Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

Giving into the pleasure if this monster, Val would find her body loving it. Even of she did not mentally, yet here she was. Being filled by a monster of legends, balls deep and scaping her back. While her own body dug in, nails grasping, toes curling. Her sweet honeyed voice ringing true with moans of passion instead of the sounds she made prior. From victim to lover in action so suddenly, even if she did not feel such a connection to this draconian dungeon lord as of yet.

More then that she had her own lil monsters waiting for their den mother's return. As the breeding session like this would allow her body to lactate. Even if not pregnant the dungeon lords mana which would seep into her core woukd allow if not cause such maternal changes and internal evolution for the survival of herself and her new den children.
Finally getting a proper session, as well as how her body was treated. unlike the more forceful assaults prior, this session felt, right. the beast knew all the right spots, it's clawed finger nails, the elongated, and rough tongue with forked tip. the way this bestial draconic hybrid form abused her. filling the elven maiden with such pleasuring sensations. destroying all her nerves in the best possible way.

Val would feel it, not just one but multiple releases back to back. as the beast began to flood, bloat, and slightly deform her elegant belly even more. filling her, and making quiet the warm yet oddly pleasing mess of her elegant frame. however it would be questionable, which of the two enjoyed this odd sensation of a breeding attempt more.

as this session slowly pushed her to a screaming release, it was also pushing her senses to a state where Val would feel as if this was becoming the right place for her. the dungeon boss's pleasuring assault being only a perk. however little did ether of them know. the mana her body absorbed from this dragon's seed healed, and enriched her very body with needed strength, and regenerative properties, as well as the ability to lactate with out being successfully knocked up as of yet. the horror to be discovered still, would be the negative effect of a forest dweller like val, living in a dungeon. regardless of how the mana, and nutrients were provided. some things could only be gained by being out under the natural sunlight.
once she went limp, the beast would finally seem to slow down, and slid out of the elven milf with a moist pop. before she would feel his frame shifting some more. as it would change into a smoother, and more comfortable sensation to be against. before he would pull her now well abused, and semi exhausted body into his won. the beast would gently nip and tease the elven maiden's sensitive, and long ears. however as it did this, she would have a chance to actually rest here, and relax or slip back to her own room.
Several hours passed, as the elven dungeon mother would be able to rest peacefully for once. the beast which kidnapped, raped, and imprisoned her here. this would be the first time the bestial lord of this dungeon had become a source of comfort, and warmth for her. however as she would come to, when the morning of the new day broke. the lights barely shinning down the hall and into the chamber. Val would hear the sound of her young loyal bestial companions. the one she named, and became the lord and mother of growling at the entrance. for three adventurer's would haver made it down to this level of the dungeon. closing in on the chamber they now rested in.
Listening in carefully, she would hear the all to familiar voice of the former orc adventurer she had become friends with prior. but the other three voices. one female, two males would be unknown. and they would come off very rude, dominating and aggressive. if they made it to the chamber here, even the one she knew would not be spared. however Val now had a chance to try and scout things out for herself, and see how the wild monster's tried to deal with the stronger adventurer's, yet if she was noticed or got to close. her own loyal little dungeon child would rush into battle with out a second thought. his instincts to protect her were abnormally strong for a dungeon beast, which was thankfully due to how close she was to it.
Val keeps petting the creature, kissing the top of it's head, "You stay here, okay? No charging off. You're still but a child." She scratches behind the animal's ears, "Mama would hate to see you get hurt."

She steps forward after giving the beast one more scratch. She scowls, stepping forward and following the sounds of voices, shaking her head. Why had Bruno brought these people, even after she had vouched for him to live?
as she moved on, before Val realized it, as she entered the path of the dungeon, and out of the chamber. the dark mana encircled her body. instantly forming what ever kind of outfit she would desire to be in. as if being protected by the dungeon itself. showing the perks of being the mate of a dungeon lord. meaning she could even summon a weapon of her choosing made from the dungeon's black flame mana.

as it was, she would soon begin to hear the voices more clearly. the way they belittled the orc, sounded like they were abusing, and using him as a guide, as well as bait. the echo of the abuse could not be mistaken, as he would seem to be trying to convince the three to leave here, even if they had to leave him bound and for dead. despite how the three seemed to be abusing this beast of a demi, he still argued to protect them from what lied in wait deeper in this domain. was he really trying to protect the idiots from the dungeon lord, or perhaps more so he wanted to keep them from finding out about Val's existence in this dungeon, for any demi human in a dungeon, even if not originally born in it. could be claimed as a slave by any race which went in. as such this was a key way many took stronger demi humans as slaves, and pets with under handed tactics.
Val growls, the leather armour of her kind and a simple pair of daggers forming. She steps forward, not one to hide in darkness and shadows. "Leave, or die." She holds up a dagger, starting at the the bullying her friend.

