Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

as she gently pulled at the soft sack like shell, the thing began to pulse, as bubbles of fluid began to escape. it was not long before a large spider like frame shot out of it. moving to wrap it's legs around what ever it could latch onto. if she did not block it, the thing would latch itself to her face, instinctively. as it was soft, covered in thin yet fluffy fur. the upper part of it, was like that of a strange feline. with the legs of a spider, the odd chimera was an arachnoid tiger hatchling. something rare, but not unknown. a powerful beast which was rarely born in dungeons. able to be seen as a mid or even in some case a dungeon final boss. however would she be able to keep calm enough to comfort, the hatchling off of her, or would it make her panic as well?
Val yelps, her hands coming up to catch the small arachnid. She stares down at the creature, her green eyes wide. "What the hell. . ?" She glances over at Bruno, before looking back to the newly hatched animal.

"Hi, bud. . ." She gently pets the creature, pulling it close to her lap in an attempt to keep it warm.
as it was on her lap now, the odd hybrid creature began to purr. however now returning her attention to Bruno, he would have a dagger out, ready to stab the creature. having realized what it was, and was planning to kill it right their, at least, until he saw how Val was keeping it content so easily.

"You Den mother to Valkak? Arachnoid Tiger, deadly, dangerous, both powerful, and venomous. Why not kill, before it tries to eat your other companion?"

as he spoke sounding confused, as it was to be expected. as most adventurers did not understand the unique balance of a dungeon. even Val would not know if not for her own connection to this one now. sense being claimed, and ruined by the dungeon lord itself. however the fact remained, if she named this one, it would become her second personal companion in this dungeon, other wise it would be like an adopted pet if not named. while the half orc was still watching it, a bit confused, and worried, yet he would need to know where Val's friend lived so he could head their, as she requested he did before this little distraction.

Val coos at the fluffy spider, petting it. She found the creature too adorable, and she cast a glare at her friend when he suggested to kill it. "You want to kill this adorable fuzz ball?" She scoffs, and then holds the spider up to her face gently, looking into it's eyes. "Fuzzball."

She nods, as if that was a sensible name for such a creature. She didn't care if the Lord scorned her for the childish names she had given so far, but the spider seemed to like 'Fuzzball', so that was what she would name it.

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