old times! The thought hadn't even crossed her mind that her new owner would end up buying her plenty more outfits and costumes. "It may be winter, but I do have some swimsuits, too." It didn't have to be summer out for her to just try some on~. Looking toward one of the open cases, she spotted another one of her favorites. Setting the kimono down on the bed, she leaned down to slip the garment out. "Aha!" She exclaimed, holding the short, navy blue skirt and white and navy sailor shirt over her body. "Heh... Might be able to tell I have a little thing for Japanese clothing."
"Oh, yes! I've always wanted to go." She said with a nod. Most of East Asia, too! Instead of just holding the outfit up against herself, she decided to slip the garments on. It was exciting wearing a skirt with nothing underneath; leaving herself so vulnerable and exposed, giving her owner easy access. "I'd have to say both! The culture, the clothing, the food... and, yes, how it looks on me." She said, giving a little spin to let him get a good look at the uniform on her.
Emily gladly let Bel take her hand, guiding her to spin slower, to get a better look at her. She felt goosebumps as he touched her freely, Emily leaning closer to her owner. Every touch lit up her skin, the touches dearly missed. "That feels nice," she whispered, unsure if she even said the words aloud or thought them to herself. She hummed softly, still turning as he felt her up.

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