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Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
now the two of them could sit together and eat their meals, it would be rare, but for Valentine, who only had the means to partially cover herself. the elven maiden would know well that at least with this orc she had no risk of him trying to force himself upon her like the dragon or even many of the foul humans which had adventured with her prior. being a demi human like her, the orc was easily misunderstood, however he was proving yet again that this brute could be more then a simple case of helpful muscles.

"So then, we want to enjoy a bit of exploring before we leave? or relax with little ones?"
asking this, the orc smiled as he offered a bit of food from his own fork to Valentine to take. in a gentle gesture of affection, and care, it would almost come off like a big brother with how he spoke and looked tours her at the moment.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Val gives him a look, "You think I can walk right now? Are you crazy?" The last part was mostly a tease as she reaches out, petting the pups and kits, smiling softly.

"Stay here and play. They're so adorable and cute, I jus couldn't leave them alone." She giggles as one of the kits playfully bites her hand, tackling it and playing with it.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
now with this sight going on, the intimidating beast for the pups and kits would move next to their new den mother. as Bruno sat next to Val. moving to gently run his mangled hand along her back in a calm and soothing manor. he would comment to the one he called Pretty knife ears.

"You make good mother, little ones love, and need you here. Make sure you are safe, best of ability I use. If can just ask and will help. "
as he asked, his broken up words, coming out more like an orc's talk then the tongue he normally spoke with, which if she looked would be obvious as to why. the big doofus was blushing and enjoying the sight. showing just how easy it would be to tease this half orc for some fun, with out it going any were, as it was, she was soon now dealing with not one but three kits attacking her, while mewling and purring during their attacks. the small fire balls always fizzed moments upon release from their tiny maws.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Val blinks and looks up at Bruno, enjoying playing with the kits. "Ah, well, I will. . ." She wiggles her finger, which was trapped in the maw of a kit, smiling gently at the baby animal.

"Let go of Mama's finger. . . Little one. I need to name all of you." She huffs, picking the kit up, still wiggling her finger, "Yeah, mama needs to give all of you names. . ."
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
chuckling the Brute would watch as the fierce little kit refused to release Val's finger from the task of it's chew toy.
assaulting her hand with even more vigor, Bruno would speak up, calling the little one nibbles, as it seemed to enjoy the taste of her finger.

as it said this, their would almost be a light pulling sensation with in Val, if she would accept the name for this little one or not, the name not that good, however little did she know, if the creature's gained names in a dungeon they would evolve on the spot into Unique monsters. which even as babies would make them all the more desired to be hunted. yet they would also grow to become even more powerful then the normal variant every one knew.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Val watched the small kit, wiggling her finger gently still. "Little sharp teeth. . ." She smiles and pets the playful animal on its head gently.

"Nibbles. . ." She laughs softly, running a finger over the little one's nose. "I like it. . . My little Nibbles. . ."
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the playful little beast continued it's enjoyable assault upon her, Val would soon see how it's small fluffy body began to glow. even increasing in size, and markings. as a third eye formed in the center of it's little head, the tail splitting into two tails. the small paws growing to become a stronger paw, with the ability to grasp better. as the ears became much smaller, yet more well tuned for hunting. the little hell kit had evolved right here before her. the one now known as Nibbles had evolved into a twin tailed Neko. a powerful and rare unique type monster. the kind back when she was an adventurer, even her kind hunted them. however now this little one was hers, and bound to Val with the name given.

The half orc chuckled at this sight, as he would move to pat the elf on the shoulder, before speaking up.
"Looks like, this one is truly yours now, evolving from the name you granted. "
as he said this with a smile, naming a monster, which evolved was the same as sharing ones own life force, and power with it, as such out of all the young monsters, this one could truly be called val's dungeon child, but if this one evolved, would she choose to evolve some of the others?
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once she kissed the little kit, the elf would soon find herself suddenly feeling weak, as the world around her would fade to black. coming to a short while later, she would find the kit laying on her chest, purring, but having tripled in size, and now appearing much more exotic in color, and markings. as the orc had her head on his lap. while he supported her body while she was out. a smile on his goofy tusked face.