"It is your choice, one I hope you with choose to save yourselves."
Now in her chosen armor, and with her chosen weapons. the two leather armored, and shield wielding males looked to her. with wicked smiles across their face. as one kicked the orc half breed down. as he shouted for Val to run. while the sorceress would swiftly move to cast chain of light, and binding shadows. energy like bindings would form, and move tours Val. aiming to latch around her limbs, and waist. moving to try and capture her, while they would use this orc as prey and bait to try and keep an upper hand. However it was unknown what kind of skills Val would have to deal with two warriors, and a mage.
Val ignores Bruno's shots, watching the two warriors and the mage. They were coordinated, and Val was alone. She wouldn't let the creature's of the den get hurt. She twists to avoid the chains, lacking her own magic to combat this, as she hadn't been able to regenerate her magic reserves.

She lunges forward towards the warriors, daggers slashing. And in a moment, see changed her conjured weapon to a sword, something she knew these amuatures wouldn't expect.
as she dodged, and made her move. the magical chains would redirect, and aim to grasp her waist or ankles. however if snared, she could slip out of that piece of armor or covering, to continue to move. yet the two men were prepped to try and subdue her, shields at mid height for quick blocking, and blades at the ready. as the moved to protect the mage. as one even smirked, as his eyes looked tours the down, bound, and injured half orc, thinking they might need to use him as a meat shield, and hostage.

as this went on, even if Val did not have her own magic. if she found herself bound, and captured at all. she would be able to discover how the mana in the dungeon could be manipulated by her, due to having accepted the dungeon lord finally, last night. thus the domain itself now would bend to her, to an extent.
trying to move tours the orc to defend her companion, Val would find her back getting hit by the magical root like tendril. as it would smack Val tours the wall painfully, before moving to lash out and try to bind her once more. as this went on, the men which defended against her daggers prior would move in to try and grasp her. the two looking with wicked intent, as the mage began to turn her attention now to the orc. more so due to how Bruno was squirming, and struggling. trying to use his impressive strength to break free, despite his horrible condition.
Val let's out a soft cry, grunting as her front slams into the wall. She feels the chains wrap around her middle, and she squirms, trying to break free. She looks over at Bruno, gasping softly watching him, "Don't hurt yourself, Bruno." She hisses at the other, trying to slip from the main armour piece.

She pants softly, using the darkness to summon a cross bow t her hands now, using it to fire a bolt at the mage, knowing the fighters were to fare to protect the women now.
as she took the chance and the shot. Val would find her aim was off. only managing to scratch the mage's cheek. as she would hiss in pain. before waving her staff, to send several more powerful magical chains tours val. this time much faster, and more precise, as she controlled their speed, and trajectory directly.

as the one warrior moved closer to her, to try and cover the mage, while the second moved tours Val. rushing her, as if to try and distract the elven, den mother from the magical chain like whips moving tours her. for having slipped out of her armor to some degree. her mid section was now exposed to the world to see. showing the mage that this would be harder then they thought to capture their prey.
Val growls, and twists summoning another bolt for the crossbow and firing again, taking a moment to steady her aim. She stares the mage down, watching the booth shoot past the warrior and straight at the mage.

She feels a chain snatch her wrist, but manages to dodge the rest of the flying chains.
Managing to get a hold of her once more, this time, Val would loose her elbow long glove to the chain, as it tossed her aside. but her bolt hit true. not a killing blow, but the bolt pierced into the shoulder of the mage. causing the bindings which held Bruno to flicker, and weaken.

as things began to go more and more in Val's favor. now with a bit more of her armament gone. the one man would be close enough to rush into Val. pinning her up against the wall, her belly to the hard stone surface, her back to his chest. however as he did this. having to press his shield into her back, his weapon was on the ground now.

it would not be long before this man began to try and strip her some more. as the other was frantically trying to dig out some potions to heal the wound, she inflicted upon the mage. but sense it was made by a dungeon dark mana formed bolt. the dungeon was already siphoning the mana out of the mage slowly. thus the longer she remained injured, the weaker she would grow.
Val gasps, "Get your hands off, perv!" She twists her hips, hoping to dislodge the male behind her. She looks down, noting the sword on the ground, reaching with her foot to try and grasp it. After failing that, she kicks it away so it stays out of the other's grasp.

