Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

Laughing even in her current state, the mage would spit into Val's face, before speaking up.

"Oh do you have time to worry about me, or your fading friend hmm? that spell drains the life force, and mana per second once the wound was inflicted. It was meant for the dungeon lord, but a target is a target after all. "

laughing as she said this, revealing this was a trump card meant for the lord of this dungeon. that's when it would click. If she could get Bruno to submit to her, and to the dungeon. the power of this very domain would heal him, and empower the stud. but then he could never truly leave, yet if she could heal him herself some how, then things had a chance to go back to the way they were, prior to this disaster.
Val hisses and lifts one of her daggers, slicing it over the woman's throat and rushes over to Bruno, "I. . ." She shakes her head, "I don't want to trap you here, but I don't have any magic."

She touches his forehead, hesitating. After a moment, she stands, calling to Nibbles, the one animal she's named so far, "Hi baby. . ." She pets the runt, now grown larger due to the fact she had named him. "Stay with Bruno and keep him safe."

She gen wanders away, going in search of the Lord, and her mate a disgruntled look on her face.
Moving deeper into the dungeon, Val would soon find the massive beast, in it's chamber, in it's natural and monstrous form. however as it saw her approaching. the beast would seem to relax, as it began to shrink down, and take on more of a humanoid form. as it looked on, watching her approach intently. for the way Val carried herself seem to draw the beast's attention to her.
"I need help. Invaders used a spell meant to kill you on Bruno, I need you to heal him." She sighs softly, rubbing her face slightly, "I still haven't recovered my own magic to do it."

She gives him a wary look, as if he would pounce on her at any moment. He'd done so before, when she'd asked him to spare Bruno, and let him be able to come and go from the the den freely.
Now in his humanoid form, the dungeon lord would walk up to Val, taking one of her hands into his own clawed hands. as he looked into her eyes, with a strange yet gentle look in his eyes.

"I will help your friend, but in return, he will become one of us. "

as he said this, taking her hand, Now val could lead this beast to where bruno was resting, weakling with her little bestial companion snuggled into his chest. trying to keep the shivering half breed warm, as it whimpered softly.
As the Elven maiden said this, Val would suddenly find her master, and mate pulling her body against his. the one clawed hand against her lower back, the other holding hers. this would soon be followed up with a powerful, knee weakening kiss. but what made it worse would be how his tongue elongated and invaded her mouth. yet once the kiss would break. Val would find her own magic restore, no more like over charged. as the dragonic lord had just forced his pure mana into her very core like this.

"It will not last, if you wish for the power to heal him, use what I have given you. Later you will pay for it in other ways. but for now help your friend. "
as he said this, revealing how if he healed Bruno the half orc would become a member of the den's entities. while if she used the magic from her own body, even if it would use up all she now had. he could be restored to how her green skin friend was prior to this ordeal.
Val gasps and pulls back slightly, blinking slowly. She sucks in a breath, staring at the male for a moment before nodding. She pulls away, moving back to Bruno, petting Nibbles once gently, scratching behind his ear. She picks him up from Bruno's chest, looking at her friend. She presses her hand to Bruno's cheek, closing her eyes and using the magic given to her to heal him.
as she began to heal the half orc, something would seem to be amiss. as the half breed before her, his body swelling up, his muscles thickening, as his size increased. grunting in pain, as the damaged tissue was quickly healing, and regenerating. as it caused actual steam and heat to radiate from his body.

it would soon become known to Val, that she was not just saving her friend, but awakening some of his more dormant orc genetics. more so his high speed regeneration, which pure blood orcs were renown for. Yet more then that, his eyes would begin to have a look like a feral beast in them. If she was not careful, the half breed, once healed enough would try to grasp her, pulling Val under him. to force her into a powerful and forceful kiss. acting like a wild, and alpha male Orc. Even though this would pass in some time. the fact remained, she saved Bruno, but now would need to see with the reawakened orc side of him, as all his instincts demanded he took Val, claimed her, and dragged her back to his home. even though it was only a temporary mind state. if she did allow him to claim her in such an act, even if only for a moment. it could allow some of her restored magic to be forced back into her body, even if it was not meant to work this way. or she could slip away from the horny stud, and keep out of reach or knock some sense back into him.

as her own dungeon fur baby would see this, excitedly, thinking it was a kind of game, unaware of how risky or serious this was at this point in time.
Val yelps, twisting and shoving her hand into Bruno's face, "Idiot! You brute, get off me!" She pushes him back, squirming and getting her foot between them. She manages to push him back, wrinkling her nose.

She was stronger, but not strong enough to hold the other back indefinitely. She rolls her eyes and then, after using the den's abilities, summons a thick, long rope. One she hoped would hold long enough to let her friend calm down.

She scampers up, using the last of her own magic to tie the rope around Bruno's midsection multiple times before pinning him to a rock formation.
now bound, grunting, and growling like a savage wild orc, not the half breed she knew, and had become friends with. before Val's eyes, the beast slowly began to calm down. his body beginning to revert to the normal size it was prior. as his eyes would become normal again. however once he finally calmed down, even bound, all he could do was apologize for putting her in danger, then attempting to assault her. even if the fact remained. he was not in the right state of mind, due to the body condition from constant, and high speed healing.
once she freed the half orc from his binding, the big lug suddenly wrapped his arms around her. hugging the elf, and lifting her up. as he was quiet the emotional mess. thanking her, and apologizing to the thick busty den mother. however what made it more comical, would be when her little fluffy monster child would tackle the two of them down. and start licking and tickling Both Val, and Bruno. as she could now break free with ease, or just request to be released. however more then that. she could now spend some actual quality time with a companion who lived outside the den.
as she said this, the half orc seemed to calm down. as he moved to pull out a small piece of jerky from his hidden pouch. offering the food to the tiny beast. as it excitedly took it, growling playfully, as it held the meat up high, and marched back to Val's side, as if showing off a new treasure or prey it had taken by force. as it was, this comical little monster would lighten the mood for the two at least.
as she pampered her little den monster, Bruno was now looking like himself. his body finally reverted to his actual size. as the residue of the enhanced magic wore off. now the half breed moved himself just close enough to pull Val into his lap. his arms moving to wrap around her, his hands around her belly. as he leaned in thanking her softly.