"Pretty Knife ears finally awaken Bruno sees. draining having named one no?"
saying this, it would makes sense what he was warning her about prior, as Val had named this specific kit, Nibbles, as such it drained a good portion of her life force, and mana, to evolve. however now it had a much more powerful link to her. one where she could hear a soft excited voice from it, if they communicated via mental connection.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
now with her body growing more exhausted, and the little one resting on her. Val would soon find herself slowly losing consciousness, as the Half Orc was still at her side here. However all things come to an end eventually, as an unknown amount of time would pass. as Val came to, the elven beauty in the arms of the humanoid dragon. he held her, so her body rested against his. her head against his chest to some degree. however as she would come to, a faint warm pink glow would be radiating from his palm, and over her body. as it would soon become obvious the wicked dungeon lord was using a kind of healing magic on her. despite how rough, and brutal he had been with her prior, this showed he still worried about what he saw as his.

As this happened, Val would find her body suddenly coming to feel world's stronger, lighter, and refreshed. as if she was now strong enough to beat this dragon to a pulp if she wanted, even if this was not true, but the refreshed feeling would be a welcome change from how she felt prior. however their was a small bag left by bruno, with a few magical stones. each one able to be used up to three times each. with runes of spells on them. one for healing, one for detoxification, one for create water, and one for torch, a small spell good for lighting fire, or giving vision in darkness.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she made her demands, the powerful hand shifted to a larger draconic one, which easily wrapped it's claws around her. pulling the elven maiden back into his lap. as he growled in a soft yet threatening tone.

"You are not fully healed yet. do not move until you are. we can discuss that creature after words. "
as it spoke, little did she know it was referring to the kitten which had now evolved sense being given a name by her, making it now a threat to the more natural denizens of the den. however as it was linked to her now, it was no longer linked to the dungeon lord like the rest, thus in aspect she had stolen one of the dragon's children, naming and changing it into one of her own, which would prove to her, that their was still some things in this hellish new home of hers which could make her life better.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
She hisses, squirming, "Let go." She growls, pushing against his chest. She glares green eyes blazing with rage, "Get your hands off me, you bastard."

She didn't care what he wanted to do, she didn't want to be near him, her skin already crawling at his touch. She bares her teeth, "Nibbles is mine, suck it up buttercup." She elbows him, squirming more in an attempt to get away.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she struggled and squirmed to free herself, the action out of disgust and desire to escape the beast. it only caused the humanoid dragon to grow all the more aroused. as Val would quickly discover, feeling it growing firm and large under, and against her. however this beast did not make the initial move, however the more she struggled to escape it's grasp, the more excited it would grow, seeing her body move like it was. for the creature would soon lose it's self control and grasp her only to forcefully impale the elf if she got it excited enough with out really meaning to.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Valentine goes perfectly still the moment she feels the beast breath her and scoffs, "You are so disgusting." She hisses, staying still as a statue as she glares.

She'd think a male would be able to respect a woman and her body, as had most when coming across her. Probably because they knew she could slice their socks off if they so much as looked at her the wrong way. But she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to do that to this creature.

More like he knew he was stronger than Val and didn't give two shit about what she wanted. Self serving prink.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she suddenly stopped moving her body, yet her mind and mouth ran. the beast chuckled, as it soon took a hold of her. Val would feel how the one hand turning back into a claw moved to play with one of her breast, the other moving to assault her clit if she could not stop it. if she allowed it, the dungeon boss would make her feel how good her body would be enjoyed, even if this made her flesh betray her mind and heart. however if she tried to escape, then it would lead to the elf falling prey, and putting herself into a much more enjoyable position for her monster of a partner to forcefully take her once more.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
She growls low in her throat, but doesn't do anything beyond that besides pushing the beast's hand away from herself, "Stop it." She didn't even know why she kept bothering to say it. The damn idiot wasn't going to suddenly start respecting her.