She gets her hands under her, pushing against the wall to try and gain space. She glances at Bruno, waiting for his bonds to fade, watching her loyal friend.
as she managed to get herself free enough to prevent this man's assault from being successful at least for now. Val would feel how her mana crafted clothing would finally end up being mostly torn off. thus leaving her with boots, one glove, and her upper body covered. however as she struggled, it would not be long, before the idiot of a perverted man would be felt against her. his hard member now rubbing up between her thighs, and against Val's well abused slit. unlike when she was take by force, prior with the dragon. this one had no right to do so to her, as he was not naturally more powerful. or even able to rule, but he had her due to positioning at the moment.

as she struggled, the way Bruno struggled showed his body slowly gaining more and more freedom. as the bindings flickered, the magic slowly fading, as his wounds bled. but the more this man teased, and held Val against her will. the more the orc side of Bruno came out. the muscles bulging, the body increasing in size. which meant all she really needed to to at this point was keep herself from being successfully penetrated, and used, until bruno broke free, if she did not successfully free herself from this perverse adventurer.
Val flinches, twisting slightly and kicking back at the male. She sacrifices the space she'd gained and reaches down with one hand. Her legs part slightly, tricking the male closer, class enough she could grab his cock. Probably his favorite body part, as was the way with most perverts. Get grip is none koo kind or gentle, more with the strength and intention to tear the body part off and shove it down the man's throat.

That, she would enjoy. Watching the man choke on his own cock.
Managing to get a strong hold of the man's wicked little love spear. giving val the chance she needed to manifest a small blade or use brute force. as the perverse stud begind her, was already trying to move against her grip. as if to enjoy her struggle against him. However not realizing that this would end up being his biggest mistake. for now the elven dungeon mother could make this man into a woman so to speak. and feed him his pride in more ways then one.

as this was going on, the mage, would be getting treated by the second warrior. the one who finally managed to find his emergency potion. popping the tops off, and using it on the wound, as well as having her drink some. thus closing the wound, and healing the mage physically. but she was now very weak, thanks to how a good portion of her mana had been drained off. yet still enough mana remained to keep bruno bound. as the half orc was bleeding, as he continued to try and break free. his e yes now starting to glow a mix of pink and red hue.
Val growls, summoning a small blade and slicing it through flesh and cartilage. She takes the pain distracting the male as she turns, shoving the male body part in her hand down her assultant's throat. "Mother fucker-!" She glances at Bruno, and then the mage and remaining warrior, narrowing her eyes.
taking down the first of the three successfully. Before Val's eyes, the body began to melt, as the gagging and screaming man soon dissolved into the dungeon floor. leaving only his armor and gear behind. blood stained, and damaged. However now she could feed her new home more life force. as the mage was finally beginning to use healing magic to restore herself. the remaining male adventurer drew his sword, and shield up to position. and began to move tours the dungeon elf with out hesitation. moving in a way where if she dodged, he would pierce his blade into bruno, but if she defended. he would still deal some damage to her, even if only a small amount.
Val watches him and looks down at Bruno for a moment before looking at the charging male. "Just give up already-" She mutters, twisting her body, not to dodge, but to grab the male by the wrist, using his momentum against him and spinning him, sending him careening at the mage, watching as the warrior crashes into his companion.

Val snickers, "Idiot." She moves forward, using the crossbow again and shooting a bolt at the mage and warrior, narrowing her eyes and steadying her aim.
As she managed to take out the warrior, something would happen which was unexpected. as the ground under val suddenly began to crack and erupt. before she could truly fathom what was going on. the scene played out, as the orc half breed broke free. pulling her into his arm and twisting around. only for the spell to blast along his back side. searing it so bad his spine would be visible. as he coughed up blood onto Val, apologizing for being to weak.

the mage had just used the last of her mana in a final attempt to kill the elven Dungeon mother. however now with her second guard gone, and her mana depleted. even with her body mostly healed by the potions. This powerful magic user was now with out her magic. making her a prime victim for all kinds of punishments.
Val gasps, turning, "Bruno!" She touches his cheek gently, and then pushes him to lay down, "Don't move, or I'll pummel you myself, got it?" She growls at him, before moving towards the mage.

She lunges forward, grabbing the woman's hair, "Bitch-" She hisses, "You'll pay for hurting my friend."

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