" this is the utmost one of my kin can offer as thanks. skin on skin, with out mating, I shall now and forever be your shield in return for this gift of a second chance, and forgiveness for my attempt at assaulting the one who was rescuing me. "

as he spoke, his voice full of pride, and a gentle tone. it would be an experience for the elven maiden enjoy or pull away from at her leisure, for this was different then how the den lord took her by force, and easily over whelmed val when it wanted to.
Val blows out a soft breath, enjoying the snuggles from her friend as she leaned back into his warmth. "All I want is for you to keep bringing in food for these little guys. I can't bare to see them starving." She mumbles, petting Nibbles.

"You won't get killed of seen out in the woods hunting." She mumbles, looking up at Bruno.
"normally their is no issues, but with the occasional rogue adventurers. they are not the norm, but no better then bandits or rogue feral beasts. "

as he said this, revealing to Val that individuals like the ones they had turned into dungeon fodder were not rare, just not allowed. thus such individuals would not be missed, but one of them had caught bruno when he was trying to bring back a fresh catch of wild boar. only for his catch to be lost, and himself ending up as dungeon bait, until rescued. with that revealed he would apologize once again.

however his hands began to move along her thigh with one, and her arm with the other. in an oddly soothing and enjoyable manor. however this was not meant to be something arousing, or enticing, but a simple act of affection, and care. it was unknown how the elven maiden's body would react to this gentle snuggling and touching. while her little nibbles would soon be moving itself into her lap, while she was in bruno's lap.
Val sighs softly, humming as she listened to Bruno. She let Nibbles climb into her lap, still petting the animal. She glances at Bruno for a moment, frowning slightly. "If you don't want to be alone, and would like help, I have an old friend. . ." She wanders, offering Bruno someone who could help and watch his back while she couldn't."
"that is fine, i doubt your friend could trust an orc like myself any ways. no need to force another into an unwanted situation. "

saying this to her, val would find how her friend was thinking of how to keep other's safe, even if it was meant as a means to help protect him. but still this half breed was thinking of not pulling any one else into his bad situation, which would make more sense if Val knew about how bruno lived outside of the dungeon, despite how her own life was not all it was cracked up to be.
Her brow furrows slightly, "Well. . ." She murmurs, "I don't know if it helps. . . But he's a half breed too." She mumbles, "I don't want you doing everything on your own, Bruno. I don't want you getting hurt." She stares at him.

"But if you truly don't want help, then that fine, I won't pressure you." She murmurs.
"If this friend is a half breed, then I shall give it a chance, if you trust it then I shall not deny."

as he said this to Val, the gentle half breed back to himself finally. as the duo enjoyed this moment of peace, however more then that. before Val knew it, she would sense something amiss. a small sack forming on the ground near her. as it pulsated, an egg from the dungeon was forming. a new monster born from the life force devoured from the three victims in this dungeon. however instead of the usual birthing area. this one seemed to form near her. as if a touch from her would hatch it. was this to be her second personal little den child? as Nibbles was now moving playfully over her own legs, and trying to get to Bruno's stash, wanting another piece of meat from him.
Val smiles, still petting Nibbles gently. "I trust him." She nods, "He. . . Well, he's sweet. He lives off in the northern forests alone." She sighs, frowning. "There's a small clearing you'll have to go to, and if you stay there long enough, he'll know I sent you."

She grunts as Nibbles steps on a sore muscle in her thigh and she picks him up, "Nibbles." She says sternly. She doesn't notice the egg, to focused on scolding the animal.
Ad she held up the tiny beast, scolding it. Nibbles woukd gently swat at val's nose with its lil paw. While still purring. As if no understanding what she was scolding it for. However more then that, the egg would pulsate and grow closer to hatching. As it grew it was unknown I val would notice it before the thing hatched at and lunged out to hug her face. Or if it would be noticed and the creature seen before trying to pounce.
once she touched the egg, something odd would be felt, but not alien to Val. much like when she named Nibbles, she would feel how the egg seemed to be syphoning her mana from the touch. this meaning that the creature in it, which was inching tours hatching was now tasting her mana. would she name it before it hatched to make it birth a loyal beast? or would she end up waiting to see what came out, as harmless as it would be. the thing would surely pounce upon her regardless, but if she was alert to it. the unknown life form could be treated like a gentle pet's assault.
as she tensed slightly, the egg began to hatch. small cracks forming, as a strange clear, and bubbling fluid oozed out. it would seem like what ever was in it, would be struggling to hatch. thus would she aid, with a pinch and pull on the shell, or leave it be? all the while her loyal little beast Nibbles was now playfully pawing at her, wanting some more attention.

as this was going on, the hybrid orc which had been healed by her was now out cold, and peacefully resting not far from her for the moment. as the brute needed to recover his stamina still, her magic could not restore this. as he had fallen into state of sleep, it would give the playful small beast the golden opportunity to steal another chunk of dehydrated meat from his opened pouch on his side.

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