She closes her eyes, trembling slightly, "Please. . ." She mumbles, gripping the thing's wrist.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
grasping the one wrist, as she tried to push the other way, the fact remained. this beast began to skillfully turn her body into the needy state he desired. even channeling some of his mana through his claw tips into her body to enhance the sensation and pleasure he inflicted upon the elf. Val would feel slowly how her very body and core would grow more needy, and heated, even though she did not want this by any means. however more then that, she would slowly begin to feel how the thick hot prick rubbed against her. sliding itself along her puffy slit. the beast leaned in to gently yet aggressively bite at her ear, and nip along her neck and shoulder.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Val shudders, sucking in a breath sharply. "Gods, you have no respect-" She growls, tensing her body, forcing herself to stay still. One thing she'd learned in her own process was to control her body's movements, no matter what she was feeling.

Granted, she never let her partners use magic on her in sex, and therefore, had no idea how the magic would effect her control.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Loving how her body began to shiver, and react, the beast turned up his attention all the more. before finally taking a hold of her, lifting Val and spinning her around before dropping her back down. this time so her body would be facing his, while she was straddled on his lap. her legs at ether side of his own . as it was unknown if she would end up with her legs folded to be on her knees at ether side, or if they would be out stretched so they extended past the fiend's sides, as if in an ideal position to lock around his lower back and above his tail. as it the final position when she swiftly was brought back down would be dependent on any kind of movement she might take when being turned around, other wise they would be pointed out behind the fiend if she did not move them at all. yet regardless, her body would feel how the tip pressed against her slit before sliding away, and rubbing along her moist lower entrance with the slick hot shaft.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Val huffs and folds her legs, glaring at the male as she pushes her knees down, lifting herself up enough to avoid the males cock. "Seriously, all you have to do is ask--" She grunts, keeping her body tense against his pulling.

"And maybe a little nicer. I have no problem with rough sex, as long as it's, you know, not rape-"

She was mostly muttering under her breath, her words not intentionally meant to be heard by the other, but this close together, he probably heard her speaking.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the beast heard this something a bit unexpected would happen, as the draconic fiend moved to run it's long tongue from her nipple to her neck, and up to the elven maiden's ear. as it would speak in a soft growl, like a gentle whisper from it's kind. You except needs, then be gentle, instead of rough, do you accept request to breed properly? can make much softer bed to lay on. "

as the creature did this, and spoke in such a tone, it would be as unexpected, as it would reveal to the elven den mother. that her words were heard. if she accepted his request to sate his need, the beast would become much gentler and more enjoyable for her, however if she refused it would just take her any ways. however this would at least showed, that her unwanted master and lord in this dungeon was able to learn and change to some degree.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she submitted this time around, Val would soon find the thick grass, and pleasant smelling flowers forming under her. lifting the busty elven maiden's body. forming a massive, yet oddly soft, and an naturally fluffy albeit pleasing bed to be on. the draconic lord moved to take hold of one of her ankles. leaning in, to begin to run his tongue slowly along her inner leg.

as she had grumbled prior, unlike her previous experiences with this beast. it seemed he was indeed intending to make her body enjoy this as much as possible even if the den mother's mind did not want it at all. Yet she would discover after this session, that each of her sessions with this dragonic dungeon lord would allow her to grow stronger in the den, as the mother of the beasts. as such those linked to her, which was one right now would grow, and become even stronger, giving her the ability to direct the growth, and power of those she named, and become the actual den mother of. however this den power was also a curse for it meant she was the den lord's mate and plaything.
Local Time:
12:57 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Taking the time to hit her sensitive spots very thoroughly, however more then that. the beast teased her tender womanly entrance before moving up Val's frame. teasing her belly a bit, as it worked ever steadily tours her breast. As this went on, the elven motherly maiden of the bestial den would soon find her unwanted dungeon lord in position. as his large tongue was now lashing out, teasing and abusing one of her massive, and impressive breast. all the more, she could feel the monstrous reptilian rod sliding against her tender, and moist lower lips now. teasing and abusing her slowly, as his humanoid dragon form was still far larger then one would expect normally, but he had begun to shift while teasing her, to ensure more shared pleasure.
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